Copyright 2012 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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namespace Opm
/// Construct solver.
/// \param[in] grid A 2d or 3d grid.
/// \param[in] use_multidim_upwind If true, use multidimensional tof upwinding.
TofReorder::TofReorder(const UnstructuredGrid& grid,
const bool use_multidim_upwind)
: grid_(grid),
/// Solve for time-of-flight.
/// \param[in] darcyflux Array of signed face fluxes.
/// \param[in] porevolume Array of pore volumes.
/// \param[in] source Source term. Sign convention is:
/// (+) inflow flux,
/// (-) outflow flux.
/// \param[out] tof Array of time-of-flight values.
void TofReorder::solveTof(const double* darcyflux,
const double* porevolume,
const double* source,
std::vector& tof)
darcyflux_ = darcyflux;
porevolume_ = porevolume;
source_ = source;
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Sanity check for sources.
const double cum_src = std::accumulate(source, source + grid_.number_of_cells, 0.0);
if (std::fabs(cum_src) > *std::max_element(source, source + grid_.number_of_cells)*1e-2) {
THROW("Sources do not sum to zero: " << cum_src);
std::fill(tof.begin(), tof.end(), 0.0);
tof_ = &tof[0];
if (use_multidim_upwind_) {
std::fill(face_tof_.begin(), face_tof_.end(), 0.0);
num_tracers_ = 0;
reorderAndTransport(grid_, darcyflux);
/// Solve for time-of-flight and a number of tracers.
/// One tracer will be used for each inflow flux specified in
/// the source parameter.
/// \param[in] darcyflux Array of signed face fluxes.
/// \param[in] porevolume Array of pore volumes.
/// \param[in] source Source term. Sign convention is:
/// (+) inflow flux,
/// (-) outflow flux.
/// \param[out] tof Array of time-of-flight values (1 per cell).
/// \param[out] tracer Array of tracer values (N per cell, where N is
/// the number of cells c for which source[c] > 0.0).
void TofReorder::solveTofTracer(const double* darcyflux,
const double* porevolume,
const double* source,
std::vector& tof,
std::vector& tracer)
darcyflux_ = darcyflux;
porevolume_ = porevolume;
source_ = source;
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Sanity check for sources.
const double cum_src = std::accumulate(source, source + grid_.number_of_cells, 0.0);
if (std::fabs(cum_src) > *std::max_element(source, source + grid_.number_of_cells)*1e-2) {
THROW("Sources do not sum to zero: " << cum_src);
std::fill(tof.begin(), tof.end(), 0.0);
tof_ = &tof[0];
// Find the tracer heads (injectors).
std::vector tracerheads;
for (int c = 0; c < grid_.number_of_cells; ++c) {
if (source[c] > 0.0) {
num_tracers_ = tracerheads.size();
std::fill(tracer.begin(), tracer.end(), 0.0);
for (int tr = 0; tr < num_tracers_; ++tr) {
tracer[tracerheads[tr]*num_tracers_ + tr] = 1.0;
tracer_ = &tracer[0];
if (use_multidim_upwind_) {
std::fill(face_tof_.begin(), face_tof_.end(), 0.0);
THROW("Multidimensional upwind not yet implemented for tracer.");
reorderAndTransport(grid_, darcyflux);
void TofReorder::solveSingleCell(const int cell)
if (use_multidim_upwind_) {
// Compute flux terms.
// Sources have zero tof, and therefore do not contribute
// to upwind_term. Sinks on the other hand, must be added
// to the downwind_flux (note sign change resulting from
// different sign conventions: pos. source is injection,
// pos. flux is outflow).
double upwind_term = 0.0;
double downwind_flux = std::max(-source_[cell], 0.0);
for (int i = grid_.cell_facepos[cell]; i < grid_.cell_facepos[cell+1]; ++i) {
int f = grid_.cell_faces[i];
double flux;
int other;
// Compute cell flux
if (cell == grid_.face_cells[2*f]) {
flux = darcyflux_[f];
other = grid_.face_cells[2*f+1];
} else {
flux =-darcyflux_[f];
other = grid_.face_cells[2*f];
// Add flux to upwind_term or downwind_flux
if (flux < 0.0) {
// Using tof == 0 on inflow, so we only add a
// nonzero contribution if we are on an internal
// face.
if (other != -1) {
upwind_term += flux*tof_[other];
for (int tr = 0; tr < num_tracers_; ++tr) {
tracer_[num_tracers_*cell + tr] += flux*tracer_[num_tracers_*other + tr];
} else {
downwind_flux += flux;
// Compute tof.
tof_[cell] = (porevolume_[cell] - upwind_term)/downwind_flux;
// Compute tracers (if any).
// Do not change tracer solution in source cells.
if (source_[cell] <= 0.0) {
for (int tr = 0; tr < num_tracers_; ++tr) {
tracer_[num_tracers_*cell + tr] *= -1.0/downwind_flux;
void TofReorder::solveSingleCellMultidimUpwind(const int cell)
// Compute flux terms.
// Sources have zero tof, and therefore do not contribute
// to upwind_term. Sinks on the other hand, must be added
// to the downwind terms (note sign change resulting from
// different sign conventions: pos. source is injection,
// pos. flux is outflow).
double upwind_term = 0.0;
double downwind_term_cell_factor = std::max(-source_[cell], 0.0);
double downwind_term_face = 0.0;
for (int i = grid_.cell_facepos[cell]; i < grid_.cell_facepos[cell+1]; ++i) {
int f = grid_.cell_faces[i];
double flux;
// Compute cell flux
if (cell == grid_.face_cells[2*f]) {
flux = darcyflux_[f];
} else {
flux =-darcyflux_[f];
// Add flux to upwind_term or downwind_term_[face|cell_factor].
if (flux < 0.0) {
upwind_term += flux*face_tof_[f];
} else {
double fterm, cterm_factor;
multidimUpwindTerms(f, cell, fterm, cterm_factor);
downwind_term_face += fterm*flux;
downwind_term_cell_factor += cterm_factor*flux;
// Compute tof for cell.
tof_[cell] = (porevolume_[cell] - upwind_term - downwind_term_face)/downwind_term_cell_factor; // }
// Compute tof for downwind faces.
for (int i = grid_.cell_facepos[cell]; i < grid_.cell_facepos[cell+1]; ++i) {
int f = grid_.cell_faces[i];
const double outflux_f = (grid_.face_cells[2*f] == cell) ? darcyflux_[f] : -darcyflux_[f];
if (outflux_f > 0.0) {
double fterm, cterm_factor;
multidimUpwindTerms(f, cell, fterm, cterm_factor);
face_tof_[f] = fterm + cterm_factor*tof_[cell];
void TofReorder::solveMultiCell(const int num_cells, const int* cells)
std::cout << "Pretending to solve multi-cell dependent equation with " << num_cells << " cells." << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < num_cells; ++i) {
// Assumes that face_tof_[f] is known for all upstream faces f of upwind_cell.
// Assumes that darcyflux_[face] is != 0.0.
// This function returns factors to compute the tof for 'face':
// tof(face) = face_term + cell_term_factor*tof(upwind_cell).
// It is not computed here, since these factors are needed to
// compute the tof(upwind_cell) itself.
void TofReorder::multidimUpwindTerms(const int face,
const int upwind_cell,
double& face_term,
double& cell_term_factor) const
// Implements multidim upwind according to
// "Multidimensional upstream weighting for multiphase transport on general grids"
// by Keilegavlen, Kozdon, Mallison.
// However, that article does not give a 3d extension other than noting that using
// multidimensional upwinding in the XY-plane and not in the Z-direction may be
// a good idea. We have here attempted some generalization, by looking at all
// face-neighbours across edges as upwind candidates, and giving them all uniform weight.
// This will over-weight the immediate upstream cell value in an extruded 2d grid with
// one layer (top and bottom no-flow faces will enter the computation) compared to the
// original 2d case. Improvements are welcome.
// Identify the adjacent faces of the upwind cell.
const int* face_nodes_beg = grid_.face_nodes + grid_.face_nodepos[face];
const int* face_nodes_end = grid_.face_nodes + grid_.face_nodepos[face + 1];
ASSERT(face_nodes_end - face_nodes_beg == 2 || grid_.dimensions != 2);
for (int hf = grid_.cell_facepos[upwind_cell]; hf < grid_.cell_facepos[upwind_cell + 1]; ++hf) {
const int f = grid_.cell_faces[hf];
if (f != face) {
const int* f_nodes_beg = grid_.face_nodes + grid_.face_nodepos[f];
const int* f_nodes_end = grid_.face_nodes + grid_.face_nodepos[f + 1];
// Find out how many vertices they have in common.
// Using simple linear searches since sets are small.
int num_common = 0;
for (const int* f_iter = f_nodes_beg; f_iter < f_nodes_end; ++f_iter) {
num_common += std::count(face_nodes_beg, face_nodes_end, *f_iter);
if (num_common == grid_.dimensions - 1) {
// Neighbours over an edge (3d) or vertex (2d).
} else {
ASSERT(num_common == 0);
// Indentify adjacent faces with inflows, compute omega_star, omega,
// add up contributions.
const int num_adj = adj_faces_.size();
ASSERT(num_adj == face_nodes_end - face_nodes_beg);
const double flux_face = std::fabs(darcyflux_[face]);
face_term = 0.0;
cell_term_factor = 0.0;
for (int ii = 0; ii < num_adj; ++ii) {
const int f = adj_faces_[ii];
const double influx_f = (grid_.face_cells[2*f] == upwind_cell) ? -darcyflux_[f] : darcyflux_[f];
const double omega_star = influx_f/flux_face;
// SPU
// const double omega = 0.0;
// TMU
// const double omega = omega_star > 0.0 ? std::min(omega_star, 1.0) : 0.0;
// SMU
const double omega = omega_star > 0.0 ? omega_star/(1.0 + omega_star) : 0.0;
face_term += omega*face_tof_[f];
cell_term_factor += (1.0 - omega);
face_term /= double(num_adj);
cell_term_factor /= double(num_adj);
} // namespace Opm