/* Copyright 2013, 2015 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics. Copyright 2015 Dr. Blatt - HPC-Simulation-Software & Services Copyright 2015 NTNU Copyright 2015 IRIS AS This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM). OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OPM. If not, see . */ #ifndef OPM_NEWTONSOLVER_IMPL_HEADER_INCLUDED #define OPM_NEWTONSOLVER_IMPL_HEADER_INCLUDED #include namespace Opm { template NewtonSolver::NewtonSolver(const SolverParameters& param, std::unique_ptr model) : param_(param), model_(std::move(model)), newtonIterations_(0), linearIterations_(0) { } template unsigned int NewtonSolver::newtonIterations () const { return newtonIterations_; } template unsigned int NewtonSolver::linearIterations () const { return linearIterations_; } template int NewtonSolver:: step(const double dt, ReservoirState& reservoir_state, WellState& well_state) { // Do model-specific once-per-step calculations. model_->prepareStep(dt, reservoir_state, well_state); // For each iteration we store in a vector the norms of the residual of // the mass balance for each active phase, the well flux and the well equations. std::vector> residual_norms_history; // Assemble residual and Jacobian, store residual norms. model_->assemble(reservoir_state, well_state, true); residual_norms_history.push_back(model_->computeResidualNorms()); // Set up for main Newton loop. double omega = 1.0; int iteration = 0; bool converged = model_->getConvergence(dt, iteration); const int sizeNonLinear = model_->sizeNonLinear(); V dxOld = V::Zero(sizeNonLinear); bool isOscillate = false; bool isStagnate = false; const enum RelaxType relaxtype = relaxType(); int linIters = 0; // ---------- Main Newton loop ---------- while ( (!converged && (iteration < maxIter())) || (minIter() > iteration)) { // Compute the Newton update to the primary variables. V dx = model_->solveJacobianSystem(); // Store number of linear iterations used. linIters += model_->linearIterationsLastSolve(); // Stabilize the Newton update. detectNewtonOscillations(residual_norms_history, iteration, relaxRelTol(), isOscillate, isStagnate); if (isOscillate) { omega -= relaxIncrement(); omega = std::max(omega, relaxMax()); if (model_->terminalOutputEnabled()) { std::cout << " Oscillating behavior detected: Relaxation set to " << omega << std::endl; } } stabilizeNewton(dx, dxOld, omega, relaxtype); // Apply the update, the model may apply model-dependent // limitations and chopping of the update. model_->updateState(dx, reservoir_state, well_state); // Assemble residual and Jacobian, store residual norms. model_->assemble(reservoir_state, well_state, false); residual_norms_history.push_back(model_->computeResidualNorms()); // increase iteration counter ++iteration; converged = model_->getConvergence(dt, iteration); } if (!converged) { if (model_->terminalOutputEnabled()) { std::cerr << "WARNING: Failed to compute converged solution in " << iteration << " iterations." << std::endl; } return -1; // -1 indicates that the solver has to be restarted } linearIterations_ += linIters; newtonIterations_ += iteration; linearIterationsLast_ = linIters; newtonIterationsLast_ = iteration; // Do model-specific post-step actions. model_->afterStep(dt, reservoir_state, well_state); return linIters; } template void NewtonSolver::SolverParameters:: reset() { // default values for the solver parameters relax_type_ = DAMPEN; relax_max_ = 0.5; relax_increment_ = 0.1; relax_rel_tol_ = 0.2; max_iter_ = 15; min_iter_ = 1; } template NewtonSolver::SolverParameters:: SolverParameters() { // set default values reset(); } template NewtonSolver::SolverParameters:: SolverParameters( const parameter::ParameterGroup& param ) { // set default values reset(); // overload with given parameters relax_max_ = param.getDefault("relax_max", relax_max_); max_iter_ = param.getDefault("max_iter", max_iter_); min_iter_ = param.getDefault("min_iter", min_iter_); std::string relaxation_type = param.getDefault("relax_type", std::string("dampen")); if (relaxation_type == "dampen") { relax_type_ = DAMPEN; } else if (relaxation_type == "sor") { relax_type_ = SOR; } else { OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Unknown Relaxtion Type " << relaxation_type); } } template void NewtonSolver::detectNewtonOscillations(const std::vector>& residual_history, const int it, const double relaxRelTol_arg, bool& oscillate, bool& stagnate) const { // The detection of oscillation in two primary variable results in the report of the detection // of oscillation for the solver. // Only the saturations are used for oscillation detection for the black oil model. // Stagnate is not used for any treatment here. if ( it < 2 ) { oscillate = false; stagnate = false; return; } stagnate = true; int oscillatePhase = 0; const std::vector& F0 = residual_history[it]; const std::vector& F1 = residual_history[it - 1]; const std::vector& F2 = residual_history[it - 2]; for (int p= 0; p < model_->numPhases(); ++p){ const double d1 = std::abs((F0[p] - F2[p]) / F0[p]); const double d2 = std::abs((F0[p] - F1[p]) / F0[p]); oscillatePhase += (d1 < relaxRelTol_arg) && (relaxRelTol_arg < d2); // Process is 'stagnate' unless at least one phase // exhibits significant residual change. stagnate = (stagnate && !(std::abs((F1[p] - F2[p]) / F2[p]) > 1.0e-3)); } oscillate = (oscillatePhase > 1); } template void NewtonSolver::stabilizeNewton(V& dx, V& dxOld, const double omega, const RelaxType relax_type) const { // The dxOld is updated with dx. // If omega is equal to 1., no relaxtion will be appiled. const V tempDxOld = dxOld; dxOld = dx; switch (relax_type) { case DAMPEN: if (omega == 1.) { return; } dx = dx*omega; return; case SOR: if (omega == 1.) { return; } dx = dx*omega + (1.-omega)*tempDxOld; return; default: OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Can only handle DAMPEN and SOR relaxation type."); } return; } } // namespace Opm #endif // OPM_FULLYIMPLICITSOLVER_IMPL_HEADER_INCLUDED