/* Copyright 2013 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics. Copyright 2014 IRIS AS Copyright 2015 Andreas Lauser This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM). OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OPM. If not, see . */ namespace Opm { template auto SimulatorFullyImplicitBlackoilMultiSegment:: createSolver(const WellModel& well_model) -> std::unique_ptr { typedef typename Traits::Model Model; auto model = std::unique_ptr(new Model(model_param_, grid_, props_, geo_, rock_comp_props_, well_model, solver_, eclipse_state_, has_disgas_, has_vapoil_, terminal_output_)); if (!Base::threshold_pressures_by_face_.empty()) { model->setThresholdPressures(Base::threshold_pressures_by_face_); } return std::unique_ptr(new Solver(Base::solver_param_, std::move(model))); } template SimulatorReport SimulatorFullyImplicitBlackoilMultiSegment::run(SimulatorTimer& timer, ReservoirState& state) { WellState prev_well_state; // Create timers and file for writing timing info. Opm::time::StopWatch solver_timer; double stime = 0.0; Opm::time::StopWatch step_timer; Opm::time::StopWatch total_timer; total_timer.start(); std::string tstep_filename = output_writer_.outputDirectory() + "/step_timing.txt"; std::ofstream tstep_os(tstep_filename.c_str()); // adaptive time stepping std::unique_ptr< AdaptiveTimeStepping > adaptiveTimeStepping; if( param_.getDefault("timestep.adaptive", true ) ) { adaptiveTimeStepping.reset( new AdaptiveTimeStepping( param_, terminal_output_ ) ); } std::string restorefilename = param_.getDefault("restorefile", std::string("") ); if( ! restorefilename.empty() ) { // -1 means that we'll take the last report step that was written const int desiredRestoreStep = param_.getDefault("restorestep", int(-1) ); output_writer_.restore( timer, state, prev_well_state, restorefilename, desiredRestoreStep ); } unsigned int totalNonlinearIterations = 0; unsigned int totalLinearIterations = 0; DynamicListEconLimited dynamic_list_econ_limited; bool ooip_computed = false; std::vector fipnum_global = eclipse_state_->get3DProperties().getIntGridProperty("FIPNUM").getData(); //Get compressed cell fipnum. std::vector fipnum(AutoDiffGrid::numCells(grid_)); if (fipnum_global.empty()) { std::fill(fipnum.begin(), fipnum.end(), 0); } else { for (size_t c = 0; c < fipnum.size(); ++c) { fipnum[c] = fipnum_global[AutoDiffGrid::globalCell(grid_)[c]]; } } std::vector > OOIP; // Main simulation loop. while (!timer.done()) { // Report timestep. step_timer.start(); if ( terminal_output_ ) { timer.report(std::cout); } // Create wells and well state. WellsManager wells_manager(*eclipse_state_, timer.currentStepNum(), Opm::UgGridHelpers::numCells(grid_), Opm::UgGridHelpers::globalCell(grid_), Opm::UgGridHelpers::cartDims(grid_), Opm::UgGridHelpers::dimensions(grid_), Opm::UgGridHelpers::cell2Faces(grid_), Opm::UgGridHelpers::beginFaceCentroids(grid_), dynamic_list_econ_limited, is_parallel_run_, // We need to pass the optionaly arguments // as we get the following error otherwise // with c++ (Debian 4.9.2-10) 4.9.2 and -std=c++11 // converting to ‘const std::unordered_set >’ from initializer list would use explicit constructor std::vector(), // null well_potentials Base::defunct_well_names_); const Wells* wells = wells_manager.c_wells(); WellState well_state; // well_state.init(wells, state, prev_well_state); const auto wells_ecl = eclipse_state_->getSchedule().getWells(timer.currentStepNum()); const int current_time_step = timer.currentStepNum(); const WellModel well_model(wells, &(wells_manager.wellCollection()), wells_ecl, current_time_step); well_state.init(well_model, state, prev_well_state, wells); // give the polymer and surfactant simulators the chance to do their stuff Base::asImpl().handleAdditionalWellInflow(timer, wells_manager, well_state, wells); // write the inital state at the report stage if (timer.initialStep()) { // No per cell data is written for initial step, but will be // for subsequent steps, when we have started simulating output_writer_.writeTimeStepWithoutCellProperties( timer, state, well_state, {} ); } // Max oil saturation (for VPPARS), hysteresis update. props_.updateSatOilMax(state.saturation()); props_.updateSatHyst(state.saturation(), allcells_); // Compute reservoir volumes for RESV controls. Base::asImpl().computeRESV(timer.currentStepNum(), wells, state, well_state); // Run a multiple steps of the solver depending on the time step control. solver_timer.start(); auto solver = createSolver(well_model); // Compute orignal FIP; if (!ooip_computed) { OOIP = solver->computeFluidInPlace(state, fipnum); Base::FIPUnitConvert(eclipse_state_->getUnits(), OOIP); ooip_computed = true; } // If sub stepping is enabled allow the solver to sub cycle // in case the report steps are too large for the solver to converge // // \Note: The report steps are met in any case // \Note: The sub stepping will require a copy of the state variables if( adaptiveTimeStepping ) { adaptiveTimeStepping->step( timer, *solver, state, well_state, output_writer_ ); } else { // solve for complete report step solver->step(timer, state, well_state); } // take time that was used to solve system for this reportStep solver_timer.stop(); // accumulate the number of nonlinear and linear Iterations totalNonlinearIterations += solver->nonlinearIterations(); totalLinearIterations += solver->linearIterations(); // Report timing. const double st = solver_timer.secsSinceStart(); // Compute current FIP. std::vector > COIP; COIP = solver->computeFluidInPlace(state, fipnum); std::vector OOIP_totals = Base::FIPTotals(OOIP, state); std::vector COIP_totals = Base::FIPTotals(COIP, state); //Convert to correct units Base::FIPUnitConvert(eclipse_state_->getUnits(), COIP); Base::FIPUnitConvert(eclipse_state_->getUnits(), OOIP_totals); Base::FIPUnitConvert(eclipse_state_->getUnits(), COIP_totals); if ( terminal_output_ ) { Base::outputFluidInPlace(OOIP_totals, COIP_totals,eclipse_state_->getUnits(), 0); for (size_t reg = 0; reg < OOIP.size(); ++reg) { Base::outputFluidInPlace(OOIP[reg], COIP[reg], eclipse_state_->getUnits(), reg+1); } } if ( terminal_output_ ) { std::cout << "Fully implicit solver took: " << st << " seconds." << std::endl; } stime += st; if ( output_writer_.output() ) { SimulatorReport step_report; step_report.solver_time = st; step_report.total_time = step_timer.secsSinceStart(); step_report.reportParam(tstep_os); } // Increment timer, remember well state. ++timer; // write simulation state at the report stage const auto& physicalModel = solver->model(); output_writer_.writeTimeStep( timer, state, well_state, physicalModel ); prev_well_state = well_state; } // Stop timer and create timing report total_timer.stop(); SimulatorReport report; report.total_time = total_timer.secsSinceStart(); report.solver_time = stime; report.total_newton_iterations = totalNonlinearIterations; report.total_linear_iterations = totalLinearIterations; return report; } } // namespace Opm