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* \file
* \brief Contains the classes required to extend the black-oil model by energy.
namespace Opm {
* \ingroup BlackOil
* \brief Contains the high level supplements required to extend the black oil
* model by energy using global indices.
template ()>
class BlackOilEnergyIntensiveQuantitiesGlobalIndex
: public BlackOilEnergyIntensiveQuantities
using Parent = BlackOilEnergyIntensiveQuantities;
using FluidSystem = GetPropType;
using Problem = GetPropType;
using PrimaryVariables = GetPropType;
using Evaluation = GetPropType;
using Scalar = GetPropType;
using SolidEnergyLaw = GetPropType;
using ThermalConductionLaw = GetPropType;
using ParamCache = typename FluidSystem::template ParameterCache;
static constexpr bool enableTemperature = getPropValue();
using Indices = GetPropType;
static constexpr unsigned temperatureIdx = Indices::temperatureIdx;
static constexpr unsigned numPhases = FluidSystem::numPhases;
void updateTemperature_([[maybe_unused]] const Problem& problem,
const PrimaryVariables& priVars,
[[maybe_unused]] unsigned globalSpaceIndex,
unsigned timeIdx)
auto& fs = Parent::asImp_().fluidState_;
// set temperature
fs.setTemperature(priVars.makeEvaluation(temperatureIdx, timeIdx));
void updateEnergyQuantities_(const Problem& problem,
[[maybe_unused]] const PrimaryVariables& priVars,
unsigned globalSpaceIndex,
unsigned timeIdx,
const ParamCache& paramCache)
auto& fs = Parent::asImp_().fluidState_;
// compute the specific enthalpy of the fluids, the specific enthalpy of the rock
// and the thermal conductivity coefficients
for (int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPhases; ++ phaseIdx) {
if (!FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(phaseIdx)) {
const auto& h = FluidSystem::enthalpy(fs, paramCache, phaseIdx);
fs.setEnthalpy(phaseIdx, h);
const auto& solidEnergyLawParams = problem().solidEnergyLawParams(globalSpaceIndex, timeIdx);
this->rockInternalEnergy_ = SolidEnergyLaw::solidInternalEnergy(solidEnergyLawParams, fs);
const auto& thermalConductionLawParams = problem.thermalConductionLawParams(globalSpaceIndex, timeIdx);
this->totalThermalConductivity_ = ThermalConductionLaw::thermalConductivity(thermalConductionLawParams, fs);
// Retrieve the rock fraction from the problem
// Usually 1 - porosity, but if pvmult is used to modify porosity
// we will apply the same multiplier to the rock fraction
// i.e. pvmult*(1 - porosity) and thus interpret multpv as a volume
// multiplier. This is to avoid negative rock volume for pvmult*porosity > 1
this->rockFraction_ = problem.rockFraction(globalSpaceIndex, timeIdx);
class BlackOilEnergyIntensiveQuantitiesGlobalIndex
: public BlackOilEnergyIntensiveQuantities
using Parent = BlackOilEnergyIntensiveQuantities;
using Problem = GetPropType;
using PrimaryVariables = GetPropType;
using FluidSystem = GetPropType;
using Evaluation = GetPropType;
using Scalar = GetPropType;
static constexpr bool enableTemperature = getPropValue();
void updateTemperature_([[maybe_unused]] const Problem& problem,
[[maybe_unused]] const PrimaryVariables& priVars,
[[maybe_unused]] unsigned globalSpaceIdx,
[[maybe_unused]] unsigned timeIdx)
if constexpr (enableTemperature) {
// even if energy is conserved, the temperature can vary over the spatial
// domain if the EnableTemperature property is set to true
auto& fs = this->asImp_().fluidState_;
Scalar T = problem.temperature(globalSpaceIdx, timeIdx);
void updateEnergyQuantities_([[maybe_unused]] const Problem& problem,
[[maybe_unused]] const PrimaryVariables& priVars,
[[maybe_unused]] unsigned globalSpaceIdx,
[[maybe_unused]] unsigned timeIdx,
const typename FluidSystem::template ParameterCache&)
{ }
} // namespace Opm