\chapter[Tutorial]{Tutorial}\label{chp:tutorial} \eWoms provides two sorts of models: Models which use a fully-implicit discretization in space and time and models that are semi-implicit. The semi-implicit solve the combined mass balance equation for all phases implicitly -- which yields a pressure -- and then transport the conserved quantities in an explicit step based on the result of the (implicit) pressure step. For this reason these models are also called to be based on the IMPES approach (\textbf{i}mplicit \textbf{p}ressure \textbf{e}xplicit \textbf{s}aturation) or, more generally, on the IMPET approach (IMPES (\textbf{i}mplicit \textbf{p}ressure \textbf{e}xplicit \textbf{t}ransport). The fully-implicit models, describe the conservation quantities of a flow system as a system of strongly coupled partial differential equations. Physically, these conservation quantities are mass, momentum and energy; Although the momentum is usually not explicitly conserved in the context of flow models for porous media. In section \ref{box} a short introduction to the vertex centered finite volume scheme (VCFV or box method) used by \eWoms as the spatial discretization of the fully-implicit models is given. The decoupled models usually employ a cell-centered finite volume scheme which is quite similar to the VCFV discretization, except that this scheme does not require to construct a dual grid centered around the primary grid's vertices. The following two sections of the tutorial first introduce how to solve flow problems using a fully-coupled model (section \ref{tutorial-coupled}) and then how to solve the same problem using a semi-implicit model (section \ref{tutorial-decoupled}). Being the easiest case, an isothermal two-phase system (two fluid phases, one solid phase) will be considered. The source code of these tutorials is shipped with the \eWoms source package and can be found in the \texttt{tutorial} directory. \input{tutorial-coupled} \input{tutorial-decoupled} %\input{tutorial-newmodel} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: "ewoms-handbook" %%% End: