// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- // vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4: /* This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM). OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OPM. If not, see . Consult the COPYING file in the top-level source directory of this module for the precise wording of the license and the list of copyright holders. */ /*! * \file * * \copydoc Opm::FlowProblem */ #include #include #include #include #include namespace Opm { template MixingRateControls:: MixingRateControls(const Schedule& schedule) : schedule_(schedule) {} template MixingRateControls:: MixingRateControls(const MixingRateControls& rhs) : schedule_(rhs.schedule_) { *this = rhs; } template MixingRateControls MixingRateControls:: serializationTestObject(const Schedule& schedule) { MixingRateControls result(schedule); result.lastRv_ = {21.0}; result.maxDRv_ = {22.0, 23.0}; result.convectiveDrs_ = {24.0, 25.0, 26.0}; result.lastRs_ = {27.0}; result.maxDRs_ = {28.0}; result.dRsDtOnlyFreeGas_ = {false, true}; return result; } template bool MixingRateControls:: operator==(const MixingRateControls& rhs) const { return this->lastRv_ == rhs.lastRv_ && this->maxDRv_ == rhs.maxDRv_ && this->convectiveDrs_ == rhs.convectiveDrs_ && this->lastRs_ == rhs.lastRs_ && this->maxDRs_ == rhs.maxDRs_ && this->dRsDtOnlyFreeGas_ == rhs.dRsDtOnlyFreeGas_; } template MixingRateControls& MixingRateControls:: operator=(const MixingRateControls& rhs) { this->lastRv_ = rhs.lastRv_; this->maxDRv_ = rhs.maxDRv_; this->convectiveDrs_ = rhs.convectiveDrs_; this->lastRs_ = rhs.lastRs_; this->maxDRs_ = rhs.maxDRs_; this->dRsDtOnlyFreeGas_ = rhs.dRsDtOnlyFreeGas_; return *this; } template void MixingRateControls:: init(std::size_t numDof, int episodeIdx, const unsigned ntpvt) { // deal with DRSDT //TODO We may want to only allocate these properties only if active. //But since they may be activated at later time we need some more //intrastructure to handle it if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx) && FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx)) { maxDRv_.resize(ntpvt, 1e30); lastRv_.resize(numDof, 0.0); maxDRs_.resize(ntpvt, 1e30); dRsDtOnlyFreeGas_.resize(ntpvt, false); lastRs_.resize(numDof, 0.0); maxDRv_.resize(ntpvt, 1e30); lastRv_.resize(numDof, 0.0); if (this->drsdtConvective(episodeIdx)) { convectiveDrs_.resize(numDof, 1.0); } } } template bool MixingRateControls:: drsdtActive(int episodeIdx) const { const auto& oilVaporizationControl = schedule_[episodeIdx].oilvap(); const bool bothOilGasActive = FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx) && FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx); return (oilVaporizationControl.drsdtActive() && bothOilGasActive); } template bool MixingRateControls:: drvdtActive(int episodeIdx) const { const auto& oilVaporizationControl = schedule_[episodeIdx].oilvap(); const bool bothOilGasActive = FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx) && FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx); return (oilVaporizationControl.drvdtActive() && bothOilGasActive); } template bool MixingRateControls:: drsdtConvective(int episodeIdx) const { const auto& oilVaporizationControl = schedule_[episodeIdx].oilvap(); const bool bothOilGasActive = FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx) && FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx); return (oilVaporizationControl.drsdtConvective() && bothOilGasActive); } template void MixingRateControls:: updateExplicitQuantities(const int episodeIdx, const Scalar timeStepSize) { const auto& oilVaporizationControl = schedule_[episodeIdx].oilvap(); if (this->drsdtActive(episodeIdx)) { // DRSDT is enabled for (std::size_t pvtRegionIdx = 0; pvtRegionIdx < maxDRs_.size(); ++pvtRegionIdx) maxDRs_[pvtRegionIdx] = oilVaporizationControl.getMaxDRSDT(pvtRegionIdx) * timeStepSize; } if (this->drvdtActive(episodeIdx)) { // DRVDT is enabled for (std::size_t pvtRegionIdx = 0; pvtRegionIdx < maxDRv_.size(); ++pvtRegionIdx) maxDRv_[pvtRegionIdx] = oilVaporizationControl.getMaxDRVDT(pvtRegionIdx) * timeStepSize; } } template void MixingRateControls:: updateLastValues(const unsigned elemIdx, const Scalar Rs, const Scalar Rv) { if (!lastRs_.empty()) { lastRs_[elemIdx] = Rs; } if (!lastRv_.empty()) { lastRv_[elemIdx] = Rv; } } template void MixingRateControls:: updateMaxValues(const int episodeIdx, const Scalar timeStepSize) { const auto& oilVaporizationControl = schedule_[episodeIdx].oilvap(); if (this->drsdtActive(episodeIdx)) { // DRSDT is enabled for (std::size_t pvtRegionIdx = 0; pvtRegionIdx < maxDRs_.size(); ++pvtRegionIdx) { maxDRs_[pvtRegionIdx] = oilVaporizationControl.getMaxDRSDT(pvtRegionIdx) * timeStepSize; } } if (this->drvdtActive(episodeIdx)) { // DRVDT is enabled for (std::size_t pvtRegionIdx = 0; pvtRegionIdx < maxDRv_.size(); ++pvtRegionIdx) { maxDRv_[pvtRegionIdx] = oilVaporizationControl.getMaxDRVDT(pvtRegionIdx) * timeStepSize; } } } template Scalar MixingRateControls:: drsdtcon(const unsigned elemIdx, int episodeIdx, const int pvtRegionIdx) const { if (convectiveDrs_.empty()) { return 0; } // The episode index is set to -1 in the initialization phase. // Output drsdt value for index 0 episodeIdx = std::max(episodeIdx, 0); const auto& oilVaporizationControl = schedule_[episodeIdx].oilvap(); return oilVaporizationControl.getMaxDRSDT(pvtRegionIdx) * convectiveDrs_[elemIdx]; } template Scalar MixingRateControls:: maxGasDissolutionFactor(const unsigned timeIdx, const unsigned globalDofIdx, const int episodeIdx, const int pvtRegionIdx) const { if (!this->drsdtActive(episodeIdx) || maxDRs_[pvtRegionIdx] < 0.0) { return std::numeric_limits::max() / 2.0; } Scalar scaling = 1.0; if (this->drsdtConvective(episodeIdx)) { scaling = convectiveDrs_[globalDofIdx]; } // this is a bit hacky because it assumes that a time discretization with only // two time indices is used. if (timeIdx == 0) { return lastRs_[globalDofIdx] + maxDRs_[pvtRegionIdx] * scaling; } else { return lastRs_[globalDofIdx]; } } template Scalar MixingRateControls:: maxOilVaporizationFactor(const unsigned timeIdx, const unsigned globalDofIdx, const int episodeIdx, const int pvtRegionIdx) const { if (!this->drvdtActive(episodeIdx) || maxDRv_[pvtRegionIdx] < 0.0) { return std::numeric_limits::max() / 2.0; } // this is a bit hacky because it assumes that a time discretization with only // two time indices is used. if (timeIdx == 0) { return lastRv_[globalDofIdx] + maxDRv_[pvtRegionIdx]; } else { return lastRv_[globalDofIdx]; } } template void MixingRateControls:: updateConvectiveDRsDt_(const unsigned compressedDofIdx, const Scalar t, const Scalar p, const Scalar rs, const Scalar so, const Scalar poro, const Scalar permz, const Scalar distZ, const Scalar gravity, const int pvtRegionIndex) { const Scalar rssat = FluidSystem::oilPvt().saturatedGasDissolutionFactor(pvtRegionIndex, t, p); const Scalar saturatedInvB = FluidSystem::oilPvt().saturatedInverseFormationVolumeFactor(pvtRegionIndex, t, p); const Scalar rsZero = 0.0; const Scalar pureDensity = FluidSystem::oilPvt().inverseFormationVolumeFactor(pvtRegionIndex, t, p, rsZero) * FluidSystem::oilPvt().oilReferenceDensity(pvtRegionIndex); const Scalar saturatedDensity = saturatedInvB * (FluidSystem::oilPvt().oilReferenceDensity(pvtRegionIndex) + rssat * FluidSystem::referenceDensity(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, pvtRegionIndex)); const Scalar deltaDensity = saturatedDensity - pureDensity; const Scalar visc = FluidSystem::oilPvt().viscosity(pvtRegionIndex, t, p, rs); // Note that for so = 0 this gives no limits (inf) for the dissolution rate // Also we restrict the effect of convective mixing to positive density differences // i.e. we only allow for fingers moving downward convectiveDrs_[compressedDofIdx] = permz * rssat * max(0.0, deltaDensity) * gravity / (so * visc * distZ * poro); } template class MixingRateControls, double>; } // namespace Opm