/* Copyright 2014 Dr. Markus Blatt - HPC-Simulation-Software & Services. Copyright 2014 Statoil AS This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM). OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifndef OPM_GRIDHELPERS_HEADER_INCLUDED #define OPM_GRIDHELPERS_HEADER_INCLUDED #include <functional> #include <boost/range/iterator_range.hpp> #include <opm/core/grid.h> #include <opm/core/grid/GridHelpers.hpp> #include <opm/core/utility/platform_dependent/disable_warnings.h> #include <Eigen/Eigen> #include <Eigen/Sparse> #ifdef HAVE_DUNE_CORNERPOINT #include <dune/grid/CpGrid.hpp> #endif #include <opm/core/utility/platform_dependent/reenable_warnings.h> namespace Opm { namespace AutoDiffGrid { /// \brief Mapps a grid type to the corresponding face to cell mapping. /// /// The value of the mapping is provided by the type Type. template<class T> struct ADFaceCellTraits { }; /// \brief Get the z coordinates of the cell centroids of a grid. Eigen::Array<double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> cellCentroidsZToEigen(const UnstructuredGrid& grid); /// \brief Get the centroid of a cell. /// \param grid The grid whose cell centroid we query. /// \param cell_index The index of the corresponding cell. const double* cellCentroid(const UnstructuredGrid& grid, int cell_index); /// \brief Get the cell centroid of a face. /// \param grid The grid whose cell centroid we query. /// \param face_index The index of the corresponding face. const double* faceCentroid(const UnstructuredGrid& grid, int face_index); /// \brief Mapping of the grid type to the type of the cell to faces mapping. template<class T> struct ADCell2FacesTraits : public Opm::UgGridHelpers::Cell2FacesTraits<T> { }; /// \brief Get the volume of a cell. /// \param grid The grid the cell belongs to. /// \param cell_index The index of the cell. double cellVolume(const UnstructuredGrid& grid, int cell_index); /// \brief The mapping of the grid type to type of the iterator over /// the cell volumes. /// /// The value of the mapping is stored in nested type IteratorType /// \tparam T The type of the grid. template<class T> struct ADCellVolumesTraits { }; template<> struct ADCellVolumesTraits<UnstructuredGrid> { typedef const double* IteratorType; }; /// \brief Get an iterator over the cell volumes of a grid positioned at the first cell. const double* beginCellVolumes(const UnstructuredGrid& grid); /// \brief Get an iterator over the cell volumes of a grid positioned after the last cell. const double* endCellVolumes(const UnstructuredGrid& grid); /// \brief extracts the internal faces of a grid. /// \param[in] The grid whose internal faces we query. /// \param[out] internal_faces The internal faces. /// \param[out] nbi void extractInternalFaces(const UnstructuredGrid& grid, Eigen::Array<int, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>& internal_faces, Eigen::Array<int, Eigen::Dynamic, 2, Eigen::RowMajor>& nbi); } // end namespace AutoDiffGrid } // end namespace Opm #ifdef HAVE_DUNE_CORNERPOINT #include <dune/common/iteratorfacades.hh> namespace Opm { namespace AutoDiffGrid { /// \brief A proxy class representing a row of FaceCellsContainer. class FaceCellsProxy { public: /// \brief Constructor. /// \param grid The grid whose face to cell mapping we represent. /// \param cell_index The index of the cell we repesent. FaceCellsProxy(const Dune::CpGrid* grid, int cell_index) : grid_(grid), cell_index_(cell_index) {} /// \brief Get the index of the cell associated with a local_index. int operator[](int local_index) { return grid_->faceCell(cell_index_, local_index); } private: const Dune::CpGrid* grid_; int cell_index_; }; /// \brief A class representing the face to cells mapping similar to the /// way done in UnstructuredGrid. class FaceCellsContainerProxy { public: typedef FaceCellsProxy row_type; /// \brief Constructor. /// \param grid The grid whose information we represent. FaceCellsContainerProxy(const Dune::CpGrid* grid) : grid_(grid) {} /// \brief Get the mapping for a cell. /// \param cell_index The index of the cell. FaceCellsProxy operator[](int cell_index) const { return FaceCellsProxy(grid_, cell_index); } /// \brief Get a face associated with a cell. /// \param cell_index The index of the cell. /// \param local_index The local index of the cell, either 0 or 1. /// \param The index of the face or -1 if it is not present because of /// a boundary. int operator()(int cell_index, int local_index) const { return grid_->faceCell(cell_index, local_index); } private: const Dune::CpGrid* grid_; }; class Cell2FacesRow { public: class iterator : public Dune::RandomAccessIteratorFacade<iterator,int, int, int> { public: iterator(const Dune::cpgrid::OrientedEntityTable<0,1>::row_type* row, int index) : row_(row), index_(index) {} void increment() { ++index_; } void decrement() { --index_; } int dereference() const { return row_->operator[](index_).index(); } int elementAt(int n) const { return row_->operator[](n).index(); } void advance(int n) { index_+=n; } int distanceTo(const iterator& o)const { return o.index_-index_; } bool equals(const iterator& o) const { return index_==o.index_; } private: const Dune::cpgrid::OrientedEntityTable<0,1>::row_type* row_; int index_; }; typedef iterator const_iterator; Cell2FacesRow(const Dune::cpgrid::OrientedEntityTable<0,1>::row_type row) : row_(row) {} const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(&row_, 0); } const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(&row_, row_.size()); } private: const Dune::cpgrid::OrientedEntityTable<0,1>::row_type row_; }; class Cell2FacesContainer { public: typedef Cell2FacesRow row_type; Cell2FacesContainer(const Dune::CpGrid* grid) : grid_(grid) {}; Cell2FacesRow operator[](int cell_index) const { return Cell2FacesRow(grid_->cellFaceRow(cell_index)); } /// \brief Get the number of non-zero entries. std::size_t noEntries() const { return grid_->numCellFaces(); } private: const Dune::CpGrid* grid_; }; } namespace UgGridHelpers { template<> struct Cell2FacesTraits<Dune::CpGrid> { typedef Opm::AutoDiffGrid::Cell2FacesContainer Type; }; /// \brief An iterator over the cell volumes. template<const Dune::FieldVector<double, 3>& (Dune::CpGrid::*Method)(int)const> class CpGridCentroidIterator : public Dune::RandomAccessIteratorFacade<CpGridCentroidIterator<Method>, Dune::FieldVector<double, 3>, const Dune::FieldVector<double, 3>&, int> { public: /// \brief Creates an iterator. /// \param grid The grid the iterator belongs to. /// \param cell_index The position of the iterator. CpGridCentroidIterator(const Dune::CpGrid& grid, int cell_index) : grid_(&grid), cell_index_(cell_index) {} const Dune::FieldVector<double, 3>& dereference() const { return std::mem_fn(Method)(*grid_, cell_index_); } void increment() { ++cell_index_; } const Dune::FieldVector<double, 3>& elementAt(int n) const { return std::mem_fn(Method)(*grid_, n); } void advance(int n) { cell_index_+=n; } void decrement() { --cell_index_; } int distanceTo(const CpGridCentroidIterator& o) const { return o.cell_index_-cell_index_; } bool equals(const CpGridCentroidIterator& o) const { return o.grid_==grid_ && o.cell_index_==cell_index_; } private: const Dune::CpGrid* grid_; int cell_index_; }; template<> struct CellCentroidTraits<Dune::CpGrid> { typedef CpGridCentroidIterator<&Dune::CpGrid::cellCentroid> IteratorType; typedef const double* ValueType; }; /// \brief Get the number of cells of a grid. int numCells(const Dune::CpGrid& grid); /// \brief Get the number of faces of a grid. int numFaces(const Dune::CpGrid& grid); /// \brief Get the dimensions of a grid int dimensions(const Dune::CpGrid& grid); /// \brief Get the number of faces, where each face counts as many times as there are adjacent faces int numCellFaces(const Dune::CpGrid& grid); /// \brief Get the cartesion dimension of the underlying structured grid. const int* cartDims(const Dune::CpGrid& grid); /// \brief Get the local to global index mapping. /// /// The global index is the index of the active cell /// in the underlying structured grid. const int* globalCell(const Dune::CpGrid&); CellCentroidTraits<Dune::CpGrid>::IteratorType beginCellCentroids(const Dune::CpGrid& grid); /// \brief Get a coordinate of a specific cell centroid. /// \brief grid The grid. /// \brief cell_index The index of the specific cell. /// \breif coordinate The coordinate index. double cellCentroidCoordinate(const UnstructuredGrid& grid, int cell_index, int coordinate); template<> struct FaceCentroidTraits<Dune::CpGrid> { typedef CpGridCentroidIterator<&Dune::CpGrid::faceCentroid> IteratorType; typedef const Dune::CpGrid::Vector ValueType; }; /// \brief Get an iterator over the face centroids positioned at the first cell. FaceCentroidTraits<Dune::CpGrid>::IteratorType beginFaceCentroids(const Dune::CpGrid& grid); /// \brief Get a coordinate of a specific face centroid. /// \param grid The grid. /// \param face_index The index of the specific face. /// \param coordinate The coordinate index. FaceCentroidTraits<Dune::CpGrid>::ValueType faceCentroid(const Dune::CpGrid& grid, int face_index); template<> struct FaceCellTraits<Dune::CpGrid> { typedef Opm::AutoDiffGrid::FaceCellsContainerProxy Type; }; /// \brief Get the cell to faces mapping of a grid. Opm::AutoDiffGrid::Cell2FacesContainer cell2Faces(const Dune::CpGrid& grid); /// \brief Get the face to cell mapping of a grid. FaceCellTraits<Dune::CpGrid>::Type faceCells(const Dune::CpGrid& grid); const double* faceNormal(const Dune::CpGrid& grid, int face_index); double faceArea(const Dune::CpGrid& grid, int face_index); } // end namespace UgGridHelperHelpers namespace AutoDiffGrid { /// \brief Get the z coordinates of the cell centroids of a grid. /// \return The z coordinates of the cell centroids in an Eigen array Eigen::Array<double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> cellCentroidsZToEigen(const Dune::CpGrid& grid); /// \brief Get the centroid of a cell. /// \param grid The grid whose cell centroid we query. /// \param cell_index The index of the corresponding cell. const double* cellCentroid(const Dune::CpGrid& grid, int cell_index); /// \brief Get the cell centroid of a face. /// \param grid The grid whose cell centroid we query. /// \param face_index The index of the corresponding face. const double* faceCentroid(const Dune::CpGrid& grid, int face_index); template<> struct ADCell2FacesTraits<Dune::CpGrid> { typedef Cell2FacesContainer Type; }; /// \brief Get the volume of a cell. /// \param grid The grid the cell belongs to. /// \param cell_index The index of the cell. double cellVolume(const Dune::CpGrid& grid, int cell_index); /// \brief An iterator over the cell volumes. class CellVolumeIterator : public Dune::RandomAccessIteratorFacade<CellVolumeIterator, double, double, int> { public: /// \brief Creates an iterator. /// \param grid The grid the iterator belongs to. /// \param cell_index The position of the iterator. CellVolumeIterator(const Dune::CpGrid& grid, int cell_index) : grid_(&grid), cell_index_(cell_index) {} double dereference() const { return grid_->cellVolume(cell_index_); } void increment() { ++cell_index_; } double elementAt(int n) const { return grid_->cellVolume(n); } void advance(int n) { cell_index_+=n; } void decrement() { --cell_index_; } int distanceTo(const CellVolumeIterator& o) const { return o.cell_index_-cell_index_; } bool equals(const CellVolumeIterator& o) const { return o.grid_==grid_ && o.cell_index_==cell_index_; } private: const Dune::CpGrid* grid_; int cell_index_; }; template<> struct ADCellVolumesTraits<Dune::CpGrid> { typedef CellVolumeIterator IteratorType; }; /// \brief Get an iterator over the cell volumes of a grid positioned at the first cell. CellVolumeIterator beginCellVolumes(const Dune::CpGrid& grid); /// \brief Get an iterator over the cell volumes of a grid positioned one after the last cell. CellVolumeIterator endCellVolumes(const Dune::CpGrid& grid); /// \brief extracts the internal faces of a grid. /// \param[in] The grid whose internal faces we query. /// \param[out] internal_faces The internal faces. /// \param[out] nbi void extractInternalFaces(const Dune::CpGrid& grid, Eigen::Array<int, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>& internal_faces, Eigen::Array<int, Eigen::Dynamic, 2, Eigen::RowMajor>& nbi); template<> struct ADFaceCellTraits<Dune::CpGrid> : public Opm::UgGridHelpers::FaceCellTraits<Dune::CpGrid> {}; /// \brief Get the face to cell mapping of a grid. ADFaceCellTraits<Dune::CpGrid>::Type faceCellsToEigen(const Dune::CpGrid& grid); } // end namespace AutoDiffGrid } //end namespace OPM #endif namespace Opm { namespace AutoDiffGrid { using Opm::UgGridHelpers::SparseTableView; using Opm::UgGridHelpers::numCells; using Opm::UgGridHelpers::faceCells; using Opm::UgGridHelpers::numFaces; using Opm::UgGridHelpers::dimensions; using Opm::UgGridHelpers::cartDims; using Opm::UgGridHelpers::globalCell; using Opm::UgGridHelpers::cell2Faces; using Opm::UgGridHelpers::increment; using Opm::UgGridHelpers::getCoordinate; using Opm::UgGridHelpers::numCellFaces; using Opm::UgGridHelpers::beginFaceCentroids; using Opm::UgGridHelpers::beginCellCentroids; template<> struct ADFaceCellTraits<UnstructuredGrid> { typedef Eigen::Array<int, Eigen::Dynamic, 2, Eigen::RowMajor> Type; }; /// \brief Get the face to cell mapping of a grid. ADFaceCellTraits<UnstructuredGrid>::Type faceCellsToEigen(const UnstructuredGrid& grid); } // end namespace AutoDiffGrid } //end namespace OPM #endif