/* Copyright 2021 Equinor ASA. This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM). OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OPM. If not, see . */ #include #include namespace Opm { GasLiftGroupInfo:: GasLiftGroupInfo( GLiftEclWells &ecl_wells, const Schedule &schedule, const SummaryState &summary_state, const int report_step_idx, const int iteration_idx, const PhaseUsage &phase_usage, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger, WellState &well_state, const Communication &comm, bool glift_debug ) : GasLiftCommon(well_state, deferred_logger, glift_debug) , ecl_wells_{ecl_wells} , schedule_{schedule} , summary_state_{summary_state} , report_step_idx_{report_step_idx} , iteration_idx_{iteration_idx} , phase_usage_{phase_usage} , comm_{comm} , glo_{schedule_.glo(report_step_idx_)} { } /**************************************** * Public methods in alphabetical order ****************************************/ double GasLiftGroupInfo:: alqRate(const std::string& group_name) { auto& group_rate = this->group_rate_map_.at(group_name); return group_rate.alq(); } int GasLiftGroupInfo:: getGroupIdx(const std::string& group_name) { return this->group_idx_.at(group_name); } double GasLiftGroupInfo:: gasRate(const std::string& group_name) const { auto& group_rate = this->group_rate_map_.at(group_name); return group_rate.gasRate(); } std::optional GasLiftGroupInfo:: gasTarget(const std::string& group_name) const { auto& group_rate = this->group_rate_map_.at(group_name); return group_rate.gasTarget(); } double GasLiftGroupInfo:: getRate(Rate rate_type, const std::string& group_name) const { switch (rate_type) { case Rate::oil: return oilRate(group_name); case Rate::gas: return gasRate(group_name); case Rate::water: return waterRate(group_name); case Rate::liquid: return oilRate(group_name) + waterRate(group_name); default: // Need this to avoid compiler warning : control reaches end of non-void function throw std::runtime_error("This should not happen"); } } std::tuple GasLiftGroupInfo:: getRates(const int group_idx) const { const auto& group_name = groupIdxToName(group_idx); auto& rates = this->group_rate_map_.at(group_name); return std::make_tuple(rates.oilRate(), rates.gasRate(), rates.waterRate(), rates.alq()); } std::optional GasLiftGroupInfo:: getTarget(Rate rate_type, const std::string& group_name) const { switch (rate_type) { case Rate::oil: return oilTarget(group_name); case Rate::gas: return gasTarget(group_name); case Rate::water: return waterTarget(group_name); case Rate::liquid: return liquidTarget(group_name); default: // Need this to avoid compiler warning : control reaches end of non-void function throw std::runtime_error("This should not happen"); } } std::vector>& GasLiftGroupInfo:: getWellGroups(const std::string& well_name) { assert(this->well_group_map_.count(well_name) == 1); return this->well_group_map_[well_name]; } const std::string& GasLiftGroupInfo:: groupIdxToName(int group_idx) const { const std::string *group_name = nullptr; // TODO: An alternative to the below loop is to set up a reverse map from idx -> // string, then we could in theory do faster lookup here.. for (const auto& [key, value] : this->group_idx_) { if (value == group_idx) { // NOTE: it is assumed that the mapping from name->idx is one-to-one // so there can only be one idx with a given group name. group_name = &key; break; } } // the caller is responsible for providing a valid idx, so group_name // cannot be nullptr here.. assert(group_name); return *group_name; } bool GasLiftGroupInfo:: hasAnyTarget(const std::string& group_name) const { return oilTarget(group_name) || gasTarget(group_name) || waterTarget(group_name) || liquidTarget(group_name); } bool GasLiftGroupInfo:: hasWell(const std::string& well_name) { return this->well_group_map_.count(well_name) == 1; } void GasLiftGroupInfo:: initialize() { const auto& group = this->schedule_.getGroup("FIELD", this->report_step_idx_); initializeGroupRatesRecursive_(group); std::vector group_names; std::vector group_efficiency; initializeWell2GroupMapRecursive_( group, group_names, group_efficiency, /*current efficiency=*/1.0); } std::optional GasLiftGroupInfo:: liquidTarget(const std::string &group_name) const { auto& group_rate = this->group_rate_map_.at(group_name); return group_rate.liquidTarget(); } std::optional GasLiftGroupInfo:: maxAlq(const std::string& group_name) { auto& group_rate = this->group_rate_map_.at(group_name); return group_rate.maxAlq(); } std::optional GasLiftGroupInfo:: maxTotalGasRate(const std::string& group_name) { auto& group_rate = this->group_rate_map_.at(group_name); return group_rate.maxTotalGasRate(); } double GasLiftGroupInfo:: oilRate(const std::string &group_name) const { auto& group_rate = this->group_rate_map_.at(group_name); return group_rate.oilRate(); } std::optional GasLiftGroupInfo:: oilTarget(const std::string &group_name) const { auto& group_rate = this->group_rate_map_.at(group_name); return group_rate.oilTarget(); } const std::string GasLiftGroupInfo:: rateToString(Rate rate) { switch (rate) { case Rate::oil: return "oil"; case Rate::gas: return "gas"; case Rate::water: return "water"; case Rate::liquid: return "liquid"; default: throw std::runtime_error("This should not happen"); } } double GasLiftGroupInfo:: waterRate(const std::string &group_name) const { auto& group_rate = this->group_rate_map_.at(group_name); return group_rate.waterRate(); } std::optional GasLiftGroupInfo:: waterTarget(const std::string &group_name) const { auto& group_rate = this->group_rate_map_.at(group_name); return group_rate.waterTarget(); } void GasLiftGroupInfo:: update( const std::string &group_name, double delta_oil, double delta_gas, double delta_water, double delta_alq) { auto& group_rate = this->group_rate_map_.at(group_name); group_rate.update(delta_oil, delta_gas, delta_water, delta_alq); } void GasLiftGroupInfo:: updateRate(int idx, double oil_rate, double gas_rate, double water_rate, double alq) { const auto& group_name = groupIdxToName(idx); auto& rates = this->group_rate_map_.at(group_name); rates.assign(oil_rate, gas_rate, water_rate, alq); } /**************************************** * Protected methods in alphabetical order ****************************************/ bool GasLiftGroupInfo:: checkDoGasLiftOptimization_(const std::string &well_name) { if (this->well_state_.gliftCheckAlqOscillation(well_name)) { displayDebugMessage_( "further optimization skipped due to oscillation in ALQ", well_name); return false; } auto itr = this->ecl_wells_.find(well_name); if (itr == this->ecl_wells_.end()) { // well_name is not present in the well_model's well container displayDebugMessage_("Could find well ecl_wells. Skipping.", well_name); return false; } const Well *well = (itr->second).first; //assert(well); // Should never be nullptr if (well->isInjector()) { displayDebugMessage_("Injector well. Skipping", well_name); return false; } if (this->optimize_only_thp_wells_) { const int well_index = (itr->second).second; const auto& ws = this->well_state_.well(well_index); const Well::ProducerCMode& control_mode = ws.production_cmode; if (control_mode != Well::ProducerCMode::THP ) { displayDebugMessage_("Not THP control. Skipping.", well_name); return false; } } if (!checkNewtonIterationIdxOk_(well_name)) { return false; } if (!this->glo_.has_well(well_name)) { displayDebugMessage_( "Gas Lift not activated: WLIFTOPT is probably missing. Skipping.", well_name); return false; } auto increment = this->glo_.gaslift_increment(); // NOTE: According to the manual: LIFTOPT, item 1, : // "Increment size for lift gas injection rate. Lift gas is // allocated to individual wells in whole numbers of the increment // size. If gas lift optimization is no longer required, it can be // turned off by entering a zero or negative number." if (increment <= 0) { if (this->debug) { const std::string msg = fmt::format( "Gas Lift switched off in LIFTOPT item 1 due to non-positive " "value: {}", increment); displayDebugMessage_(msg, well_name); } return false; } else { return true; } } bool GasLiftGroupInfo:: checkNewtonIterationIdxOk_(const std::string &well_name) { if (this->glo_.all_newton()) { const int nupcol = this->schedule_[this->report_step_idx_].nupcol(); if (this->debug) { const std::string msg = fmt::format( "LIFTOPT item4 == YES, it = {}, nupcol = {} --> GLIFT optimize = {}", this->iteration_idx_, nupcol, ((this->iteration_idx_ <= nupcol) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")); displayDebugMessage_(msg, well_name); } return this->iteration_idx_ <= nupcol; } else { if (this->debug) { const std::string msg = fmt::format( "LIFTOPT item4 == NO, it = {} --> GLIFT optimize = {}", this->iteration_idx_, ((this->iteration_idx_ == 1) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")); displayDebugMessage_(msg, well_name); } return this->iteration_idx_ == 1; } } void GasLiftGroupInfo:: debugDisplayWellContribution_( const std::string& gr_name, const std::string& well_name, double eff_factor, double well_oil_rate, double well_gas_rate, double well_water_rate, double well_alq, double oil_rate, double gas_rate, double water_rate, double alq ) const { const std::string msg = fmt::format("Group rate for {} : Well {} : " "eff_factor = {}, oil_rate = {}, gas_rate = {}, water_rate = {}, " "alq = {}, New group rates: oil = {}, gas = {}, water = {}, alq = {}", gr_name, well_name, eff_factor, well_oil_rate, well_gas_rate, well_water_rate, well_alq, oil_rate, gas_rate, water_rate, alq); displayDebugMessage_(msg); } void GasLiftGroupInfo:: debugDisplayUpdatedGroupRates( const std::string& name, double oil_rate, double gas_rate, double water_rate, double alq) const { const std::string msg = fmt::format("Updated group info for {} : " "oil_rate = {}, gas_rate = {}, water_rate = {}, alq = {}", name, oil_rate, gas_rate, water_rate, alq); displayDebugMessage_(msg); } void GasLiftGroupInfo:: debugEndInitializeGroup(const std::string& name) const { const std::string msg = fmt::format("Finished with group {} ...", name); displayDebugMessage_(msg); } void GasLiftGroupInfo:: debugStartInitializeGroup(const std::string& name) const { const std::string msg = fmt::format("Initializing group {} ...", name); displayDebugMessage_(msg); } void GasLiftGroupInfo:: displayDebugMessage_(const std::string &msg) const { if (this->debug) { const std::string message = fmt::format( " GLIFT (DEBUG) : Init group info : {}", msg); this->deferred_logger_.info(message); } } void GasLiftGroupInfo:: displayDebugMessage_(const std::string &msg, const std::string &well_name) { if (this->debug) { const std::string message = fmt::format( " GLIFT (DEBUG) : Init group info : Well {} : {}", well_name, msg); this->deferred_logger_.info(message); } } std::tuple GasLiftGroupInfo:: getProducerWellRates_(int well_index) { const auto& pu = this->phase_usage_; const auto& ws= this->well_state_.well(well_index); const auto& wrate = ws.well_potentials; const auto oil_rate = pu.phase_used[Oil] ? wrate[pu.phase_pos[Oil]] : 0.0; const auto gas_rate = pu.phase_used[Gas] ? wrate[pu.phase_pos[Gas]] : 0.0; const auto water_rate = pu.phase_used[Water] ? wrate[pu.phase_pos[Water]] : 0.0; return {oil_rate, gas_rate, water_rate}; } std::tuple GasLiftGroupInfo:: initializeGroupRatesRecursive_(const Group &group) { std::array rates{}; if (this->debug) debugStartInitializeGroup(group.name()); auto& [oil_rate, water_rate, gas_rate, alq] = rates; if (group.wellgroup()) { for (const std::string& well_name : group.wells()) { // NOTE: we cannot simply use: // // const auto &well = // this->schedule_.getWell(well_name, this->report_step_idx_); // // since the well may not be active (present in the well container) auto itr = this->ecl_wells_.find(well_name); if (itr != this->ecl_wells_.end()) { const Well *well = (itr->second).first; assert(well); // Should never be nullptr const int index = (itr->second).second; if (well->isProducer()) { auto [sw_oil_rate, sw_gas_rate, sw_water_rate] = getProducerWellRates_(index); auto sw_alq = this->well_state_.getALQ(well_name); double factor = well->getEfficiencyFactor(); oil_rate += (factor * sw_oil_rate); gas_rate += (factor * sw_gas_rate); water_rate += (factor * sw_water_rate); alq += (factor * sw_alq); if (this->debug) { debugDisplayWellContribution_( group.name(), well_name, factor, sw_oil_rate, sw_gas_rate, sw_water_rate, sw_alq, oil_rate, gas_rate, water_rate, alq ); } } } } this->comm_.sum(rates.data(), rates.size()); } else { for (const std::string& group_name : group.groups()) { if (!this->schedule_.back().groups.has(group_name)) continue; const Group& sub_group = this->schedule_.getGroup( group_name, this->report_step_idx_); auto [sg_oil_rate, sg_gas_rate, sg_water_rate, sg_alq] = initializeGroupRatesRecursive_(sub_group); const auto gefac = sub_group.getGroupEfficiencyFactor(); oil_rate += (gefac * sg_oil_rate); gas_rate += (gefac * sg_gas_rate); water_rate += (gefac * sg_water_rate); alq += (gefac * sg_alq); } } if (this->debug) debugEndInitializeGroup(group.name()); std::optional oil_target, gas_target, water_target, liquid_target, max_total_gas, max_alq; const auto controls = group.productionControls(this->summary_state_); if (group.has_control(Group::ProductionCMode::LRAT)) { liquid_target = controls.liquid_target; } if (group.has_control(Group::ProductionCMode::ORAT)) { oil_target = controls.oil_target; } if (group.has_control(Group::ProductionCMode::GRAT)) { gas_target = controls.gas_target; } if (group.has_control(Group::ProductionCMode::WRAT)) { water_target = controls.water_target; } if (this->glo_.has_group(group.name())) { const auto &gl_group = this->glo_.group(group.name()); max_alq = gl_group.max_lift_gas(); max_total_gas = gl_group.max_total_gas(); } if (oil_target || liquid_target || water_target || gas_target || max_total_gas || max_alq) { updateGroupIdxMap_(group.name()); this->group_rate_map_.try_emplace(group.name(), oil_rate, gas_rate, water_rate, alq, oil_target, gas_target, water_target, liquid_target, max_total_gas, max_alq); if (this->debug) { debugDisplayUpdatedGroupRates( group.name(), oil_rate, gas_rate, water_rate, alq); } } return std::make_tuple(oil_rate, gas_rate, water_rate, alq); } void GasLiftGroupInfo:: initializeWell2GroupMapRecursive_( const Group &group, std::vector &group_names, std::vector &group_efficiency, double cur_efficiency) { double gfac = group.getGroupEfficiencyFactor(); cur_efficiency = gfac * cur_efficiency; for (auto &item : group_efficiency) { item *= gfac; } if (this->group_rate_map_.count(group.name()) == 1) { // extract the subset of groups that has limits or targets that can affect // gas lift optimization. group_names.push_back(group.name()); group_efficiency.push_back(gfac); } if (group.wellgroup()) { for (const std::string& well_name : group.wells()) { // TODO: can the same well be memember of two different groups // (on the same recursion level) ? assert(this->well_group_map_.count(well_name) == 0); if (checkDoGasLiftOptimization_(well_name)) { const auto &well = this->schedule_.getWell( well_name, this->report_step_idx_); double wfac = well.getEfficiencyFactor(); auto [itr, success] = this->well_group_map_.insert( {well_name, /*empty vector*/ {}}); assert(success); auto &vec = itr->second; assert(group_names.size() == group_efficiency.size()); auto iter2 = group_efficiency.begin(); for (auto iter1 = group_names.begin(); iter1 != group_names.end(); ++iter1) { double efficiency = (*iter2) * wfac; vec.emplace_back(/*group_name=*/*iter1, efficiency); ++iter2; } } } } else { for (const std::string& group_name : group.groups()) { if (!this->schedule_.back().groups.has(group_name)) continue; const Group& sub_group = this->schedule_.getGroup( group_name, this->report_step_idx_); initializeWell2GroupMapRecursive_( sub_group, group_names, group_efficiency, cur_efficiency); } } if (this->group_rate_map_.count(group.name()) == 1) { group_names.pop_back(); group_efficiency.pop_back(); } } // TODO: It would be more efficient if the group idx map was build once // per time step (or better: once per report step) and saved e.g. in // the well state object, instead of rebuilding here for each of // NUPCOL well iteration for each time step. void GasLiftGroupInfo:: updateGroupIdxMap_(const std::string &group_name) { if (this->group_idx_.count(group_name) == 0) { //auto [itr, success] = this->group_idx_.try_emplace(group_name, this->next_group_idx_); this->next_group_idx_++; } } } // namespace Opm