/* Copyright 2013 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics. This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM). OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OPM. If not, see . */ #include "TransportSolverTwophaseAd.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include namespace Opm { /// Construct solver. /// \param[in] grid A 2d or 3d grid. /// \param[in] props Rock and fluid properties. /// \param[in] linsolver Linear solver for Newton-Raphson scheme. /// \param[in] param Parameters for the solver. TransportSolverTwophaseAd::TransportSolverTwophaseAd(const UnstructuredGrid& grid, const IncompPropertiesInterface& props, const LinearSolverInterface& linsolver, const parameter::ParameterGroup& param) : grid_(grid), props_(props), linsolver_(linsolver), ops_(grid), tol_(param.getDefault("nl_tolerance", 1e-9)), maxit_(param.getDefault("nl_maxiter", 30)) { const int nc = grid_.number_of_cells; allcells_.resize(nc); for (int i = 0; i < nc; ++i) { allcells_[i] = i; } } // Virtual destructor. TransportSolverTwophaseAd::~TransportSolverTwophaseAd() { } namespace { template std::vector phaseMobility(const Opm::IncompPropertiesInterface& props, const std::vector& cells, const typename ADB::V& sw) { typedef Eigen::Array TwoCol; typedef Eigen::Array FourCol; typedef typename ADB::V V; typedef typename ADB::M M; const int nc = props.numCells(); TwoCol s(nc, 2); s.leftCols<1>() = sw; s.rightCols<1>() = 1.0 - s.leftCols<1>(); TwoCol kr(nc, 2); FourCol dkr(nc, 4); props.relperm(nc, s.data(), cells.data(), kr.data(), dkr.data()); V krw = kr.leftCols<1>(); V kro = kr.rightCols<1>(); V dkrw = dkr.leftCols<1>(); // Left column is top-left of dkr/ds 2x2 matrix. V dkro = -dkr.rightCols<1>(); // Right column is bottom-right of dkr/ds 2x2 matrix. M krwjac(nc,nc); M krojac(nc,nc); auto sizes = Eigen::ArrayXi::Ones(nc); krwjac.reserve(sizes); krojac.reserve(sizes); for (int c = 0; c < nc; ++c) { krwjac.insert(c,c) = dkrw(c); krojac.insert(c,c) = dkro(c); } const double* mu = props.viscosity(); std::vector dmw = { krwjac/mu[0] }; std::vector dmo = { krojac/mu[1] }; std::vector pmobc = { ADB::function(krw / mu[0], dmw) , ADB::function(kro / mu[1], dmo) }; return pmobc; } /// Returns fw(sw). template ADB fluxFunc(const std::vector& m) { assert (m.size() == 2); ADB f = m[0] / (m[0] + m[1]); return f; } } // anonymous namespace /// Solve for saturation at next timestep. /// Note that this only performs advection by total velocity, and /// no gravity segregation. /// \param[in] porevolume Array of pore volumes. /// \param[in] source Transport source term. For interpretation see Opm::computeTransportSource(). /// \param[in] dt Time step. /// \param[in, out] state Reservoir state. Calling solve() will read state.faceflux() and /// read and write state.saturation(). void TransportSolverTwophaseAd::solve(const double* porevolume, const double* source, const double dt, TwophaseState& state) { typedef Eigen::Array TwoCol; typedef Eigen::Map Vec; const int nc = grid_.number_of_cells; const TwoCol s0 = Eigen::Map(state.saturation().data(), nc, 2); double res_norm = 1e100; const V sw0 = s0.leftCols<1>(); // V sw1 = sw0; V sw1 = 0.5*V::Ones(nc,1); const V p1 = Vec(state.pressure().data(), nc, 1); const V ndp = (ops_.ngrad * p1.matrix()).array(); const V dflux_all = Vec(state.faceflux().data(), grid_.number_of_faces, 1); const int num_internal = ops_.internal_faces.size(); V dflux(num_internal); for (int fi = 0; fi < num_internal; ++fi) { dflux[fi] = dflux_all[ops_.internal_faces[fi]]; } const UpwindSelectorTotalFlux upwind(grid_, ops_, dflux); const V pv = Vec(porevolume, nc, 1); const V dtpv = dt/pv; const V q = Vec(source, nc, 1); const V qneg = q.min(V::Zero(nc,1)); const V qpos = q.max(V::Zero(nc,1)); // Block pattern for variables. // Primary variables: // sw : one per cell std::vector bpat = { nc }; // Newton-Raphson loop. int it = 0; do { // Assemble linear system/ const ADB sw = ADB::variable(0, sw1, bpat); const std::vector pmobc = phaseMobility(props_, allcells_, sw.value()); const std::vector pmobf = upwind.select(pmobc); const ADB fw_cell = fluxFunc(pmobc); const ADB fw_face = fluxFunc(pmobf); const ADB flux1 = fw_face * dflux; const ADB qtr_ad = qpos + fw_cell*qneg; const ADB transport_residual = sw - sw0 + dtpv*(ops_.div*flux1 - qtr_ad); res_norm = transport_residual.value().matrix().norm(); // Solve linear system. Eigen::SparseMatrix smatr = transport_residual.derivative()[0]; ASSERT(smatr.isCompressed()); V ds(nc); LinearSolverInterface::LinearSolverReport rep = linsolver_.solve(nc, smatr.nonZeros(), smatr.outerIndexPtr(), smatr.innerIndexPtr(), smatr.valuePtr(), transport_residual.value().data(), ds.data()); if (!rep.converged) { THROW("Linear solver convergence error in TransportSolverTwophaseAd::solve()"); } // Update (possible clamp) sw1. sw1 = sw.value() - ds; sw1 = sw1.min(V::Ones(nc,1)).max(V::Zero(nc,1)); it += 1; } while (res_norm > tol_ && it < maxit_); // Write to output data structure. Eigen::Map sref(state.saturation().data(), nc, 2); sref.leftCols<1>() = sw1; sref.rightCols<1>() = 1.0 - sw1; } } // namespace Opm