// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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Consult the COPYING file in the top-level source directory of this
module for the precise wording of the license and the list of
copyright holders.
* \file
* \copydoc Opm::EclBaseVanguard
#endif // HAVE_MPI
namespace Opm {
class EclBaseVanguard;
namespace Opm::Properties {
namespace TTag {
struct EclBaseVanguard {};
// declare the properties required by the for the ecl simulator vanguard
struct EquilGrid {
using type = UndefinedProperty;
struct EclDeckFileName {
using type = UndefinedProperty;
struct EnableOpmRstFile {
using type = UndefinedProperty;
struct EclStrictParsing {
using type = UndefinedProperty;
struct SchedRestart {
using type = UndefinedProperty;
struct EclOutputInterval {
using type = UndefinedProperty;
struct IgnoreKeywords {
using type = UndefinedProperty;
struct EdgeWeightsMethod {
using type = UndefinedProperty;
struct OwnerCellsFirst {
using type = UndefinedProperty;
struct IgnoreKeywords {
static constexpr auto value = "";
struct EclDeckFileName {
static constexpr auto value = "";
struct EclOutputInterval {
static constexpr int value = -1;
struct EnableOpmRstFile {
static constexpr bool value = false;
struct EclStrictParsing {
static constexpr bool value = false;
struct SchedRestart {
static constexpr bool value = false;
struct EdgeWeightsMethod {
static constexpr int value = 1;
struct OwnerCellsFirst {
static constexpr bool value = true;
} // namespace Opm::Properties
namespace Opm {
* \ingroup EclBlackOilSimulator
* \brief Helper class for grid instantiation of ECL file-format using problems.
class EclBaseVanguard : public BaseVanguard
using ParentType = BaseVanguard;
using Implementation = GetPropType;
using Scalar = GetPropType;
using Simulator = GetPropType;
enum { enableExperiments = getPropValue() };
using Grid = GetPropType;
using GridView = GetPropType;
static const int dimension = Grid::dimension;
* \brief Register the common run-time parameters for all ECL simulator vanguards.
static void registerParameters()
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, std::string, EclDeckFileName,
"The name of the file which contains the ECL deck to be simulated");
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, int, EclOutputInterval,
"The number of report steps that ought to be skipped between two writes of ECL results");
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, EnableOpmRstFile,
"Include OPM-specific keywords in the ECL restart file to enable restart of OPM simulators from these files");
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, std::string, IgnoreKeywords,
"List of Eclipse keywords which should be ignored. As a ':' separated string.");
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, EclStrictParsing,
"Use strict mode for parsing - all errors are collected before the applicaton exists.");
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, SchedRestart,
"When restarting: should we try to initialize wells and groups from historical SCHEDULE section.");
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, int, EdgeWeightsMethod,
"Choose edge-weighing strategy: 0=uniform, 1=trans, 2=log(trans).");
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, OwnerCellsFirst,
"Order cells owned by rank before ghost/overlap cells.");
* \brief Returns the canonical path to a deck file.
* The input can either be the canonical deck file name or the name of the case
* (i.e., without the .DATA extension)
static Opm::filesystem::path canonicalDeckPath(const std::string& caseName)
const auto fileExists = [](const Opm::filesystem::path& f) -> bool
if (!Opm::filesystem::exists(f))
return false;
if (Opm::filesystem::is_regular_file(f))
return true;
return Opm::filesystem::is_symlink(f) && Opm::filesystem::is_regular_file(Opm::filesystem::read_symlink(f));
auto simcase = Opm::filesystem::path(caseName);
if (fileExists(simcase))
return simcase;
for (const auto& ext : { std::string("data"), std::string("DATA") }) {
if (fileExists(simcase.replace_extension(ext)))
return simcase;
throw std::invalid_argument("Cannot find input case '"+caseName+"'");
* \brief Creates an Opm::parseContext object assuming that the parameters are ready.
static std::unique_ptr createParseContext()
typedef std::pair ParseModePair;
typedef std::vector ParseModePairs;
ParseModePairs tmp;
tmp.emplace_back(Opm::ParseContext::PARSE_RANDOM_SLASH, Opm::InputError::IGNORE);
tmp.emplace_back(Opm::ParseContext::PARSE_MISSING_DIMS_KEYWORD, Opm::InputError::WARN);
tmp.emplace_back(Opm::ParseContext::SUMMARY_UNKNOWN_WELL, Opm::InputError::WARN);
tmp.emplace_back(Opm::ParseContext::SUMMARY_UNKNOWN_GROUP, Opm::InputError::WARN);
tmp.emplace_back(Opm::ParseContext::PARSE_EXTRA_RECORDS, Opm::InputError::WARN);
auto parseContext = std::make_unique(tmp);
const std::string ignoredKeywords = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, std::string, IgnoreKeywords);
if (ignoredKeywords.size() > 0) {
size_t pos;
size_t offset = 0;
while (true) {
pos = ignoredKeywords.find(':', offset);
if (pos == std::string::npos) {
parseContext->ignoreKeyword(ignoredKeywords.substr(offset, pos - offset));
offset = pos + 1;
if (EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, EclStrictParsing))
return parseContext;
* \brief Set the wall time which was spend externally to set up the external data structures
* i.e., the objects specified via the other setExternal*() methods.
static void setExternalSetupTime(Scalar t)
{ externalSetupTime_ = t; }
* \brief Returns the wall time required to set up the simulator before it was born.
static Scalar externalSetupTime()
{ return externalSetupTime_; }
* \brief Set the Opm::ParseContext object which ought to be used for parsing the deck and creating the Opm::EclipseState object.
static void setExternalParseContext(std::unique_ptr parseContext)
{ externalParseContext_ = std::move(parseContext); }
* \brief Set the Opm::ErrorGuard object which ought to be used for parsing the deck and creating the Opm::EclipseState object.
static void setExternalErrorGuard(std::unique_ptr errorGuard)
{ externalErrorGuard_ = std::move(errorGuard); }
* \brief Set the Opm::Deck object which ought to be used when the simulator vanguard
* is instantiated.
* This is basically an optimization: In cases where the ECL input deck must be
* examined to decide which simulator ought to be used, this avoids having to parse
* the input twice. When this method is used, the caller is responsible for lifetime
* management of these two objects, i.e., they are not allowed to be deleted as long
* as the simulator vanguard object is alive.
static void setExternalDeck(std::unique_ptr deck)
{ externalDeck_ = std::move(deck); externalDeckSet_ = true; }
* \brief Set the Opm::EclipseState object which ought to be used when the simulator
* vanguard is instantiated.
static void setExternalEclState(std::unique_ptr eclState)
{ externalEclState_ = std::move(eclState); }
* \brief Create the grid for problem data files which use the ECL file format.
* This is the file format used by the commercial ECLiPSE simulator. Usually it uses
* a cornerpoint description of the grid.
EclBaseVanguard(Simulator& simulator)
: ParentType(simulator)
int myRank = 0;
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myRank);
std::string fileName = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, std::string, EclDeckFileName);
edgeWeightsMethod_ = Dune::EdgeWeightMethod(EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, int, EdgeWeightsMethod));
ownersFirst_ = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, OwnerCellsFirst);
// Make proper case name.
if (fileName == "")
throw std::runtime_error("No input deck file has been specified as a command line argument,"
" or via '--ecl-deck-file-name=CASE.DATA'");
fileName = canonicalDeckPath(fileName).string();
// compute the base name of the input file name
const char directorySeparator = '/';
long int i;
for (i = fileName.size(); i >= 0; -- i)
if (fileName[i] == directorySeparator)
std::string baseName = fileName.substr(i + 1, fileName.size());
// remove the extension from the input file
for (i = baseName.size(); i >= 0; -- i)
if (baseName[i] == '.')
std::string rawCaseName;
if (i < 0)
rawCaseName = baseName;
rawCaseName = baseName.substr(0, i);
// transform the result to ALL_UPPERCASE
caseName_ = rawCaseName;
std::transform(caseName_.begin(), caseName_.end(), caseName_.begin(), ::toupper);
std::unique_ptr errorGuard = nullptr;
// Check that we are in one of the known configurations for external variables
// and move them to internal
if (externalDeck_)
deck_ = std::move(externalDeck_);
if (externalParseContext_ && externalErrorGuard_ )
parseContext_ = std::move(externalParseContext_);
errorGuard = std::move(externalErrorGuard_);
else if(externalEclState_ && externalEclSchedule_ && externalEclSummaryConfig_)
eclState_ = std::move(externalEclState_);
eclSchedule_ = std::move(externalEclSchedule_);
eclSummaryConfig_ = std::move(externalEclSummaryConfig_);
OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, "Either parse context and error guard or ECL state, schedule, and summary config need to be"
<< " set externally.");
else if (externalParseContext_)
parseContext_ = std::move(externalParseContext_);
parseContext_ = createParseContext();
readDeck(myRank, fileName, deck_, eclState_, eclSchedule_,
eclSummaryConfig_, std::move(errorGuard), python,
std::move(parseContext_), /* initFromRestart = */ false,
/* checkDeck = */ enableExperiments);
this->summaryState_ = std::make_unique( std::chrono::system_clock::from_time_t(this->eclSchedule_->getStartTime() ));
this->udqState_ = std::make_unique( this->eclSchedule_->getUDQConfig(0).params().undefinedValue() );
this->actionState_ = std::make_unique() ;
// Possibly override IOConfig setting for how often RESTART files should get
// written to disk (every N report step)
int outputInterval = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, int, EclOutputInterval);
if (outputInterval >= 0)
* \brief Return a reference to the parsed ECL deck.
const Opm::Deck& deck() const
{ return *deck_; }
Opm::Deck& deck()
{ return *deck_; }
* \brief Return a reference to the internalized ECL deck.
const Opm::EclipseState& eclState() const
{ return *eclState_; }
Opm::EclipseState& eclState()
{ return *eclState_; }
* \brief Return a reference to the object that managages the ECL schedule.
const Opm::Schedule& schedule() const
{ return *eclSchedule_; }
Opm::Schedule& schedule()
{ return *eclSchedule_; }
* \brief Set the schedule object.
* The lifetime of this object is not managed by the vanguard, i.e., the object must
* stay valid until after the vanguard gets destroyed.
static void setExternalSchedule(std::unique_ptr schedule)
{ externalEclSchedule_ = std::move(schedule); }
* \brief Return a reference to the object that determines which quantities ought to
* be put into the ECL summary output.
const Opm::SummaryConfig& summaryConfig() const
{ return *eclSummaryConfig_; }
* \brief Set the summary configuration object.
* The lifetime of this object is not managed by the vanguard, i.e., the object must
* stay valid until after the vanguard gets destroyed.
static void setExternalSummaryConfig(std::unique_ptr summaryConfig)
{ externalEclSummaryConfig_ = std::move(summaryConfig); }
* \brief Returns the summary state
* The summary state is a small container object for
* computed, ready to use summary values. The values will typically be used by
* the UDQ, WTEST and ACTIONX calculations.
Opm::SummaryState& summaryState()
{ return *summaryState_; }
const Opm::SummaryState& summaryState() const
{ return *summaryState_; }
* \brief Returns the action state
* The ActionState keeps track of how many times the various actions have run.
Opm::Action::State& actionState()
{ return *actionState_; }
const Opm::Action::State& actionState() const
{ return *actionState_; }
* \brief Returns the udq state
* The UDQState keeps track of the result of UDQ evaluations.
Opm::UDQState& udqState()
{ return *udqState_; }
const Opm::UDQState& udqState() const
{ return *udqState_; }
* \brief Parameter deciding the edge-weight strategy of the load balancer.
Dune::EdgeWeightMethod edgeWeightsMethod() const
{ return edgeWeightsMethod_; }
* \brief Parameter that decide if cells owned by rank are ordered before ghost cells.
bool ownersFirst() const
{ return ownersFirst_; }
* \brief Returns the name of the case.
* i.e., the all-uppercase version of the file name from which the
* deck is loaded with the ".DATA" suffix removed.
const std::string& caseName() const
{ return caseName_; }
* \brief Returns the number of logically Cartesian cells in each direction
const std::array& cartesianDimensions() const
{ return asImp_().cartesianIndexMapper().cartesianDimensions(); }
* \brief Returns the overall number of cells of the logically Cartesian grid
int cartesianSize() const
{ return asImp_().cartesianIndexMapper().cartesianSize(); }
* \brief Returns the overall number of cells of the logically EquilCartesian grid
int equilCartesianSize() const
{ return asImp_().equilCartesianIndexMapper().cartesianSize(); }
* \brief Returns the Cartesian cell id for identifaction with ECL data
unsigned cartesianIndex(unsigned compressedCellIdx) const
{ return asImp_().cartesianIndexMapper().cartesianIndex(compressedCellIdx); }
* \brief Return the index of the cells in the logical Cartesian grid
unsigned cartesianIndex(const std::array& coords) const
unsigned cartIndex = coords[0];
int factor = cartesianDimensions()[0];
for (unsigned i = 1; i < dimension; ++i) {
cartIndex += coords[i]*factor;
factor *= cartesianDimensions()[i];
return cartIndex;
* \brief Extract Cartesian index triplet (i,j,k) of an active cell.
* \param [in] cellIdx Active cell index.
* \param [out] ijk Cartesian index triplet
void cartesianCoordinate(unsigned cellIdx, std::array& ijk) const
{ return asImp_().cartesianIndexMapper().cartesianCoordinate(cellIdx, ijk); }
* \brief Returns the Cartesian cell id given an element index for the grid used for equilibration
unsigned equilCartesianIndex(unsigned compressedEquilCellIdx) const
{ return asImp_().equilCartesianIndexMapper().cartesianIndex(compressedEquilCellIdx); }
* \brief Extract Cartesian index triplet (i,j,k) of an active cell of the grid used for EQUIL.
* \param [in] cellIdx Active cell index.
* \param [out] ijk Cartesian index triplet
void equilCartesianCoordinate(unsigned cellIdx, std::array& ijk) const
{ return asImp_().equilCartesianIndexMapper().cartesianCoordinate(cellIdx, ijk); }
* \brief Returns vector with name and whether the has local perforated cells
* for all wells.
* Will only have usable values for CpGrid.
const std::vector>& parallelWells() const
{ return parallelWells_; }
* \brief Get the cell centroids for a distributed grid.
* Currently this only non-empty for a loadbalanced CpGrid.
const std::vector& cellCentroids() const
return centroids_;
void callImplementationInit()
if (enableExperiments) {
if (asImp_().grid().size(0)) //grid not loadbalanced yet for ebos!
Opm::RelpermDiagnostics relpermDiagnostics;
relpermDiagnostics.diagnosis(*eclState_, asImp_().grid());
void updateOutputDir_()
// update the location for output
std::string outputDir = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, std::string, OutputDir);
auto& ioConfig = eclState_->getIOConfig();
if (outputDir == "")
// If no output directory parameter is specified, use the output directory
// which Opm::IOConfig thinks that should be used. Normally this is the
// directory in which the input files are located.
outputDir = ioConfig.getOutputDir();
// ensure that the output directory exists and that it is a directory
if (!Opm::filesystem::is_directory(outputDir)) {
try {
catch (...) {
throw std::runtime_error("Creation of output directory '"+outputDir+"' failed\n");
// specify the directory output. This is not a very nice mechanism because
// the eclState is supposed to be immutable here, IMO.
ioConfig.setEclCompatibleRST(!EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, EnableOpmRstFile));
Implementation& asImp_()
{ return *static_cast(this); }
const Implementation& asImp_() const
{ return *static_cast(this); }
std::string caseName_;
static Scalar externalSetupTime_;
static std::unique_ptr externalParseContext_;
static std::unique_ptr externalErrorGuard_;
static std::unique_ptr externalDeck_;
static bool externalDeckSet_;
static std::unique_ptr externalEclState_;
static std::unique_ptr externalEclSchedule_;
static std::unique_ptr externalEclSummaryConfig_;
std::unique_ptr summaryState_;
std::unique_ptr actionState_;
std::unique_ptr udqState_;
// these attributes point either to the internal or to the external version of the
// parser objects.
std::unique_ptr parseContext_;
std::unique_ptr errorGuard_;
std::unique_ptr deck_;
std::unique_ptr eclState_;
std::unique_ptr eclSchedule_;
std::unique_ptr eclSummaryConfig_;
std::shared_ptr python = std::make_shared();
Dune::EdgeWeightMethod edgeWeightsMethod_;
bool ownersFirst_;
/*! \brief The cell centroids after loadbalance was called.
* Empty otherwise. Used by EclTransmissibilty.
std::vector centroids_;
/*! \brief information about wells in parallel
* For each well in the model there is an entry with its name
* and a boolean indicating whether it perforates local cells.
std::vector> parallelWells_;
typename EclBaseVanguard::Scalar EclBaseVanguard::externalSetupTime_ = 0.0;
std::unique_ptr EclBaseVanguard::externalParseContext_ = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr EclBaseVanguard::externalErrorGuard_ = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr EclBaseVanguard::externalDeck_ = nullptr;
bool EclBaseVanguard::externalDeckSet_ = false;
std::unique_ptr EclBaseVanguard::externalEclState_;
std::unique_ptr EclBaseVanguard::externalEclSchedule_ = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr EclBaseVanguard::externalEclSummaryConfig_ = nullptr;
} // namespace Opm