/* Copyright 2012 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics. This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM). OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OPM. If not, see . */ #ifndef OPM_INCOMPTPFA_HEADER_INCLUDED #define OPM_INCOMPTPFA_HEADER_INCLUDED #include struct UnstructuredGrid; struct ifs_tpfa_data; struct Wells; struct FlowBoundaryConditions; namespace Opm { class LinearSolverInterface; /// Encapsulating a tpfa pressure solver for the incompressible case. /// Supports gravity and simple sources as driving forces. /// Below we use the shortcuts D for the number of dimensions, N /// for the number of cells and F for the number of faces. /// Note: we intend to add wells in the future. class IncompTpfa { public: /// Construct solver. /// \param[in] g A 2d or 3d grid. /// \param[in] permeability Array of permeability tensors, the array /// should have size N*D^2, if D == g.dimensions /// and N == g.number_of_cells. /// \param[in] gravity Gravity vector. If nonzero, the array should /// have D elements. /// \param[in] wells The wells argument. Will be used in solution, /// is ignored if NULL IncompTpfa(const UnstructuredGrid& g, const double* permeability, const double* gravity, const LinearSolverInterface& linsolver, const struct Wells* wells = 0); /// Destructor. ~IncompTpfa(); /// Assemble and solve incompressible pressure system. /// \param[in] totmob Must contain N total mobility values (one per cell). /// \f$totmob = \sum_{p} kr_p/mu_p\f$. /// \param[in] omega Must be empty if constructor gravity argument was null. /// Otherwise must contain N mobility-weighted density values (one per cell). /// \f$omega = \frac{\sum_{p} mob_p rho_p}{\sum_p rho_p}\f$. /// \param[in] src Must contain N source rates (one per cell). /// Positive values represent total inflow rates, /// negative values represent total outflow rates. /// \param[in] bcs If non-null, specifies boundary conditions. /// If null, noflow conditions are assumed. /// \param[out] pressure Will contain N cell-pressure values. /// \param[out] faceflux Will contain F signed face flux values. /// \param[out] well_bhp Will contain bhp values for each well passed /// in the constructor /// \param[out] well_rate Will contain rate values for each well passed /// in the constructor void solve(const std::vector& totmob, const std::vector& omega, const std::vector& src, const std::vector& wdp, const FlowBoundaryConditions* bcs, std::vector& pressure, std::vector& faceflux, std::vector& well_bhp, std::vector& well_rate); /// Assemble and solve pressure system with rock compressibility (assumed constant per cell). /// \param[in] totmob Must contain N total mobility values (one per cell). /// totmob = \sum_{p} kr_p/mu_p. /// \param[in] omega Must be empty if constructor gravity argument was null. /// Otherwise must contain N fractional-flow-weighted density /// values (one per cell). /// omega = \frac{\sum_{p} mob_p rho_p}{\sum_p mob_p}. /// \param[in] src Must contain N source rates (one per cell). /// Positive values represent total inflow rates, /// negative values represent total outflow rates. /// \param[in] bcs If non-null, specifies boundary conditions. /// If null, noflow conditions are assumed. /// \param[in] porevol Must contain N pore volumes. /// \param[in] rock_comp Must contain N rock compressibilities. /// rock_comp = (d poro / d p)*(1/poro). /// \param[in] dt Timestep. /// \param[out] pressure Will contain N cell-pressure values. /// \param[out] faceflux Will contain F signed face flux values. /// \param[out] well_bhp Will contain bhp values for each well passed /// in the constructor /// \param[out] well_rate Will contain rate values for each well passed /// in the constructor void solve(const std::vector& totmob, const std::vector& omega, const std::vector& src, const std::vector& wdp, const FlowBoundaryConditions* bcs, const std::vector& porevol, const std::vector& rock_comp, const double dt, std::vector& pressure, std::vector& faceflux, std::vector& well_bhp, std::vector& well_rate); /// Expose read-only reference to internal half-transmissibility. const ::std::vector& getHalfTrans() const { return htrans_; } private: const UnstructuredGrid& grid_; const LinearSolverInterface& linsolver_; ::std::vector htrans_; ::std::vector trans_ ; ::std::vector gpress_; ::std::vector gpress_omegaweighted_; const struct Wells* wells_; struct ifs_tpfa_data* h_; }; } // namespace Opm #endif // OPM_INCOMPTPFA_HEADER_INCLUDED