Copyright 2019 Equinor ASA
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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namespace bda
using Opm::OpmLog;
using Dune::Timer;
BILU0::BILU0(bool level_scheduling_, bool graph_coloring_, int verbosity_) :
verbosity(verbosity_), level_scheduling(level_scheduling_), graph_coloring(graph_coloring_)
if (level_scheduling == graph_coloring) {
OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, "Error, either level_scheduling or graph_coloring must be true, not both\n");
delete[] invDiagVals;
delete[] diagIndex;
delete[] toOrder;
delete[] fromOrder;
bool BILU0::init(BlockedMatrix *mat)
const unsigned int bs = block_size;
this->N = mat->Nb * block_size;
this->Nb = mat->Nb;
this->nnz = mat->nnzbs * block_size * block_size;
this->nnzbs = mat->nnzbs;
toOrder = new int[Nb];
fromOrder = new int[Nb];
int *CSCRowIndices = new int[nnzbs];
int *CSCColPointers = new int[Nb + 1];
Timer t_convert;
csrPatternToCsc(mat->colIndices, mat->rowPointers, CSCRowIndices, CSCColPointers, mat->Nb);
if(verbosity >= 3){
std::ostringstream out;
out << "BILU0 convert CSR to CSC: " << t_convert.stop() << " s";
Timer t_analysis;
rmat = std::make_shared >(mat->Nb, mat->nnzbs);
LUmat = std::make_unique >(*rmat);
if (level_scheduling) {
findLevelScheduling(mat->colIndices, mat->rowPointers, CSCRowIndices, CSCColPointers, mat->Nb, &numColors, toOrder, fromOrder, rowsPerColor);
} else if (graph_coloring) {
findGraphColoring(mat->colIndices, mat->rowPointers, CSCRowIndices, CSCColPointers, mat->Nb, mat->Nb, mat->Nb, &numColors, toOrder, fromOrder, rowsPerColor);
if(verbosity >= 3){
std::ostringstream out;
out << "BILU0 analysis took: " << t_analysis.stop() << " s, " << numColors << " colors";
delete[] CSCRowIndices;
delete[] CSCColPointers;
diagIndex = new int[mat->Nb];
invDiagVals = new double[mat->Nb * bs * bs];
Lmat = std::make_unique >(mat->Nb, (mat->nnzbs - mat->Nb) / 2);
Umat = std::make_unique >(mat->Nb, (mat->nnzbs - mat->Nb) / 2);
LUmat->nnzValues = new double[mat->nnzbs * bs * bs];
s.Lvals = cl::Buffer(*context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(double) * bs * bs * Lmat->nnzbs);
s.Uvals = cl::Buffer(*context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(double) * bs * bs * Umat->nnzbs);
s.Lcols = cl::Buffer(*context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(int) * Lmat->nnzbs);
s.Ucols = cl::Buffer(*context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(int) * Umat->nnzbs);
s.Lrows = cl::Buffer(*context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(int) * (Lmat->Nb + 1));
s.Urows = cl::Buffer(*context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(int) * (Umat->Nb + 1));
s.invDiagVals = cl::Buffer(*context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(double) * bs * bs * mat->Nb);
s.rowsPerColor = cl::Buffer(*context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(int) * (numColors + 1));
queue->enqueueWriteBuffer(s.Lvals, CL_TRUE, 0, Lmat->nnzbs * sizeof(double) * bs * bs, Lmat->nnzValues);
queue->enqueueWriteBuffer(s.Uvals, CL_TRUE, 0, Umat->nnzbs * sizeof(double) * bs * bs, Umat->nnzValues);
queue->enqueueWriteBuffer(s.Lcols, CL_TRUE, 0, Lmat->nnzbs * sizeof(int), Lmat->colIndices);
queue->enqueueWriteBuffer(s.Ucols, CL_TRUE, 0, Umat->nnzbs * sizeof(int), Umat->colIndices);
queue->enqueueWriteBuffer(s.Lrows, CL_TRUE, 0, (Lmat->Nb + 1) * sizeof(int), Lmat->rowPointers);
queue->enqueueWriteBuffer(s.Urows, CL_TRUE, 0, (Umat->Nb + 1) * sizeof(int), Umat->rowPointers);
queue->enqueueWriteBuffer(s.invDiagVals, CL_TRUE, 0, mat->Nb * sizeof(double) * bs * bs, invDiagVals);
int *rowsPerColorPrefix = new int[numColors + 1];
int prefix = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numColors + 1; ++i) {
rowsPerColorPrefix[i] = prefix;
prefix += rowsPerColor[i];
queue->enqueueWriteBuffer(s.rowsPerColor, CL_TRUE, 0, (numColors + 1) * sizeof(int), rowsPerColorPrefix);
delete[] rowsPerColorPrefix;
return true;
} // end init()
bool BILU0::create_preconditioner(BlockedMatrix *mat)
const unsigned int bs = block_size;
Timer t_reorder;
reorderBlockedMatrixByPattern(mat, toOrder, fromOrder, rmat.get());
if (verbosity >= 3){
std::ostringstream out;
out << "BILU0 reorder matrix: " << t_reorder.stop() << " s";
// TODO: remove this copy by replacing inplace ilu decomp by out-of-place ilu decomp
Timer t_copy;
memcpy(LUmat->nnzValues, rmat->nnzValues, sizeof(double) * bs * bs * rmat->nnzbs);
if (verbosity >= 3){
std::ostringstream out;
out << "BILU0 memcpy: " << t_copy.stop() << " s";
int i, j, ij, ik, jk;
int iRowStart, iRowEnd, jRowEnd;
double pivot[bs * bs];
int LSize = 0;
Opm::Detail::Inverter inverter; // reuse inverter to invert blocks
Timer t_decomposition;
// go through all rows
for (i = 0; i < LUmat->Nb; i++) {
iRowStart = LUmat->rowPointers[i];
iRowEnd = LUmat->rowPointers[i + 1];
// go through all elements of the row
for (ij = iRowStart; ij < iRowEnd; ij++) {
j = LUmat->colIndices[ij];
// if the element is the diagonal, store the index and go to next row
if (j == i) {
diagIndex[i] = ij;
// if an element beyond the diagonal is reach, no diagonal was found
// throw an error now. TODO: perform reordering earlier to prevent this
if (j > i) {
std::ostringstream out;
out << "BILU0 Error could not find diagonal value in row: " << i;
return false;
// calculate the pivot of this row
blockMult(LUmat->nnzValues + ij * bs * bs, invDiagVals + j * bs * bs, &pivot[0]);
memcpy(LUmat->nnzValues + ij * bs * bs, &pivot[0], sizeof(double) * block_size * block_size);
jRowEnd = LUmat->rowPointers[j + 1];
jk = diagIndex[j] + 1;
ik = ij + 1;
// substract that row scaled by the pivot from this row.
while (ik < iRowEnd && jk < jRowEnd) {
if (LUmat->colIndices[ik] == LUmat->colIndices[jk]) {
blockMultSub(LUmat->nnzValues + ik * bs * bs, pivot, LUmat->nnzValues + jk * bs * bs);
} else {
if (LUmat->colIndices[ik] < LUmat->colIndices[jk])
{ ik++; }
{ jk++; }
// store the inverse in the diagonal!
inverter(LUmat->nnzValues + ij * bs * bs, invDiagVals + i * bs * bs);
memcpy(LUmat->nnzValues + ij * bs * bs, invDiagVals + i * bs * bs, sizeof(double) * bs * bs);
Lmat->rowPointers[0] = 0;
Umat->rowPointers[0] = 0;
// Split the LU matrix into two by comparing column indices to diagonal indices
for (i = 0; i < LUmat->Nb; i++) {
int offsetL = Lmat->rowPointers[i];
int rowSize = diagIndex[i] - LUmat->rowPointers[i];
int offsetLU = LUmat->rowPointers[i];
memcpy(Lmat->nnzValues + offsetL * bs * bs, LUmat->nnzValues + offsetLU * bs * bs, sizeof(double) * bs * bs * rowSize);
memcpy(Lmat->colIndices + offsetL, LUmat->colIndices + offsetLU, sizeof(int) * rowSize);
offsetL += rowSize;
Lmat->rowPointers[i + 1] = offsetL;
// Reverse the order or the (blocked) rows for the U matrix,
// because the rows are accessed in reverse order when applying the ILU0
int URowIndex = 0;
for (i = LUmat->Nb - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
int offsetU = Umat->rowPointers[URowIndex];
int rowSize = LUmat->rowPointers[i + 1] - diagIndex[i] - 1;
int offsetLU = diagIndex[i] + 1;
memcpy(Umat->nnzValues + offsetU * bs * bs, LUmat->nnzValues + offsetLU * bs * bs, sizeof(double) * bs * bs * rowSize);
memcpy(Umat->colIndices + offsetU, LUmat->colIndices + offsetLU, sizeof(int) * rowSize);
offsetU += rowSize;
Umat->rowPointers[URowIndex + 1] = offsetU;
if (verbosity >= 3) {
std::ostringstream out;
out << "BILU0 decomposition: " << t_decomposition.stop() << " s";
Timer t_copyToGpu;
if (pattern_uploaded == false) {
queue->enqueueWriteBuffer(s.Lcols, CL_TRUE, 0, Lmat->nnzbs * sizeof(int), Lmat->colIndices);
queue->enqueueWriteBuffer(s.Ucols, CL_TRUE, 0, Umat->nnzbs * sizeof(int), Umat->colIndices);
queue->enqueueWriteBuffer(s.Lrows, CL_TRUE, 0, (Lmat->Nb + 1) * sizeof(int), Lmat->rowPointers);
queue->enqueueWriteBuffer(s.Urows, CL_TRUE, 0, (Umat->Nb + 1) * sizeof(int), Umat->rowPointers);
pattern_uploaded = true;
queue->enqueueWriteBuffer(s.Lvals, CL_TRUE, 0, Lmat->nnzbs * sizeof(double) * bs * bs, Lmat->nnzValues);
queue->enqueueWriteBuffer(s.Uvals, CL_TRUE, 0, Umat->nnzbs * sizeof(double) * bs * bs, Umat->nnzValues);
queue->enqueueWriteBuffer(s.invDiagVals, CL_TRUE, 0, Nb * sizeof(double) * bs * bs, invDiagVals);
if (verbosity >= 3) {
std::ostringstream out;
out << "BILU0 copy to GPU: " << t_copyToGpu.stop() << " s";
return true;
} // end create_preconditioner()
// kernels are blocking on an NVIDIA GPU, so waiting for events is not needed
// however, if individual kernel calls are timed, waiting for events is needed
// behavior on other GPUs is untested
void BILU0::apply(cl::Buffer& x, cl::Buffer& y)
cl::Event event;
Timer t_apply;
for(int color = 0; color < numColors; ++color){
event = (*ILU_apply1)(cl::EnqueueArgs(*queue, cl::NDRange(total_work_items), cl::NDRange(work_group_size)), s.Lvals, s.Lcols, s.Lrows, (unsigned int)Nb, x, y, s.rowsPerColor, color, block_size, cl::Local(lmem_per_work_group));
// event.wait();
for(int color = numColors-1; color >= 0; --color){
event = (*ILU_apply2)(cl::EnqueueArgs(*queue, cl::NDRange(total_work_items), cl::NDRange(work_group_size)), s.Uvals, s.Ucols, s.Urows, (unsigned int)Nb, s.invDiagVals, y, s.rowsPerColor, color, block_size, cl::Local(lmem_per_work_group));
// event.wait();
if (verbosity >= 3) {
std::ostringstream out;
out << "BILU0 apply: " << t_apply.stop() << " s";
void BILU0::setOpenCLContext(cl::Context *context_){
this->context = context_;
void BILU0::setOpenCLQueue(cl::CommandQueue *queue_){
this->queue = queue_;
void BILU0::setKernelParameters(const unsigned int work_group_size_, const unsigned int total_work_items_, const unsigned int lmem_per_work_group_){
this->work_group_size = work_group_size_;
this->total_work_items = total_work_items_;
this->lmem_per_work_group = lmem_per_work_group_;
void BILU0::setKernels(
cl::make_kernel *ILU_apply1_,
cl::make_kernel *ILU_apply2_
this->ILU_apply1 = ILU_apply1_;
this->ILU_apply2 = ILU_apply2_;
template BILU0::BILU0(bool, bool, int); \
template BILU0::~BILU0(); \
template bool BILU0::init(BlockedMatrix*); \
template bool BILU0::create_preconditioner(BlockedMatrix*); \
template void BILU0::apply(cl::Buffer& x, cl::Buffer& y); \
template void BILU0::setOpenCLContext(cl::Context*); \
template void BILU0::setOpenCLQueue(cl::CommandQueue*); \
template void BILU0::setKernelParameters(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int); \
template void BILU0::setKernels( \
cl::make_kernel *, \
cl::make_kernel * \
} // end namespace bda