/* Copyright 2012 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics. This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM). OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OPM. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Opm { /// @brief Computes pore volume of all cells in a grid. /// @param[in] grid a grid /// @param[in] props rock and fluid properties /// @param[out] porevol the pore volume by cell. void computePorevolume(const UnstructuredGrid& grid, const Opm::IncompPropertiesInterface& props, std::vector& porevol) { int num_cells = grid.number_of_cells; ASSERT(num_cells == props.numCells()); porevol.resize(num_cells); const double* poro = props.porosity(); std::transform(poro, poro + num_cells, grid.cell_volumes, porevol.begin(), std::multiplies()); } /// @brief Computes pore volume of all cells in a grid, with rock compressibility effects. /// @param[in] grid a grid /// @param[in] props rock and fluid properties /// @param[in] rock_comp rock compressibility properties /// @param[in] pressure pressure by cell /// @param[out] porevol the pore volume by cell. void computePorevolume(const UnstructuredGrid& grid, const IncompPropertiesInterface& props, const RockCompressibility& rock_comp, const std::vector& pressure, std::vector& porevol) { int num_cells = grid.number_of_cells; ASSERT(num_cells == props.numCells()); porevol.resize(num_cells); const double* poro = props.porosity(); for (int i = 0; i < num_cells; ++i) { porevol[i] = poro[i]*grid.cell_volumes[i]*rock_comp.poroMult(pressure[i]); } } /// @brief Computes total saturated volumes over all grid cells. /// @param[in] pv the pore volume by cell. /// @param[in] s saturation values (for all P phases) /// @param[out] sat_vol must point to a valid array with P elements, /// where P = s.size()/pv.size(). /// For each phase p, we compute /// sat_vol_p = sum_i s_p_i pv_i void computeSaturatedVol(const std::vector& pv, const std::vector& s, double* sat_vol) { const int num_cells = pv.size(); const int np = s.size()/pv.size(); if (int(s.size()) != num_cells*np) { THROW("Sizes of s and pv vectors do not match."); } std::fill(sat_vol, sat_vol + np, 0.0); for (int c = 0; c < num_cells; ++c) { for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) { sat_vol[p] += pv[c]*s[np*c + p]; } } } /// @brief Computes average saturations over all grid cells. /// @param[in] pv the pore volume by cell. /// @param[in] s saturation values (for all P phases) /// @param[out] aver_sat must point to a valid array with P elements, /// where P = s.size()/pv.size(). /// For each phase p, we compute /// aver_sat_p = (sum_i s_p_i pv_i) / (sum_i pv_i). void computeAverageSat(const std::vector& pv, const std::vector& s, double* aver_sat) { const int num_cells = pv.size(); const int np = s.size()/pv.size(); if (int(s.size()) != num_cells*np) { THROW("Sizes of s and pv vectors do not match."); } double tot_pv = 0.0; // Note that we abuse the output array to accumulate the // saturated pore volumes. std::fill(aver_sat, aver_sat + np, 0.0); for (int c = 0; c < num_cells; ++c) { tot_pv += pv[c]; for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) { aver_sat[p] += pv[c]*s[np*c + p]; } } // Must divide by pore volumes to get saturations. for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) { aver_sat[p] /= tot_pv; } } /// @brief Computes injected and produced volumes of all phases. /// Note 1: assumes that only the first phase is injected. /// Note 2: assumes that transport has been done with an /// implicit method, i.e. that the current state /// gives the mobilities used for the preceding timestep. /// @param[in] props fluid and rock properties. /// @param[in] s saturation values (for all P phases) /// @param[in] src if < 0: total outflow, if > 0: first phase inflow. /// @param[in] dt timestep used /// @param[out] injected must point to a valid array with P elements, /// where P = s.size()/src.size(). /// @param[out] produced must also point to a valid array with P elements. void computeInjectedProduced(const IncompPropertiesInterface& props, const std::vector& s, const std::vector& src, const double dt, double* injected, double* produced) { const int num_cells = src.size(); const int np = s.size()/src.size(); if (int(s.size()) != num_cells*np) { THROW("Sizes of s and src vectors do not match."); } std::fill(injected, injected + np, 0.0); std::fill(produced, produced + np, 0.0); const double* visc = props.viscosity(); std::vector mob(np); for (int c = 0; c < num_cells; ++c) { if (src[c] > 0.0) { injected[0] += src[c]*dt; } else if (src[c] < 0.0) { const double flux = -src[c]*dt; const double* sat = &s[np*c]; props.relperm(1, sat, &c, &mob[0], 0); double totmob = 0.0; for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) { mob[p] /= visc[p]; totmob += mob[p]; } for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) { produced[p] += (mob[p]/totmob)*flux; } } } } /// @brief Computes total mobility for a set of saturation values. /// @param[in] props rock and fluid properties /// @param[in] cells cells with which the saturation values are associated /// @param[in] s saturation values (for all phases) /// @param[out] totmob total mobilities. void computeTotalMobility(const Opm::IncompPropertiesInterface& props, const std::vector& cells, const std::vector& s, std::vector& totmob) { std::vector pmobc; computePhaseMobilities(props, cells, s, pmobc); const std::size_t np = props.numPhases(); const std::vector::size_type nc = cells.size(); std::vector(cells.size(), 0.0).swap(totmob); for (std::vector::size_type c = 0; c < nc; ++c) { for (std::size_t p = 0; p < np; ++p) { totmob[ c ] += pmobc[c*np + p]; } } } /// @brief Computes total mobility and omega for a set of saturation values. /// @param[in] props rock and fluid properties /// @param[in] cells cells with which the saturation values are associated /// @param[in] s saturation values (for all phases) /// @param[out] totmob total mobility /// @param[out] omega fractional-flow weighted fluid densities. void computeTotalMobilityOmega(const Opm::IncompPropertiesInterface& props, const std::vector& cells, const std::vector& s, std::vector& totmob, std::vector& omega) { std::vector pmobc; computePhaseMobilities(props, cells, s, pmobc); const std::size_t np = props.numPhases(); const std::vector::size_type nc = cells.size(); std::vector(cells.size(), 0.0).swap(totmob); std::vector(cells.size(), 0.0).swap(omega ); const double* rho = props.density(); for (std::vector::size_type c = 0; c < nc; ++c) { for (std::size_t p = 0; p < np; ++p) { totmob[ c ] += pmobc[c*np + p]; omega [ c ] += pmobc[c*np + p] * rho[ p ]; } omega[ c ] /= totmob[ c ]; } } /// @brief Computes phase mobilities for a set of saturation values. /// @param[in] props rock and fluid properties /// @param[in] cells cells with which the saturation values are associated /// @param[in] s saturation values (for all phases) /// @param[out] pmobc phase mobilities (for all phases). void computePhaseMobilities(const Opm::IncompPropertiesInterface& props, const std::vector& cells, const std::vector& s , std::vector& pmobc) { const std::vector::size_type nc = cells.size(); const std::size_t np = props.numPhases(); ASSERT (s.size() == nc * np); std::vector(nc * np, 0.0).swap(pmobc ); double* dpmobc = 0; props.relperm(static_cast(nc), &s[0], &cells[0], &pmobc[0], dpmobc); const double* mu = props.viscosity(); std::vector::iterator lam = pmobc.begin(); for (std::vector::size_type c = 0; c < nc; ++c) { for (std::size_t p = 0; p < np; ++p, ++lam) { *lam /= mu[ p ]; } } } /// Compute two-phase transport source terms from face fluxes, /// and pressure equation source terms. This puts boundary flows /// into the source terms for the transport equation. /// \param[in] grid The grid used. /// \param[in] src Pressure eq. source terms. The sign convention is: /// (+) positive total inflow (positive velocity divergence) /// (-) negative total outflow /// \param[in] faceflux Signed face fluxes, typically the result from a flow solver. /// \param[in] inflow_frac Fraction of inflow (boundary and source terms) that consists of first phase. /// Example: if only water is injected, inflow_frac == 1.0. /// Note: it is not possible (with this method) to use different fractions /// for different inflow sources, be they source terms of boundary flows. /// \param[in] wells Wells data structure. /// \param[in] well_perfrates Volumetric flow rates per well perforation. /// \param[out] transport_src The transport source terms. They are to be interpreted depending on sign: /// (+) positive inflow of first phase (water) /// (-) negative total outflow of both phases void computeTransportSource(const UnstructuredGrid& grid, const std::vector& src, const std::vector& faceflux, const double inflow_frac, const Wells* wells, const std::vector& well_perfrates, std::vector& transport_src) { int nc = grid.number_of_cells; transport_src.resize(nc); // Source term and boundary contributions. for (int c = 0; c < nc; ++c) { transport_src[c] = 0.0; transport_src[c] += src[c] > 0.0 ? inflow_frac*src[c] : src[c]; for (int hf = grid.cell_facepos[c]; hf < grid.cell_facepos[c + 1]; ++hf) { int f = grid.cell_faces[hf]; const int* f2c = &grid.face_cells[2*f]; double bdy_influx = 0.0; if (f2c[0] == c && f2c[1] == -1) { bdy_influx = -faceflux[f]; } else if (f2c[0] == -1 && f2c[1] == c) { bdy_influx = faceflux[f]; } if (bdy_influx != 0.0) { transport_src[c] += bdy_influx > 0.0 ? inflow_frac*bdy_influx : bdy_influx; } } } // Well contributions. if (wells) { const int nw = wells->number_of_wells; for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) { const double* zfrac = wells->zfrac + 3*w; for (int perf = wells->well_connpos[w]; perf < wells->well_connpos[w + 1]; ++perf) { const int perf_cell = wells->well_cells[perf]; double perf_rate = well_perfrates[perf]; if (perf_rate > 0.0) { // perf_rate is a total inflow rate, we want a water rate. if (wells->type[w] != INJECTOR) { std::cout << "**** Warning: crossflow in well with index " << w << " ignored." << std::endl; perf_rate = 0.0; } else { ASSERT(std::fabs(zfrac[WATER] + zfrac[OIL] - 1.0) < 1e-6); perf_rate *= zfrac[WATER]; } } transport_src[perf_cell] += perf_rate; } } } } /// @brief Estimates a scalar cell velocity from face fluxes. /// @param[in] grid a grid /// @param[in] face_flux signed per-face fluxes /// @param[out] cell_velocity the estimated velocities. void estimateCellVelocity(const UnstructuredGrid& grid, const std::vector& face_flux, std::vector& cell_velocity) { const int dim = grid.dimensions; cell_velocity.clear(); cell_velocity.resize(grid.number_of_cells*dim, 0.0); for (int face = 0; face < grid.number_of_faces; ++face) { int c[2] = { grid.face_cells[2*face], grid.face_cells[2*face + 1] }; const double* fc = &grid.face_centroids[face*dim]; double flux = face_flux[face]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { if (c[i] >= 0) { const double* cc = &grid.cell_centroids[c[i]*dim]; for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d) { double v_contrib = fc[d] - cc[d]; v_contrib *= flux/grid.cell_volumes[c[i]]; cell_velocity[c[i]*dim + d] += (i == 0) ? v_contrib : -v_contrib; } } } } } /// Extract a vector of water saturations from a vector of /// interleaved water and oil saturations. void toWaterSat(const std::vector& sboth, std::vector& sw) { int num = sboth.size()/2; sw.resize(num); for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) { sw[i] = sboth[2*i]; } } /// Make a a vector of interleaved water and oil saturations from /// a vector of water saturations. void toBothSat(const std::vector& sw, std::vector& sboth) { int num = sw.size(); sboth.resize(2*num); for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) { sboth[2*i] = sw[i]; sboth[2*i + 1] = 1.0 - sw[i]; } } /// Create a src vector equivalent to a wells structure. /// For this to be valid, the wells must be all rate-controlled and /// single-perforation. void wellsToSrc(const Wells& wells, const int num_cells, std::vector& src) { src.resize(num_cells); for (int w = 0; w < wells.number_of_wells; ++w) { if (wells.ctrls[w]->num != 1) { THROW("In wellsToSrc(): well has more than one control."); } if (wells.ctrls[w]->type[0] != RATE) { THROW("In wellsToSrc(): well is BHP, not RATE."); } if (wells.well_connpos[w+1] - wells.well_connpos[w] != 1) { THROW("In wellsToSrc(): well has multiple perforations."); } const double flow = wells.ctrls[w]->target[0]; const double cell = wells.well_cells[wells.well_connpos[w]]; src[cell] = flow; } } void computeWDP(const Wells& wells, const UnstructuredGrid& grid, const std::vector& saturations, const double* densities, const double gravity, const bool per_grid_cell, std::vector& wdp) { const int nw = wells.number_of_wells; const size_t np = per_grid_cell ? saturations.size()/grid.number_of_cells : saturations.size()/wells.well_connpos[nw]; // Simple for now: for (int i = 0; i < nw; i++) { double depth_ref = wells.depth_ref[i]; for (int j = wells.well_connpos[i]; j < wells.well_connpos[i + 1]; j++) { int cell = wells.well_cells[j]; // Is this correct wrt. depth_ref? double cell_depth = grid.cell_centroids[3 * cell + 2]; double saturation_sum = 0.0; for (size_t p = 0; p < np; p++) { if (!per_grid_cell) { saturation_sum += saturations[j * np + p]; } else { saturation_sum += saturations[np * cell + p]; } } if (saturation_sum == 0) { saturation_sum = 1.0; } double density = 0.0; for (size_t p = 0; p < np; p++) { if (!per_grid_cell) { density += saturations[j * np + p] * densities[p] / saturation_sum; } else { // Is this a smart way of doing it? density += saturations[np * cell + p] * densities[p] / saturation_sum; } } // Is the sign correct? wdp.push_back(density * (cell_depth - depth_ref) * gravity); } } } void computeFlowRatePerWell(const Wells& wells, const std::vector& flow_rates_per_cell, std::vector& flow_rates_per_well) { int index_in_flow_rates = 0; for (int w = 0; w < wells.number_of_wells; w++) { int number_of_cells = wells.well_connpos[w + 1] - wells.well_connpos[w]; double flow_sum = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < number_of_cells; i++) { flow_sum += flow_rates_per_cell[index_in_flow_rates++]; } flow_rates_per_well.push_back(flow_sum); } } void Watercut::push(double time, double fraction, double produced) { data_.push_back(time); data_.push_back(fraction); data_.push_back(produced); } void Watercut::write(std::ostream& os) const { int sz = data_.size() / 3; for (int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) { os << data_[3 * i] / Opm::unit::day << " " << data_[3 * i + 1] << " " << data_[3 * i + 2] << '\n'; } } void WellReport::push(const IncompPropertiesInterface& props, const Wells& wells, const std::vector& saturation, const double time, const std::vector& well_bhp, const std::vector& well_perfrates) { int nw = well_bhp.size(); ASSERT(nw == wells.number_of_wells); if (props.numPhases() != 2) { THROW("WellReport for now assumes two phase flow."); } const double* visc = props.viscosity(); std::vector data_now; data_now.reserve(1 + 3*nw); data_now.push_back(time/unit::day); for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) { data_now.push_back(well_bhp[w]/(unit::barsa)); double well_rate_total = 0.0; double well_rate_water = 0.0; for (int perf = wells.well_connpos[w]; perf < wells.well_connpos[w + 1]; ++perf) { const double perf_rate = well_perfrates[perf]*(unit::day/unit::second); well_rate_total += perf_rate; if (perf_rate > 0.0) { // Injection. well_rate_water += perf_rate*wells.zfrac[3*w + WATER]; } else { // Production. const int cell = wells.well_cells[perf]; double mob[2]; props.relperm(1, &saturation[2*cell], &cell, mob, 0); mob[0] /= visc[0]; mob[1] /= visc[1]; const double fracflow = mob[0]/(mob[0] + mob[1]); well_rate_water += perf_rate*fracflow; } } data_now.push_back(well_rate_total); if (well_rate_total == 0.0) { data_now.push_back(0.0); } else { data_now.push_back(well_rate_water/well_rate_total); } } data_.push_back(data_now); } void WellReport::write(std::ostream& os) const { const int sz = data_.size(); for (int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) { std::copy(data_[i].begin(), data_[i].end(), std::ostream_iterator(os, "\t")); os << '\n'; } } } // namespace Opm