/* Copyright 2020 Equinor ASA. This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM). OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OPM. If not, see . */ #ifndef OPM_GASLIFT_SINGLE_WELL_GENERIC_HEADER_INCLUDED #define OPM_GASLIFT_SINGLE_WELL_GENERIC_HEADER_INCLUDED #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Opm { class DeferredLogger; class GasLiftWellState; class Schedule; class SummaryState; class WellInterfaceGeneric; class WellState; class GroupState; class GasLiftSingleWellGeneric : public GasLiftCommon { protected: static constexpr int Water = BlackoilPhases::Aqua; static constexpr int Oil = BlackoilPhases::Liquid; static constexpr int Gas = BlackoilPhases::Vapour; static constexpr int NUM_PHASES = 3; static constexpr double ALQ_EPSILON = 1e-8; public: using GLiftSyncGroups = std::set; using Rate = GasLiftGroupInfo::Rate; struct GradInfo { GradInfo() { } GradInfo(double grad_, double new_oil_rate_, bool oil_is_limited_, double new_gas_rate_, bool gas_is_limited_, double new_water_rate_, bool water_is_limited_, double alq_, bool alq_is_limited_) : grad{grad_}, new_oil_rate{new_oil_rate_}, oil_is_limited{oil_is_limited_}, new_gas_rate{new_gas_rate_}, gas_is_limited{gas_is_limited_}, new_water_rate{new_water_rate_}, water_is_limited{water_is_limited_}, alq{alq_}, alq_is_limited{alq_is_limited_} {} double grad; double new_oil_rate; bool oil_is_limited; double new_gas_rate; bool gas_is_limited; double new_water_rate; bool water_is_limited; double alq; bool alq_is_limited; }; virtual ~GasLiftSingleWellGeneric() = default; const std::string& name() const { return well_name_; } std::optional calcIncOrDecGradient(double oil_rate, double gas_rate, double alq, bool increase) const; std::unique_ptr runOptimize(const int iteration_idx); virtual const WellInterfaceGeneric& getWell() const = 0; protected: GasLiftSingleWellGeneric( DeferredLogger& deferred_logger, WellState& well_state, const GroupState& group_state, const Well& ecl_well, const SummaryState& summary_state, GasLiftGroupInfo& group_info, const PhaseUsage& phase_usage, const Schedule& schedule, const int report_step_idx, GLiftSyncGroups& sync_groups, bool glift_debug ); struct LimitedRates; struct BasicRates { BasicRates(const BasicRates& rates) : oil{rates.oil}, gas{rates.gas}, water{rates.water}, bhp_is_limited{rates.bhp_is_limited} {} BasicRates(double oil_, double gas_, double water_, bool bhp_is_limited_) : oil{oil_}, gas{gas_}, water{water_}, bhp_is_limited{bhp_is_limited_} {} BasicRates& operator=(const BasicRates& rates) { oil = rates.oil; gas = rates.gas; water = rates.water; bhp_is_limited = rates.bhp_is_limited; return *this; } // This copy constructor cannot be defined inline here since LimitedRates // has not been defined yet (it is defined below). Instead it is defined in // in the .cpp file BasicRates(const LimitedRates& rates); double operator[](Rate rate_type) const { switch (rate_type) { case Rate::oil: return this->oil; case Rate::gas: return this->gas; case Rate::water: return this->water; case Rate::liquid: return this->oil + this->water; default: throw std::runtime_error("This should not happen"); } } double oil, gas, water; bool bhp_is_limited; }; struct LimitedRates : public BasicRates { enum class LimitType {well, group, none}; LimitedRates( double oil_, double gas_, double water_, bool oil_is_limited_, bool gas_is_limited_, bool water_is_limited_, bool bhp_is_limited_, std::optional oil_limiting_target_, std::optional water_limiting_target_ ) : BasicRates(oil_, gas_, water_, bhp_is_limited_), oil_is_limited{oil_is_limited_}, gas_is_limited{gas_is_limited_}, water_is_limited{water_is_limited_}, oil_limiting_target{oil_limiting_target_}, water_limiting_target{water_limiting_target_} { set_initial_limit_type_(); } LimitedRates( const BasicRates& rates, bool oil_is_limited_, bool gas_is_limited_, bool water_is_limited_ ) : BasicRates(rates), oil_is_limited{oil_is_limited_}, gas_is_limited{gas_is_limited_}, water_is_limited{water_is_limited_} { set_initial_limit_type_(); } bool limited() const { return oil_is_limited || gas_is_limited || water_is_limited; } // For a given ALQ value, were the rates limited due to group targets // or due to well targets? LimitType limit_type; bool oil_is_limited; bool gas_is_limited; bool water_is_limited; std::optional oil_limiting_target; std::optional water_limiting_target; private: void set_initial_limit_type_() { limit_type = limited() ? LimitType::well : LimitType::none; } }; struct OptimizeState { OptimizeState( GasLiftSingleWellGeneric& parent_, bool increase_ ) : parent{parent_}, increase{increase_}, it{0}, stop_iteration{false}, bhp{-1} {} GasLiftSingleWellGeneric& parent; bool increase; int it; bool stop_iteration; double bhp; std::pair,bool> addOrSubtractAlqIncrement(double alq); double calcEcoGradient(double oil_rate, double new_oil_rate, double gas_rate, double new_gas_rate); bool checkAlqOutsideLimits(double alq, double oil_rate); bool checkEcoGradient(double gradient); bool checkOilRateExceedsTarget(double oil_rate); bool checkRatesViolated(const LimitedRates& rates) const; void debugShowIterationInfo(double alq); double getBhpWithLimit(); void warn_(std::string msg) {parent.displayWarning_(msg);} }; bool checkGroupALQrateExceeded(double delta_alq) const; bool checkGroupTotalRateExceeded(double delta_alq, double delta_gas_rate) const; std::pair, bool> addOrSubtractAlqIncrement_( double alq, bool increase) const; double calcEcoGradient_(double oil_rate, double new_oil_rate, double gas_rate, double new_gas_rate, bool increase) const; bool checkALQequal_(double alq1, double alq2) const; bool checkGroupTargetsViolated( const BasicRates& rates, const BasicRates& new_rates) const; bool checkInitialALQmodified_(double alq, double initial_alq) const; bool checkThpControl_() const; virtual std::optional computeBhpAtThpLimit_(double alq) const = 0; std::optional computeInitialWellRates_() const; std::optional computeLimitedWellRatesWithALQ_(double alq) const; virtual BasicRates computeWellRates_(double bhp, bool bhp_is_limited, bool debug_output = true) const = 0; std::optional computeWellRatesWithALQ_(double alq) const; void debugCheckNegativeGradient_(double grad, double alq, double new_alq, double oil_rate, double new_oil_rate, double gas_rate, double new_gas_rate, bool increase) const; void debugPrintWellStateRates() const; void debugShowAlqIncreaseDecreaseCounts_(); void debugShowBhpAlqTable_(); void debugShowLimitingTargets_(const LimitedRates& rates) const; void debugShowProducerControlMode() const; void debugShowStartIteration_(double alq, bool increase, double oil_rate); void debugShowTargets_(); void displayDebugMessage_(const std::string& msg) const override; void displayWarning_(const std::string& warning); std::pair getBhpWithLimit_(double bhp) const; std::pair getGasRateWithLimit_( const BasicRates& rates) const; std::pair getGasRateWithGroupLimit_( double new_gas_rate, double gas_rate) const; std::optional getInitialRatesWithLimit_() const; LimitedRates getLimitedRatesFromRates_(const BasicRates& rates) const; std::tuple getLiquidRateWithGroupLimit_( const double new_oil_rate, const double oil_rate, const double new_water_rate, const double water_rate) const; std::pair getOilRateWithGroupLimit_( double new_oil_rate, double oil_rate) const; std::pair getOilRateWithLimit_(const BasicRates& rates) const; std::pair> getOilRateWithLimit2_( const BasicRates& rates) const; double getProductionTarget_(Rate rate) const; double getRate_(Rate rate_type, const BasicRates& rates) const; std::pair> getRateWithLimit_( Rate rate_type, const BasicRates& rates) const; std::tuple getRateWithGroupLimit_( Rate rate_type, const double new_rate, const double old_rate) const; std::pair getWaterRateWithGroupLimit_( double new_water_rate, double water_rate) const; std::pair getWaterRateWithLimit_(const BasicRates& rates) const; std::pair> getWaterRateWithLimit2_( const BasicRates& rates) const; BasicRates getWellStateRates_() const; bool hasProductionControl_(Rate rate) const; std::pair increaseALQtoPositiveOilRate_( double alq, const LimitedRates& orig_rates) const; std::pair increaseALQtoMinALQ_( double alq, const LimitedRates& orig_rates) const; void logSuccess_(double alq, const int iteration_idx); std::pair maybeAdjustALQbeforeOptimizeLoop_( const LimitedRates& rates, double alq, bool increase) const; std::pair reduceALQtoGroupAlqLimits_( double alq, const LimitedRates& rates) const; std::pair reduceALQtoGroupTarget( double alq, const LimitedRates& rates) const; std::pair reduceALQtoWellTarget_( double alq, const LimitedRates& rates) const; std::unique_ptr runOptimize1_(); std::unique_ptr runOptimize2_(); std::unique_ptr runOptimizeLoop_(bool increase); void setAlqMinRate_(const GasLiftOpt::Well& well); std::unique_ptr tryIncreaseLiftGas_(); std::unique_ptr tryDecreaseLiftGas_(); void updateGroupRates_( const LimitedRates& rates, const LimitedRates& new_rates, double delta_alq) const; LimitedRates updateRatesToGroupLimits_( const BasicRates& rates, const LimitedRates& new_rates) const; void updateWellStateAlqFixedValue_(const GasLiftOpt::Well& well); bool useFixedAlq_(const GasLiftOpt::Well& well); void debugInfoGroupRatesExceedTarget( Rate rate_type, const std::string& gr_name, double rate, double target) const; void warnMaxIterationsExceeded_(); const GroupState& group_state_; const Well& ecl_well_; const SummaryState& summary_state_; GasLiftGroupInfo& group_info_; const PhaseUsage& phase_usage_; GLiftSyncGroups& sync_groups_; const Well::ProductionControls controls_; double increment_; double max_alq_; double min_alq_; double orig_alq_; double alpha_w_; double alpha_g_; double eco_grad_; int gas_pos_; int oil_pos_; int water_pos_; int max_iterations_; std::string well_name_; const GasLiftOpt::Well* gl_well_; bool optimize_; bool debug_limit_increase_decrease_; bool debug_abort_if_decrease_and_oil_is_limited_ = false; bool debug_abort_if_increase_and_gas_is_limited_ = false; }; } // namespace Opm #endif // OPM_GASLIFT_SINGLE_WELL_GENERIC_HEADER_INCLUDED