// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- // vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4: /* This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM). OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OPM. If not, see . Consult the COPYING file in the top-level source directory of this module for the precise wording of the license and the list of copyright holders. */ /*! * \file * * \copydoc Opm::EclWriter */ #ifndef EWOMS_ECL_WRITER_HH #define EWOMS_ECL_WRITER_HH #include "collecttoiorank.hh" #include "ecloutputblackoilmodule.hh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_MPI #include #endif BEGIN_PROPERTIES NEW_PROP_TAG(EnableEclOutput); NEW_PROP_TAG(EnableAsyncEclOutput); NEW_PROP_TAG(EclOutputDoublePrecision); END_PROPERTIES namespace Opm { template class EclWriter; template class EclOutputBlackOilModule; /*! * \brief Detect whether two cells are direct vertical neighbours. * * I.e. have the same i and j index and all cartesian cells between them * along the vertical column are inactive. * * \tparam CM The type of the cartesian index mapper. * \param cartMapper The mapper onto cartesian indices. * \param cartesianToActive The mapping of cartesian indices to active indices. * \param smallGlobalIndex The cartesian cell index of the cell with smaller index * \param largeGlobalIndex The cartesian cell index of the cell with larger index * \return True if the cells have the same i and j indices and all cartesian cells * between them are inactive. */ inline bool directVerticalNeighbors(const std::array& cartDims, const std::unordered_map& cartesianToActive, int smallGlobalIndex, int largeGlobalIndex) { assert(smallGlobalIndex <= largeGlobalIndex); std::array ijk1, ijk2; auto globalToIjk = [cartDims](int gc) { std::array ijk; ijk[0] = gc % cartDims[0]; gc /= cartDims[0]; ijk[1] = gc % cartDims[1]; ijk[2] = gc / cartDims[1]; return ijk; }; ijk1 = globalToIjk(smallGlobalIndex); ijk2 = globalToIjk(largeGlobalIndex); assert(ijk2[2]>=ijk1[2]); if ( ijk1[0] == ijk2[0] && ijk1[1] == ijk2[1] && (ijk2[2] - ijk1[2]) > 1) { assert((largeGlobalIndex-smallGlobalIndex)%(cartDims[0]*cartDims[1])==0); for ( int gi = smallGlobalIndex + cartDims[0] * cartDims[1]; gi < largeGlobalIndex; gi += cartDims[0] * cartDims[1] ) { if ( cartesianToActive.find( gi ) != cartesianToActive.end() ) { return false; } } return true; } else return false; } /*! * \ingroup EclBlackOilSimulator * * \brief Collects necessary output values and pass it to opm-output. * * Caveats: * - For this class to do do anything meaningful, you will have to * have the OPM module opm-output. * - The only DUNE grid which is currently supported is Dune::CpGrid * from the OPM module "opm-grid". Using another grid won't * fail at compile time but you will provoke a fatal exception as * soon as you try to write an ECL output file. * - This class requires to use the black oil model with the element * centered finite volume discretization. */ template class EclWriter { typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Simulator) Simulator; typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Vanguard) Vanguard; typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, GridView) GridView; typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Grid) Grid; typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, EquilGrid) EquilGrid; typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar) Scalar; typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, ElementContext) ElementContext; typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidSystem) FluidSystem; typedef typename GridView::template Codim<0>::Entity Element; typedef typename GridView::template Codim<0>::Iterator ElementIterator; typedef CollectDataToIORank CollectDataToIORankType; typedef std::vector ScalarBuffer; enum { enableEnergy = GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, EnableEnergy) }; enum { enableSolvent = GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, EnableSolvent) }; public: static void registerParameters() { EclOutputBlackOilModule::registerParameters(); EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, EnableAsyncEclOutput, "Write the ECL-formated results in a non-blocking way (i.e., using a separate thread)."); } // The Simulator object should preferably have been const - the // only reason that is not the case is due to the SummaryState // object owned deep down by the vanguard. EclWriter(Simulator& simulator) : simulator_(simulator) , collectToIORank_(simulator_.vanguard()) , eclOutputModule_(simulator, collectToIORank_) { if (collectToIORank_.isIORank()) { eclIO_.reset(new Opm::EclipseIO(simulator_.vanguard().eclState(), Opm::UgGridHelpers::createEclipseGrid(globalGrid(), simulator_.vanguard().eclState().getInputGrid()), simulator_.vanguard().schedule(), simulator_.vanguard().summaryConfig())); } // create output thread if enabled and rank is I/O rank // async output is enabled by default if pthread are enabled bool enableAsyncOutput = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, EnableAsyncEclOutput); int numWorkerThreads = 0; if (enableAsyncOutput && collectToIORank_.isIORank()) numWorkerThreads = 1; taskletRunner_.reset(new TaskletRunner(numWorkerThreads)); } ~EclWriter() { } const Opm::EclipseIO& eclIO() const { assert(eclIO_); return *eclIO_; } const EquilGrid& globalGrid() const { return simulator_.vanguard().equilGrid(); } void writeInit() { if (collectToIORank_.isIORank()) { std::map > integerVectors; if (collectToIORank_.isParallel()) integerVectors.emplace("MPI_RANK", collectToIORank_.globalRanks()); auto cartMap = Opm::cartesianToCompressed(globalGrid().size(0), Opm::UgGridHelpers::globalCell(globalGrid())); eclIO_->writeInitial(computeTrans_(cartMap), integerVectors, exportNncStructure_(cartMap)); } } /*! * \brief collect and pass data and pass it to eclIO writer */ void evalSummaryState(bool isSubStep) { const int reportStepNum = simulator_.episodeIndex() + 1; /* The summary data is not evaluated for timestep 0, that is implemented with a: if (time_step == 0) return; check somewhere in the summary code. When the summary code was split in separate methods Summary::eval() and Summary::add_timestep() it was necessary to pull this test out here to ensure that the well and group related keywords in the restart file, like XWEL and XGRP were "correct" also in the initial report step. "Correct" in this context means unchanged behavior, might very well be more correct to actually remove this if test. */ if (reportStepNum == 0) return; const Scalar curTime = simulator_.time() + simulator_.timeStepSize(); const Scalar totalCpuTime = simulator_.executionTimer().realTimeElapsed() + simulator_.setupTimer().realTimeElapsed() + simulator_.vanguard().externalSetupTime(); const auto localWellData = simulator_.problem().wellModel().wellData(); const auto localGroupData = simulator_.problem().wellModel() .groupData(reportStepNum, simulator_.vanguard().schedule()); this->prepareLocalCellData(isSubStep, reportStepNum); if (collectToIORank_.isParallel()) collectToIORank_.collect({}, eclOutputModule_.getBlockData(), localWellData, localGroupData); std::map miscSummaryData; std::map> regionData; eclOutputModule_.outputFipLog(miscSummaryData, regionData, isSubStep); bool forceDisableProdOutput = false; bool forceDisableInjOutput = false; bool forceDisableCumOutput = false; eclOutputModule_.outputProdLog(reportStepNum, isSubStep, forceDisableProdOutput); eclOutputModule_.outputInjLog(reportStepNum, isSubStep, forceDisableInjOutput); eclOutputModule_.outputCumLog(reportStepNum, isSubStep, forceDisableCumOutput); std::vector buffer; if (this->collectToIORank_.isIORank()) { const auto& summary = eclIO_->summary(); const auto& eclState = simulator_.vanguard().eclState(); // Add TCPU if (totalCpuTime != 0.0) { miscSummaryData["TCPU"] = totalCpuTime; } const auto& wellData = this->collectToIORank_.isParallel() ? this->collectToIORank_.globalWellData() : localWellData; const auto& groupData = this->collectToIORank_.isParallel() ? this->collectToIORank_.globalGroupData() : localGroupData; const auto& blockData = this->collectToIORank_.isParallel() ? this->collectToIORank_.globalBlockData() : this->eclOutputModule_.getBlockData(); summary.eval(summaryState(), reportStepNum, curTime, eclState, schedule(), wellData, groupData, miscSummaryData, regionData, blockData); buffer = summaryState().serialize(); } if (collectToIORank_.isParallel()) { #ifdef HAVE_MPI unsigned long buffer_size = buffer.size(); MPI_Bcast(&buffer_size, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, collectToIORank_.ioRank, MPI_COMM_WORLD); if (!collectToIORank_.isIORank()) buffer.resize( buffer_size ); MPI_Bcast(buffer.data(), buffer_size, MPI_CHAR, collectToIORank_.ioRank, MPI_COMM_WORLD); if (!collectToIORank_.isIORank()) { Opm::SummaryState& st = summaryState(); st.deserialize(buffer); } #endif } } void writeOutput(bool isSubStep) { const int reportStepNum = simulator_.episodeIndex() + 1; this->prepareLocalCellData(isSubStep, reportStepNum); this->eclOutputModule_.outputErrorLog(); // output using eclWriter if enabled auto localWellData = simulator_.problem().wellModel().wellData(); auto localGroupData = simulator_.problem().wellModel().groupData(reportStepNum, simulator_.vanguard().schedule()); Opm::data::Solution localCellData = {}; if (! isSubStep) { this->eclOutputModule_.assignToSolution(localCellData); // add cell data to perforations for Rft output this->eclOutputModule_.addRftDataToWells(localWellData, reportStepNum); } if (collectToIORank_.isParallel()) { collectToIORank_.collect(localCellData, eclOutputModule_.getBlockData(), localWellData, localGroupData); } if (this->collectToIORank_.isIORank()) { this->writeOutput(reportStepNum, isSubStep, std::move(localCellData), std::move(localWellData), std::move(localGroupData)); } } void beginRestart() { bool enableHysteresis = simulator_.problem().materialLawManager()->enableHysteresis(); bool enableSwatinit = simulator_.vanguard().eclState().fieldProps().has_double("SWATINIT"); std::vector solutionKeys{ {"PRESSURE", Opm::UnitSystem::measure::pressure}, {"SWAT", Opm::UnitSystem::measure::identity, static_cast(FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx))}, {"SGAS", Opm::UnitSystem::measure::identity, static_cast(FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx))}, {"TEMP" , Opm::UnitSystem::measure::temperature, enableEnergy}, {"SSOLVENT" , Opm::UnitSystem::measure::identity, enableSolvent}, {"RS", Opm::UnitSystem::measure::gas_oil_ratio, FluidSystem::enableDissolvedGas()}, {"RV", Opm::UnitSystem::measure::oil_gas_ratio, FluidSystem::enableVaporizedOil()}, {"SOMAX", Opm::UnitSystem::measure::identity, simulator_.problem().vapparsActive()}, {"PCSWM_OW", Opm::UnitSystem::measure::identity, enableHysteresis}, {"KRNSW_OW", Opm::UnitSystem::measure::identity, enableHysteresis}, {"PCSWM_GO", Opm::UnitSystem::measure::identity, enableHysteresis}, {"KRNSW_GO", Opm::UnitSystem::measure::identity, enableHysteresis}, {"PPCW", Opm::UnitSystem::measure::pressure, enableSwatinit} }; const auto& inputThpres = eclState().getSimulationConfig().getThresholdPressure(); std::vector extraKeys = {{"OPMEXTRA", Opm::UnitSystem::measure::identity, false}, {"THRESHPR", Opm::UnitSystem::measure::pressure, inputThpres.active()}}; // The episodeIndex is rewined one back before beginRestart is called // and can not be used here. // We just ask the initconfig directly to be sure that we use the correct // index. const auto& initconfig = simulator_.vanguard().eclState().getInitConfig(); int restartStepIdx = initconfig.getRestartStep(); const auto& gridView = simulator_.vanguard().gridView(); unsigned numElements = gridView.size(/*codim=*/0); eclOutputModule_.allocBuffers(numElements, restartStepIdx, /*isSubStep=*/false, /*log=*/false, /*isRestart*/ true); { Opm::SummaryState& summaryState = simulator_.vanguard().summaryState(); Opm::Action::State& actionState = simulator_.vanguard().actionState(); auto restartValues = loadParallelRestart(eclIO_.get(), actionState, summaryState, solutionKeys, extraKeys, gridView.grid().comm()); for (unsigned elemIdx = 0; elemIdx < numElements; ++elemIdx) { unsigned globalIdx = collectToIORank_.localIdxToGlobalIdx(elemIdx); eclOutputModule_.setRestart(restartValues.solution, elemIdx, globalIdx); } if (inputThpres.active()) { Simulator& mutableSimulator = const_cast(simulator_); auto& thpres = mutableSimulator.problem().thresholdPressure(); const auto& thpresValues = restartValues.getExtra("THRESHPR"); thpres.setFromRestart(thpresValues); } restartTimeStepSize_ = restartValues.getExtra("OPMEXTRA")[0]; // initialize the well model from restart values simulator_.problem().wellModel().initFromRestartFile(restartValues); if (!restartValues.aquifer.empty()) simulator_.problem().mutableAquiferModel().initFromRestart(restartValues.aquifer); } } void endRestart() {} const EclOutputBlackOilModule& eclOutputModule() const { return eclOutputModule_; } Scalar restartTimeStepSize() const { return restartTimeStepSize_; } private: static bool enableEclOutput_() { return EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, EnableEclOutput); } Opm::data::Solution computeTrans_(const std::unordered_map& cartesianToActive) const { const auto& cartMapper = simulator_.vanguard().equilCartesianIndexMapper(); const auto& cartDims = cartMapper.cartesianDimensions(); const int globalSize = cartDims[0]*cartDims[1]*cartDims[2]; Opm::data::CellData tranx = {Opm::UnitSystem::measure::transmissibility, std::vector(globalSize), Opm::data::TargetType::INIT}; Opm::data::CellData trany = {Opm::UnitSystem::measure::transmissibility, std::vector(globalSize), Opm::data::TargetType::INIT}; Opm::data::CellData tranz = {Opm::UnitSystem::measure::transmissibility, std::vector(globalSize), Opm::data::TargetType::INIT}; for (size_t i = 0; i < tranx.data.size(); ++i) { tranx.data[0] = 0.0; trany.data[0] = 0.0; tranz.data[0] = 0.0; } typedef typename EquilGrid :: LeafGridView GlobalGridView; const GlobalGridView& globalGridView = globalGrid().leafGridView(); typedef Dune::MultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper ElementMapper; ElementMapper globalElemMapper(globalGridView, Dune::mcmgElementLayout()); const EclTransmissibility* globalTrans; if (!collectToIORank_.isParallel()) { // in the sequential case we must use the transmissibilites defined by // the problem. (because in the sequential case, the grid manager does // not compute "global" transmissibilities for performance reasons. in // the parallel case, the problem's transmissibilities can't be used // because this object refers to the distributed grid and we need the // sequential version here.) globalTrans = &simulator_.problem().eclTransmissibilities(); } else { globalTrans = &(simulator_.vanguard().globalTransmissibility()); } auto elemIt = globalGridView.template begin(); const auto& elemEndIt = globalGridView.template end(); for (; elemIt != elemEndIt; ++ elemIt) { const auto& elem = *elemIt; auto isIt = globalGridView.ibegin(elem); const auto& isEndIt = globalGridView.iend(elem); for (; isIt != isEndIt; ++ isIt) { const auto& is = *isIt; if (!is.neighbor()) continue; // intersection is on the domain boundary unsigned c1 = globalElemMapper.index(is.inside()); unsigned c2 = globalElemMapper.index(is.outside()); if (c1 > c2) continue; // we only need to handle each connection once, thank you. // Ordering of compressed and uncompressed index should be the same const int cartIdx1 = cartMapper.cartesianIndex( c1 ); const int cartIdx2 = cartMapper.cartesianIndex( c2 ); // Ordering of compressed and uncompressed index should be the same assert(cartIdx1 <= cartIdx2); int gc1 = std::min(cartIdx1, cartIdx2); int gc2 = std::max(cartIdx1, cartIdx2); if (gc2 - gc1 == 1 && cartDims[0] > 1 ) { tranx.data[gc1] = globalTrans->transmissibility(c1, c2); continue; // skip other if clauses as they are false, last one needs some computation } if (gc2 - gc1 == cartDims[0] && cartDims[1] > 1) { trany.data[gc1] = globalTrans->transmissibility(c1, c2); continue; // skipt next if clause as it needs some computation } if ( gc2 - gc1 == cartDims[0]*cartDims[1] || directVerticalNeighbors(cartDims, cartesianToActive, gc1, gc2)) tranz.data[gc1] = globalTrans->transmissibility(c1, c2); } } return {{"TRANX", tranx}, {"TRANY", trany}, {"TRANZ", tranz}}; } Opm::NNC exportNncStructure_(const std::unordered_map& cartesianToActive) const { std::size_t nx = eclState().getInputGrid().getNX(); std::size_t ny = eclState().getInputGrid().getNY(); auto nncData = sortNncAndApplyEditnnc(eclState().getInputNNC().data(), eclState().getInputEDITNNC().data()); const auto& unitSystem = simulator_.vanguard().eclState().getDeckUnitSystem(); std::vector outputNnc; std::size_t index = 0; for( const auto& entry : nncData ) { // test whether NNC is not a neighboring connection // cell2>=cell1 holds due to sortNncAndApplyEditnnc assert( entry.cell2 >= entry.cell1 ); auto cellDiff = entry.cell2 - entry.cell1; if (cellDiff != 1 && cellDiff != nx && cellDiff != nx*ny) { auto tt = unitSystem.from_si(Opm::UnitSystem::measure::transmissibility, entry.trans); // Eclipse ignores NNCs (with EDITNNC applied) that are small. Seems like the threshold is 1.0e-6 if ( tt >= 1.0e-6 ) outputNnc.emplace_back(entry.cell1, entry.cell2, entry.trans); } ++index; } auto nncCompare = []( const Opm::NNCdata& nnc1, const Opm::NNCdata& nnc2){ return nnc1.cell1 < nnc2.cell1 || ( nnc1.cell1 == nnc2.cell1 && nnc1.cell2 < nnc2.cell2);}; // Sort the nncData values from the deck as they need to be // Checked when writing NNC transmissibilities from the simulation. std::sort(nncData.begin(), nncData.end(), nncCompare); typedef typename EquilGrid :: LeafGridView GlobalGridView; const GlobalGridView& globalGridView = globalGrid().leafGridView(); typedef Dune::MultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper ElementMapper; ElementMapper globalElemMapper(globalGridView, Dune::mcmgElementLayout()); const EclTransmissibility* globalTrans; if (!collectToIORank_.isParallel()) { // in the sequential case we must use the transmissibilites defined by // the problem. (because in the sequential case, the grid manager does // not compute "global" transmissibilities for performance reasons. in // the parallel case, the problem's transmissibilities can't be used // because this object refers to the distributed grid and we need the // sequential version here.) globalTrans = &simulator_.problem().eclTransmissibilities(); } else { globalTrans = &(simulator_.vanguard().globalTransmissibility()); } // Cartesian index mapper for the serial I/O grid const auto& equilCartMapper = simulator_.vanguard().equilCartesianIndexMapper(); const auto& cartDims = simulator_.vanguard().cartesianIndexMapper().cartesianDimensions(); auto elemIt = globalGridView.template begin(); const auto& elemEndIt = globalGridView.template end(); for (; elemIt != elemEndIt; ++ elemIt) { const auto& elem = *elemIt; auto isIt = globalGridView.ibegin(elem); const auto& isEndIt = globalGridView.iend(elem); for (; isIt != isEndIt; ++ isIt) { const auto& is = *isIt; if (!is.neighbor()) continue; // intersection is on the domain boundary unsigned c1 = globalElemMapper.index(is.inside()); unsigned c2 = globalElemMapper.index(is.outside()); if (c1 > c2) continue; // we only need to handle each connection once, thank you. std::size_t cc1 = equilCartMapper.cartesianIndex( c1 ); //globalIOGrid_.globalCell()[c1]; std::size_t cc2 = equilCartMapper.cartesianIndex( c2 ); //globalIOGrid_.globalCell()[c2]; if ( cc2 < cc1 ) std::swap(cc1, cc2); auto cellDiff = cc2 - cc1; if (cellDiff != 1 && cellDiff != nx && cellDiff != nx*ny && ! directVerticalNeighbors(cartDims, cartesianToActive, cc1, cc2)) { // We need to check whether an NNC for this face was also specified // via the NNC keyword in the deck (i.e. in the first origNncSize entries. auto t = globalTrans->transmissibility(c1, c2); auto candidate = std::lower_bound(nncData.begin(), nncData.end(), Opm::NNCdata(cc1, cc2, 0.0), nncCompare); while ( candidate != nncData.end() && candidate->cell1 == cc1 && candidate->cell2 == cc2) { t -= candidate->trans; ++candidate; } // eclipse ignores NNCs with zero transmissibility (different threshold than for NNC // with corresponding EDITNNC above). In addition we do set small transmissibilties // to zero when setting up the simulator. These will be ignored here, too. auto tt = unitSystem.from_si(Opm::UnitSystem::measure::transmissibility, std::abs(t)); if ( tt > 1e-12 ) outputNnc.push_back({cc1, cc2, t}); } } } Opm::NNC ret; for(const auto& nncItem: outputNnc) ret.addNNC(nncItem.cell1, nncItem.cell2, nncItem.trans); return ret; } struct EclWriteTasklet : public TaskletInterface { Opm::Action::State actionState_; Opm::SummaryState summaryState_; Opm::EclipseIO& eclIO_; int reportStepNum_; bool isSubStep_; double secondsElapsed_; Opm::RestartValue restartValue_; bool writeDoublePrecision_; explicit EclWriteTasklet(const Opm::Action::State& actionState, const Opm::SummaryState& summaryState, Opm::EclipseIO& eclIO, int reportStepNum, bool isSubStep, double secondsElapsed, Opm::RestartValue restartValue, bool writeDoublePrecision) : actionState_(actionState) , summaryState_(summaryState) , eclIO_(eclIO) , reportStepNum_(reportStepNum) , isSubStep_(isSubStep) , secondsElapsed_(secondsElapsed) , restartValue_(restartValue) , writeDoublePrecision_(writeDoublePrecision) { } // callback to eclIO serial writeTimeStep method void run() { eclIO_.writeTimeStep(actionState_, summaryState_, reportStepNum_, isSubStep_, secondsElapsed_, restartValue_, writeDoublePrecision_); } }; const Opm::EclipseState& eclState() const { return simulator_.vanguard().eclState(); } Opm::SummaryState& summaryState() { return simulator_.vanguard().summaryState(); } Opm::Action::State& actionState() { return simulator_.vanguard().actionState(); } const Opm::Schedule& schedule() const { return simulator_.vanguard().schedule(); } void prepareLocalCellData(const bool isSubStep, const int reportStepNum) { const auto& gridView = simulator_.vanguard().gridView(); const int numElements = gridView.size(/*codim=*/0); const bool log = collectToIORank_.isIORank(); eclOutputModule_.allocBuffers(numElements, reportStepNum, isSubStep, log, /*isRestart*/ false); ElementContext elemCtx(simulator_); ElementIterator elemIt = gridView.template begin(); const ElementIterator& elemEndIt = gridView.template end(); for (; elemIt != elemEndIt; ++elemIt) { const Element& elem = *elemIt; elemCtx.updatePrimaryStencil(elem); elemCtx.updatePrimaryIntensiveQuantities(/*timeIdx=*/0); eclOutputModule_.processElement(elemCtx); } } void writeOutput(const int reportStepNum, const bool isSubStep, ::Opm::data::Solution&& localCellData, ::Opm::data::Wells&& localWellData, ::Opm::data::GroupValues&& localGroupData) { const Scalar curTime = simulator_.time() + simulator_.timeStepSize(); const Scalar nextStepSize = simulator_.problem().nextTimeStepSize(); const auto isParallel = this->collectToIORank_.isParallel(); Opm::RestartValue restartValue { isParallel ? this->collectToIORank_.globalCellData() : std::move(localCellData), isParallel ? this->collectToIORank_.globalWellData() : std::move(localWellData), isParallel ? this->collectToIORank_.globalGroupData() : std::move(localGroupData) }; if (simulator_.vanguard().eclState().getSimulationConfig().useThresholdPressure()) { restartValue.addExtra("THRESHPR", Opm::UnitSystem::measure::pressure, simulator_.problem().thresholdPressure().data()); } // Add suggested next timestep to extra data. if (! isSubStep) { restartValue.addExtra("OPMEXTRA", std::vector(1, nextStepSize)); } // first, create a tasklet to write the data for the current time // step to disk auto eclWriteTasklet = std::make_shared( this->actionState(), this->summaryState(), *this->eclIO_, reportStepNum, isSubStep, curTime, std::move(restartValue), EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, EclOutputDoublePrecision) ); // then, make sure that the previous I/O request has been completed // and the number of incomplete tasklets does not increase between // time steps this->taskletRunner_->barrier(); // finally, start a new output writing job this->taskletRunner_->dispatch(std::move(eclWriteTasklet)); } Simulator& simulator_; CollectDataToIORankType collectToIORank_; EclOutputBlackOilModule eclOutputModule_; std::unique_ptr eclIO_; std::unique_ptr taskletRunner_; Scalar restartTimeStepSize_; }; } // namespace Opm #endif