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This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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Consult the COPYING file in the top-level source directory of this
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copyright holders.
* \file
* \copydoc Opm::EclTracerModel
namespace Opm {
class EclipseState;
class EclGenericTracerModel {
using TracerMatrix = Dune::BCRSMatrix>;
using TracerVector = Dune::BlockVector>;
using CartesianIndexMapper = Dune::CartesianIndexMapper;
static const int dimWorld = Grid::dimensionworld;
* \brief Return the number of tracers considered by the tracerModel.
int numTracers() const
{ return tracerNames_.size(); }
* \brief Return the tracer name
const std::string& tracerName(int tracerIdx) const;
* \brief Return the tracer concentration for tracer index and global DofIdx
Scalar tracerConcentration(int tracerIdx, int globalDofIdx) const;
* \brief Return well tracer rates
const std::map, double>&
getWellTracerRates() const {return wellTracerRate_;}
EclGenericTracerModel(const GridView& gridView,
const EclipseState& eclState,
const CartesianIndexMapper& cartMapper,
const DofMapper& dofMapper,
const std::function(int)> centroids);
* \brief Initialize all internal data structures needed by the tracer module
void doInit(bool enabled,
size_t numGridDof,
size_t gasPhaseIdx,
size_t oilPhaseIdx,
size_t waterPhaseIdx);
bool linearSolve_(const TracerMatrix& M, TracerVector& x, TracerVector& b);
bool linearSolveBatchwise_(const TracerMatrix& M, std::vector& x, std::vector& b);
const GridView& gridView_;
const EclipseState& eclState_;
const CartesianIndexMapper& cartMapper_;
const DofMapper& dofMapper_;
std::vector tracerNames_;
std::vector tracerPhaseIdx_;
std::vector>> tracerConcentration_;
std::vector>> tracerConcentrationInitial_;
TracerMatrix *tracerMatrix_;
TracerVector tracerResidual_;
std::vector cartToGlobal_;
std::vector>> storageOfTimeIndex1_;
// -> wellRate
std::map, double> wellTracerRate_;
/// \brief Function returning the cell centers
std::function(int)> centroids_;
} // namespace Opm