-- Synthetic test deck based on Norne. This data set is meant to be a simple, -- well-documented deck for the behaviour of SUMMARY specified output. Data -- is mostly entered to *traceable* and does not necessarily make sense from -- a simulation point of view. START 10 MAI 2007 / RUNSPEC TITLE SUMMARYTESTS -- A simple 10x10x10 cube. Simple to reason about, large enough for all tests DIMENS 10 10 10 / REGDIMS 3 / -- -- WELL WELL GRUPS GRUPS -- MXWELS MXCONS MXGRPS MXGRPW WELLDIMS 4 4 3 3 / OIL GAS WATER DISGAS METRIC UNIFOUT UNIFIN GRID DX 1000*1 / DY 1000*1 / DZ 1000*1 / TOPS 100*1 / ACTNUM 1000*1/ PORO 500*0.1 500*0.2/ PERMX 1000*500 / COPY PERMX PERMY / PERMX PERMZ / / REGIONS FIPNUM 400*1 200*2 400*3 / PROPS PVTW 1 1000 0 0.318 0.0 / ROCK 14.7 3E-6 / SWOF 0.12 0 1 0 0.18 4.64876033057851E-008 1 0 0.24 0.000000186 0.997 0 0.3 4.18388429752066E-007 0.98 0 0.36 7.43801652892562E-007 0.7 0 0.42 1.16219008264463E-006 0.35 0 0.48 1.67355371900826E-006 0.2 0 0.54 2.27789256198347E-006 0.09 0 0.6 2.97520661157025E-006 0.021 0 0.66 3.7654958677686E-006 0.01 0 0.72 4.64876033057851E-006 0.001 0 0.78 0.000005625 0.0001 0 0.84 6.69421487603306E-006 0 0 0.91 8.05914256198347E-006 0 0 1 0.00001 0 0 / SGOF 0 0 1 0 0.001 0 1 0 0.02 0 0.997 0 0.05 0.005 0.980 0 0.12 0.025 0.700 0 0.2 0.075 0.350 0 0.25 0.125 0.200 0 0.3 0.190 0.090 0 0.4 0.410 0.021 0 0.45 0.60 0.010 0 0.5 0.72 0.001 0 0.6 0.87 0.0001 0 0.7 0.94 0.000 0 0.85 0.98 0.000 0 0.88 0.984 0.000 0 / DENSITY 53.66 64.49 0.0533 / PVDG 1 100 1 10 10 1 / PVTO 0 1 10 1 / 1 1 10.001 1 10 1 1 / / SUMMARY DATE PERFORMA -- -- Field Data -- Production Rates FVPR FWPR FWPRH FOPR FOPRH FGPR FGPRH FLPR FLPRH FGSR FGCR FNPR -- solvent --FTPRSEA -- Injection Rates FVIR FWIR FWIRH FGIR FNIR -- solvent FGIRH -- Production Cummulatives FVPT FWPT FOPT FLPT FLPTH FGPT FNPT FOPTH FGPTH FWPTH FGST FGCT -- Injection Cummulatives FVIT FWIT FWITH FGIT FNIT FGITH -- In place FWIP FOIP FGIP -- Ratios FWCT FWCTH FGOR FGORH -- From model2 FMWPR FMWIN FOE -- Pressures FPR FPRP BPR 1 1 1 / 1 1 2 / 1 1 3 / 1 1 4 / 1 1 5 / 1 1 6 / 1 1 7 / 1 1 8 / 1 1 9 / 1 1 10 / 2 1 10 / -- This cell is not ACTIVE / BSGAS 1 1 1 / / BSWAT 1 1 1 / / -- Region data RPR / ROPT / RGPT / RWPT / RGFT / RWFT / ROIP / ROP / ROPR / RGPR / RWPR / RGIR / RGIT / RWIR / RWIT / RWPT / ROIPL / ROIPG / RGIP / RGIPL / RGIPG / RWIP / RPPO / -- Group data -- GPR / GLPR / GOPT / GGPT / GWPT / GNPT / GOPR / GGPR / GWPR / GWPRH / GGIR / GNPR / GNIR / GGIRH / GGIT / GNIT / GGITH / GWCT / GWCTH / GGOR / GGORH / GWIR / GWIT / GWIRH / GWITH / GOPRH / GGPRH / GLPRH / GWPTH / GOPTH / GGPTH / GLPTH / GPRG / GPRW / GOPTF / GOPTS / GOPTH / GOPRF / GOPRS / GOPRH / GGPTF / GGPTS / GGPTH / GGPTF / GGPTS / GGPTH / GGLR / GGLIR / GGLRH / GVPR / GVPT / GMCTP / GOPP / GVIR / GVIT / GVPRT / GMWPR / GMWIN / -- Well Data -- Production Rates WWPR / WWPRH / WOPR / WOPRH / WGPR / WNPR / WGPRH / WLPR / WLPRH / WLPT / WLPTH / -- Injection Rates WWIR W_3 / WWIT W_3 / WWIRH W_3 / WWITH W_3 / WGIT W_3 / WGIR W_3 / WGIRH W_3 / WGITH W_3 / WNIR W_3 / WNIT W_3 / -- Production Cummulatives WWPT / WWPTH / WOPT / WOPTH / WGPT / WGPTH / WNPT / -- Tracers --WTPRSEA --/ --WTPTSEA --/ -- Injection Cummulatives WWIT W_3 / -- Ratios WWCT / WWCTH / WGOR / WGORH / WGLR / WGLRH / -- Performance WBHP / WBHPH / WTHP / WTHPH / WPI / WBP / WBP4 / -- from model2 WOPTF / WOPTS / WOPTH / WOPRS / WOPRF / WGPTF / WGPTS / WGPRF / WTPRS / WGLIR / WVPR / WVPT / WOPP / WVIR / WVIT / WMCTL / -- Water injection per connection CWIR * / / -- Gas injection on 3 1 1 (45) CGIR 'W_3' 3 1 1 / / CWIT 'W_3' / / CGIT * / / -- Production per connection -- Using all the different ways of specifying connections here -- as an informal test that we still get the data we want CWPR 'W_1' 1 1 1 / / COPR 'W_1' / 'W_2' / 'W_3' / / CGPR '*' / / CNFR '*' / / CNPT '*' / / CNIT '*' / / CWPT 'W_1' 1 1 1 / / COPT 'W_1' / / CGPT 'W_1' / 'W_2' / 'W_3' / / ---- Connection production rates ----CGFR ----'E-4AH' / ----/ ----CWFR ----'E-2H' / ----/ SOLUTION SWAT 1000*0.2 / SGAS 1000*0.0 / PRESSURE 100*1.0 100*2.0 100*3.0 100*4.0 100*5.0 100*6.0 100*7.0 100*8.0 100*9.0 100*10.0/ RS 1000*0 / SCHEDULE -- Three wells, two producers (so that we can form a group) and one injector WELSPECS 'W_1' 'G_1' 1 1 3.33 'OIL' 7* / 'W_2' 'G_1' 2 1 3.33 'OIL' 7* / 'W_3' 'G_2' 3 1 3.92 'WATER' 7* / / -- Completion data. COMPDAT -- 'Well' I J K1 K2 -- Passing 0 to I/J means they'll get the well head I/J W_1 0 0 1 1 / -- Active index: 0 W_2 0 0 1 1 / -- Active index: 1 W_2 0 0 2 2 / -- Active index: 101 W_3 0 0 1 1 / -- Active index: 2 / WCONHIST -- history rates are set so that W_1 produces 1, W_2 produces 2 etc. -- index.offset. -- organised as oil-water-gas W_1 SHUT ORAT 10.1 10 10.2 / W_2 SHUT ORAT 20.1 20 20.2 / / WCONINJH -- Injection historical rates (water only, as we only support pure injectors) W_3 WATER STOP 30.0 / / TSTEP -- register time steps (in days). This allows us to write *two* report steps (1 -- and 2. Without this, totals/accumulations would fail (segfault) when looking -- up historical rates and volumes. These volumes however don't change, i.e. -- every time step has the same set of values 10 10 / -- Register a fourth well with completions later. This ensure we handle when -- wells are registered or activated later in a simulation WELSPECS 'W_4' 'G_3' 1 1 3.33 'OIL' 7* / / COMPDAT W_4 1 1 3 3 / / TSTEP 10 10 /