/* Copyright 2017 SINTEF Digital, Mathematics and Cybernetics. Copyright 2017 Statoil ASA. Copyright 2016 - 2017 IRIS AS. This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM). OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OPM. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #if COMPILE_BDA_BRIDGE #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Opm { template MultisegmentWellEquations:: MultisegmentWellEquations(const MultisegmentWellGeneric& well) : well_(well) { } template void MultisegmentWellEquations:: init(const int num_cells, const int numPerfs, const std::vector& cells, const std::vector>& segment_inlets, const std::vector>& perforations) { duneB_.setBuildMode(OffDiagMatWell::row_wise); duneC_.setBuildMode(OffDiagMatWell::row_wise); duneD_.setBuildMode(DiagMatWell::row_wise); // set the size and patterns for all the matrices and vectors // [A C^T [x = [ res // B D] x_well] res_well] // calculating the NNZ for duneD_ // NNZ = number_of_segments + 2 * (number_of_inlets / number_of_outlets) { int nnz_d = well_.numberOfSegments(); for (const std::vector& inlets : segment_inlets) { nnz_d += 2 * inlets.size(); } duneD_.setSize(well_.numberOfSegments(), well_.numberOfSegments(), nnz_d); } duneB_.setSize(well_.numberOfSegments(), num_cells, numPerfs); duneC_.setSize(well_.numberOfSegments(), num_cells, numPerfs); // we need to add the off diagonal ones for (auto row = duneD_.createbegin(), end = duneD_.createend(); row != end; ++row) { // the number of the row corrspnds to the segment now const int seg = row.index(); // adding the item related to outlet relation const Segment& segment = well_.segmentSet()[seg]; const int outlet_segment_number = segment.outletSegment(); if (outlet_segment_number > 0) { // if there is a outlet_segment const int outlet_segment_index = well_.segmentNumberToIndex(outlet_segment_number); row.insert(outlet_segment_index); } // Add nonzeros for diagonal row.insert(seg); // insert the item related to its inlets for (const int& inlet : segment_inlets[seg]) { row.insert(inlet); } } // make the C matrix for (auto row = duneC_.createbegin(), end = duneC_.createend(); row != end; ++row) { // the number of the row corresponds to the segment number now. for (const int& perf : perforations[row.index()]) { const int cell_idx = cells[perf]; row.insert(cell_idx); } } // make the B^T matrix for (auto row = duneB_.createbegin(), end = duneB_.createend(); row != end; ++row) { // the number of the row corresponds to the segment number now. for (const int& perf : perforations[row.index()]) { const int cell_idx = cells[perf]; row.insert(cell_idx); } } resWell_.resize(well_.numberOfSegments()); } template void MultisegmentWellEquations::clear() { duneB_ = 0.0; duneC_ = 0.0; duneD_ = 0.0; resWell_ = 0.0; duneDSolver_.reset(); } template void MultisegmentWellEquations:: apply(const BVector& x, BVector& Ax) const { BVectorWell Bx(duneB_.N()); duneB_.mv(x, Bx); // invDBx = duneD^-1 * Bx_ const BVectorWell invDBx = mswellhelpers::applyUMFPack(*duneDSolver_, Bx); // Ax = Ax - duneC_^T * invDBx duneC_.mmtv(invDBx,Ax); } template void MultisegmentWellEquations:: apply(BVector& r) const { // invDrw_ = duneD^-1 * resWell_ const BVectorWell invDrw = mswellhelpers::applyUMFPack(*duneDSolver_, resWell_); // r = r - duneC_^T * invDrw duneC_.mmtv(invDrw, r); } template void MultisegmentWellEquations::createSolver() { #if HAVE_UMFPACK if (duneDSolver_) { return; } duneDSolver_ = std::make_shared>(duneD_, 0); #else OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "MultisegmentWell support requires UMFPACK. " "Reconfigure opm-simulators with SuiteSparse/UMFPACK support and recompile."); #endif } template typename MultisegmentWellEquations::BVectorWell MultisegmentWellEquations::solve() const { return mswellhelpers::applyUMFPack(*duneDSolver_, resWell_); } template void MultisegmentWellEquations:: recoverSolutionWell(const BVector& x, BVectorWell& xw) const { BVectorWell resWell = resWell_; // resWell = resWell - B * x duneB_.mmv(x, resWell); // xw = D^-1 * resWell xw = mswellhelpers::applyUMFPack(*duneDSolver_, resWell); } #if COMPILE_BDA_BRIDGE template void MultisegmentWellEquations:: extract(WellContributions& wellContribs) const { unsigned int Mb = duneB_.N(); // number of blockrows in duneB_, duneC_ and duneD_ unsigned int BnumBlocks = duneB_.nonzeroes(); unsigned int DnumBlocks = duneD_.nonzeroes(); // duneC std::vector Ccols; std::vector Cvals; Ccols.reserve(BnumBlocks); Cvals.reserve(BnumBlocks * numEq * numWellEq); for (auto rowC = duneC_.begin(); rowC != duneC_.end(); ++rowC) { for (auto colC = rowC->begin(), endC = rowC->end(); colC != endC; ++colC) { Ccols.emplace_back(colC.index()); for (int i = 0; i < numWellEq; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < numEq; ++j) { Cvals.emplace_back((*colC)[i][j]); } } } } // duneD Dune::UMFPack umfpackMatrix(duneD_, 0); double* Dvals = umfpackMatrix.getInternalMatrix().getValues(); auto* Dcols = umfpackMatrix.getInternalMatrix().getColStart(); auto* Drows = umfpackMatrix.getInternalMatrix().getRowIndex(); // duneB std::vector Bcols; std::vector Brows; std::vector Bvals; Bcols.reserve(BnumBlocks); Brows.reserve(Mb+1); Bvals.reserve(BnumBlocks * numEq * numWellEq); Brows.emplace_back(0); unsigned int sumBlocks = 0; for (auto rowB = duneB_.begin(); rowB != duneB_.end(); ++rowB) { int sizeRow = 0; for (auto colB = rowB->begin(), endB = rowB->end(); colB != endB; ++colB) { Bcols.emplace_back(colB.index()); for (int i = 0; i < numWellEq; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < numEq; ++j) { Bvals.emplace_back((*colB)[i][j]); } } sizeRow++; } sumBlocks += sizeRow; Brows.emplace_back(sumBlocks); } wellContribs.addMultisegmentWellContribution(numEq, numWellEq, Mb, Bvals, Bcols, Brows, DnumBlocks, Dvals, Dcols, Drows, Cvals); } #endif template template void MultisegmentWellEquations:: extract(SparseMatrixAdapter& jacobian) const { const auto invDuneD = mswellhelpers::invertWithUMFPack(duneD_.M(), numWellEq, *duneDSolver_); // We need to change matrix A as follows // A -= C^T D^-1 B // D is a (nseg x nseg) block matrix with (4 x 4) blocks. // B and C are (nseg x ncells) block matrices with (4 x 4 blocks). // They have nonzeros at (i, j) only if this well has a // perforation at cell j connected to segment i. The code // assumes that no cell is connected to more than one segment, // i.e. the columns of B/C have no more than one nonzero. for (std::size_t rowC = 0; rowC < duneC_.N(); ++rowC) { for (auto colC = duneC_[rowC].begin(), endC = duneC_[rowC].end(); colC != endC; ++colC) { const auto row_index = colC.index(); for (std::size_t rowB = 0; rowB < duneB_.N(); ++rowB) { for (auto colB = duneB_[rowB].begin(), endB = duneB_[rowB].end(); colB != endB; ++colB) { const auto col_index = colB.index(); OffDiagMatrixBlockWellType tmp1; detail::multMatrixImpl(invDuneD[rowC][rowB], (*colB), tmp1, std::true_type()); typename SparseMatrixAdapter::MatrixBlock tmp2; detail::multMatrixTransposedImpl((*colC), tmp1, tmp2, std::false_type()); jacobian.addToBlock(row_index, col_index, tmp2); } } } } } template template void MultisegmentWellEquations:: extractCPRPressureMatrix(PressureMatrix& jacobian, const BVector& weights, const int pressureVarIndex, const bool /*use_well_weights*/, const WellInterfaceGeneric& well, const int seg_pressure_var_ind, const WellState& well_state) const { // Add the pressure contribution to the cpr system for the well // Add for coupling from well to reservoir const int welldof_ind = duneC_.M() + well.indexOfWell(); if (!well.isPressureControlled(well_state)) { for (std::size_t rowC = 0; rowC < duneC_.N(); ++rowC) { for (auto colC = duneC_[rowC].begin(), endC = duneC_[rowC].end(); colC != endC; ++colC) { const auto row_index = colC.index(); const auto& bw = weights[row_index]; double matel = 0.0; for (std::size_t i = 0; i< bw.size(); ++i) { matel += bw[i]*(*colC)[seg_pressure_var_ind][i]; } jacobian[row_index][welldof_ind] += matel; } } } // make cpr weights for well by pure avarage of reservoir weights of the perforations if (!well.isPressureControlled(well_state)) { auto well_weight = weights[0]; well_weight = 0.0; int num_perfs = 0; for (std::size_t rowB = 0; rowB < duneB_.N(); ++rowB) { for (auto colB = duneB_[rowB].begin(), endB = duneB_[rowB].end(); colB != endB; ++colB) { const auto col_index = colB.index(); const auto& bw = weights[col_index]; well_weight += bw; num_perfs += 1; } } well_weight /= num_perfs; assert(num_perfs > 0); // Add for coupling from reservoir to well and caclulate diag elelement corresping to incompressible standard well double diag_ell = 0.0; for (std::size_t rowB = 0; rowB < duneB_.N(); ++rowB) { const auto& bw = well_weight; for (auto colB = duneB_[rowB].begin(), endB = duneB_[rowB].end(); colB != endB; ++colB) { const auto col_index = colB.index(); double matel = 0.0; for (std::size_t i = 0; i< bw.size(); ++i) { matel += bw[i] *(*colB)[i][pressureVarIndex]; } jacobian[welldof_ind][col_index] += matel; diag_ell -= matel; } } #define EXTRA_DEBUG_MSW 0 #if EXTRA_DEBUG_MSW if (diag_ell <= 0.0) { std::stringstream msg; msg << "Diagonal element for cprw on " << this->name() << " is " << diag_ell; OpmLog::warning(msg.str()); } #endif #undef EXTRA_DEBUG_MSW jacobian[welldof_ind][welldof_ind] = diag_ell; } else { jacobian[welldof_ind][welldof_ind] = 1.0; // maybe we could have used diag_ell if calculated } } #define INSTANCE(numWellEq, numEq) \ template class MultisegmentWellEquations; \ template void MultisegmentWellEquations:: \ extract(Linear::IstlSparseMatrixAdapter>&) const; \ template void MultisegmentWellEquations:: \ extractCPRPressureMatrix(Dune::BCRSMatrix>&, \ const MultisegmentWellEquations::BVector&, \ const int, \ const bool, \ const WellInterfaceGeneric&, \ const int, \ const WellState&) const; INSTANCE(2,1) INSTANCE(2,2) INSTANCE(2,6) INSTANCE(3,2) INSTANCE(3,3) INSTANCE(3,4) INSTANCE(4,3) INSTANCE(4,4) INSTANCE(4,5) }