/* Copyright 2019 Equinor AS. This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM). OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OPM. If not, see . */ #include #if HAVE_MPI #include #endif #include "ParallelRestart.hpp" #include #define HANDLE_AS_POD(T) \ std::size_t packSize(const T& data, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) \ { \ return packSize(data, comm, std::integral_constant()); \ } \ void pack(const T& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, \ Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) \ { \ pack(data, buffer, position, comm, std::integral_constant()); \ } \ void unpack(T& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, \ Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) \ { \ unpack(data, buffer, position, comm, std::integral_constant()); \ } namespace Opm { namespace Mpi { template std::size_t packSize(const T*, std::size_t, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator, std::integral_constant) { OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, "Packing not (yet) supported for this non-pod type."); } template std::size_t packSize(const T*, std::size_t l, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm, std::integral_constant) { #if HAVE_MPI int size; MPI_Pack_size(1, Dune::MPITraits::getType(), comm, &size); std::size_t totalSize = size; MPI_Pack_size(l, Dune::MPITraits::getType(), comm, &size); return totalSize + size; #else (void) comm; return l-l; #endif } template std::size_t packSize(const T* data, std::size_t l, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { return packSize(data, l, comm, typename std::is_pod::type()); } template std::size_t packSize(const std::pair& data, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { return packSize(data.first, comm) + packSize(data.second, comm); } template std::size_t packSize(const std::optional& data, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { bool has_value = data.has_value(); std::size_t pack_size = packSize(has_value, comm); if (has_value) pack_size += packSize(*data, comm); return pack_size; } template std::size_t packSize(const std::vector& data, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { if (std::is_pod::value) // size written automatically return packSize(data.data(), data.size(), comm); std::size_t size = packSize(data.size(), comm); for (const auto& entry: data) size += packSize(entry, comm); return size; } template std::size_t packSize(const std::vector& data, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { bool entry; return packSize(data.size(), comm) + data.size()*packSize(entry,comm); } template typename std::enable_if::value, std::size_t>::type pack_size_tuple_entry(const Tuple&, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator) { return 0; } template typename std::enable_if::value, std::size_t>::type pack_size_tuple_entry(const Tuple& tuple, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { return packSize(std::get(tuple), comm) + pack_size_tuple_entry(tuple, comm); } template std::size_t packSize(const std::tuple& data, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { return pack_size_tuple_entry(data, comm); } template std::size_t packSize(const std::unordered_set& data, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { std::size_t totalSize = packSize(data.size(), comm); for (const auto& entry : data) { totalSize += packSize(entry, comm); } return totalSize; } template std::size_t packSize(const std::set& data, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { std::size_t totalSize = packSize(data.size(), comm); for (const auto& entry : data) { totalSize += packSize(entry, comm); } return totalSize; } std::size_t packSize(const char* str, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { #if HAVE_MPI int size; MPI_Pack_size(1, Dune::MPITraits::getType(), comm, &size); int totalSize = size; MPI_Pack_size(strlen(str)+1, MPI_CHAR, comm, &size); return totalSize + size; #else (void) str; (void) comm; return 0; #endif } std::size_t packSize(const std::string& str, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { return packSize(str.c_str(), comm); } template std::size_t packSize(const std::map& data, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { std::size_t totalSize = packSize(data.size(), comm); for (const auto& entry: data) { totalSize += packSize(entry, comm); } return totalSize; } template std::size_t packSize(const std::unordered_map& data, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { std::size_t totalSize = packSize(data.size(), comm); for (const auto& entry: data) { totalSize += packSize(entry, comm); } return totalSize; } template std::size_t packSize(const std::array& data, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { return N*packSize(data[0], comm); } HANDLE_AS_POD(data::Connection) HANDLE_AS_POD(data::CurrentControl) HANDLE_AS_POD(data::GroupConstraints) HANDLE_AS_POD(data::NodeData) HANDLE_AS_POD(data::Rates) HANDLE_AS_POD(data::Segment) std::size_t packSize(const data::GuideRateValue&, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { const auto nItem = static_cast(data::GuideRateValue::Item::NumItems); return packSize(std::array{}, comm) + packSize(std::array{}, comm); } std::size_t packSize(const data::GroupGuideRates& data, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { return packSize(data.production, comm) + packSize(data.injection, comm); } std::size_t packSize(const data::GroupData& data, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { return packSize(data.currentControl, comm) + packSize(data.guideRates, comm); } std::size_t packSize(const data::Well& data, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { std::size_t size = packSize(data.rates, comm); size += packSize(data.bhp, comm) + packSize(data.thp, comm); size += packSize(data.temperature, comm); size += packSize(data.control, comm); size += packSize(data.connections, comm); size += packSize(data.segments, comm); size += packSize(data.current_control, comm); size += packSize(data.guide_rates, comm); return size; } std::size_t packSize(const data::CellData& data, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { return packSize(data.dim, comm) + packSize(data.data, comm) + packSize(data.target, comm); } std::size_t packSize(const RestartKey& data, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { return packSize(data.key, comm) + packSize(data.dim, comm) + packSize(data.required, comm); } std::size_t packSize(const data::Solution& data, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { // Needs explicit conversion to a supported base type holding the data // to prevent throwing. return packSize(static_cast&>(data), comm); } std::size_t packSize(const data::GroupAndNetworkValues& data, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { return packSize(data.groupData, comm) + packSize(data.nodeData, comm); } std::size_t packSize(const data::WellRates& data, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { // Needs explicit conversion to a supported base type holding the data // to prevent throwing. return packSize(static_cast&>(data), comm); } std::size_t packSize(const RestartValue& data, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { return packSize(data.solution, comm) + packSize(data.wells, comm) + packSize(data.grp_nwrk, comm) + packSize(data.extra, comm); } ////// pack routines template void pack(const T*, std::size_t, std::vector&, int&, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator, std::integral_constant) { OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, "Packing not (yet) supported for this non-pod type."); } template void pack(const T* data, std::size_t l, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm, std::integral_constant) { #if HAVE_MPI MPI_Pack(&l, 1, Dune::MPITraits::getType(), buffer.data(), buffer.size(), &position, comm); MPI_Pack(data, l, Dune::MPITraits::getType(), buffer.data(), buffer.size(), &position, comm); #else (void) data; (void) comm; (void) l; (void) buffer; (void) position; #endif } template void pack(const T* data, std::size_t l, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { pack(data, l, buffer, position, comm, typename std::is_pod::type()); } template void pack(const std::pair& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { pack(data.first, buffer, position, comm); pack(data.second, buffer, position, comm); } template void pack(const std::optional& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { bool has_value = data.has_value(); pack(has_value, buffer, position, comm); if (has_value) pack(*data, buffer, position, comm); } template void pack(const std::vector& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { if (std::is_pod::value) { // size written automatically pack(data.data(), data.size(), buffer, position, comm); return; } pack(data.size(), buffer, position, comm); for (const auto& entry: data) pack(entry, buffer, position, comm); } template void pack(const std::set& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { pack(data.size(), buffer, position, comm); for (const auto& entry : data) { pack(entry, buffer, position, comm); } } template void pack(const std::unordered_set& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { pack(data.size(), buffer, position, comm); for (const auto& entry : data) { pack(entry, buffer, position, comm); } } template void pack(const std::array& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { for (const T& entry : data) pack(entry, buffer, position, comm); } template void pack(const std::vector& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { pack(data.size(), buffer, position, comm); for (const auto& entry : data) { bool b = entry; pack(b, buffer, position, comm); } } template typename std::enable_if::value, void>::type pack_tuple_entry(const Tuple&, std::vector&, int&, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator) { } template typename std::enable_if::value, void>::type pack_tuple_entry(const Tuple& tuple, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { pack(std::get(tuple), buffer, position, comm); pack_tuple_entry(tuple, buffer, position, comm); } template void pack(const std::tuple& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { pack_tuple_entry(data, buffer, position, comm); } void pack(const char* str, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { #if HAVE_MPI std::size_t length = strlen(str)+1; MPI_Pack(&length, 1, Dune::MPITraits::getType(), buffer.data(), buffer.size(), &position, comm); MPI_Pack(str, strlen(str)+1, MPI_CHAR, buffer.data(), buffer.size(), &position, comm); #else (void) str; (void) comm; (void) buffer; (void) position; #endif } void pack(const std::string& str, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { pack(str.c_str(), buffer, position, comm); } template void pack(const std::map& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { pack(data.size(), buffer, position, comm); for (const auto& entry: data) { pack(entry, buffer, position, comm); } } template void pack(const std::unordered_map& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { pack(data.size(), buffer, position, comm); for (const auto& entry: data) { pack(entry, buffer, position, comm); } } void pack(const data::GuideRateValue& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { using Item = data::GuideRateValue::Item; const auto nItem = static_cast(Item::NumItems); auto has = std::array{}; has.fill(0); auto val = std::array{}; val.fill(0.0); for (auto itemID = 0*nItem; itemID < nItem; ++itemID) { const auto item = static_cast(itemID); if (data.has(item)) { has[itemID] = 1; val[itemID] = data.get(item); } } pack(has, buffer, position, comm); pack(val, buffer, position, comm); } void pack(const data::GroupGuideRates& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { pack(data.production, buffer, position, comm); pack(data.injection, buffer, position, comm); } void pack(const data::GroupData& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { pack(data.currentControl, buffer, position, comm); pack(data.guideRates, buffer, position, comm); } void pack(const data::Well& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { pack(data.rates, buffer, position, comm); pack(data.bhp, buffer, position, comm); pack(data.thp, buffer, position, comm); pack(data.temperature, buffer, position, comm); pack(data.control, buffer, position, comm); pack(data.connections, buffer, position, comm); pack(data.segments, buffer, position, comm); pack(data.current_control, buffer, position, comm); pack(data.guide_rates, buffer, position, comm); } void pack(const RestartKey& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { pack(data.key, buffer, position, comm); pack(data.dim, buffer, position, comm); pack(data.required, buffer, position, comm); } void pack(const data::CellData& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { pack(data.dim, buffer, position, comm); pack(data.data, buffer, position, comm); pack(data.target, buffer, position, comm); } void pack(const data::Solution& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { // Needs explicit conversion to a supported base type holding the data // to prevent throwing. pack(static_cast&>(data), buffer, position, comm); } void pack(const data::WellRates& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { // Needs explicit conversion to a supported base type holding the data // to prevent throwing. pack(static_cast&>(data), buffer, position, comm); } void pack(const data::GroupAndNetworkValues& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { pack(data.groupData, buffer, position, comm); pack(data.nodeData, buffer, position, comm); } void pack(const RestartValue& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { pack(data.solution, buffer, position, comm); pack(data.wells, buffer, position, comm); pack(data.grp_nwrk, buffer, position, comm); pack(data.extra, buffer, position, comm); } /// unpack routines template void unpack(T*, const std::size_t&, std::vector&, int&, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator, std::integral_constant) { OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, "Packing not (yet) supported for this non-pod type."); } template void unpack(T* data, const std::size_t& l, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm, std::integral_constant) { #if HAVE_MPI MPI_Unpack(buffer.data(), buffer.size(), &position, data, l, Dune::MPITraits::getType(), comm); #else (void) data; (void) comm; (void) l; (void) buffer; (void) position; #endif } template void unpack(T* data, const std::size_t& l, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { unpack(data, l, buffer, position, comm, typename std::is_pod::type()); } template void unpack(std::pair& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { unpack(data.first, buffer, position, comm); unpack(data.second, buffer, position, comm); } template void unpack(std::optional&data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { bool has_value; unpack(has_value, buffer, position, comm); if (has_value) { T val; unpack(val, buffer, position, comm); data = std::optional(val); } else data.reset(); } template void unpack(std::vector& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { std::size_t length = 0; unpack(length, buffer, position, comm); data.resize(length); if (std::is_pod::value) { unpack(data.data(), data.size(), buffer, position, comm); return; } for (auto& entry: data) unpack(entry, buffer, position, comm); } template void unpack(std::vector& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { size_t size; unpack(size, buffer, position, comm); data.clear(); data.reserve(size); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { bool entry; unpack(entry, buffer, position, comm); data.push_back(entry); } } template typename std::enable_if::value, void>::type unpack_tuple_entry(Tuple&, std::vector&, int&, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator) { } template typename std::enable_if::value, void>::type unpack_tuple_entry(Tuple& tuple, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { unpack(std::get(tuple), buffer, position, comm); unpack_tuple_entry(tuple, buffer, position, comm); } template void unpack(std::tuple& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { unpack_tuple_entry(data, buffer, position, comm); } template void unpack(std::set& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { std::size_t size = 0; unpack(size, buffer, position, comm); for (;size>0; size--) { K entry; unpack(entry, buffer, position, comm); data.insert(entry); } } template void unpack(std::unordered_set& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { std::size_t size=0; unpack(size, buffer, position, comm); for (;size>0; size--) { T entry; unpack(entry, buffer, position, comm); data.insert(entry); } } template void unpack(std::array& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { for (T& entry : data) unpack(entry, buffer, position, comm); } void unpack(char* str, std::size_t length, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { #if HAVE_MPI MPI_Unpack(buffer.data(), buffer.size(), &position, const_cast(str), length, MPI_CHAR, comm); #else (void) str; (void) comm; (void) length; (void) buffer; (void) position; #endif } void unpack(std::string& str, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { std::size_t length=0; unpack(length, buffer, position, comm); std::vector cStr(length, '\0'); unpack(cStr.data(), length, buffer, position, comm); str.clear(); str.append(cStr.data()); } template void unpack(std::map& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { std::size_t size=0; unpack(size, buffer, position, comm); for (;size>0; size--) { std::pair entry; unpack(entry, buffer, position, comm); data.insert(entry); } } template void unpack(std::unordered_map& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { std::size_t size=0; unpack(size, buffer, position, comm); for (;size>0; size--) { std::pair entry; unpack(entry, buffer, position, comm); data.insert(entry); } } void unpack(data::Well& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { unpack(data.rates, buffer, position, comm); unpack(data.bhp, buffer, position, comm); unpack(data.thp, buffer, position, comm); unpack(data.temperature, buffer, position, comm); unpack(data.control, buffer, position, comm); unpack(data.connections, buffer, position, comm); unpack(data.segments, buffer, position, comm); unpack(data.current_control, buffer, position, comm); unpack(data.guide_rates, buffer, position, comm); } void unpack(data::GuideRateValue& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { using Item = data::GuideRateValue::Item; const auto nItem = static_cast(Item::NumItems); auto has = std::array{}; auto val = std::array{}; unpack(has, buffer, position, comm); unpack(val, buffer, position, comm); for (auto itemID = 0*nItem; itemID < nItem; ++itemID) { if (has[itemID] != 0) { data.set(static_cast(itemID), val[itemID]); } } } void unpack(data::GroupGuideRates& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { unpack(data.production, buffer, position, comm); unpack(data.injection, buffer, position, comm); } void unpack(data::GroupData& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { unpack(data.currentControl, buffer, position, comm); unpack(data.guideRates, buffer, position, comm); } void unpack(RestartKey& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { unpack(data.key, buffer, position, comm); unpack(data.dim, buffer, position, comm); unpack(data.required, buffer, position, comm); } void unpack(data::CellData& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { unpack(data.dim, buffer, position, comm); unpack(data.data, buffer, position, comm); unpack(data.target, buffer, position, comm); } void unpack(data::Solution& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { // Needs explicit conversion to a supported base type holding the data // to prevent throwing. unpack(static_cast&>(data), buffer, position, comm); } void unpack(data::WellRates& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { // Needs explicit conversion to a supported base type holding the data // to prevent throwing. unpack(static_cast&>(data), buffer, position, comm); } void unpack(data::GroupAndNetworkValues& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { unpack(data.groupData, buffer, position, comm); unpack(data.nodeData, buffer, position, comm); } void unpack(RestartValue& data, std::vector& buffer, int& position, Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm) { unpack(data.solution, buffer, position, comm); unpack(data.wells, buffer, position, comm); unpack(data.grp_nwrk, buffer, position, comm); unpack(data.extra, buffer, position, comm); } #define INSTANTIATE_PACK_VECTOR(...) \ template std::size_t packSize(const std::vector<__VA_ARGS__>& data, \ Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm); \ template void pack(const std::vector<__VA_ARGS__>& data, \ std::vector& buffer, int& position, \ Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm); \ template void unpack(std::vector<__VA_ARGS__>& data, \ std::vector& buffer, int& position, \ Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm); INSTANTIATE_PACK_VECTOR(double) INSTANTIATE_PACK_VECTOR(std::vector) INSTANTIATE_PACK_VECTOR(bool) INSTANTIATE_PACK_VECTOR(char) INSTANTIATE_PACK_VECTOR(int) INSTANTIATE_PACK_VECTOR(size_t) INSTANTIATE_PACK_VECTOR(std::time_t) INSTANTIATE_PACK_VECTOR(std::array) INSTANTIATE_PACK_VECTOR(std::pair) INSTANTIATE_PACK_VECTOR(std::map) INSTANTIATE_PACK_VECTOR(std::pair>) INSTANTIATE_PACK_VECTOR(std::pair>) INSTANTIATE_PACK_VECTOR(std::pair>) INSTANTIATE_PACK_VECTOR(std::string) #undef INSTANTIATE_PACK_VECTOR #undef INSTANTIATE_PACK_SET #define INSTANTIATE_PACK(...) \ template std::size_t packSize(const __VA_ARGS__& data, \ Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm); \ template void pack(const __VA_ARGS__& data, \ std::vector& buffer, int& position, \ Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm); \ template void unpack(__VA_ARGS__& data, \ std::vector& buffer, int& position, \ Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm); INSTANTIATE_PACK(double) INSTANTIATE_PACK(std::size_t) INSTANTIATE_PACK(bool) INSTANTIATE_PACK(int) INSTANTIATE_PACK(std::array) INSTANTIATE_PACK(std::array) INSTANTIATE_PACK(std::array) INSTANTIATE_PACK(unsigned char) INSTANTIATE_PACK(std::map,std::pair>) INSTANTIATE_PACK(std::optional) INSTANTIATE_PACK(std::optional) INSTANTIATE_PACK(std::optional) INSTANTIATE_PACK(std::pair) INSTANTIATE_PACK(std::optional>) INSTANTIATE_PACK(std::map>) INSTANTIATE_PACK(std::map,int>>) INSTANTIATE_PACK(std::map) INSTANTIATE_PACK(std::map) INSTANTIATE_PACK(std::map) INSTANTIATE_PACK(std::unordered_map) INSTANTIATE_PACK(std::unordered_map) INSTANTIATE_PACK(std::unordered_set) INSTANTIATE_PACK(std::set) #undef INSTANTIATE_PACK } // end namespace Mpi RestartValue loadParallelRestart(const EclipseIO* eclIO, Action::State& actionState, SummaryState& summaryState, const std::vector& solutionKeys, const std::vector& extraKeys, Dune::CollectiveCommunication comm) { #if HAVE_MPI data::Solution sol; data::Wells wells; data::GroupAndNetworkValues grp_nwrk; RestartValue restartValues(sol, wells, grp_nwrk); if (eclIO) { assert(comm.rank() == 0); restartValues = eclIO->loadRestart(actionState, summaryState, solutionKeys, extraKeys); int packedSize = Mpi::packSize(restartValues, comm); std::vector buffer(packedSize); int position=0; Mpi::pack(restartValues, buffer, position, comm); comm.broadcast(&position, 1, 0); comm.broadcast(buffer.data(), position, 0); std::vector buf2 = summaryState.serialize(); int size = buf2.size(); comm.broadcast(&size, 1, 0); comm.broadcast(buf2.data(), size, 0); } else { int bufferSize{}; comm.broadcast(&bufferSize, 1, 0); std::vector buffer(bufferSize); comm.broadcast(buffer.data(), bufferSize, 0); int position{}; Mpi::unpack(restartValues, buffer, position, comm); comm.broadcast(&bufferSize, 1, 0); buffer.resize(bufferSize); comm.broadcast(buffer.data(), bufferSize, 0); summaryState.deserialize(buffer); } return restartValues; #else (void) comm; return eclIO->loadRestart(actionState, summaryState, solutionKeys, extraKeys); #endif } } // end namespace Opm