/* Copyright 2014 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics. Copyright 2017 IRIS AS This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM). OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OPM. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { using P2PCommunicatorType = Dune::Point2PointCommunicator; using MessageBufferType = P2PCommunicatorType::MessageBufferType; class PackUnpackXConn : public P2PCommunicatorType::DataHandleInterface { public: using XConn = std::vector; explicit PackUnpackXConn(const bool isOwner, const XConn& local, XConn& global); // Pack all data associated with link. void pack(const int link, MessageBufferType& buffer); // Unpack all data associated with link. void unpack([[maybe_unused]] const int link, MessageBufferType& buffer); private: const XConn& local_; XConn& global_; }; PackUnpackXConn::PackUnpackXConn(const bool isOwner, const XConn& local, XConn& global) : local_ (local) , global_(global) { if (! isOwner) { return; } this->global_.insert(this->global_.end(), this->local_.begin(), this->local_.end()); } void PackUnpackXConn::pack(const int link, MessageBufferType& buffer) { // We should only get one link if (link != 0) { throw std::logic_error { "link in pack() does not match expected value 0" }; } // Write all local connection results { const auto nconn = this->local_.size(); buffer.write(nconn); } for (const auto& conn : this->local_) { conn.write(buffer); } } void PackUnpackXConn::unpack([[maybe_unused]] const int link, MessageBufferType& buffer) { const auto nconn = [this, &buffer]() { auto nc = 0 * this->local_.size(); buffer.read(nc); return nc; }(); this->global_.reserve(this->global_.size() + nconn); for (auto conn = 0*nconn; conn < nconn; ++conn) { this->global_.emplace_back().read(buffer); } } } // Anonymous namespace namespace Opm { WellState::WellState(const ParallelWellInfo& pinfo) : phase_usage_{} { wells_.add("test4", SingleWellState{"dummy", pinfo, false, 0.0, {}, phase_usage_, 0.0}); } WellState WellState::serializationTestObject(const ParallelWellInfo& pinfo) { WellState result(PhaseUsage{}); result.alq_state = ALQState::serializationTestObject(); result.well_rates = {{"test2", {true, {1.0}}}, {"test3", {false, {2.0}}}}; result.wells_.add("test4", SingleWellState::serializationTestObject(pinfo)); return result; } void WellState::base_init(const std::vector& cellPressures, const std::vector& wells_ecl, const std::vector>& parallel_well_info, const std::vector>& well_perf_data, const SummaryState& summary_state) { // clear old name mapping this->wells_.clear(); { // const int nw = wells->number_of_wells; const int nw = wells_ecl.size(); // const int np = wells->number_of_phases; for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) { const Well& well = wells_ecl[w]; // Initialize bhp(), thp(), wellRates(), temperature(). initSingleWell(cellPressures, well, well_perf_data[w], parallel_well_info[w], summary_state); } } } void WellState::initSingleProducer(const Well& well, const ParallelWellInfo& well_info, double pressure_first_connection, const std::vector& well_perf_data, const SummaryState& summary_state) { const auto& pu = this->phase_usage_; const double temp = 273.15 + 15.56; auto& ws = this->wells_.add(well.name(), SingleWellState{well.name(), well_info, true, pressure_first_connection, well_perf_data, pu, temp}); // the rest of the code needs to executed even if ws.perf_data is empty // as this does not say anything for the whole well if it is distributed. // Hence never ever return here! if (well.getStatus() == Well::Status::OPEN) { ws.status = Well::Status::OPEN; } ws.update_producer_targets(well, summary_state); } void WellState::initSingleInjector(const Well& well, const ParallelWellInfo& well_info, double pressure_first_connection, const std::vector& well_perf_data, const SummaryState& summary_state) { const auto& pu = this->phase_usage_; const double temp = well.temperature(); auto& ws = this->wells_.add(well.name(), SingleWellState{well.name(), well_info, false, pressure_first_connection, well_perf_data, pu, temp}); // the rest of the code needs to executed even if ws.perf_data is empty // as this does not say anything for the whole well if it is distributed. // Hence never ever return here! if (well.getStatus() == Well::Status::OPEN) { ws.status = Well::Status::OPEN; } ws.update_injector_targets(well, summary_state); } void WellState::initSingleWell(const std::vector& cellPressures, const Well& well, const std::vector& well_perf_data, const ParallelWellInfo& well_info, const SummaryState& summary_state) { double pressure_first_connection = -1; if (!well_perf_data.empty()) pressure_first_connection = cellPressures[well_perf_data[0].cell_index]; pressure_first_connection = well_info.broadcastFirstPerforationValue(pressure_first_connection); if (well.isInjector()) { this->initSingleInjector(well, well_info, pressure_first_connection, well_perf_data, summary_state); } else { this->initSingleProducer(well, well_info, pressure_first_connection, well_perf_data, summary_state); } } void WellState::init(const std::vector& cellPressures, const Schedule& schedule, const std::vector& wells_ecl, const std::vector>& parallel_well_info, const int report_step, const WellState* prevState, const std::vector>& well_perf_data, const SummaryState& summary_state) { // call init on base class this->base_init(cellPressures, wells_ecl, parallel_well_info, well_perf_data, summary_state); this->global_well_info = std::make_optional(schedule, report_step, wells_ecl); for (const auto& wname : schedule.wellNames(report_step)) { well_rates.insert({wname, std::make_pair(false, std::vector(this->numPhases()))}); } for (const auto& winfo: parallel_well_info) { well_rates[winfo.get().name()].first = winfo.get().isOwner(); } const int nw = wells_ecl.size(); if( nw == 0 ) return ; // Initialize perfphaserates_, which must be done here. const auto& pu = this->phaseUsage(); const int np = pu.num_phases; { const auto& wg_events = schedule[report_step].wellgroup_events(); for (const auto& ecl_well : wells_ecl) { const auto& wname = ecl_well.name(); if (wg_events.has(wname)) this->well(wname).events = wg_events.at(wname); } } for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) { // Initialize perfphaserates_ to well // rates divided by the number of perforations. const auto& ecl_well = wells_ecl[w]; auto& ws = this->well(w); auto& perf_data = ws.perf_data; const int num_perf_this_well = perf_data.size(); const int global_num_perf_this_well = ecl_well.getConnections().num_open(); for (int perf = 0; perf < num_perf_this_well; ++perf) { if (wells_ecl[w].getStatus() == Well::Status::OPEN) { for (int p = 0; p < this->numPhases(); ++p) { perf_data.phase_rates[this->numPhases()*perf + p] = ws.surface_rates[p] / double(global_num_perf_this_well); } } perf_data.pressure[perf] = cellPressures[well_perf_data[w][perf].cell_index]; } } for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) { auto& ws = this->well(w); if (wells_ecl[w].isProducer()) { const auto controls = wells_ecl[w].productionControls(summary_state); if (controls.cmode == Well::ProducerCMode::GRUP && !wells_ecl[w].isAvailableForGroupControl()) { ws.production_cmode = Well::ProducerCMode::BHP; // wells always has a BHP control } else { ws.production_cmode = controls.cmode; } } else { const auto controls = wells_ecl[w].injectionControls(summary_state); if (controls.cmode == Well::InjectorCMode::GRUP && !wells_ecl[w].isAvailableForGroupControl()) { ws.injection_cmode = Well::InjectorCMode::BHP; // wells always has a BHP control } else { ws.injection_cmode = controls.cmode; } } } for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) { switch (wells_ecl[w].getStatus()) { case Well::Status::SHUT: this->shutWell(w); break; case Well::Status::STOP: this->stopWell(w); break; default: this->openWell(w); break; } } // intialize wells that have been there before // order may change so the mapping is based on the well name if (prevState && prevState->size() > 0) { for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) { const Well& well = wells_ecl[w]; if (well.getStatus() == Well::Status::SHUT) { continue; } auto& new_well = this->well(w); const auto& old_index = prevState->index(well.name()); if (old_index.has_value()) { const auto& prev_well = prevState->well(old_index.value()); new_well.init_timestep(prev_well); if (prev_well.status == Well::Status::SHUT) { // Well was shut in previous state, do not use its values. continue; } if (new_well.producer != prev_well.producer) // Well changed to/from injector from/to producer, do not use its privious values. continue; // If new target is set using WCONPROD, WCONINJE etc. we use the new control if (!new_well.events.hasEvent(WellState::event_mask)) { new_well.injection_cmode = prev_well.injection_cmode; new_well.production_cmode = prev_well.production_cmode; } new_well.surface_rates = prev_well.surface_rates; new_well.reservoir_rates = prev_well.reservoir_rates; new_well.well_potentials = prev_well.well_potentials; // perfPhaseRates const int num_perf_old_well = prev_well.perf_data.size(); const int num_perf_this_well = new_well.perf_data.size(); const bool global_num_perf_same = (num_perf_this_well == num_perf_old_well); // copy perforation rates when the number of // perforations is equal, otherwise initialize // perfphaserates to well rates divided by the // number of perforations. // TODO: we might still need the values from the prev_well if the connection structure changes if (global_num_perf_same) { auto& perf_data = new_well.perf_data; const auto& prev_perf_data = prev_well.perf_data; perf_data.try_assign( prev_perf_data ); } else { const int global_num_perf_this_well = well.getConnections().num_open(); auto& perf_data = new_well.perf_data; auto& target_rates = perf_data.phase_rates; for (int perf_index = 0; perf_index < num_perf_this_well; perf_index++) { for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) { target_rates[perf_index*np + p] = new_well.surface_rates[p] / double(global_num_perf_this_well); } } } // Productivity index. new_well.productivity_index = prev_well.productivity_index; // if there is no valid VFP table associated, we set the THP value to be 0. if (well.vfp_table_number() == 0) { new_well.thp = 0.; } } } } updateWellsDefaultALQ(wells_ecl, summary_state); } void WellState::resize(const std::vector& wells_ecl, const std::vector>& parallel_well_info, const Schedule& schedule, const bool handle_ms_well, const std::size_t numCells, const std::vector>& well_perf_data, const SummaryState& summary_state) { const std::vector tmp(numCells, 0.0); // <- UGLY HACK to pass the size init(tmp, schedule, wells_ecl, parallel_well_info, 0, nullptr, well_perf_data, summary_state); if (handle_ms_well) { initWellStateMSWell(wells_ecl, nullptr); } } const std::vector& WellState::currentWellRates(const std::string& wellName) const { auto it = well_rates.find(wellName); if (it == well_rates.end()) OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, "Could not find any rates for well " + wellName); return it->second.second; } template void WellState::gatherVectorsOnRoot(const std::vector& from_connections, std::vector& to_connections, const Communication& comm) const { auto send = std::set{}; auto recv = std::set{}; const auto isOwner = comm.rank() == 0; if (isOwner) { for (auto other = 0*comm.size() + 1; other < comm.size(); ++other) { recv.insert(other); } } else { send.insert(0); } auto toOwnerComm = P2PCommunicatorType{ comm }; toOwnerComm.insertRequest(send, recv); PackUnpackXConn lineariser { isOwner, from_connections, to_connections }; toOwnerComm.exchange(lineariser); } data::Wells WellState::report(const int* globalCellIdxMap, const std::function& wasDynamicallyClosed) const { if (this->numWells() == 0) { return {}; } using rt = data::Rates::opt; const auto& pu = this->phaseUsage(); data::Wells res; for (std::size_t well_index = 0; well_index < this->size(); ++well_index) { const auto& ws = this->well(well_index); if ((ws.status == Well::Status::SHUT) && !wasDynamicallyClosed(well_index)) { continue; } const auto& reservoir_rates = ws.reservoir_rates; const auto& well_potentials = ws.well_potentials; const auto& wpi = ws.productivity_index; const auto& wv = ws.surface_rates; const auto& wname = this->name(well_index); auto dummyWell = data::Well{}; auto& well = ws.parallel_info.get().isOwner() ? res[wname] : dummyWell; well.bhp = ws.bhp; well.thp = ws.thp; well.temperature = ws.temperature; well.filtrate.rate = ws.sum_filtrate_rate(); well.filtrate.total = ws.sum_filtrate_total(); well.filtrate.concentration = ws.filtrate_conc; if (pu.phase_used[BlackoilPhases::Aqua]) { well.rates.set(rt::wat, wv[ pu.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Aqua] ] ); well.rates.set(rt::reservoir_water, reservoir_rates[pu.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Aqua]]); well.rates.set(rt::productivity_index_water, wpi[pu.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Aqua]]); well.rates.set(rt::well_potential_water, well_potentials[pu.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Aqua]]); } if (pu.phase_used[BlackoilPhases::Liquid]) { well.rates.set(rt::oil, wv[ pu.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Liquid] ] ); well.rates.set(rt::reservoir_oil, reservoir_rates[pu.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Liquid]]); well.rates.set(rt::productivity_index_oil, wpi[pu.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Liquid]]); well.rates.set(rt::well_potential_oil, well_potentials[pu.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Liquid]]); } if( pu.phase_used[BlackoilPhases::Vapour] ) { well.rates.set(rt::gas, wv[ pu.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Vapour] ] ); well.rates.set(rt::reservoir_gas, reservoir_rates[pu.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Vapour]]); well.rates.set(rt::productivity_index_gas, wpi[pu.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Vapour]]); well.rates.set(rt::well_potential_gas, well_potentials[pu.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Vapour]]); } if (pu.has_solvent || pu.has_zFraction) { well.rates.set(rt::solvent, ws.sum_solvent_rates()); } if (pu.has_polymer) { well.rates.set(rt::polymer, ws.sum_polymer_rates()); } if (pu.has_brine) { well.rates.set(rt::brine, ws.sum_brine_rates()); } if (ws.producer) { well.rates.set(rt::alq, getALQ(wname)); } else { well.rates.set(rt::alq, 0.0); } well.rates.set(rt::dissolved_gas, ws.phase_mixing_rates[ws.dissolved_gas] + ws.phase_mixing_rates[ws.dissolved_gas_in_water]); well.rates.set(rt::vaporized_oil, ws.phase_mixing_rates[ws.vaporized_oil]); well.rates.set(rt::vaporized_water, ws.phase_mixing_rates[ws.vaporized_water]); { auto& curr = well.current_control; curr.isProducer = ws.producer; curr.prod = ws.production_cmode; curr.inj = ws.injection_cmode; } const auto& pwinfo = ws.parallel_info.get(); if (pwinfo.communication().size() == 1) { reportConnections(well.connections, pu, well_index, globalCellIdxMap); } else { std::vector connections; reportConnections(connections, pu, well_index, globalCellIdxMap); gatherVectorsOnRoot(connections, well.connections, pwinfo.communication()); } const auto nseg = ws.segments.size(); for (auto seg_ix = 0*nseg; seg_ix < nseg; ++seg_ix) { const auto seg_no = ws.segments.segment_number()[seg_ix]; well.segments[seg_no] = this->reportSegmentResults(well_index, seg_ix, seg_no); } } return res; } void WellState::reportConnections(std::vector& connections, const PhaseUsage &pu, std::size_t well_index, const int* globalCellIdxMap) const { using rt = data::Rates::opt; const auto& ws = this->well(well_index); const auto& perf_data = ws.perf_data; const int num_perf_well = perf_data.size(); connections.resize(num_perf_well); const auto& perf_rates = perf_data.rates; const auto& perf_pressure = perf_data.pressure; const auto& perf_mixing_rates = perf_data.phase_mixing_rates; for (int i = 0; i < num_perf_well; ++i) { const auto active_index = perf_data.cell_index[i]; auto& connection = connections[ i ]; connection.index = globalCellIdxMap[active_index]; connection.pressure = perf_pressure[i]; connection.reservoir_rate = perf_rates[i]; connection.trans_factor = perf_data.connection_transmissibility_factor[i]; connection.d_factor = perf_data.connection_d_factor[i]; connection.compact_mult = perf_data.connection_compaction_tmult[i]; connection.rates.set(rt::dissolved_gas, perf_mixing_rates[i][ws.dissolved_gas]); connection.rates.set(rt::vaporized_oil, perf_mixing_rates[i][ws.vaporized_oil]); if (!ws.producer) { const auto& filtrate_data = perf_data.filtrate_data; auto& filtrate = connection.filtrate; filtrate.rate = filtrate_data.rates[i]; filtrate.total = filtrate_data.total[i]; filtrate.skin_factor = filtrate_data.skin_factor[i]; filtrate.thickness = filtrate_data.thickness[i]; filtrate.poro = filtrate_data.poro[i]; filtrate.perm = filtrate_data.perm[i]; filtrate.radius = filtrate_data.radius[i]; filtrate.area_of_flow = filtrate_data.area_of_flow[i]; } } const int np = pu.num_phases; std::vector< rt > phs( np ); std::vector pi(np); if (pu.phase_used[Water]) { phs.at( pu.phase_pos[Water] ) = rt::wat; pi .at( pu.phase_pos[Water] ) = rt::productivity_index_water; } if (pu.phase_used[Oil]) { phs.at( pu.phase_pos[Oil] ) = rt::oil; pi .at( pu.phase_pos[Oil] ) = rt::productivity_index_oil; } if (pu.phase_used[Gas]) { phs.at( pu.phase_pos[Gas] ) = rt::gas; pi .at( pu.phase_pos[Gas] ) = rt::productivity_index_gas; } std::size_t local_conn_index = 0; for (auto& comp : connections) { const auto * rates = &perf_data.phase_rates[np * local_conn_index]; const auto * connPI = &perf_data.prod_index[np * local_conn_index]; for (int i = 0; i < np; ++i) { comp.rates.set( phs[ i ], rates[i] ); comp.rates.set( pi [ i ], connPI[i] ); } if (pu.has_polymer) { const auto& perf_polymer_rate = perf_data.polymer_rates; comp.rates.set( rt::polymer, perf_polymer_rate[local_conn_index]); } if (pu.has_brine) { const auto& perf_brine_rate = perf_data.brine_rates; comp.rates.set( rt::brine, perf_brine_rate[local_conn_index]); } if (pu.has_solvent) { const auto& perf_solvent_rate = perf_data.solvent_rates; comp.rates.set( rt::solvent, perf_solvent_rate[local_conn_index] ); } ++local_conn_index; } } void WellState::initWellStateMSWell(const std::vector& wells_ecl, const WellState* prev_well_state) { // still using the order in wells const int nw = wells_ecl.size(); if (nw == 0) { return; } const auto& pu = this->phaseUsage(); const int np = pu.num_phases; // in the init function, the well rates and perforation rates have been initialized or copied from prevState // what we do here, is to set the segment rates and perforation rates for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) { const auto& well_ecl = wells_ecl[w]; auto& ws = this->well(w); if (well_ecl.isMultiSegment()) { const WellSegments& segment_set = well_ecl.getSegments(); // assuming the order of the perforations in well_ecl is the same with Wells const WellConnections& completion_set = well_ecl.getConnections(); // number of segment for this single well ws.segments = SegmentState{np, segment_set}; const int well_nseg = segment_set.size(); int n_activeperf = 0; // we need to know for each segment, how many perforation it has and how many segments using it as outlet_segment // that is why I think we should use a well model to initialize the WellState here std::vector> segment_perforations(well_nseg); for (std::size_t perf = 0; perf < completion_set.size(); ++perf) { const Connection& connection = completion_set.get(perf); if (connection.state() == Connection::State::OPEN) { const int segment_index = segment_set.segmentNumberToIndex(connection.segment()); if (segment_index == -1) { OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, fmt::format("COMPSEGS: Well {} has connection in cell {}, {}, {} " "without associated segment.", well_ecl.name(), connection.getI() + 1 , connection.getJ() + 1, connection.getK() + 1 )); } segment_perforations[segment_index].push_back(n_activeperf); n_activeperf++; } } std::vector> segment_inlets(well_nseg); for (int seg = 0; seg < well_nseg; ++seg) { const Segment& segment = segment_set[seg]; const int segment_number = segment.segmentNumber(); const int outlet_segment_number = segment.outletSegment(); if (outlet_segment_number > 0) { const int segment_index = segment_set.segmentNumberToIndex(segment_number); const int outlet_segment_index = segment_set.segmentNumberToIndex(outlet_segment_number); segment_inlets[outlet_segment_index].push_back(segment_index); } } auto& perf_data = ws.perf_data; // for the seg_rates_, now it becomes a recursive solution procedure. if (pu.phase_used[Gas]) { auto& perf_rates = perf_data.phase_rates; const int gaspos = pu.phase_pos[Gas]; // scale the phase rates for Gas to avoid too bad initial guess for gas fraction // it will probably benefit the standard well too, while it needs to be justified // TODO: to see if this strategy can benefit StandardWell too // TODO: it might cause big problem for gas rate control or if there is a gas rate limit // maybe the best way is to initialize the fractions first then get the rates for (int perf = 0; perf < n_activeperf; perf++) perf_rates[perf*np + gaspos] *= 100; } const auto& perf_rates = perf_data.phase_rates; std::vector perforation_rates(perf_rates.begin(), perf_rates.end()); calculateSegmentRates(segment_inlets, segment_perforations, perforation_rates, np, 0 /* top segment */, ws.segments.rates); // for the segment pressure, the segment pressure is the same with the first perforation belongs to the segment // if there is no perforation associated with this segment, it uses the pressure from the outlet segment // which requres the ordering is successful // Not sure what is the best way to handle the initialization, hopefully, the bad initialization can be // improved during the solveWellEq process { // top segment is always the first one, and its pressure is the well bhp auto& segment_pressure = ws.segments.pressure; segment_pressure[0] = ws.bhp; const auto& perf_press = perf_data.pressure; for (int seg = 1; seg < well_nseg; ++seg) { if (!segment_perforations[seg].empty()) { const int first_perf = segment_perforations[seg][0]; segment_pressure[seg] = perf_press[first_perf]; } else { // seg_press_.push_back(bhp); // may not be a good decision // using the outlet segment pressure // it needs the ordering is correct const int outlet_seg = segment_set[seg].outletSegment(); segment_pressure[seg] = segment_pressure[segment_set.segmentNumberToIndex(outlet_seg)]; } } } } } if (prev_well_state) { for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) { const Well& well = wells_ecl[w]; if (well.getStatus() == Well::Status::SHUT) continue; if (!well.isMultiSegment()) continue; const auto& wname = well.name(); if (prev_well_state->has(wname)) { auto& ws = this->well(w); const auto& prev_ws = prev_well_state->well(wname); if (prev_ws.status == Well::Status::SHUT) { continue; } // we do not copy the segment information if the number of segments have changed // safer way should be to check the relevant Event if (ws.segments.size() == prev_ws.segments.size()) { ws.segments = prev_ws.segments; } } } } } void WellState::calculateSegmentRates(const std::vector>& segment_inlets, const std::vector>& segment_perforations, const std::vector& perforation_rates, const int np, const int segment, std::vector& segment_rates) { // the rate of the segment equals to the sum of the contribution from the perforations and inlet segment rates. // the first segment is always the top segment, its rates should be equal to the well rates. assert(segment_inlets.size() == segment_perforations.size()); const int well_nseg = segment_inlets.size(); if (segment == 0) { // beginning the calculation segment_rates.resize(np * well_nseg, 0.0); } // contributions from the perforations belong to this segment for (const int& perf : segment_perforations[segment]) { for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) { segment_rates[np * segment + p] += perforation_rates[np * perf + p]; } } for (const int& inlet_seg : segment_inlets[segment]) { calculateSegmentRates(segment_inlets, segment_perforations, perforation_rates, np, inlet_seg, segment_rates); for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) { segment_rates[np * segment + p] += segment_rates[np * inlet_seg + p]; } } } void WellState::stopWell(int well_index) { auto& ws = this->well(well_index); ws.stop(); } void WellState::openWell(int well_index) { auto& ws = this->well(well_index); ws.open(); } void WellState::shutWell(int well_index) { auto& ws = this->well(well_index); ws.shut(); } void WellState::updateStatus(int well_index, WellStatus status) { auto& ws = this->well(well_index); ws.updateStatus(status); } template void WellState::communicateGroupRates(const Comm& comm) { // Compute the size of the data. std::size_t sz = 0; for (const auto& [_, owner_rates] : this->well_rates) { (void)_; const auto& [__, rates] = owner_rates; (void)__; sz += rates.size(); } sz += this->alq_state.pack_size(); // Make a vector and collect all data into it. std::vector data(sz); std::size_t pos = 0; for (const auto& [_, owner_rates] : this->well_rates) { (void)_; const auto& [owner, rates] = owner_rates; for (const auto& value : rates) { if (owner) data[pos++] = value; else data[pos++] = 0; } } pos += this->alq_state.pack_data(&data[pos]); assert(pos == sz); // Communicate it with a single sum() call. comm.sum(data.data(), data.size()); pos = 0; for (auto& [_, owner_rates] : this->well_rates) { (void)_; auto& [__, rates] = owner_rates; (void)__; for (auto& value : rates) value = data[pos++]; } pos += this->alq_state.unpack_data(&data[pos]); assert(pos == sz); } template void WellState::updateGlobalIsGrup(const Comm& comm) { this->global_well_info.value().clear(); for (std::size_t well_index = 0; well_index < this->size(); well_index++) { const auto& ws = this->well(well_index); if (ws.producer) this->global_well_info.value().update_producer(well_index, ws.status, ws.production_cmode); else this->global_well_info.value().update_injector(well_index, ws.status, ws.injection_cmode); } this->global_well_info.value().communicate(comm); } data::Segment WellState::reportSegmentResults(const int well_id, const int seg_ix, const int seg_no) const { using PhaseQuant = data::SegmentPhaseQuantity::Item; using PhaseDensity = data::SegmentPhaseDensity::Item; const auto& segments = this->well(well_id).segments; if (segments.empty()) { return {}; } auto seg_res = data::Segment{}; { using Value = data::SegmentPressures::Value; auto& segpress = seg_res.pressures; segpress[Value::Pressure] = segments.pressure[seg_ix]; segpress[Value::PDrop] = segments.pressure_drop(seg_ix); segpress[Value::PDropHydrostatic] = segments.pressure_drop_hydrostatic[seg_ix]; segpress[Value::PDropFriction] = segments.pressure_drop_friction[seg_ix]; segpress[Value::PDropAccel] = segments.pressure_drop_accel[seg_ix]; } const auto& pu = this->phaseUsage(); const auto* rate = &segments.rates[seg_ix * pu.num_phases]; const auto* resv = &segments.phase_resv_rates[seg_ix * pu.num_phases]; const auto* velocity = &segments.phase_velocity[seg_ix * pu.num_phases]; const auto* holdup = &segments.phase_holdup[seg_ix * pu.num_phases]; const auto* viscosity = &segments.phase_viscosity[seg_ix * pu.num_phases]; const auto* density = &segments.phase_density[seg_ix * (pu.num_phases + 2)]; // +2 for mixture densities if (pu.phase_used[Water]) { const auto iw = pu.phase_pos[Water]; seg_res.rates.set(data::Rates::opt::wat, rate[iw]); seg_res.rates.set(data::Rates::opt::reservoir_water, resv[iw]); seg_res.velocity.set(PhaseQuant::Water, velocity[iw]); seg_res.holdup.set(PhaseQuant::Water, holdup[iw]); seg_res.viscosity.set(PhaseQuant::Water, viscosity[iw]); seg_res.density.set(PhaseDensity::Water, density[iw]); } if (pu.phase_used[Oil]) { const auto io = pu.phase_pos[Oil]; seg_res.rates.set(data::Rates::opt::oil, rate[io]); seg_res.rates.set(data::Rates::opt::vaporized_oil, segments.vaporized_oil_rate[seg_ix]); seg_res.rates.set(data::Rates::opt::reservoir_oil, resv[io]); seg_res.velocity.set(PhaseQuant::Oil, velocity[io]); seg_res.holdup.set(PhaseQuant::Oil, holdup[io]); seg_res.viscosity.set(PhaseQuant::Oil, viscosity[io]); seg_res.density.set(PhaseDensity::Oil, density[io]); } if (pu.phase_used[Gas]) { const auto ig = pu.phase_pos[Gas]; seg_res.rates.set(data::Rates::opt::gas, rate[ig]); seg_res.rates.set(data::Rates::opt::dissolved_gas, segments.dissolved_gas_rate[seg_ix]); seg_res.rates.set(data::Rates::opt::reservoir_gas, resv[ig]); seg_res.velocity.set(PhaseQuant::Gas, velocity[ig]); seg_res.holdup.set(PhaseQuant::Gas, holdup[ig]); seg_res.viscosity.set(PhaseQuant::Gas, viscosity[ig]); seg_res.density.set(PhaseDensity::Gas, density[ig]); } seg_res.segNumber = seg_no; // Recall: The mixture density *without* exponents is stored at offset // 'num_phases' and the mixture density *with* exponents is stored at // offset 'num_phases + 1'. seg_res.density.set(PhaseDensity::Mixture, density[pu.num_phases]); seg_res.density.set(PhaseDensity::MixtureWithExponents, density[pu.num_phases + 1]); return seg_res; } bool WellState::wellIsOwned(std::size_t well_index, [[maybe_unused]] const std::string& wellName) const { const auto& well_info = this->parallelWellInfo(well_index); assert(well_info.name() == wellName); return well_info.isOwner(); } bool WellState::wellIsOwned(const std::string& wellName) const { const auto& well_index = this->index(wellName); if (!well_index.has_value()) { OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, fmt::format("Could not find well {} in well map", wellName)); } return wellIsOwned(well_index.value(), wellName); } void WellState::updateWellsDefaultALQ(const std::vector& wells_ecl, const SummaryState& summary_state) { const int nw = wells_ecl.size(); for (int i = 0; ialq_state.update_default(well.name(), alq); } } } bool WellState::operator==(const WellState& rhs) const { return this->alq_state == rhs.alq_state && this->well_rates == rhs.well_rates && this->wells_ == rhs.wells_; } const ParallelWellInfo& WellState::parallelWellInfo(std::size_t well_index) const { const auto& ws = this->well(well_index); return ws.parallel_info; } template void WellState::updateGlobalIsGrup(const Parallel::Communication& comm); template void WellState::communicateGroupRates(const Parallel::Communication& comm); } // namespace Opm