/* Copyright 2014 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics. Copyright 2017 IRIS AS This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM). OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OPM. If not, see . */ #ifndef OPM_WELLSTATEFULLYIMPLICITBLACKOIL_HEADER_INCLUDED #define OPM_WELLSTATEFULLYIMPLICITBLACKOIL_HEADER_INCLUDED #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Opm { /// The state of a set of wells, tailored for use by the fully /// implicit blackoil simulator. class WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil : public WellState { typedef WellState BaseType; public: typedef BaseType :: WellMapType WellMapType; virtual ~WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil() = default; // TODO: same definition with WellInterface, eventually they should go to a common header file. static const int Water = BlackoilPhases::Aqua; static const int Oil = BlackoilPhases::Liquid; static const int Gas = BlackoilPhases::Vapour; using BaseType :: wellRates; using BaseType :: bhp; using BaseType :: perfPress; using BaseType :: wellMap; using BaseType :: numWells; using BaseType :: numPhases; /// Allocate and initialize if wells is non-null. Also tries /// to give useful initial values to the bhp(), wellRates() /// and perfPhaseRates() fields, depending on controls void init(const std::vector& cellPressures, const Schedule& schedule, const std::vector& wells_ecl, const int report_step, const WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil* prevState, const PhaseUsage& pu, const std::vector>& well_perf_data, const SummaryState& summary_state, const int globalNumberOfWells) { // call init on base class BaseType :: init(cellPressures, wells_ecl, pu, well_perf_data, summary_state); globalIsInjectionGrup_.assign(globalNumberOfWells,0); globalIsProductionGrup_.assign(globalNumberOfWells,0); wellNameToGlobalIdx_.clear(); const int nw = wells_ecl.size(); if( nw == 0 ) return ; // Initialize perfphaserates_, which must be done here. const int np = pu.num_phases; int nperf = 0; for (const auto& wpd : well_perf_data) { nperf += wpd.size(); } well_reservoir_rates_.resize(nw * np, 0.0); well_dissolved_gas_rates_.resize(nw, 0.0); well_vaporized_oil_rates_.resize(nw, 0.0); // checking whether some effective well control happens effective_events_occurred_.resize(nw, true); // a hack to make the resize() function used in RESTART related work if (!wells_ecl.empty() ) { // At the moment, the following events are considered to be effective events // more events might join as effective events // PRODUCTION_UPDATE, INJECTION_UPDATE, WELL_STATUS_CHANGE // 16 + 32 + 128 const uint64_t effective_events_mask = ScheduleEvents::WELL_STATUS_CHANGE + ScheduleEvents::PRODUCTION_UPDATE + ScheduleEvents::INJECTION_UPDATE; for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) { effective_events_occurred_[w] = schedule.hasWellGroupEvent(wells_ecl[w].name(), effective_events_mask, report_step); } } // end of if (!well_ecl.empty() ) // Ensure that we start out with zero rates by default. perfphaserates_.clear(); perfphaserates_.resize(nperf * np, 0.0); // these are only used to monitor the injectivity perf_water_throughput_.clear(); perf_water_throughput_.resize(nperf, 0.0); perf_water_velocity_.clear(); perf_water_velocity_.resize(nperf, 0.0); perf_skin_pressure_.clear(); perf_skin_pressure_.resize(nperf, 0.0); int connpos = 0; for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) { // Initialize perfphaserates_ to well // rates divided by the number of perforations. const int num_perf_this_well = well_perf_data[w].size(); for (int perf = connpos; perf < connpos + num_perf_this_well; ++perf) { if (wells_ecl[w].getStatus() == Well::Status::OPEN) { for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) { perfphaserates_[np*perf + p] = wellRates()[np*w + p] / double(num_perf_this_well); } } perfPress()[perf] = cellPressures[well_perf_data[w][perf-connpos].cell_index]; } connpos += num_perf_this_well; } current_injection_controls_.resize(nw); current_production_controls_.resize(nw); perfRateSolvent_.clear(); perfRateSolvent_.resize(nperf, 0.0); productivity_index_.resize(nw * np, 0.0); well_potentials_.resize(nw * np, 0.0); // intialize wells that have been there before // order may change so the mapping is based on the well name if (prevState && !prevState->wellMap().empty()) { connpos = 0; auto end = prevState->wellMap().end(); for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) { const Well& well = wells_ecl[w]; const int num_perf_this_well = well_perf_data[w].size(); auto it = prevState->wellMap().find(well.name()); if ( it != end ) { const int oldIndex = (*it).second[ 0 ]; const int newIndex = w; // bhp bhp()[ newIndex ] = prevState->bhp()[ oldIndex ]; // thp thp()[ newIndex ] = prevState->thp()[ oldIndex ]; // Currently this is taken care of by updateWellStateFromTarge. Maybe we should just remove the initialization and just use updateWellStateFromTarget //if (effective_events_occurred_[w]) { // continue; //} // if there is no effective control event happens to the well, we use the current_injection/production_controls_ from prevState // otherwise, we use the control specified in the deck if (!effective_events_occurred_[w]) { current_injection_controls_[ newIndex ] = prevState->currentInjectionControls()[ oldIndex ]; current_production_controls_[ newIndex ] = prevState->currentProductionControls()[ oldIndex ]; } // wellrates for( int i=0, idx=newIndex*np, oldidx=oldIndex*np; iwellRates()[ oldidx ]; } // wellResrates for( int i=0, idx=newIndex*np, oldidx=oldIndex*np; iwellReservoirRates()[ oldidx ]; } // perfPhaseRates const int oldPerf_idx_beg = (*it).second[ 1 ]; const int num_perf_old_well = (*it).second[ 2 ]; // copy perforation rates when the number of perforations is equal, // otherwise initialize perfphaserates to well rates divided by the number of perforations. if( num_perf_old_well == num_perf_this_well ) { int old_perf_phase_idx = oldPerf_idx_beg *np; for (int perf_phase_idx = connpos*np; perf_phase_idx < (connpos + num_perf_this_well)*np; ++perf_phase_idx, ++old_perf_phase_idx ) { perfPhaseRates()[ perf_phase_idx ] = prevState->perfPhaseRates()[ old_perf_phase_idx ]; } } else { for (int perf = connpos; perf < connpos + num_perf_this_well; ++perf) { for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) { perfPhaseRates()[np*perf + p] = wellRates()[np*newIndex + p] / double(num_perf_this_well); } } } // perfPressures if( num_perf_old_well == num_perf_this_well ) { int oldPerf_idx = oldPerf_idx_beg; for (int perf = connpos; perf < connpos + num_perf_this_well; ++perf, ++oldPerf_idx ) { perfPress()[ perf ] = prevState->perfPress()[ oldPerf_idx ]; } } // perfSolventRates if (pu.has_solvent) { if( num_perf_old_well == num_perf_this_well ) { int oldPerf_idx = oldPerf_idx_beg; for (int perf = connpos; perf < connpos + num_perf_this_well; ++perf, ++oldPerf_idx ) { perfRateSolvent()[ perf ] = prevState->perfRateSolvent()[ oldPerf_idx ]; } } } // polymer injectivity related // here we did not consider the case that we close some perforation during the running // and also, wells can be shut and re-opened if (pu.has_polymermw) { if( num_perf_old_well == num_perf_this_well ) { int oldPerf_idx = oldPerf_idx_beg; for (int perf = connpos; perf < connpos + num_perf_this_well; ++perf, ++oldPerf_idx ) { perf_water_throughput_[ perf ] = prevState->perfThroughput()[ oldPerf_idx ]; perf_skin_pressure_[ perf ] = prevState->perfSkinPressure()[ oldPerf_idx ]; perf_water_velocity_[ perf ] = prevState->perfWaterVelocity()[ oldPerf_idx ]; } } } } // If in the new step, there is no THP related target/limit anymore, its thp value should be // set to zero. const bool has_thp = well.isInjector() ? well.injectionControls(summary_state).hasControl(Well::InjectorCMode::THP) : well.productionControls(summary_state).hasControl(Well::ProducerCMode::THP); if (!has_thp) { thp()[w] = 0.0; } // Increment connection position offset. connpos += num_perf_this_well; } } { // we need to create a trival segment related values to avoid there will be some // multi-segment wells added later. nseg_ = nw; top_segment_index_.resize(nw); seg_number_.resize(nw); for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) { top_segment_index_[w] = w; seg_number_[w] = 1; // Top segment is segment #1 } segpress_ = bhp(); segrates_ = wellRates(); } } void resize(const std::vector& wells_ecl, const Schedule& schedule, const bool handle_ms_well, const size_t numCells, const PhaseUsage& pu, const std::vector>& well_perf_data, const SummaryState& summary_state, const int globalNumWells) { const std::vector tmp(numCells, 0.0); // <- UGLY HACK to pass the size init(tmp, schedule, wells_ecl, 0, nullptr, pu, well_perf_data, summary_state, globalNumWells); if (handle_ms_well) { initWellStateMSWell(wells_ecl, pu, nullptr); } } /// One rate per phase and well connection. std::vector& perfPhaseRates() { return perfphaserates_; } const std::vector& perfPhaseRates() const { return perfphaserates_; } /// One current control per injecting well. std::vector& currentInjectionControls() { return current_injection_controls_; } const std::vector& currentInjectionControls() const { return current_injection_controls_; } /// One current control per producing well. std::vector& currentProductionControls() { return current_production_controls_; } const std::vector& currentProductionControls() const { return current_production_controls_; } bool hasProductionGroupControl(const std::string& groupName) { return current_production_group_controls_.count(groupName) > 0; } bool hasInjectionGroupControl(const std::string& groupName) { return current_injection_group_controls_.count(groupName) > 0; } /// One current control per group. void setCurrentProductionGroupControl(const std::string& groupName, const Group::ProductionCMode& groupControl ) { current_production_group_controls_[groupName] = groupControl; } const Group::ProductionCMode& currentProductionGroupControl(const std::string& groupName) const { auto it = current_production_group_controls_.find(groupName); if (it == current_production_group_controls_.end()) OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, "Could not find any control for production group " << groupName); return it->second; } /// One current control per group. void setCurrentInjectionGroupControl(const std::string& groupName, const Group::InjectionCMode& groupControl ) { current_injection_group_controls_[groupName] = groupControl; } const Group::InjectionCMode& currentInjectionGroupControl(const std::string& groupName) const { auto it = current_injection_group_controls_.find(groupName); if (it == current_injection_group_controls_.end()) OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, "Could not find any control for injection group " << groupName); return it->second; } void setCurrentProductionGroupReductionRates(const std::string& groupName, const std::vector& target ) { production_group_reduction_rates[groupName] = target; } const std::vector& currentProductionGroupReductionRates(const std::string& groupName) const { auto it = production_group_reduction_rates.find(groupName); if (it == production_group_reduction_rates.end()) OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, "Could not find any reduction rates for production group " << groupName); return it->second; } void setCurrentInjectionGroupReductionRates(const std::string& groupName, const std::vector& target ) { injection_group_reduction_rates[groupName] = target; } const std::vector& currentInjectionGroupReductionRates(const std::string& groupName) const { auto it = injection_group_reduction_rates.find(groupName); if (it == injection_group_reduction_rates.end()) OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, "Could not find any reduction rates for injection group " << groupName); return it->second; } void setCurrentInjectionVREPRates(const std::string& groupName, const double& target ) { injection_group_vrep_rates[groupName] = target; } const double& currentInjectionVREPRates(const std::string& groupName) const { auto it = injection_group_vrep_rates.find(groupName); if (it == injection_group_vrep_rates.end()) OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, "Could not find any VREP rates for group " << groupName); return it->second; } void setCurrentInjectionREINRates(const std::string& groupName, const std::vector& target ) { injection_group_rein_rates[groupName] = target; } const std::vector& currentInjectionREINRates(const std::string& groupName) const { auto it = injection_group_rein_rates.find(groupName); if (it == injection_group_rein_rates.end()) OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, "Could not find any REIN rates for group " << groupName); return it->second; } void setCurrentGroupInjectionPotentials(const std::string& groupName, const std::vector& pot ) { injection_group_potentials[groupName] = pot; } const std::vector& currentGroupInjectionPotentials(const std::string& groupName) const { auto it = injection_group_potentials.find(groupName); if (it == injection_group_potentials.end()) OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, "Could not find any potentials for group " << groupName); return it->second; } data::Wells report(const PhaseUsage &pu, const int* globalCellIdxMap) const override { data::Wells res = WellState::report(pu, globalCellIdxMap); const int nw = this->numWells(); if( nw == 0 ) return res; const int np = pu.num_phases; using rt = data::Rates::opt; std::vector< rt > phs( np ); if( pu.phase_used[Water] ) { phs.at( pu.phase_pos[Water] ) = rt::wat; } if( pu.phase_used[Oil] ) { phs.at( pu.phase_pos[Oil] ) = rt::oil; } if( pu.phase_used[Gas] ) { phs.at( pu.phase_pos[Gas] ) = rt::gas; } /* this is a reference or example on **how** to convert from * WellState to something understood by opm-output. it is intended * to be properly implemented and maintained as a part of * simulators, as it relies on simulator internals, details and * representations. */ for( const auto& wt : this->wellMap() ) { const auto w = wt.second[ 0 ]; if (!this->open_for_output_[w]) continue; auto& well = res.at( wt.first ); //well.injectionControl = static_cast(this->currentInjectionControls()[ w ]); //well.productionControl = static_cast(this->currentProductionControls()[ w ]); const int well_rate_index = w * pu.num_phases; if ( pu.phase_used[Water] ) { well.rates.set( rt::reservoir_water, this->well_reservoir_rates_[well_rate_index + pu.phase_pos[Water]] ); } if ( pu.phase_used[Oil] ) { well.rates.set( rt::reservoir_oil, this->well_reservoir_rates_[well_rate_index + pu.phase_pos[Oil]] ); } if ( pu.phase_used[Gas] ) { well.rates.set( rt::reservoir_gas, this->well_reservoir_rates_[well_rate_index + pu.phase_pos[Gas]] ); } if ( pu.phase_used[Water] ) { well.rates.set( rt::productivity_index_water, this->productivity_index_[well_rate_index + pu.phase_pos[Water]] ); } if ( pu.phase_used[Oil] ) { well.rates.set( rt::productivity_index_oil, this->productivity_index_[well_rate_index + pu.phase_pos[Oil]] ); } if ( pu.phase_used[Gas] ) { well.rates.set( rt::productivity_index_gas, this->productivity_index_[well_rate_index + pu.phase_pos[Gas]] ); } if ( pu.phase_used[Water] ) { well.rates.set( rt::well_potential_water, this->well_potentials_[well_rate_index + pu.phase_pos[Water]] ); } if ( pu.phase_used[Oil] ) { well.rates.set( rt::well_potential_oil, this->well_potentials_[well_rate_index + pu.phase_pos[Oil]] ); } if ( pu.phase_used[Gas] ) { well.rates.set( rt::well_potential_gas, this->well_potentials_[well_rate_index + pu.phase_pos[Gas]] ); } if ( pu.has_solvent ) { well.rates.set( rt::solvent, solventWellRate(w) ); } well.rates.set( rt::dissolved_gas, this->well_dissolved_gas_rates_[w] ); well.rates.set( rt::vaporized_oil, this->well_vaporized_oil_rates_[w] ); size_t local_comp_index = 0; for( auto& comp : well.connections) { const auto rates = this->perfPhaseRates().begin() + (np * wt.second[ 1 ]) + (np * local_comp_index); ++local_comp_index; for( int i = 0; i < np; ++i ) { comp.rates.set( phs[ i ], *(rates + i) ); } } assert(local_comp_index == this->well_perf_data_[w].size()); const auto nseg = this->numSegments(w); for (auto seg_ix = 0*nseg; seg_ix < nseg; ++seg_ix) { const auto seg_no = this->segmentNumber(w, seg_ix); well.segments[seg_no] = this->reportSegmentResults(pu, w, seg_ix, seg_no); } } return res; } /// init the MS well related. void initWellStateMSWell(const std::vector& wells_ecl, const PhaseUsage& pu, const WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil* prev_well_state) { // still using the order in wells const int nw = wells_ecl.size(); if (nw == 0) { return; } top_segment_index_.clear(); top_segment_index_.reserve(nw); segpress_.clear(); segpress_.reserve(nw); segrates_.clear(); segrates_.reserve(nw * numPhases()); seg_number_.clear(); nseg_ = 0; int connpos = 0; // in the init function, the well rates and perforation rates have been initialized or copied from prevState // what we do here, is to set the segment rates and perforation rates for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) { const auto& well_ecl = wells_ecl[w]; int num_perf_this_well = well_perf_data_[w].size(); top_segment_index_.push_back(nseg_); if ( !well_ecl.isMultiSegment() ) { // not multi-segment well nseg_ += 1; seg_number_.push_back(1); // Assign single segment (top) as number 1. segpress_.push_back(bhp()[w]); const int np = numPhases(); for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) { segrates_.push_back(wellRates()[np * w + p]); } } else { // it is a multi-segment well const WellSegments& segment_set = well_ecl.getSegments(); // assuming the order of the perforations in well_ecl is the same with Wells const WellConnections& completion_set = well_ecl.getConnections(); // number of segment for this single well const int well_nseg = segment_set.size(); int n_activeperf = 0; nseg_ += well_nseg; for (auto segID = 0*well_nseg; segID < well_nseg; ++segID) { this->seg_number_.push_back(segment_set[segID].segmentNumber()); } // we need to know for each segment, how many perforation it has and how many segments using it as outlet_segment // that is why I think we should use a well model to initialize the WellState here std::vector> segment_perforations(well_nseg); for (size_t perf = 0; perf < completion_set.size(); ++perf) { const Connection& connection = completion_set.get(perf); if (connection.state() == Connection::State::OPEN) { const int segment_index = segment_set.segmentNumberToIndex(connection.segment()); segment_perforations[segment_index].push_back(n_activeperf); n_activeperf++; } } std::vector> segment_inlets(well_nseg); for (int seg = 0; seg < well_nseg; ++seg) { const Segment& segment = segment_set[seg]; const int segment_number = segment.segmentNumber(); const int outlet_segment_number = segment.outletSegment(); if (outlet_segment_number > 0) { const int segment_index = segment_set.segmentNumberToIndex(segment_number); const int outlet_segment_index = segment_set.segmentNumberToIndex(outlet_segment_number); segment_inlets[outlet_segment_index].push_back(segment_index); } } // for the segrates_, now it becomes a recursive solution procedure. { const int np = numPhases(); const int start_perf = connpos; const int start_perf_next_well = connpos + num_perf_this_well; // make sure the information from wells_ecl consistent with wells assert(n_activeperf == (start_perf_next_well - start_perf)); if (pu.phase_used[Gas]) { const int gaspos = pu.phase_pos[Gas]; // scale the phase rates for Gas to avoid too bad initial guess for gas fraction // it will probably benefit the standard well too, while it needs to be justified // TODO: to see if this strategy can benefit StandardWell too // TODO: it might cause big problem for gas rate control or if there is a gas rate limit // maybe the best way is to initialize the fractions first then get the rates for (int perf = 0; perf < n_activeperf; perf++) { const int perf_pos = start_perf + perf; perfPhaseRates()[np * perf_pos + gaspos] *= 100.; } } const std::vector perforation_rates(perfPhaseRates().begin() + np * start_perf, perfPhaseRates().begin() + np * start_perf_next_well); // the perforation rates for this well std::vector segment_rates; calculateSegmentRates(segment_inlets, segment_perforations, perforation_rates, np, 0 /* top segment */, segment_rates); std::copy(segment_rates.begin(), segment_rates.end(), std::back_inserter(segrates_)); } // for the segment pressure, the segment pressure is the same with the first perforation belongs to the segment // if there is no perforation associated with this segment, it uses the pressure from the outlet segment // which requres the ordering is successful // Not sure what is the best way to handle the initialization, hopefully, the bad initialization can be // improved during the solveWellEq process { // top segment is always the first one, and its pressure is the well bhp segpress_.push_back(bhp()[w]); const int top_segment = top_segment_index_[w]; const int start_perf = connpos; for (int seg = 1; seg < well_nseg; ++seg) { if ( !segment_perforations[seg].empty() ) { const int first_perf = segment_perforations[seg][0]; segpress_.push_back(perfPress()[start_perf + first_perf]); } else { // segpress_.push_back(bhp); // may not be a good decision // using the outlet segment pressure // it needs the ordering is correct const int outlet_seg = segment_set[seg].outletSegment(); segpress_.push_back(segpress_[top_segment + segment_set.segmentNumberToIndex(outlet_seg)]); } } } } connpos += num_perf_this_well; } assert(int(segpress_.size()) == nseg_); assert(int(segrates_.size()) == nseg_ * numPhases() ); if (prev_well_state && !prev_well_state->wellMap().empty()) { // copying MS well related const auto& end = prev_well_state->wellMap().end(); const int np = numPhases(); for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) { const auto& it = prev_well_state->wellMap().find( wells_ecl[w].name() ); if (it != end) { // the well is found in the prev_well_state // TODO: the well with same name can change a lot, like they might not have same number of segments // we need to handle that later. // for now, we just copy them. const int old_index_well = (*it).second[0]; const int new_index_well = w; const int old_top_segment_index = prev_well_state->topSegmentIndex(old_index_well); const int new_top_segmnet_index = topSegmentIndex(new_index_well); int number_of_segment = 0; // if it is the last well in list if (new_index_well == int(top_segment_index_.size()) - 1) { number_of_segment = nseg_ - new_top_segmnet_index; } else { number_of_segment = topSegmentIndex(new_index_well + 1) - new_top_segmnet_index; } for (int i = 0; i < number_of_segment * np; ++i) { segrates_[new_top_segmnet_index * np + i] = prev_well_state->segRates()[old_top_segment_index * np + i]; } for (int i = 0; i < number_of_segment; ++i) { segpress_[new_top_segmnet_index + i] = prev_well_state->segPress()[old_top_segment_index + i]; } } } } } static void calculateSegmentRates(const std::vector>& segment_inlets, const std::vector>&segment_perforations, const std::vector& perforation_rates, const int np, const int segment, std::vector& segment_rates) { // the rate of the segment equals to the sum of the contribution from the perforations and inlet segment rates. // the first segment is always the top segment, its rates should be equal to the well rates. assert(segment_inlets.size() == segment_perforations.size()); const int well_nseg = segment_inlets.size(); if (segment == 0) { // beginning the calculation segment_rates.resize(np * well_nseg, 0.0); } // contributions from the perforations belong to this segment for (const int& perf : segment_perforations[segment]) { for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) { segment_rates[np * segment + p] += perforation_rates[np * perf + p]; } } for (const int& inlet_seg : segment_inlets[segment]) { calculateSegmentRates(segment_inlets, segment_perforations, perforation_rates, np, inlet_seg, segment_rates); for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) { segment_rates[np * segment + p] += segment_rates[np * inlet_seg + p]; } } } bool effectiveEventsOccurred(const int w) const { return effective_events_occurred_[w]; } void setEffectiveEventsOccurred(const int w, const bool effective_events_occurred) { effective_events_occurred_[w] = effective_events_occurred; } /// One rate pr well connection. std::vector& perfRateSolvent() { return perfRateSolvent_; } const std::vector& perfRateSolvent() const { return perfRateSolvent_; } /// One rate pr well double solventWellRate(const int w) const { int connpos = 0; for (int iw = 0; iw < w; ++iw) { connpos += this->well_perf_data_[iw].size(); } double solvent_well_rate = 0.0; const int endperf = connpos + this->well_perf_data_[w].size(); for (int perf = connpos; perf < endperf; ++perf ) { solvent_well_rate += perfRateSolvent_[perf]; } return solvent_well_rate; } std::vector& wellReservoirRates() { return well_reservoir_rates_; } const std::vector& wellReservoirRates() const { return well_reservoir_rates_; } std::vector& wellDissolvedGasRates() { return well_dissolved_gas_rates_; } std::vector& wellVaporizedOilRates() { return well_vaporized_oil_rates_; } const std::vector& segRates() const { return segrates_; } std::vector& segRates() { return segrates_; } const std::vector& segPress() const { return segpress_; } std::vector& segPress() { return segpress_; } int numSegment() const { return nseg_; } int topSegmentIndex(const int w) const { assert(w < int(top_segment_index_.size()) ); return top_segment_index_[w]; } std::vector& productivityIndex() { return productivity_index_; } const std::vector& productivityIndex() const { return productivity_index_; } std::vector& wellPotentials() { return well_potentials_; } const std::vector& wellPotentials() const { return well_potentials_; } std::vector& perfThroughput() { return perf_water_throughput_; } const std::vector& perfThroughput() const { return perf_water_throughput_; } std::vector& perfSkinPressure() { return perf_skin_pressure_; } const std::vector& perfSkinPressure() const { return perf_skin_pressure_; } std::vector& perfWaterVelocity() { return perf_water_velocity_; } const std::vector& perfWaterVelocity() const { return perf_water_velocity_; } virtual void shutWell(int well_index) override { WellState::shutWell(well_index); const int np = numPhases(); for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) this->well_reservoir_rates_[np * well_index + p] = 0; } template void communicateGroupReductionRates(const Comm& comm) { // sum over all nodes for (auto& x : production_group_reduction_rates) { comm.sum(x.second.data(), x.second.size()); } for (auto& x : injection_group_reduction_rates) { comm.sum(x.second.data(), x.second.size()); } } template void communicateReinVrep(const Comm& comm) { // sum over all nodes for (auto& x : injection_group_rein_rates) { comm.sum(x.second.data(), x.second.size()); } for (auto& x : injection_group_vrep_rates) { x.second = comm.sum(x.second); } } template void updateGlobalIsGrup(const Schedule& schedule, const int reportStepIdx, const Comm& comm) { int global_well_index = -1; const auto& end = wellMap().end(); for (const auto& well : schedule.getWells(reportStepIdx)) { global_well_index ++; wellNameToGlobalIdx_[well.name()] = global_well_index; const auto& it = wellMap().find( well.name()); if (it == end) // the well is not found continue; int well_index = it->second[0]; if (well.isInjector()) globalIsInjectionGrup_[global_well_index] = (currentInjectionControls()[well_index] == Well::InjectorCMode::GRUP); else globalIsProductionGrup_[global_well_index] = (currentProductionControls()[well_index] == Well::ProducerCMode::GRUP); } comm.sum(globalIsInjectionGrup_.data(), globalIsInjectionGrup_.size()); comm.sum(globalIsProductionGrup_.data(), globalIsProductionGrup_.size()); } bool isInjectionGrup(const std::string& name) const { auto it = wellNameToGlobalIdx_.find(name); if (it == wellNameToGlobalIdx_.end()) OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, "Could not find global injection group for well" << name); return globalIsInjectionGrup_[it->second]; } bool isProductionGrup(const std::string& name) const { auto it = wellNameToGlobalIdx_.find(name); if (it == wellNameToGlobalIdx_.end()) OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, "Could not find global injection group for well" << name); return globalIsProductionGrup_[it->second]; } private: std::vector perfphaserates_; std::vector current_injection_controls_; std::vector current_production_controls_; // size of global number of wells std::vector globalIsInjectionGrup_; std::vector globalIsProductionGrup_; std::map wellNameToGlobalIdx_; std::map current_production_group_controls_; std::map current_injection_group_controls_; std::map> production_group_reduction_rates; std::map> injection_group_reduction_rates; std::map> injection_group_potentials; std::map injection_group_vrep_rates; std::map> injection_group_rein_rates; std::vector perfRateSolvent_; // it is the throughput of water flow through the perforations // it is used as a measure of formation damage around well-bore due to particle deposition // it will only be used for injectors to check the injectivity std::vector perf_water_throughput_; // skin pressure of peforation // it will only be used for injectors to check the injectivity std::vector perf_skin_pressure_; // it will only be used for injectors to check the injectivity // water velocity of perforation std::vector perf_water_velocity_; // phase rates under reservoir condition for wells // or voidage phase rates std::vector well_reservoir_rates_; // dissolved gas rates or solution gas production rates // should be zero for injection wells std::vector well_dissolved_gas_rates_; // vaporized oil rates or solution oil producation rates // should be zero for injection wells std::vector well_vaporized_oil_rates_; // some events happens to the well, like this well is a new well // or new well control keywords happens // \Note: for now, only WCON* keywords, and well status change is considered std::vector effective_events_occurred_; // MS well related // for StandardWell, the number of segments will be one std::vector segrates_; std::vector segpress_; // the index of the top segments, which is used to locate the // multisegment well related information in WellState std::vector top_segment_index_; int nseg_; // total number of the segments // Productivity Index std::vector productivity_index_; // Well potentials std::vector well_potentials_; /// Map segment index to segment number, mostly for MS wells. /// /// Segment number (one-based) of j-th segment in i-th well is /// \code /// const auto top = topSegmentIndex(i); /// const auto seg_No = seg_number_[top + j]; /// \end std::vector seg_number_; ::Opm::data::Segment reportSegmentResults(const PhaseUsage& pu, const int well_id, const int seg_ix, const int seg_no) const { auto seg_res = ::Opm::data::Segment{}; const auto seg_dof = this->topSegmentIndex(well_id) + seg_ix; const auto* rate = &this->segRates()[seg_dof * this->numPhases()]; seg_res.pressure = this->segPress()[seg_dof]; if (pu.phase_used[Water]) { seg_res.rates.set(data::Rates::opt::wat, rate[pu.phase_pos[Water]]); } if (pu.phase_used[Oil]) { seg_res.rates.set(data::Rates::opt::oil, rate[pu.phase_pos[Oil]]); } if (pu.phase_used[Gas]) { seg_res.rates.set(data::Rates::opt::gas, rate[pu.phase_pos[Gas]]); } seg_res.segNumber = seg_no; return seg_res; } int numSegments(const int well_id) const { const auto topseg = this->topSegmentIndex(well_id); return (well_id + 1 == this->numWells()) // Last well? ? (this->numSegment() - topseg) : (this->topSegmentIndex(well_id + 1) - topseg); } int segmentNumber(const int well_id, const int seg_id) const { const auto top_offset = this->topSegmentIndex(well_id); return this->seg_number_[top_offset + seg_id]; } }; } // namespace Opm #endif // OPM_WELLSTATEFULLYIMPLICITBLACKOIL_HEADER_INCLUDED