Copyright 2022 SINTEF Digital, Mathematics and Cybernetics.
Copyright 2023 INRIA
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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namespace Opm::DamarisOutput
std::string initDamarisXmlFile(); // Defined in initDamarisXMLFile.cpp, to avoid messing up this file.
* Initialize Damaris by either reading a file specified by the environment variable FLOW_DAMARIS_XML_FILE or
* by filling in the XML file and storing it in the chosen directory
initializeDamaris(const Parallel::Communication comm, const int mpiRank, const std::map& find_replace_map )
int dam_err;
/* Get the name of the Damaris input file from an environment variable if available */
const char* cs_damaris_xml_file = getenv("FLOW_DAMARIS_XML_FILE");
if (cs_damaris_xml_file != NULL)
OpmLog::info(std::string("Initializing Damaris from environment variable FLOW_DAMARIS_XML_FILE: ") + cs_damaris_xml_file);
dam_err = damaris_initialize(cs_damaris_xml_file, comm);
if (dam_err != DAMARIS_OK) {
OpmLog::error(fmt::format("ERORR: damariswriter::initializeDamaris() : ( rank:{}) "
"damaris_initialize({}, comm), Damaris Error: {} ",
mpiRank, cs_damaris_xml_file, damaris_error_string(dam_err) ));
} else {
// Prepare the inbuilt XML file
std::string damaris_config_xml = initDamarisXmlFile(); // This is the template for a Damaris XML file
damaris::model::ModifyModel myMod = damaris::model::ModifyModel(damaris_config_xml);
// The map file find all occurences of the string in position 1 and replace it/them with string in position 2
// std::map find_replace_map = DamarisKeywords(outputDir, enableDamarisOutputCollective);
std::string outputDir = find_replace_map.at("_PATH_REGEX_");
std::string damaris_xml_filename_str = outputDir + "/damaris_config.xml";
if (mpiRank == 0) {
OpmLog::info("Initializing Damaris using internally built file: " + damaris_xml_filename_str +
" (N.B. use environment variable FLOW_DAMARIS_XML_FILE to override)");
dam_err = damaris_initialize(damaris_xml_filename_str.c_str(), comm);
if (dam_err != DAMARIS_OK) {
OpmLog::error(fmt::format("damariswriter::initializeDamaris() : ( rank:{}) "
"damaris_initialize({}, comm), Damaris Error: {}. Error via OPM internally built file:",
mpiRank, cs_damaris_xml_file, damaris_error_string(dam_err) ));
} // namespace Opm::DamarisOutput