########################################################################### # # # Note: The bulk of the build system is located in the cmake/ directory. # # This file only contains the specializations for this particular # # project. Most likely you are interested in editing one of these # # files instead: # # # # dune.module Name and version number # # CMakeLists_files.cmake Path of source files # # cmake/Modules/${project}-prereqs.cmake Dependencies # # # ########################################################################### # Mandatory call to project project(opm-simulators C CXX) cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.10) option(SIBLING_SEARCH "Search for other modules in sibling directories?" ON) set( USE_OPENMP_DEFAULT OFF ) # Use of OpenMP is considered experimental option(BUILD_FLOW "Build the production oriented flow simulator?" ON) option(BUILD_FLOW_VARIANTS "Build the variants for flow by default?" OFF) option(BUILD_FLOW_POLY_GRID "Build flow blackoil with polyhedral grid" OFF) option(OPM_ENABLE_PYTHON "Enable python bindings?" OFF) option(OPM_ENABLE_PYTHON_TESTS "Enable tests for the python bindings?" ON) option(OPM_INSTALL_PYTHON "Install python bindings?" ON) option(ENABLE_FPGA "Enable FPGA kernels integration?" OFF) option(USE_CHOW_PATEL_ILU "Use the iterative ILU by Chow and Patel?" OFF) option(USE_CHOW_PATEL_ILU_GPU "Run iterative ILU decomposition on GPU? Requires USE_CHOW_PATEL_ILU" OFF) option(USE_CHOW_PATEL_ILU_GPU_PARALLEL "Try to use more parallelism on the GPU during the iterative ILU decomposition? Requires USE_CHOW_PATEL_ILU_GPU" OFF) # The following was copied from CMakeLists.txt in opm-common. # TODO: factor out the common parts in opm-common and opm-simulator as a cmake module if (OPM_ENABLE_PYTHON) # We need to be compatible with older CMake versions # that do not offer FindPython3 # e.g. Ubuntu LTS 18.04 uses cmake 3.10 if(${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "3.12.0") find_package(PythonInterp REQUIRED) if(PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR LESS 3) message(SEND_ERROR "OPM requires version 3 of Python but only version ${PYTHON_VERSION_STRING} was found") endif() set(Python3_EXECUTABLE ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE}) set(Python3_LIBRARIES ${PYTHON_LIBRARIES}) else() # Be backwards compatible. if(PYTHON_EXECUTABLE AND NOT Python3_EXECUTABLE) set(Python3_EXECUTABLE ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE}) endif() find_package(Python3 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Interpreter) endif() # Compatibility settings for PythonInterp and PythonLibs # used e.g. in FindCwrap, pybind11 set(PYTHON_EXECUTABLE ${Python3_EXECUTABLE}) endif() if(SIBLING_SEARCH AND NOT opm-common_DIR) # guess the sibling dir get_filename_component(_leaf_dir_name ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} NAME) get_filename_component(_parent_full_dir ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} DIRECTORY) get_filename_component(_parent_dir_name ${_parent_full_dir} NAME) #Try if / is used get_filename_component(_modules_dir ${_parent_full_dir} DIRECTORY) if(IS_DIRECTORY ${_modules_dir}/opm-common/${_leaf_dir_name}) set(opm-common_DIR ${_modules_dir}/opm-common/${_leaf_dir_name}) else() string(REPLACE ${PROJECT_NAME} opm-common _opm_common_leaf ${_leaf_dir_name}) if(NOT _leaf_dir_name STREQUAL _opm_common_leaf AND IS_DIRECTORY ${_parent_full_dir}/${_opm_common_leaf}) # We are using build directories named set(opm-common_DIR ${_parent_full_dir}/${_opm_common_leaf}) elseif(IS_DIRECTORY ${_parent_full_dir}/opm-common) # All modules are in a common build dir set(opm-common_DIR "${_parent_full_dir}/opm-common") endif() endif() endif() if(opm-common_DIR AND NOT IS_DIRECTORY ${opm-common_DIR}) message(WARNING "Value ${opm-common_DIR} passed to variable" " opm-common_DIR is not a directory") endif() find_package(opm-common REQUIRED) include(OpmInit) OpmSetPolicies() # not the same location as most of the other projects? this hook overrides macro (dir_hook) endmacro (dir_hook) # project information is in dune.module. Read this file and set variables. # we cannot generate dune.module since it is read by dunecontrol before # the build starts, so it makes sense to keep the data there then. include (OpmInit) # Look for the opm-tests repository; if found the variable # HAVE_OPM_TESTS will be set to true. include(Findopm-tests) # list of prerequisites for this particular project; this is in a # separate file (in cmake/Modules sub-directory) because it is shared # with the find module include ("${project}-prereqs") # Make sure we are using the same compiler underneath # NVCC as for the rest. In the case that NVCC does not support # that compiler it will error out. Unfortunately this will only # work for CMake >= 3.8. We found no way to make FindCUDA.cmake error # out. It seems to ignore CMAKE_NVCC_FLAGS and CMAKE. Additionally # our way of specifying cuda source files never worked for CMake # version < 3.8. Hence we deactivate cuda for these versions. # We use "CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER 3.7.9" instead of # CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 3.8, because of backwards # compatibility to cmake 3.6 and lower. if(NOT CMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_CUDA AND CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER 3.7.9) if(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) set(_flags_suffix "_${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}") endif() if(NOT DEFINED ENV{CUDAHOSTCXX} AND NOT DEFINED CMAKE_CUDA_HOST_COMPILER AND (NOT CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS${_flags_suffix} OR NOT CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS${_flags_suffix} MATCHES ".*-ccbin .*")) message(STATUS "Setting CUDA host compiler CMAKE_CUDA_HOST_COMPILER to ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} to " "prevent incompatibilities. Note that this might report that there " "is not CUDA compiler if your system's CUDA compiler does not support " "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}.") # check_language does not seem to care about ${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS} or $(CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS}. # Hence we set CMAKE_CUDA_HOST_COMPILER to our C++ compiler. # In check_language(CUDA) we will get an error if we in addition put # "-ccbin ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}" into CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS. It results # in "${NVCC} -ccbin=${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} -ccbin ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}" # which causes nvcc to abort set(CMAKE_CUDA_HOST_COMPILER ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}) set(ENV{CUDAHOSTCXX} ${CMAKE_CUDA_HOST_COMPILER}) # The only thing honored by check_language(CUDA)! endif() include(CheckLanguage) check_language(CUDA) if(CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER) # OPTIONAL is ignored. Hence the magic above to check whether enabling CUDA works enable_language(CUDA OPTIONAL) # While the documentation says that it is deprecated, FindCUDA seems the # only easy way to determine the cublas and cusparse libraries. # Hence we call it unconditionally # The WellContributions kernel uses __shfl_down_sync, which was introduced in CUDA 9.0 find_package(CUDA) endif() if(CUDA_FOUND AND CUDA_VERSION VERSION_LESS "9.0") set(CUDA_FOUND OFF) message(WARNING "Deactivating CUDA as we require version 9.0 or newer." " Found only CUDA version ${CUDA_VERSION}.") endif() endif() if(CUDA_FOUND) set(HAVE_CUDA 1) include_directories(${CUDA_INCLUDE_DIRS}) endif() find_package(OpenCL) # include FPGA target only when ENABLE_FPGA is set to ON if(ENABLE_FPGA) # must include opencl.h which is a wrapper for all the OpenCL extensions find_file(OPENCL_H CL/opencl.h HINTS ${OpenCL_INCLUDE_DIRS}) # FIXME: devise a check for the presence of the "FPGA" module; currently looking for makefile in /../FPGA find_file(FPGA_MODULE linearalgebra/ilu0bicgstab/xilinx/alveo_u280/vitis_20192/OPM-integration/makefile HINTS ${opm-simulators_SOURCE_DIR}/../FPGA) # this code only runs if the user explicitly enabled the FPGA # hence fatal_error instead of warning if(NOT OPENCL_H OR NOT OpenCL_FOUND) set(HAVE_FPGA 0) message(FATAL_ERROR " OpenCL packages/headers were not found. Make sure CL/opencl.h exists or deactivate FPGA.") elseif(NOT FPGA_MODULE) set(HAVE_FPGA 0) message(FATAL_ERROR " FPGA module was not found. Make sure FPGA repository exists or deactivate FPGA.") elseif(NOT DEFINED ENV{XILINX_XRT}) # Xilinx XRT must be installed and properly setup set(HAVE_FPGA 0) message(FATAL_ERROR " Xilinx XRT not found. Make sure it is installed and setup (check its documentation) or deactivate FPGA.") else() set(HAVE_FPGA 1) message(STATUS "FPGA library and kernel integration active.") # FIXME: set the correct path to the FPGA module set(FPGA_SOURCE_DIR ${opm-simulators_SOURCE_DIR}/../FPGA) # configuration variables with default values: they can be overridden on the cmake command line # FPGA_PORTS_CONFIG selects the kernel's memory ports configuration; must be in sync with available kernel bitstream if(NOT FPGA_PORTS_CONFIG) set(FPGA_PORTS_CONFIG 2r_3r3w_ddr) endif() # FPGA_DEBUG_LEVEL sets the debug messages level for FPGA library functions (should be set to 0 for Release build) if(NOT FPGA_DEBUG_LEVEL) set(FPGA_DEBUG_LEVEL 0) endif() message(STATUS "Using the following settings for the FPGA library compilation: " "FPGA_PORTS_CONFIG=${FPGA_PORTS_CONFIG}, " "FPGA_DEBUG_LEVEL=${FPGA_DEBUG_LEVEL}") add_compile_options(-DPORTS_CONFIG=PORTS_${FPGA_PORTS_CONFIG}) add_compile_options(-DBDA_DEBUG_LEVEL=${FPGA_DEBUG_LEVEL}) # include directories for the FPGA library include_directories(${FPGA_SOURCE_DIR}) include_directories(${FPGA_SOURCE_DIR}/linearalgebra/ilu0bicgstab/xilinx/src/sda_app) include_directories(${FPGA_SOURCE_DIR}/linearalgebra/ilu0bicgstab/xilinx/src/sda_app/common) # add external project to compile the FPGA library include (ExternalProject) ExternalProject_Add(FPGA_library # force the build step to always be run because source dependencies cannot be made explicit BUILD_ALWAYS 1 DOWNLOAD_COMMAND "" UPDATE_COMMAND "" CONFIGURE_COMMAND "" BUILD_COMMAND make -f ${FPGA_SOURCE_DIR}/linearalgebra/ilu0bicgstab/xilinx/alveo_u280/vitis_20192/OPM-integration/makefile SRCDIR=${FPGA_SOURCE_DIR}/linearalgebra/ilu0bicgstab/xilinx/src/sda_app PORTS_CONFIG=${FPGA_PORTS_CONFIG} DEBUG_LEVEL=${FPGA_DEBUG_LEVEL} INSTALL_COMMAND "" TEST_COMMAND "" ) endif() endif() if(OpenCL_FOUND) # the current OpenCL implementation relies on cl2.hpp, not cl.hpp # make sure it is available, otherwise disable OpenCL find_file(CL2_HPP CL/cl2.hpp HINTS ${OpenCL_INCLUDE_DIRS}) if(CL2_HPP) set(HAVE_OPENCL 1) include_directories(${OpenCL_INCLUDE_DIRS}) find_file(OPENCL_HPP CL/opencl.hpp HINTS ${OpenCL_INCLUDE_DIRS}) if(OPENCL_HPP) set(HAVE_OPENCL_HPP 1) endif() else() message(WARNING " OpenCL was found, but this version of opm-simulators relies on CL/cl2.hpp, which implements OpenCL 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2.\n Deactivating OpenCL") set(OpenCL_FOUND OFF) set(OPENCL_FOUND OFF) endif() if(USE_CHOW_PATEL_ILU) add_compile_options(-DCHOW_PATEL=1) if(USE_CHOW_PATEL_ILU_GPU) add_compile_options(-DCHOW_PATEL_GPU=1) if(USE_CHOW_PATEL_ILU_GPU_PARALLEL) add_compile_options(-DCHOW_PATEL_GPU_PARALLEL=1) else() add_compile_options(-DCHOW_PATEL_GPU_PARALLEL=0) endif() else() add_compile_options(-DCHOW_PATEL_GPU=0) add_compile_options(-DCHOW_PATEL_GPU_PARALLEL=0) endif() endif() else() if(USE_CHOW_PATEL_ILU) message(FATAL_ERROR " CHOW_PATEL_ILU only works for openclSolver, but OpenCL was not found") endif() endif() find_package(amgcl) if(amgcl_FOUND) set(HAVE_AMGCL 1) # Linking to target angcl::amgcl drags in OpenMP and -fopenmp as a compile # flag. With that nvcc fails as it does not that flag. # Hence we set AMGCL_INCLUDE_DIRS. get_property(AMGCL_INCLUDE_DIRS TARGET amgcl::amgcl PROPERTY INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) include_directories(SYSTEM ${AMGCL_INCLUDE_DIRS}) endif() if(OpenCL_FOUND) find_package(VexCL) if(VexCL_FOUND) set(HAVE_VEXCL 1) # generator expressions in vexcl do not seem to work and therefore # we cannot use the imported target. Hence we exract the needed info # from the targets get_property(VEXCL_INCLUDE_DIRS TARGET VexCL::Common PROPERTY INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) get_property(VEXCL_LINK_LIBRARIES TARGET VexCL::Common PROPERTY INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES) get_property(VEXCL_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS TARGET VexCL::OpenCL PROPERTY INTERFACE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS) set(VEXCL_LINK_LIBRARIES "${VEXCL_LINK_LIBRARIES};OpenCL::OpenCL") add_library(OPM::VexCL::OpenCL INTERFACE IMPORTED) set_target_properties(OPM::VexCL::OpenCL PROPERTIES INTERFACE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "${VEXCL_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS}" INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES "${VEXCL_LINK_LIBRARIES}") target_include_directories(OPM::VexCL::OpenCL SYSTEM INTERFACE "${VEXCL_INCLUDE_DIRS}") endif() endif() # read the list of components from this file (in the project directory); # it should set various lists with the names of the files to include include (CMakeLists_files.cmake) macro (config_hook) opm_need_version_of ("dune-common") opm_need_version_of ("dune-istl") if(dune-fem_FOUND) opm_need_version_of ("dune-fem") endif() opm_need_version_of ("opm-models") if(NOT fmt_FOUND) add_definitions(-DFMT_HEADER_ONLY) list(APPEND EXTRA_INCLUDES SYSTEM ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/external/fmtlib/include) endif() include_directories(${EXTRA_INCLUDES}) endmacro (config_hook) macro (prereqs_hook) endmacro (prereqs_hook) macro (sources_hook) if(OPENCL_FOUND) include(opencl-source-provider) list(APPEND opm-simulators_SOURCES ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/clSources.cpp) endif() endmacro (sources_hook) macro (fortran_hook) endmacro (fortran_hook) macro (files_hook) endmacro (files_hook) macro (tests_hook) endmacro (tests_hook) # all setup common to the OPM library modules is done here include (OpmLibMain) if (HAVE_OPM_TESTS) include (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/compareECLFiles.cmake) endif() opm_set_test_driver(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/tests/run-parallel-unitTest.sh "") opm_add_test(test_gatherconvergencereport DEPENDS "opmsimulators" LIBRARIES opmsimulators ${Boost_UNIT_TEST_FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY} SOURCES tests/test_gatherconvergencereport.cpp CONDITION MPI_FOUND AND Boost_UNIT_TEST_FRAMEWORK_FOUND DRIVER_ARGS -n 4 -b ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} ) opm_add_test(test_gatherdeferredlogger DEPENDS "opmsimulators" LIBRARIES opmsimulators ${Boost_UNIT_TEST_FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY} SOURCES tests/test_gatherdeferredlogger.cpp CONDITION MPI_FOUND AND Boost_UNIT_TEST_FRAMEWORK_FOUND DRIVER_ARGS -n 4 -b ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} ) opm_add_test(test_parallelwellinfo_mpi EXE_NAME test_parallelwellinfo CONDITION MPI_FOUND AND Boost_UNIT_TEST_FRAMEWORK_FOUND DRIVER_ARGS -n 4 -b ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} NO_COMPILE ) opm_add_test(test_broadcast DEPENDS "opmsimulators" LIBRARIES opmsimulators ${Boost_UNIT_TEST_FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY} SOURCES tests/test_broadcast.cpp CONDITION MPI_FOUND AND Boost_UNIT_TEST_FRAMEWORK_FOUND DRIVER_ARGS -n 4 -b ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} ) include(OpmBashCompletion) if (NOT BUILD_FLOW) set(FLOW_DEFAULT_ENABLE_IF "FALSE") else() set(FLOW_DEFAULT_ENABLE_IF "TRUE") endif() if (NOT BUILD_FLOW_VARIANTS) set(FLOW_VARIANTS_DEFAULT_ENABLE_IF "FALSE") else() set(FLOW_VARIANTS_DEFAULT_ENABLE_IF "TRUE") endif() if (NOT BUILD_FLOW_POLY_GRID) set(FLOW_POLY_ONLY_DEFAULT_ENABLE_IF "FALSE") else() set(FLOW_POLY_ONLY_DEFAULT_ENABLE_IF "TRUE") endif() add_library(moduleVersion OBJECT opm/simulators/utils/moduleVersion.cpp) set_property(TARGET moduleVersion PROPERTY POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) # Strictly we only depend on the update-version target, # but this is not exposed in a super-build. add_dependencies(moduleVersion opmsimulators) set(FLOW_MODELS blackoil brine energy extbo foam gasoil gaswater oilwater oilwater_brine gaswater_brine oilwater_polymer oilwater_polymer_injectivity micp polymer solvent gasoil_energy brine_saltprecipitation gaswater_saltprec_vapwat brine_precsalt_vapwat) set(FLOW_VARIANT_MODELS brine_energy onephase onephase_energy) set(FLOW_TGTS) foreach(OBJ ${COMMON_MODELS} ${FLOW_MODELS} ${FLOW_VARIANT_MODELS}) add_library(flow_lib${OBJ} OBJECT flow/flow_ebos_${OBJ}.cpp) list(APPEND FLOW_TGTS $) if(TARGET fmt::fmt) target_link_libraries(flow_lib${OBJ} fmt::fmt) endif() opm_add_test(flow_${OBJ} ONLY_COMPILE SOURCES flow/flow_${OBJ}.cpp $ $ EXE_NAME flow_${OBJ} DEPENDS opmsimulators LIBRARIES opmsimulators) endforeach() set_property(TARGET flow_libblackoil PROPERTY POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) foreach(OBJ ${FLOW_VARIANT_MODELS}) set_property(TARGET flow_lib${OBJ} PROPERTY EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ${FLOW_VARIANTS_DEFAULT_ENABLE_IF}) endforeach() add_library(flow_libblackoil_poly OBJECT flow/flow_ebos_blackoil_poly.cpp) if(TARGET fmt::fmt) target_link_libraries(flow_libblackoil_poly fmt::fmt) endif() set_property(TARGET flow_libblackoil_poly PROPERTY EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ${FLOW_POLY_ONLY_DEFAULT_ENABLE_IF}) # the production oriented general-purpose ECL simulator opm_add_test(flow ONLY_COMPILE ALWAYS_ENABLE DEFAULT_ENABLE_IF ${FLOW_DEFAULT_ENABLE_IF} DEPENDS opmsimulators LIBRARIES opmsimulators SOURCES flow/flow.cpp ${FLOW_TGTS} $ ) opm_add_test(flow_poly ONLY_COMPILE ALWAYS_ENABLE DEFAULT_ENABLE_IF ${FLOW_POLY_ONLY_DEFAULT_ENABLE_IF} DEPENDS opmsimulators LIBRARIES opmsimulators SOURCES flow/flow_blackoil_poly.cpp $ $) target_compile_definitions(flow_poly PRIVATE USE_POLYHEDRALGRID) opm_add_test(flow_distribute_z ONLY_COMPILE ALWAYS_ENABLE DEFAULT_ENABLE_IF ${FLOW_DEFAULT_ENABLE_IF} DEPENDS opmsimulators LIBRARIES opmsimulators SOURCES flow/flow_distribute_z.cpp ${FLOW_TGTS} $ ) if (BUILD_FLOW) install(TARGETS flow DESTINATION bin) opm_add_bash_completion(flow) add_test(NAME flow__version COMMAND flow --version) set_tests_properties(flow__version PROPERTIES PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "${${project}_LABEL}") endif() if (OPM_ENABLE_PYTHON) add_subdirectory(python) endif() add_custom_target(extra_test ${CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND} -C ExtraTests) # must link libraries after target 'opmsimulators' has been defined if(CUDA_FOUND) target_link_libraries( opmsimulators PUBLIC ${CUDA_cusparse_LIBRARY} ) target_link_libraries( opmsimulators PUBLIC ${CUDA_cublas_LIBRARY} ) endif() if(OpenCL_FOUND) target_link_libraries( opmsimulators PUBLIC ${OpenCL_LIBRARIES} ) endif() if(VexCL_FOUND) target_link_libraries( opmsimulators PUBLIC OPM::VexCL::OpenCL ) endif() if(HAVE_FPGA) add_dependencies(opmsimulators FPGA_library) ExternalProject_Get_Property(FPGA_library binary_dir) target_link_libraries(opmsimulators PUBLIC ${binary_dir}/fpga_lib_alveo_u280.a) endif() install(DIRECTORY doc/man1 DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_MANDIR} FILES_MATCHING PATTERN "*.1")