########################################################################### # # # Note: The bulk of the build system is located in the cmake/ directory. # # This file only contains the specializations for this particular # # project. Most likely you are interested in editing one of these # # files instead: # # # # dune.module Name and version number # # CMakeLists_files.cmake Path of source files # # cmake/Modules/${project}-prereqs.cmake Dependencies # # # ########################################################################### # Mandatory call to project cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.10) project(opm-simulators C CXX) option(SIBLING_SEARCH "Search for other modules in sibling directories?" ON) set( USE_OPENMP_DEFAULT OFF ) # Use of OpenMP is considered experimental option(BUILD_FLOW "Build the production oriented flow simulator?" ON) option(BUILD_FLOW_VARIANTS "Build the variants for flow by default?" OFF) option(BUILD_FLOW_FLOAT_VARIANTS "Build the variants for flow using float?" OFF) option(BUILD_FLOW_POLY_GRID "Build flow blackoil with polyhedral grid" OFF) option(OPM_ENABLE_PYTHON "Enable python bindings?" OFF) option(OPM_ENABLE_PYTHON_TESTS "Enable tests for the python bindings?" ON) option(OPM_INSTALL_PYTHON "Install python bindings?" ON) option(USE_CHOW_PATEL_ILU "Use the iterative ILU by Chow and Patel?" OFF) option(USE_CHOW_PATEL_ILU_GPU "Run iterative ILU decomposition on GPU? Requires USE_CHOW_PATEL_ILU" OFF) option(USE_CHOW_PATEL_ILU_GPU_PARALLEL "Try to use more parallelism on the GPU during the iterative ILU decomposition? Requires USE_CHOW_PATEL_ILU_GPU" OFF) option(BUILD_FLOW_ALU_GRID "Build flow blackoil with alu grid" OFF) option(USE_DAMARIS_LIB "Use the Damaris library for asynchronous I/O?" OFF) option(USE_BDA_BRIDGE "Enable the BDA bridge (GPU/AMGCL solvers)" ON) option(USE_TRACY_PROFILER "Enable tracy profiling" OFF) option(CONVERT_CUDA_TO_HIP "Convert CUDA code to HIP (to run on AMD cards)" OFF) # HIP requires cmake version 3.21 if (CONVERT_CUDA_TO_HIP AND CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "3.21") enable_language(HIP) message("CUDA code will be hipified") set(HAVE_CUDA 1) # we still need this defined so that the preprocessor does not remove the code set(CUDA_FOUND ON) set(USE_HIP 1) find_package(hip REQUIRED) find_package(hipsparse REQUIRED) find_package(hipblas REQUIRED) link_libraries(roc::hipblas roc::hipsparse) elseif(CONVERT_CUDA_TO_HIP) message("To generate HIP code for AMD GPUs run CMake with version >= 3.21") endif() # The following was copied from CMakeLists.txt in opm-common. # TODO: factor out the common parts in opm-common and opm-simulator as a cmake module if (OPM_ENABLE_PYTHON) # We need to be compatible with older CMake versions # that do not offer FindPython3 # e.g. Ubuntu LTS 18.04 uses cmake 3.10 if(${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "3.12.0") find_package(PythonInterp REQUIRED) if(PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR LESS 3) message(SEND_ERROR "OPM requires version 3 of Python but only version ${PYTHON_VERSION_STRING} was found") endif() set(Python3_EXECUTABLE ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE}) set(Python3_LIBRARIES ${PYTHON_LIBRARIES}) set(Python3_VERSION "${PYTHON_VERSION_STRING}") set(Python3_VERSION_MINOR ${PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR}) else() # Be backwards compatible. if(PYTHON_EXECUTABLE AND NOT Python3_EXECUTABLE) set(Python3_EXECUTABLE ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE}) endif() if(${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "3.18.0") find_package(Python3 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Interpreter Development) else() find_package(Python3 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Interpreter Development.Module) endif() endif() if(Python3_VERSION_MINOR LESS 3) # Python native namespace packages requires python >= 3.3 message(SEND_ERROR "OPM requires python >= 3.3 but only version ${Python3_VERSION} was found") endif() # Compatibility settings for PythonInterp and PythonLibs # used e.g. in FindCwrap, pybind11 set(PYTHON_EXECUTABLE ${Python3_EXECUTABLE}) endif() if(SIBLING_SEARCH AND NOT opm-common_DIR) # guess the sibling dir get_filename_component(_leaf_dir_name ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} NAME) get_filename_component(_parent_full_dir ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} DIRECTORY) get_filename_component(_parent_dir_name ${_parent_full_dir} NAME) #Try if / is used get_filename_component(_modules_dir ${_parent_full_dir} DIRECTORY) if(IS_DIRECTORY ${_modules_dir}/opm-common/${_leaf_dir_name}) set(opm-common_DIR ${_modules_dir}/opm-common/${_leaf_dir_name}) else() string(REPLACE ${PROJECT_NAME} opm-common _opm_common_leaf ${_leaf_dir_name}) if(NOT _leaf_dir_name STREQUAL _opm_common_leaf AND IS_DIRECTORY ${_parent_full_dir}/${_opm_common_leaf}) # We are using build directories named set(opm-common_DIR ${_parent_full_dir}/${_opm_common_leaf}) elseif(IS_DIRECTORY ${_parent_full_dir}/opm-common) # All modules are in a common build dir set(opm-common_DIR "${_parent_full_dir}/opm-common") endif() endif() endif() if(opm-common_DIR AND NOT IS_DIRECTORY ${opm-common_DIR}) message(WARNING "Value ${opm-common_DIR} passed to variable" " opm-common_DIR is not a directory") endif() find_package(opm-common REQUIRED) include(OpmInit) OpmSetPolicies() if(USE_MPI) set(HDF5_PREFER_PARALLEL TRUE) endif() if(USE_BDA_BRIDGE) set(COMPILE_BDA_BRIDGE 1) endif() # not the same location as most of the other projects? this hook overrides macro (dir_hook) endmacro (dir_hook) # project information is in dune.module. Read this file and set variables. # we cannot generate dune.module since it is read by dunecontrol before # the build starts, so it makes sense to keep the data there then. include (OpmInit) # Look for the opm-tests repository; if found the variable # HAVE_OPM_TESTS will be set to true. include(Findopm-tests) # list of prerequisites for this particular project; this is in a # separate file (in cmake/Modules sub-directory) because it is shared # with the find module include ("${project}-prereqs") # Make sure we are using the same compiler underneath # NVCC as for the rest. In the case that NVCC does not support # that compiler it will error out. Unfortunately this will only # work for CMake >= 3.8. We found no way to make FindCUDA.cmake error # out. It seems to ignore CMAKE_NVCC_FLAGS and CMAKE. Additionally # our way of specifying cuda source files never worked for CMake # version < 3.8. Hence we deactivate cuda for these versions. # We use "CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER 3.7.9" instead of # CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 3.8, because of backwards # compatibility to cmake 3.6 and lower. if(NOT CMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_CUDA AND CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER 3.7.9) if(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) set(_flags_suffix "_${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}") endif() if(NOT DEFINED ENV{CUDAHOSTCXX} AND NOT DEFINED CMAKE_CUDA_HOST_COMPILER AND (NOT CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS${_flags_suffix} OR NOT CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS${_flags_suffix} MATCHES ".*-ccbin .*")) message(STATUS "Setting CUDA host compiler CMAKE_CUDA_HOST_COMPILER to ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} to " "prevent incompatibilities. Note that this might report that there " "is not CUDA compiler if your system's CUDA compiler does not support " "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}.") # check_language does not seem to care about ${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS} or $(CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS}. # Hence we set CMAKE_CUDA_HOST_COMPILER to our C++ compiler. # In check_language(CUDA) we will get an error if we in addition put # "-ccbin ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}" into CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS. It results # in "${NVCC} -ccbin=${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} -ccbin ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}" # which causes nvcc to abort set(CMAKE_CUDA_HOST_COMPILER ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}) set(ENV{CUDAHOSTCXX} ${CMAKE_CUDA_HOST_COMPILER}) # The only thing honored by check_language(CUDA)! endif() include(CheckLanguage) check_language(CUDA) if(CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER) # OPTIONAL is ignored. Hence the magic above to check whether enabling CUDA works enable_language(CUDA OPTIONAL) # While the documentation says that it is deprecated, FindCUDA seems the # only easy way to determine the cublas and cusparse libraries. # Hence we call it unconditionally # The WellContributions kernel uses __shfl_down_sync, which was introduced in CUDA 9.0 find_package(CUDA) set(CUDA_FOUND ON) endif() if(CUDA_FOUND AND CUDA_VERSION VERSION_LESS "9.0") set(CUDA_FOUND OFF) message(WARNING "Deactivating CUDA as we require version 9.0 or newer." " Found only CUDA version ${CUDA_VERSION}.") endif() endif() find_package(CUDAToolkit) if(CUDA_FOUND) set(HAVE_CUDA 1) if(NOT USE_HIP) # no need to include CUDA files if we use rocm stack include_directories(${CUDA_INCLUDE_DIRS}) include_directories(${CUDAToolkit_INCLUDE_DIRS}) endif() endif() find_package(OpenCL) if(OpenCL_FOUND) # the current OpenCL implementation relies on cl2.hpp, not cl.hpp # make sure it is available, otherwise disable OpenCL find_file(CL2_HPP CL/cl2.hpp HINTS ${OpenCL_INCLUDE_DIRS}) if(CL2_HPP) set(HAVE_OPENCL 1) include_directories(${OpenCL_INCLUDE_DIRS}) find_file(OPENCL_HPP CL/opencl.hpp HINTS ${OpenCL_INCLUDE_DIRS}) if(OPENCL_HPP) set(HAVE_OPENCL_HPP 1) endif() else() message(WARNING " OpenCL was found, but this version of opm-simulators relies on CL/cl2.hpp, which implements OpenCL 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2.\n Deactivating OpenCL") set(OpenCL_FOUND OFF) set(OPENCL_FOUND OFF) endif() if(USE_CHOW_PATEL_ILU) add_compile_options(-DCHOW_PATEL=1) if(USE_CHOW_PATEL_ILU_GPU) add_compile_options(-DCHOW_PATEL_GPU=1) if(USE_CHOW_PATEL_ILU_GPU_PARALLEL) add_compile_options(-DCHOW_PATEL_GPU_PARALLEL=1) else() add_compile_options(-DCHOW_PATEL_GPU_PARALLEL=0) endif() else() add_compile_options(-DCHOW_PATEL_GPU=0) add_compile_options(-DCHOW_PATEL_GPU_PARALLEL=0) endif() endif() else() if(USE_CHOW_PATEL_ILU) message(FATAL_ERROR " CHOW_PATEL_ILU only works for openclSolver, but OpenCL was not found") endif() endif() find_package(amgcl) if(amgcl_FOUND) set(HAVE_AMGCL 1) # Linking to target angcl::amgcl drags in OpenMP and -fopenmp as a compile # flag. With that nvcc fails as it does not that flag. # Hence we set AMGCL_INCLUDE_DIRS. get_property(AMGCL_INCLUDE_DIRS TARGET amgcl::amgcl PROPERTY INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) include_directories(SYSTEM ${AMGCL_INCLUDE_DIRS}) endif() if(OpenCL_FOUND) find_package(VexCL) if(VexCL_FOUND) set(HAVE_VEXCL 1) # generator expressions in vexcl do not seem to work and therefore # we cannot use the imported target. Hence we exract the needed info # from the targets get_property(VEXCL_INCLUDE_DIRS TARGET VexCL::Common PROPERTY INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) get_property(VEXCL_LINK_LIBRARIES TARGET VexCL::Common PROPERTY INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES) get_property(VEXCL_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS TARGET VexCL::OpenCL PROPERTY INTERFACE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS) set(VEXCL_LINK_LIBRARIES "${VEXCL_LINK_LIBRARIES};OpenCL::OpenCL") add_library(OPM::VexCL::OpenCL INTERFACE IMPORTED) set_target_properties(OPM::VexCL::OpenCL PROPERTIES INTERFACE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "${VEXCL_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS}" INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES "${VEXCL_LINK_LIBRARIES}") target_include_directories(OPM::VexCL::OpenCL SYSTEM INTERFACE "${VEXCL_INCLUDE_DIRS}") endif() endif() macro (config_hook) opm_need_version_of ("dune-common") opm_need_version_of ("dune-istl") if(dune-fem_FOUND) opm_need_version_of ("dune-fem") endif() if(NOT fmt_FOUND) include(DownloadFmt) endif() if(USE_TRACY_PROFILER AND Tracy_FOUND) set(USE_TRACY 1) list(APPEND opm-simulators_LIBRARIES Tracy::TracyClient) else() set(USE_TRACY) endif() include_directories(${EXTRA_INCLUDES}) include(UseDamaris) if(BUILD_FLOW_FLOAT_VARIANTS) set(FLOW_INSTANTIATE_FLOAT 1) endif() # The parameter system can leverage std::from_chars() for # floating-point types if available. Detect support for this # feature. try_compile( have_float_from_chars ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/test/testFloatFromChars.cpp CXX_STANDARD 17 ) set(HAVE_FLOATING_POINT_FROM_CHARS 0) if(have_float_from_chars) set(HAVE_FLOATING_POINT_FROM_CHARS 1) endif() endmacro (config_hook) macro (prereqs_hook) endmacro (prereqs_hook) macro (sources_hook) if(OPENCL_FOUND) include(opencl-source-provider) list(APPEND opm-simulators_SOURCES ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/clSources.cpp) endif() if(QuadMath_FOUND) get_target_property(qm_defs QuadMath::QuadMath INTERFACE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS) list(APPEND qm_defs HAVE_QUAD=1) get_target_property(qm_options QuadMath::QuadMath INTERFACE_COMPILE_OPTIONS) set_source_files_properties(opm/models/utils/parametersystem.cpp PROPERTIES COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "${qm_defs}" COMPILE_OPTIONS "${qm_options}") endif() endmacro (sources_hook) macro (fortran_hook) endmacro (fortran_hook) macro (files_hook) if(hip_FOUND) get_filename_component(CXX_COMPILER ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} NAME) if(hip_VERSION VERSION_LESS "5.3") if(ROCALUTION_FOUND AND NOT CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "GNU") message(WARNING " Cannot use hipcc/clang for rocalution with rocm < 5.3\n Disabling rocalutionSolver") unset(ROCALUTION_FOUND) unset(HAVE_ROCALUTION) endif() endif() if(rocsparse_FOUND AND rocblas_FOUND) set(HAVE_ROCSPARSE 1) else() unset(HAVE_ROCSPARSE) endif() if(ROCALUTION_FOUND) set(HAVE_ROCALUTION 1) endif() endif() if(MPI_FOUND AND HDF5_FOUND AND NOT HDF5_IS_PARALLEL) message(WARNING "When building parallel OPM flow we need a " "parallel version of hdf5, but found only a serial one. " "Please install a parallel hdf5 library for MPI " "(e.g with apt-get install libhdf5-mpi-dev) and do a clean " "rebuild (build after \"make clean\"). Continuing with " "only normal restart without hdf5 file support.") set(HDF5_FOUND OFF) unset(HAVE_HDF5) endif() if(HAVE_ROCSPARSE AND HAVE_CUDA AND USE_BDA_BRIDGE) # unsure if this is the correct way to change this message(WARNING "WARNING! Using CUDA and ROCm at the same time is not allowed. Please choose only one of them by setting CMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_=. Disabling CUDA...\n") set(CUDA_FOUND OFF) unset(HAVE_CUDA) endif() # read the list of components from this file (in the project directory); # it should set various lists with the names of the files to include # include needs to be here to make reset HDF5_FOUND available in # (CMakeLists_files.cmake and because we need the created lists during # then inclusion of OpmLibMain include (CMakeLists_files.cmake) endmacro (files_hook) macro (tests_hook) endmacro (tests_hook) # all setup common to the OPM library modules is done here include (OpmLibMain) opm_add_test(test_tuning_xxxMBE SOURCES tests/test_tuning_XXXMBE.cpp LIBRARIES ${Boost_UNIT_TEST_FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY} ONLY_COMPILE) opm_add_test(test_tuning_tsinit_nextstep SOURCES tests/test_tuning_TSINIT_NEXTSTEP.cpp LIBRARIES ${Boost_UNIT_TEST_FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY} opmcommon ONLY_COMPILE) # this test is identical to the simulation of the lens problem that # uses the element centered finite volume discretization in # conjunction with automatic differentiation # (lens_immiscible_ecfv_ad). The only difference is that it uses # multiple compile units in order to ensure that eWoms code can be # used within libraries that use the same type tag within multiple # compile units. opm_add_test(lens_immiscible_ecfv_ad_mcu SOURCES examples/lens_immiscible_ecfv_ad_cu1.cpp examples/lens_immiscible_ecfv_ad_cu2.cpp examples/lens_immiscible_ecfv_ad_main.cpp LIBRARIES opmsimulators opmcommon ONLY_COMPILE) if(QuadMath_FOUND) foreach(tapp co2injection_flash_ni_ecfv co2injection_flash_ni_vcfv co2injection_flash_ecfv co2injection_flash_vcfv) opm_add_test(${tapp}_quad LIBRARIES opmsimulators opmcommon EXE_NAME ${tapp}_quad SOURCES examples/${tapp}.cpp ONLY_COMPILE) target_link_libraries(${tapp}_quad QuadMath::QuadMath) target_compile_definitions(${tapp}_quad PRIVATE HAVE_QUAD=1) endforeach() endif() target_sources(test_outputdir PRIVATE $) target_sources(test_equil PRIVATE $) target_sources(test_RestartSerialization PRIVATE $) target_sources(test_glift1 PRIVATE $) include (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/modelTests.cmake) if (HAVE_OPM_TESTS) include (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/compareECLFiles.cmake) endif() if(MPI_FOUND) include (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/parallelUnitTests.cmake) endif() include(OpmBashCompletion) if (NOT BUILD_FLOW) set(FLOW_DEFAULT_ENABLE_IF "FALSE") else() set(FLOW_DEFAULT_ENABLE_IF "TRUE") endif() if (NOT BUILD_FLOW_VARIANTS) set(FLOW_VARIANTS_DEFAULT_ENABLE_IF "FALSE") else() set(FLOW_VARIANTS_DEFAULT_ENABLE_IF "TRUE") endif() if (NOT BUILD_FLOW_POLY_GRID) set(FLOW_POLY_ONLY_DEFAULT_ENABLE_IF "FALSE") else() set(FLOW_POLY_ONLY_DEFAULT_ENABLE_IF "TRUE") endif() add_library(moduleVersion OBJECT opm/simulators/utils/moduleVersion.cpp) set_property(TARGET moduleVersion PROPERTY POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) # Strictly we only depend on the update-version target, # but this is not exposed in a super-build. add_dependencies(moduleVersion opmsimulators) set(FLOW_MODELS blackoil brine energy extbo foam gasoil gaswater oilwater oilwater_brine gaswater_brine oilwater_polymer oilwater_polymer_injectivity micp polymer solvent solvent_foam gasoil_energy brine_saltprecipitation gaswater_saltprec_vapwat gaswater_saltprec_energy brine_precsalt_vapwat blackoil_legacyassembly gasoildiffuse gaswater_dissolution gaswater_dissolution_diffuse gaswater_energy gaswater_solvent) set(FLOW_VARIANT_MODELS brine_energy onephase onephase_energy) set(FLOW_TGTS) foreach(OBJ ${COMMON_MODELS} ${FLOW_MODELS} ${FLOW_VARIANT_MODELS}) add_library(flow_lib${OBJ} OBJECT flow/flow_${OBJ}.cpp) list(APPEND FLOW_TGTS $) if(TARGET fmt::fmt) target_link_libraries(flow_lib${OBJ} fmt::fmt) endif() if(TARGET opmcommon) add_dependencies(flow_lib${OBJ} opmcommon) endif() opm_add_test(flow_${OBJ} ONLY_COMPILE SOURCES flow/flow_${OBJ}_main.cpp $ $ EXE_NAME flow_${OBJ} DEPENDS opmsimulators LIBRARIES opmsimulators) endforeach() set_property(TARGET flow_libblackoil PROPERTY POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) foreach(OBJ ${FLOW_VARIANT_MODELS}) set_property(TARGET flow_lib${OBJ} PROPERTY EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ${FLOW_VARIANTS_DEFAULT_ENABLE_IF}) endforeach() opm_add_test(flow ONLY_COMPILE ALWAYS_ENABLE DEFAULT_ENABLE_IF ${FLOW_DEFAULT_ENABLE_IF} DEPENDS opmsimulators LIBRARIES opmsimulators SOURCES flow/flow.cpp ${FLOW_TGTS} $ ) opm_add_test(flow_blackoil_polyhedralgrid ONLY_COMPILE ALWAYS_ENABLE DEFAULT_ENABLE_IF ${FLOW_POLY_ONLY_DEFAULT_ENABLE_IF} DEPENDS opmsimulators LIBRARIES opmsimulators SOURCES flow/flow_blackoil_polyhedralgrid.cpp $) opm_add_test(flow_distribute_z ONLY_COMPILE ALWAYS_ENABLE DEFAULT_ENABLE_IF ${FLOW_DEFAULT_ENABLE_IF} DEPENDS opmsimulators LIBRARIES opmsimulators SOURCES flow/flow_distribute_z.cpp ${FLOW_TGTS} $ ) opm_add_test(flowexp_blackoil ONLY_COMPILE ALWAYS_ENABLE DEPENDS opmsimulators LIBRARIES opmsimulators SOURCES flowexperimental/flowexp_blackoil.cpp $ ) if(dune-alugrid_FOUND) if (NOT BUILD_FLOW_ALU_GRID) set(FLOW_ALUGRID_ONLY_DEFAULT_ENABLE_IF "FALSE") else() set(FLOW_ALUGRID_ONLY_DEFAULT_ENABLE_IF "TRUE") endif() opm_add_test(flow_blackoil_alugrid ONLY_COMPILE ALWAYS_ENABLE DEFAULT_ENABLE_IF ${FLOW_ALUGRID_ONLY_DEFAULT_ENABLE_IF} DEPENDS opmsimulators LIBRARIES opmsimulators SOURCES flow/flow_blackoil_alugrid.cpp $) endif() if (BUILD_FLOW) install(TARGETS flow DESTINATION bin) opm_add_bash_completion(flow) add_test(NAME flow__version COMMAND flow --version) set_tests_properties(flow__version PROPERTIES PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "${${project}_LABEL}") endif() if(BUILD_FLOW_FLOAT_VARIANTS) opm_add_test(flow_blackoil_float ONLY_COMPILE ALWAYS_ENABLE DEFAULT_ENABLE_IF ${FLOW_DEFAULT_ENABLE_IF} DEPENDS opmsimulators LIBRARIES opmsimulators SOURCES flow/flow_blackoil_float_main.cpp $) endif() if (OPM_ENABLE_PYTHON) add_subdirectory(python) endif() add_custom_target(extra_test ${CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND} -C ExtraTests) # must link libraries after target 'opmsimulators' has been defined if(CUDA_FOUND) if (NOT USE_HIP) target_link_libraries( opmsimulators PUBLIC ${CUDA_cusparse_LIBRARY} ) target_link_libraries( opmsimulators PUBLIC ${CUDA_cublas_LIBRARY} ) foreach(tgt test_gpu_safe_call test_cuda_check_last_error test_GpuVector) target_link_libraries(${tgt} CUDA::cudart) endforeach() endif() if(USE_BDA_BRIDGE) set_tests_properties(cusparseSolver PROPERTIES LABELS gpu_cuda) endif() # CUISTL set(gpu_label "gpu_cuda") if(USE_HIP) set(gpu_label "gpu_hip") endif() set_tests_properties(cusparse_safe_call cublas_safe_call gpu_safe_call cuda_check_last_error cublas_handle GpuJac GpuDILU cusparse_handle cuSparse_matrix_operations cuVector_operations GpuVector GpuSparseMatrix GpuSeqILU0 GpuOwnerOverlapCopy solver_adapter GpuBuffer GpuView PROPERTIES LABELS ${gpu_label}) endif() if(USE_BDA_BRIDGE) if(OpenCL_FOUND) target_link_libraries( opmsimulators PUBLIC ${OpenCL_LIBRARIES} ) set_tests_properties(openclSolver solvetransposed3x3 csrToCscOffsetMap PROPERTIES LABELS gpu_opencl) endif() if(ROCALUTION_FOUND) target_include_directories(opmsimulators PUBLIC ${rocalution_INCLUDE_DIR}/rocalution) set_tests_properties(rocalutionSolver PROPERTIES LABELS gpu_rocm) endif() if(rocsparse_FOUND AND rocblas_FOUND) target_link_libraries( opmsimulators PUBLIC roc::rocsparse ) target_link_libraries( opmsimulators PUBLIC roc::rocblas ) set_tests_properties(rocsparseSolver PROPERTIES LABELS gpu_rocm) endif() if(VexCL_FOUND) target_link_libraries( opmsimulators PUBLIC OPM::VexCL::OpenCL ) endif() endif() if(USE_DAMARIS_LIB AND Damaris_FOUND) target_link_libraries(opmsimulators PUBLIC damaris) endif() install(DIRECTORY doc/man1 DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_MANDIR} FILES_MATCHING PATTERN "*.1")