/* Copyright 2016 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics. Copyright 2016 - 2017 Statoil ASA. Copyright 2017 Dr. Blatt - HPC-Simulation-Software & Services Copyright 2016 - 2018 IRIS AS This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM). OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <config.h> #include <opm/simulators/wells/BlackoilWellModelRestart.hpp> #include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/Group/GuideRateConfig.hpp> #include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/MSW/WellSegments.hpp> #include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/Well/Well.hpp> #include <opm/output/data/Groups.hpp> #include <opm/simulators/wells/BlackoilWellModelGeneric.hpp> #include <opm/simulators/wells/PerforationData.hpp> #include <opm/simulators/wells/SingleWellState.hpp> namespace { Opm::data::GuideRateValue::Item guideRateRestartItem(const Opm::GuideRateModel::Target target) { using Item = Opm::data::GuideRateValue::Item; using Target = Opm::GuideRateModel::Target; static const auto items = std::unordered_map<Target, Item> { { Target::OIL, Item::Oil }, { Target::GAS, Item::Gas }, { Target::WAT, Item::Water }, { Target::RES, Item::ResV }, }; auto i = items.find(target); return (i == items.end()) ? Item::NumItems : i->second; } Opm::GuideRate::GuideRateValue makeGuideRateValue(const Opm::data::GuideRateValue& restart, const Opm::GuideRateModel::Target target) { const auto item = guideRateRestartItem(target); if (! restart.has(item)) { return {}; } return { 0.0, restart.get(item), target }; } } // Anonymous namespace Opm { void BlackoilWellModelRestart:: loadRestartConnectionData(const std::vector<data::Rates::opt>& phs, const data::Well& rst_well, const std::vector<PerforationData>& old_perf_data, SingleWellState& ws) const { auto& perf_data = ws.perf_data; auto perf_pressure = perf_data.pressure.begin(); auto perf_rates = perf_data.rates.begin(); auto perf_phase_rates = perf_data.phase_rates.begin(); for (const auto& pd : old_perf_data) { const auto& rst_connection = rst_well.connections[pd.ecl_index]; *perf_pressure = rst_connection.pressure; ++perf_pressure; *perf_rates = rst_connection.reservoir_rate; ++perf_rates; for (const auto& phase : phs) { *perf_phase_rates = rst_connection.rates.get(phase); ++perf_phase_rates; } } } void BlackoilWellModelRestart:: loadRestartSegmentData(const std::string& well_name, const std::vector<data::Rates::opt>& phs, const data::Well& rst_well, SingleWellState& ws) const { const auto& segment_set = wellModel_.getWellEcl(well_name).getSegments(); const auto& rst_segments = rst_well.segments; // \Note: Eventually we need to handle the situations that some segments are shut assert(0u + segment_set.size() == rst_segments.size()); const auto np = phs.size(); const auto pres_idx = data::SegmentPressures::Value::Pressure; auto& segments = ws.segments; auto& segment_pressure = segments.pressure; auto& segment_rates = segments.rates; for (const auto& [segNum, rst_segment] : rst_segments) { const int segment_index = segment_set.segmentNumberToIndex(segNum); // Recovering segment rates and pressure from the restart values segment_pressure[segment_index] = rst_segment.pressures[pres_idx]; const auto& rst_segment_rates = rst_segment.rates; for (auto p = 0*np; p < np; ++p) { segment_rates[segment_index*np + p] = rst_segment_rates.get(phs[p]); } } } void BlackoilWellModelRestart:: loadRestartWellData(const std::string& well_name, const bool handle_ms_well, const std::vector<data::Rates::opt>& phs, const data::Well& rst_well, const std::vector<PerforationData>& old_perf_data, SingleWellState& ws) const { const auto np = phs.size(); ws.bhp = rst_well.bhp; ws.thp = rst_well.thp; ws.temperature = rst_well.temperature; if (rst_well.current_control.isProducer) { ws.production_cmode = rst_well.current_control.prod; } else { ws.injection_cmode = rst_well.current_control.inj; } for (auto i = 0*np; i < np; ++i) { assert( rst_well.rates.has( phs[ i ] ) ); ws.surface_rates[i] = rst_well.rates.get(phs[i]); } this->loadRestartConnectionData(phs, rst_well, old_perf_data, ws); if (handle_ms_well && !rst_well.segments.empty()) { this->loadRestartSegmentData(well_name, phs, rst_well, ws); } } void BlackoilWellModelRestart:: loadRestartGroupData(const std::string& group, const data::GroupData& value, GroupState& grpState) const { using GPMode = Group::ProductionCMode; using GIMode = Group::InjectionCMode; const auto cpc = value.currentControl.currentProdConstraint; const auto cgi = value.currentControl.currentGasInjectionConstraint; const auto cwi = value.currentControl.currentWaterInjectionConstraint; if (cpc != GPMode::NONE) { grpState.production_control(group, cpc); } if (cgi != GIMode::NONE) { grpState.injection_control(group, Phase::GAS, cgi); } if (cwi != GIMode::NONE) { grpState.injection_control(group, Phase::WATER, cwi); } } void BlackoilWellModelRestart:: loadRestartGuideRates(const int report_step, const GuideRateModel::Target target, const data::Wells& rst_wells, GuideRate& guide_rate) const { for (const auto& [well_name, rst_well] : rst_wells) { if (!wellModel_.hasWell(well_name) || wellModel_.getWellEcl(well_name).isInjector()) { continue; } guide_rate.init_grvalue_SI(report_step, well_name, makeGuideRateValue(rst_well.guide_rates, target)); } } void BlackoilWellModelRestart:: loadRestartGuideRates(const int report_step, const GuideRateConfig& config, const std::map<std::string, data::GroupData>& rst_groups, GuideRate& guide_rate) const { const auto target = config.model().target(); for (const auto& [group_name, rst_group] : rst_groups) { if (!config.has_production_group(group_name)) { continue; } const auto& group = config.production_group(group_name); if ((group.guide_rate > 0.0) || (group.target != Group::GuideRateProdTarget::FORM)) { continue; } guide_rate.init_grvalue_SI(report_step, group_name, makeGuideRateValue(rst_group.guideRates.production, target)); } } void BlackoilWellModelRestart:: loadRestartData(const data::Wells& rst_wells, const data::GroupAndNetworkValues& grpNwrkValues, const bool handle_ms_well, WellState& well_state, GroupState& grpState) const { using rt = data::Rates::opt; const auto& phases = wellModel_.phaseUsage(); const auto np = phases.num_phases; std::vector<rt> phs(np); if (phases.phase_used[BlackoilPhases::Aqua]) { phs.at(phases.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Aqua]) = rt::wat; } if (phases.phase_used[BlackoilPhases::Liquid]) { phs.at( phases.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Liquid] ) = rt::oil; } if (phases.phase_used[BlackoilPhases::Vapour]) { phs.at( phases.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Vapour] ) = rt::gas; } for (auto well_index = 0*well_state.size(); well_index < well_state.size(); ++well_index) { const auto& well_name = well_state.name(well_index); this->loadRestartWellData(well_name, handle_ms_well, phs, rst_wells.at(well_name), wellModel_.perfData(well_index), well_state.well(well_index)); } for (const auto& [group, value] : grpNwrkValues.groupData) { this->loadRestartGroupData(group, value, grpState); } } } // namespace Opm