/* * File: WellsGroup.cpp * Author: kjetilo * * Created on March 27, 2012, 9:27 AM */ #include #include namespace Opm { WellsGroupInterface::WellsGroupInterface(const std::string& myname, ProductionSpecification prod_spec, InjectionSpecification inje_spec) : parent_(NULL), name_(myname), production_specification_(prod_spec), injection_specification_(inje_spec) { } WellsGroupInterface::~WellsGroupInterface() { } const WellsGroupInterface* WellsGroupInterface::getParent() const { return parent_; } const std::string& WellsGroupInterface::name() { return name_; } WellsGroup::WellsGroup(const std::string& myname, ProductionSpecification prod_spec, InjectionSpecification inj_spec) : WellsGroupInterface(myname, prod_spec, inj_spec) { } bool WellsGroupInterface::isLeafNode() const { return false; } void WellsGroupInterface::setParent(WellsGroupInterface* parent) { parent_ = parent; } const ProductionSpecification& WellsGroupInterface::prodSpec() const { return production_specification_; } /// Injection specifications for the well or well group. const InjectionSpecification& WellsGroupInterface::injSpec() const { return injection_specification_; } /// Production specifications for the well or well group. ProductionSpecification& WellsGroupInterface::prodSpec() { return production_specification_; } /// Injection specifications for the well or well group. InjectionSpecification& WellsGroupInterface::injSpec() { return injection_specification_; } WellsGroupInterface* WellsGroup::findGroup(std::string name_of_node) { if (name() == name_of_node) { return this; } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < children_.size(); i++) { WellsGroupInterface* result = children_[i]->findGroup(name_of_node); if (result) { return result; } } // Not found in this node. return NULL; } } void WellsGroup::calculateGuideRates() { double guide_rate_sum = 0.0; for(size_t i = 0; i < children_.size(); i++) { if(children_[i]->isLeafNode()) { guide_rate_sum += children_[i]->prodSpec().guide_rate_; } else { children_[i]->calculateGuideRates(); } } if(guide_rate_sum != 0.0) { for(size_t i = 0; i < children_.size(); i++) { children_[i]->prodSpec().guide_rate_ /= guide_rate_sum; } } } bool WellsGroup::conditionsMet(const std::vector& well_bhp, const std::vector& well_rate, const UnstructuredGrid& grid, const std::vector& saturations, const struct Wells* wells, int index_of_well, double epsilon) { if (parent_ != NULL) { bool parent_ok = (static_cast (parent_))->conditionsMet(well_bhp, well_rate,grid, saturations, wells, index_of_well, epsilon); if (!parent_ok) { return false; } } int number_of_leaf_nodes = numberOfLeafNodes(); double bhp_target = 1e100; double rate_target = 1e100; switch(wells->type[index_of_well]) { case INJECTOR: { const InjectionSpecification& inje_spec = injSpec(); bhp_target = inje_spec.BHP_limit_ / number_of_leaf_nodes; rate_target = inje_spec.fluid_volume_max_rate_ / number_of_leaf_nodes; break; } case PRODUCER: { const ProductionSpecification& prod_spec = prodSpec(); bhp_target = prod_spec.BHP_limit_ / number_of_leaf_nodes; rate_target = prod_spec.fluid_volume_max_rate_ / number_of_leaf_nodes; break; } } if (well_bhp[index_of_well] - bhp_target > epsilon) { std::cout << "BHP not met" << std::endl; return false; } if(well_rate[index_of_well] - rate_target > epsilon) { std::cout << "well_rate not met" << std::endl; std::cout << "target = " << rate_target << ", well_rate[index_of_well] = " << well_rate[index_of_well] << std::endl; std::cout << "Group name = " << name() << std::endl; return false; } return true; } void WellsGroup::addChild(std::tr1::shared_ptr child) { children_.push_back(child); } int WellsGroup::numberOfLeafNodes() { // This could probably use some caching, but seeing as how the number of // wells is relatively small, we'll do without for now. int sum = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < children_.size(); i++) { sum += children_[i]->numberOfLeafNodes(); } return sum; } WellNode::WellNode(const std::string& myname, ProductionSpecification prod_spec, InjectionSpecification inj_spec) : WellsGroupInterface(myname, prod_spec, inj_spec) { } bool WellNode::conditionsMet(const std::vector& well_bhp, const std::vector& well_rate, const UnstructuredGrid& grid, const std::vector& saturations, double epsilon) { if (parent_ != NULL) { bool parent_ok = (static_cast (parent_))->conditionsMet(well_bhp, well_rate, grid, saturations, wells_, self_index_, epsilon); if (!parent_ok) { return false; } } // Check for self: if (wells_->type[self_index_] == PRODUCER) { double bhp_diff = well_bhp[self_index_] - prodSpec().BHP_limit_; double rate_diff = well_rate[self_index_] - prodSpec().fluid_volume_max_rate_; switch(*wells_->ctrls[self_index_]->type) { case BHP: bhp_diff = std::abs(bhp_diff); break; case RATE: rate_diff = std::abs(rate_diff); break; } if(bhp_diff > epsilon) { std::cout << "BHP exceeded, bhp_diff = " << bhp_diff << std::endl; std::cout << "BHP_limit = " << prodSpec().BHP_limit_ << std::endl; std::cout << "BHP = " << well_bhp[self_index_] << std::endl; return false; } if(rate_diff > epsilon) { std::cout << "Rate exceeded, rate_diff = " << rate_diff << std::endl; return false; } } else { double bhp_diff = well_bhp[self_index_] - injSpec().BHP_limit_; double flow_diff = well_rate[self_index_] - injSpec().fluid_volume_max_rate_; switch(*wells_->ctrls[self_index_]->type) { case BHP: bhp_diff = std::abs(bhp_diff); break; case RATE: flow_diff = std::abs(flow_diff); break; } if(bhp_diff > epsilon) { std::cout << "BHP exceeded, bhp_diff = " << bhp_diff< epsilon) { std::cout << "Flow diff exceeded, flow_diff = " << flow_diff << std::endl; return false; } } return true; } WellsGroupInterface* WellNode::findGroup(std::string name_of_node) { if (name() == name_of_node) { return this; } else { return NULL; } } bool WellNode::isLeafNode() const { return true; } void WellNode::setWellsPointer(const struct Wells* wells, int self_index) { wells_ = wells; self_index_ = self_index; } void WellNode::calculateGuideRates() { // Empty } int WellNode::numberOfLeafNodes() { return 1; } namespace { surface_component toSurfaceComponent(std::string type) { if (type == "OIL") { return OIL; } if (type == "WATER") { return WATER; } if (type == "GAS") { return GAS; } THROW("Unknown type " << type << ", could not convert to surface_component"); } InjectionSpecification::ControlMode toInjectionControlMode(std::string type) { if (type == "NONE") { return InjectionSpecification::NONE; } if (type == "ORAT") { return InjectionSpecification::ORAT; } if (type == "REIN") { return InjectionSpecification::REIN; } if (type == "RESV") { return InjectionSpecification::RESV; } if (type == "VREP") { return InjectionSpecification::VREP; } if (type == "WGRA") { return InjectionSpecification::WGRA; } if (type == "FLD") { return InjectionSpecification::FLD; } if (type == "GRUP") { return InjectionSpecification::GRUP; } THROW("Unknown type " << type << ", could not convert to ControlMode."); } ProductionSpecification::ControlMode toProductionControlMode(std::string type) { if (type == "NONE") { return ProductionSpecification::NONE_CM; } if (type == "ORAT") { return ProductionSpecification::ORAT; } if (type == "REIN") { return ProductionSpecification::REIN; } if (type == "RESV") { return ProductionSpecification::RESV; } if (type == "VREP") { return ProductionSpecification::VREP; } if (type == "WGRA") { return ProductionSpecification::WGRA; } if (type == "FLD") { return ProductionSpecification::FLD; } if (type == "GRUP") { return ProductionSpecification::GRUP; } THROW("Unknown type " << type << ", could not convert to ControlMode."); } ProductionSpecification::Procedure toProductionProcedure(std::string type) { if (type == "NONE") { return ProductionSpecification::NONE_P; } if (type == "RATE") { return ProductionSpecification::RATE; } if (type == "WELL") { return ProductionSpecification::WELL; } THROW("Unknown type " << type << ", could not convert to ControlMode."); } } // anonymous namespace std::tr1::shared_ptr createWellsGroup(std::string name, const EclipseGridParser& deck) { std::tr1::shared_ptr return_value; // First we need to determine whether it's a group or just a well: bool isWell = false; if (deck.hasField("WELSPECS")) { WELSPECS wspecs = deck.getWELSPECS(); for (size_t i = 0; i < wspecs.welspecs.size(); i++) { if (wspecs.welspecs[i].name_ == name) { isWell = true; break; } } } // For now, assume that if it isn't a well, it's a group if (isWell) { InjectionSpecification injection_specification; if (deck.hasField("WCONINJE")) { WCONINJE wconinje = deck.getWCONINJE(); for (size_t i = 0; i < wconinje.wconinje.size(); i++) { if (wconinje.wconinje[i].well_ == name) { WconinjeLine line = wconinje.wconinje[i]; injection_specification.BHP_limit_ = line.BHP_limit_; injection_specification.injector_type_ = toSurfaceComponent(line.injector_type_); injection_specification.control_mode_ = toInjectionControlMode(line.control_mode_); injection_specification.surface_flow_max_rate_ = line.surface_flow_max_rate_; injection_specification.fluid_volume_max_rate_ = line.fluid_volume_max_rate_; } } } ProductionSpecification production_specification; if (deck.hasField("WCONPROD")) { WCONPROD wconprod = deck.getWCONPROD(); std::cout << wconprod.wconprod.size() << std::endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < wconprod.wconprod.size(); i++) { if (wconprod.wconprod[i].well_ == name) { WconprodLine line = wconprod.wconprod[i]; production_specification.BHP_limit_ = line.BHP_limit_; production_specification.fluid_volume_max_rate_ = line.fluid_volume_max_rate_; production_specification.oil_max_rate_ = line.oil_max_rate_; production_specification.control_mode_ = toProductionControlMode(line.control_mode_); production_specification.water_production_target_ = line.water_max_rate_; } } } return_value.reset(new WellNode(name, production_specification, injection_specification)); } else { InjectionSpecification injection_specification; if (deck.hasField("GCONINJE")) { GCONINJE gconinje = deck.getGCONINJE(); for (size_t i = 0; i < gconinje.gconinje.size(); i++) { if (gconinje.gconinje[i].group_ == name) { GconinjeLine line = gconinje.gconinje[i]; injection_specification.injector_type_ = toSurfaceComponent(line.injector_type_); injection_specification.control_mode_ = toInjectionControlMode(line.control_mode_); injection_specification.surface_flow_max_rate_ = line.surface_flow_max_rate_; injection_specification.fluid_volume_max_rate_ = line.resv_flow_max_rate_; } } } ProductionSpecification production_specification; if (deck.hasField("GCONPROD")) { GCONPROD gconprod = deck.getGCONPROD(); for (size_t i = 0; i < gconprod.gconprod.size(); i++) { if (gconprod.gconprod[i].group_ == name) { GconprodLine line = gconprod.gconprod[i]; production_specification.oil_max_rate_ = line.oil_max_rate_; production_specification.control_mode_ = toProductionControlMode(line.control_mode_); production_specification.water_production_target_ = line.water_max_rate_; production_specification.gas_max_rate_ = line.gas_max_rate_; production_specification.liquid_max_rate_ = line.liquid_max_rate_; production_specification.procedure_ = toProductionProcedure(line.procedure_); } } } return_value.reset(new WellsGroup(name, production_specification, injection_specification)); } return return_value; } }