Copyright 2015 Dr. Blatt - HPC-Simulation-Software & Services
Copyright 2015 Statoil AS
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see .
namespace Opm
class ParallelRestrictedOverlappingSchwarz;
} // end namespace Opm
namespace Dune
namespace Amg
/// \brief Tells AMG how to construct the Opm::ParallelOverlappingILU0 smoother
/// \tparam Domain The type of the Vector representing the domain.
/// \tparam Range The type of the Vector representing the range.
/// \tparam ParallelInfo The type of the parallel information object
/// used, e.g. Dune::OwnerOverlapCommunication
/// \tparam SeqPreconditioner The underlying sequential preconditioner to use.
struct ConstructionTraits >
typedef DefaultParallelConstructionArgs Arguments;
typedef ConstructionTraits SeqConstructionTraits;
/// \brief Construct a parallel restricted overlapping schwarz preconditioner.
typedef std::shared_ptr< Opm::ParallelRestrictedOverlappingSchwarz > ParallelRestrictedOverlappingSchwarzPointer;
static inline ParallelRestrictedOverlappingSchwarzPointer
construct(Arguments& args)
using PROS =
return std::make_shared(*SeqConstructionTraits::construct(args),
/// \brief Deconstruct and free a parallel restricted overlapping schwarz preconditioner.
static inline void deconstruct(Opm::ParallelRestrictedOverlappingSchwarz
* bp)
delete bp;
/// \brief Tells AMG how to use Opm::ParallelOverlappingILU0 smoother
/// \tparam Domain The type of the Vector representing the domain.
/// \tparam Range The type of the Vector representing the range.
/// \tparam ParallelInfo The type of the parallel information object
/// used, e.g. Dune::OwnerOverlapCommunication
/// \tparam SeqPreconditioner The underlying sequential preconditioner to use.
struct SmootherTraits >
typedef DefaultSmootherArgs Arguments;
} // end namespace Amg
} // end namespace Dune
namespace Opm{
/// \brief Block parallel preconditioner.
/// This is essentially a wrapper that takes a sequential
/// preconditioner. In each step the sequential preconditioner
/// is applied to the whole subdomain and then all owner data
/// points are updated on all other processes from the processor
/// that knows the complete matrix row for this data point (in dune-istl
/// speak that is the one that owns the data).
/// Note that this is different from the usual approach in dune-istl where
/// the application of the sequential preconditioner only takes place on
/// the (owner) partition of the process disregarding any overlap/ghost region.
/// For more information see https://www.cs.colorado.edu/~cai/papers/rash.pdf
/// \tparam Domain The type of the Vector representing the domain.
/// \tparam Range The type of the Vector representing the range.
/// \tparam ParallelInfo The type of the parallel information object
/// used, e.g. Dune::OwnerOverlapCommunication
/// \tparam SeqPreconditioner The underlying sequential preconditioner to use.
template >
class ParallelRestrictedOverlappingSchwarz
: public Dune::Preconditioner {
friend class Dune::Amg
::ConstructionTraits >;
//! \brief The domain type of the preconditioner.
typedef Domain domain_type;
//! \brief The range type of the preconditioner.
typedef Range range_type;
//! \brief The field type of the preconditioner.
typedef typename Domain::field_type field_type;
//! \brief The type of the communication object.
typedef ParallelInfo communication_type;
// define the category
enum {
//! \brief The category the precondtioner is part of.
/*! \brief Constructor.
constructor gets all parameters to operate the prec.
\param p The sequential preconditioner.
\param c The communication object for syncing overlap and copy
data points. (E.~g. OwnerOverlapCommunication )
ParallelRestrictedOverlappingSchwarz (SeqPreconditioner& p, const communication_type& c)
: preconditioner_(p), communication_(c)
{ }
\brief Prepare the preconditioner.
\copydoc Preconditioner::pre(X&,Y&)
virtual void pre (Domain& x, Range& b)
communication_.copyOwnerToAll(x,x); // make dirichlet values consistent
\brief Apply the preconditioner
\copydoc Preconditioner::apply(X&,const Y&)
virtual void apply (Domain& v, const Range& d)
apply(v, d);
void apply (Domain& v, const Range& d)
// hack us a mutable d to prevent copying.
Range& md = const_cast(d);
preconditioner_.template apply(v,d);
// Make sure that d is the same as at the beginning of apply.
\brief Clean up.
\copydoc Preconditioner::post(X&)
virtual void post (Range& x)
//! \brief a sequential preconditioner
SeqPreconditioner& preconditioner_;
//! \brief the communication object
const communication_type& communication_;
} // end namespace OPM