/* Copyright 2023 Equinor ASA. This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM). OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OPM. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Opm { std::string simTimeToString(const std::time_t start_time, const double sim_time) { const auto start_timep = std::chrono::system_clock::from_time_t(start_time); const auto sim_duration = std::chrono::duration_cast( std::chrono::duration(sim_time) ); const std::time_t cur_time = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(start_timep + sim_duration); std::ostringstream ss; ss << std::put_time(std::localtime(&cur_time), "%d-%b-%Y"); return ss.str(); } GroupEconomicLimitsChecker:: GroupEconomicLimitsChecker( const BlackoilWellModelGeneric &well_model, WellTestState &well_test_state, const Group &group, const double simulation_time, const int report_step_idx, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger ) : well_model_{well_model} , group_{group} , simulation_time_{simulation_time} , report_step_idx_{report_step_idx} , deferred_logger_{deferred_logger} , date_string_{simTimeToString(well_model.schedule().getStartTime(),simulation_time)} , unit_system_{well_model.eclipseState().getUnits()} , well_state_{well_model.wellState()} , well_test_state_{well_test_state} , schedule_{well_model.schedule()} , gecon_props_{schedule_[report_step_idx_].gecon().get_group_prop( schedule_, well_model_.summaryState(), group_.name())} { for (std::size_t i = 0; i < this->phase_idx_map_.size(); i++) { auto phase_idx = this->phase_idx_map_[i]; this->phase_idx_reverse_map_[phase_idx] = static_cast(i); auto phase_pos = this->well_model_.phaseUsage().phase_pos[phase_idx]; double production_rate = WellGroupHelpers::sumWellSurfaceRates( this->group_, this->schedule_, this->well_state_, this->report_step_idx_, phase_pos, /*isInjector*/false); this->production_rates_[i] = this->well_model_.comm().sum(production_rate); } } /**************************************** * Public methods in alphabetical order ****************************************/ void GroupEconomicLimitsChecker:: activateEndRun() { displayDebugMessage("activate end run"); } void GroupEconomicLimitsChecker:: closeWells() { closeWellsRecursive(this->group_); } void GroupEconomicLimitsChecker:: doWorkOver() { if (this->gecon_props_.workover() != GroupEconProductionLimits::EconWorkover::NONE) { throwNotImplementedError("workover procedure"); } } bool GroupEconomicLimitsChecker:: endRun() { if (this->gecon_props_.endRun()) { throwNotImplementedError("end run flag YES"); } return false; } bool GroupEconomicLimitsChecker:: GOR() { auto oil_phase_idx = this->phase_idx_reverse_map_[BlackoilPhases::Liquid]; auto gas_phase_idx = this->phase_idx_reverse_map_[BlackoilPhases::Vapour]; auto oil_rate = this->production_rates_[oil_phase_idx]; auto gas_rate = this->production_rates_[gas_phase_idx]; double gor; if (gas_rate <= 0.0) { gor = 0.0; } else if (oil_rate <= 0.0) { gor = 1e100; } else { gor = gas_rate / oil_rate; } if (auto max_gor = this->gecon_props_.maxGasOilRatio(); max_gor) { if (gor > *max_gor) { if (this->debug_) { const std::string msg = fmt::format( "GOR={} is greater than maximum: {}", gor, *max_gor); displayDebugMessage(msg); } addPrintMessage(" Gas/oil ratio = {:.2f} {} which is greater than the minimum economic value = {:.2f} {}", gor, *max_gor, UnitSystem::measure::gas_oil_ratio); return true; } } return false; } bool GroupEconomicLimitsChecker:: minGasRate() { auto phase_idx = this->phase_idx_reverse_map_[BlackoilPhases::Vapour]; auto gas_production_rate = this->production_rates_[phase_idx]; if (this->debug_) { const std::string msg = fmt::format( "gecon: group: {}, gas_rate={}", this->group_.name(), gas_production_rate); displayDebugMessage(msg); } if (auto min_gas_rate = this->gecon_props_.minGasRate(); min_gas_rate) { if (gas_production_rate < *min_gas_rate) { if (this->debug_) { const std::string msg = fmt::format( "gas_rate={} is less than minimum: {}", gas_production_rate, *min_gas_rate); displayDebugMessage(msg); } addPrintMessage(" Gas rate = {:.2f} {} which is lower than the minimum economic value = {:.2f} {}", gas_production_rate, *min_gas_rate, UnitSystem::measure::gas_surface_rate); return true; } } return false; } bool GroupEconomicLimitsChecker:: minOilRate() { auto phase_idx = this->phase_idx_reverse_map_[BlackoilPhases::Liquid]; auto oil_production_rate = this->production_rates_[phase_idx]; if (this->debug_) { const std::string msg = fmt::format( "oil_rate={}", oil_production_rate); displayDebugMessage(msg); } if (auto min_oil_rate = this->gecon_props_.minOilRate(); min_oil_rate) { if (oil_production_rate < *min_oil_rate) { if (this->debug_) { const std::string msg = fmt::format( "oil_rate={} is less than minimum: {}", oil_production_rate, *min_oil_rate); displayDebugMessage(msg); } addPrintMessage(" Oil rate = {:.2f} {} which is lower than the minimum economic value = {:.2f} {}", oil_production_rate, *min_oil_rate, UnitSystem::measure::liquid_surface_rate); return true; } } return false; } int GroupEconomicLimitsChecker:: numProducersOpen() { return 1; } int GroupEconomicLimitsChecker:: numProducersOpenInitially() { return 1; } bool GroupEconomicLimitsChecker:: waterCut() { auto oil_phase_idx = this->phase_idx_reverse_map_[BlackoilPhases::Liquid]; auto water_phase_idx = this->phase_idx_reverse_map_[BlackoilPhases::Aqua]; auto oil_rate = this->production_rates_[oil_phase_idx]; auto water_rate = this->production_rates_[water_phase_idx]; auto liquid_rate = oil_rate + water_rate; double water_cut; if (liquid_rate == 0.0) { water_cut = 0.0; } else { if (water_rate < 0.0) { water_cut = 0.0; } else if (oil_rate < 0.0) { water_cut = 1.0; } else { water_cut = water_rate / liquid_rate; } } if (auto max_water_cut = this->gecon_props_.maxWaterCut(); max_water_cut) { if (water_cut > *max_water_cut) { if (this->debug_) { const std::string msg = fmt::format( "water_cut={} is greater than maximum: {}", water_cut, *max_water_cut); displayDebugMessage(msg); } addPrintMessage(" Water cut = {:.2f} {} which is greater than the maximum economic value = {:.2f} {}", water_cut, *max_water_cut, UnitSystem::measure::water_cut); return true; } } return false; } bool GroupEconomicLimitsChecker:: WGR() { auto water_phase_idx = this->phase_idx_reverse_map_[BlackoilPhases::Aqua]; auto gas_phase_idx = this->phase_idx_reverse_map_[BlackoilPhases::Vapour]; auto water_rate = this->production_rates_[water_phase_idx]; auto gas_rate = this->production_rates_[gas_phase_idx]; double wgr; if (water_rate <= 0.0) { wgr = 0.0; } else if (gas_rate <= 0.0) { wgr = 1e100; } else { wgr = water_rate / gas_rate; } if (auto max_wgr = this->gecon_props_.maxWaterGasRatio(); max_wgr) { if (wgr > *max_wgr) { if (this->debug_) { const std::string msg = fmt::format( "WGR={} is greater than maximum: {}", wgr, *max_wgr); displayDebugMessage(msg); } addPrintMessage(" Water/gas ratio = {:.2f} {} which is greater than the maximum economic value = {:.2f} {}", wgr, *max_wgr, UnitSystem::measure::gas_oil_ratio); // Same units return true; } } return false; } /**************************************** * Private methods in alphabetical order ****************************************/ void GroupEconomicLimitsChecker:: displayDebugMessage(const std::string &msg) const { if (this->debug_) { const std::string msg2 = fmt::format( "GECON: group: {} : {}", this->group_.name(), msg); this->deferred_logger_.debug(msg2); } } void GroupEconomicLimitsChecker:: addPrintMessage(const std::string &msg, const double value, const double limit, const UnitSystem::measure measure) { const std::string header = fmt::format( "{}\nAt time = {:.2f} {} (date = {}): Group {} will close because: \n", this->message_separator(), this->unit_system_.from_si(UnitSystem::measure::time, this->simulation_time_), this->unit_system_.name(UnitSystem::measure::time), this->date_string_, this->group_.name() ); const std::string measure_name(this->unit_system_.name(measure)); const std::string message = fmt::format(msg, this->unit_system_.from_si(measure, value), measure_name, this->unit_system_.from_si(measure, limit), measure_name); this->message_ = header; this->message_ += message; } bool GroupEconomicLimitsChecker:: closeWellsRecursive(const Group& group, int level) { bool wells_closed = false; if (this->debug_) { const std::string msg = fmt::format("closing wells recursive : group {} ", group.name()); displayDebugMessage(msg); } for (const std::string& group_name : group.groups()) { auto next_group = this->schedule_.getGroup(group_name, this->report_step_idx_); wells_closed = wells_closed | closeWellsRecursive(next_group, level+1); } const auto indent = std::string(2*(level+1), ' '); if (level > 0) { const std::string msg = fmt::format("\n{}Closing group {}.", indent, group.name()); this->message_ += msg; } if (this->debug_) { const std::string msg = fmt::format("closing wells recursive : group {} has {} wells", group.name(), group.wells().size()); displayDebugMessage(msg); } for (const std::string& well_name : group.wells()) { if (this->well_test_state_.well_is_closed(well_name)) { if (this->debug_) { const std::string msg = fmt::format( "well {} is already closed", well_name); displayDebugMessage(msg); } } else { wells_closed = true; if (this->debug_) { const std::string msg = fmt::format( "closing well {}", well_name); displayDebugMessage(msg); } const std::string msg = fmt::format("\n{} Closing well {}", indent, well_name); this->message_ += msg; this->well_test_state_.close_well( well_name, WellTestConfig::Reason::GROUP, this->simulation_time_); this->well_model_.updateClosedWellsThisStep(well_name); } } // If any wells were closed, output message at top level (group that hit constraint), on rank 0 if (level == 0 && wells_closed && this->well_model_.comm().rank()==0) { this->message_ += ("\n" + this->message_separator() + "\n"); this->deferred_logger_.info(this->message_); } return wells_closed; } void GroupEconomicLimitsChecker:: throwNotImplementedError(const std::string &error) const { const std::string msg = fmt::format("Group: {} : GECON : {} not implemented", this->group_.name(), error); OPM_DEFLOG_THROW(std::runtime_error, msg, this->deferred_logger_); } } // namespace Opm