/* Copyright 2015 IRIS AS This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM). OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OPM. If not, see . */ #ifndef OPM_PARALLELDEBUGOUTPUT_HEADER_INCLUDED #define OPM_PARALLELDEBUGOUTPUT_HEADER_INCLUDED #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if HAVE_OPM_GRID #include #endif namespace Opm { class ParallelDebugOutputInterface { protected: ParallelDebugOutputInterface () {} public: virtual ~ParallelDebugOutputInterface() {} //! \brief gather solution to rank 0 for EclipseWriter //! \param localReservoirState The reservoir state //! \param localWellState The well state //! \param localCellData The cell data used for eclipse output //! (needs to include the cell data of //! localReservoirState) //! \param wellStateStepNumber The step number of the well state. virtual bool collectToIORank( const SimulationDataContainer& localReservoirState, const WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& localWellState, const data::Solution& localCellData, const int wellStateStepNumber ) = 0; virtual const SimulationDataContainer& globalReservoirState() const = 0 ; virtual const data::Solution& globalCellData() const = 0 ; virtual const WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& globalWellState() const = 0 ; virtual bool isIORank() const = 0; virtual bool isParallel() const = 0; virtual int numCells() const = 0 ; virtual const int* globalCell() const = 0; }; template class ParallelDebugOutput : public ParallelDebugOutputInterface { protected: const GridImpl& grid_; const SimulationDataContainer* globalState_; const WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil* wellState_; const data::Solution* globalCellData_; public: ParallelDebugOutput ( const GridImpl& grid, const EclipseState& /* eclipseState */, const Schedule&, const int, const Opm::PhaseUsage& ) : grid_( grid ) {} // gather solution to rank 0 for EclipseWriter virtual bool collectToIORank( const SimulationDataContainer& localReservoirState, const WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& localWellState, const data::Solution& localCellData, const int /* wellStateStepNumber */) { globalState_ = &localReservoirState; wellState_ = &localWellState; globalCellData_ = &localCellData; return true ; } virtual const SimulationDataContainer& globalReservoirState() const { return *globalState_; } virtual const data::Solution& globalCellData() const { return *globalCellData_; } virtual const WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& globalWellState() const { return *wellState_; } virtual bool isIORank () const { return true; } virtual bool isParallel () const { return false; } virtual int numCells() const { return Opm::AutoDiffGrid::numCells(grid_); } virtual const int* globalCell() const { return Opm::AutoDiffGrid::globalCell(grid_); } }; #if HAVE_OPM_GRID template <> class ParallelDebugOutput< Dune::CpGrid> : public ParallelDebugOutputInterface { public: typedef Dune::CpGrid Grid; typedef typename Grid :: CollectiveCommunication CollectiveCommunication; // global id class GlobalCellIndex { int globalId_; int localIndex_; bool isInterior_; public: GlobalCellIndex() : globalId_(-1), localIndex_(-1), isInterior_(true) {} void setGhost() { isInterior_ = false; } void setId( const int globalId ) { globalId_ = globalId; } void setIndex( const int localIndex ) { localIndex_ = localIndex; } int localIndex () const { return localIndex_; } int id () const { return globalId_; } bool isInterior() const { return isInterior_; } }; typedef typename Dune::PersistentContainer< Grid, GlobalCellIndex > GlobalIndexContainer; static const int dimension = Grid :: dimension ; typedef typename Grid :: LeafGridView GridView; typedef GridView AllGridView; typedef Dune :: Point2PointCommunicator< Dune :: SimpleMessageBuffer > P2PCommunicatorType; typedef typename P2PCommunicatorType :: MessageBufferType MessageBufferType; typedef std::vector< GlobalCellIndex > LocalIndexMapType; typedef std::vector IndexMapType; typedef std::vector< IndexMapType > IndexMapStorageType; class DistributeIndexMapping : public P2PCommunicatorType::DataHandleInterface { protected: const std::vector& distributedGlobalIndex_; IndexMapType& localIndexMap_; IndexMapStorageType& indexMaps_; std::map< const int, const int > globalPosition_; #ifndef NDEBUG std::set< int > checkPosition_; #endif public: DistributeIndexMapping( const std::vector& globalIndex, const std::vector& distributedGlobalIndex, IndexMapType& localIndexMap, IndexMapStorageType& indexMaps ) : distributedGlobalIndex_( distributedGlobalIndex ), localIndexMap_( localIndexMap ), indexMaps_( indexMaps ), globalPosition_() { const size_t size = globalIndex.size(); // create mapping globalIndex --> localIndex for ( size_t index = 0; index < size; ++index ) { globalPosition_.insert( std::make_pair( globalIndex[ index ], index ) ); } // on I/O rank we need to create a mapping from local to global if( ! indexMaps_.empty() ) { // for the ioRank create a localIndex to index in global state map IndexMapType& indexMap = indexMaps_.back(); const size_t localSize = localIndexMap_.size(); indexMap.resize( localSize ); for( size_t i=0; i 1 ) { std::set< int > send, recv; distributed_grid.switchToDistributedView(); toIORankComm_ = distributed_grid.comm(); isIORank_ = (distributed_grid.comm().rank() == ioRank); // the I/O rank receives from all other ranks if( isIORank() ) { // copy grid grid_.reset( new Dune::CpGrid(otherGrid ) ); grid_->switchToGlobalView(); Dune::CpGrid& globalGrid = *grid_; // initialize global state with correct sizes globalReservoirState_.reset( new SimulationDataContainer( globalGrid.numCells(), globalGrid.numFaces(), numPhases )); // copy global cartesian index globalIndex_ = globalGrid.globalCell(); unsigned int count = 0; auto gridView = globalGrid.leafGridView(); for( auto it = gridView.begin< 0 >(), end = gridView.end< 0 >(); it != end; ++it, ++count ) { } assert( count == globalIndex_.size() ); for(int i=0; i(), end = localView.end< 0 >(); it != end; ++it, ++index ) { const auto element = *it ; // only store interior element for collection if( element.partitionType() == Dune :: InteriorEntity ) { localIndexMap_.push_back( index ); } } // insert send and recv linkage to communicator toIORankComm_.insertRequest( send, recv ); if( isIORank() ) { // need an index map for each rank indexMaps_.clear(); indexMaps_.resize( comm.size() ); } // distribute global id's to io rank for later association of dof's DistributeIndexMapping distIndexMapping( globalIndex_, distributed_grid.globalCell(), localIndexMap_, indexMaps_ ); toIORankComm_.exchange( distIndexMapping ); } else // serial run { // copy global cartesian index globalIndex_ = distributed_grid.globalCell(); } } class PackUnPackSimulationDataContainer : public P2PCommunicatorType::DataHandleInterface { const data::Solution& localCellData_; data::Solution& globalCellData_; const WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& localWellState_; WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& globalWellState_; const IndexMapType& localIndexMap_; const IndexMapStorageType& indexMaps_; public: PackUnPackSimulationDataContainer( std::size_t numGlobalCells, const data::Solution& localCellData, data::Solution& globalCellData, const WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& localWellState, WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& globalWellState, const IndexMapType& localIndexMap, const IndexMapStorageType& indexMaps, const bool isIORank ) : localCellData_( localCellData ), globalCellData_( globalCellData ), localWellState_( localWellState ), globalWellState_( globalWellState ), localIndexMap_( localIndexMap ), indexMaps_( indexMaps ) { if( isIORank ) { // add missing data to global cell data for (const auto& pair : localCellData_) { const std::string& key = pair.first; std::size_t container_size = numGlobalCells; auto ret = globalCellData_.insert(key, pair.second.dim, std::vector(container_size), pair.second.target); assert(ret.second); DUNE_UNUSED_PARAMETER(ret.second); //dummy op to prevent warning with -DNDEBUG } MessageBufferType buffer; pack( 0, buffer ); // the last index map is the local one doUnpack( indexMaps.back(), buffer ); } } // pack all data associated with link void pack( const int link, MessageBufferType& buffer ) { // we should only get one link if( link != 0 ) { OPM_THROW(std::logic_error,"link in method pack is not 0 as execpted"); } // write all cell data registered in local state for (const auto& pair : localCellData_) { const auto& data = pair.second.data; // write all data from local data to buffer write( buffer, localIndexMap_, data); } // write all data from local well state to buffer writeWells( buffer ); } void doUnpack( const IndexMapType& indexMap, MessageBufferType& buffer ) { // we loop over the data as // its order governs the order the data got received. for (auto& pair : localCellData_) { const std::string& key = pair.first; auto& data = globalCellData_.data(key); //write all data from local cell data to buffer read( buffer, indexMap, data); } // read well data from buffer readWells( buffer ); } // unpack all data associated with link void unpack( const int link, MessageBufferType& buffer ) { doUnpack( indexMaps_[ link ], buffer ); } protected: template void write( MessageBufferType& buffer, const IndexMapType& localIndexMap, const Vector& vector, const unsigned int offset = 0, const unsigned int stride = 1 ) const { unsigned int size = localIndexMap.size(); buffer.write( size ); assert( vector.size() >= stride * size ); for( unsigned int i=0; i void read( MessageBufferType& buffer, const IndexMapType& indexMap, Vector& vector, const unsigned int offset = 0, const unsigned int stride = 1 ) const { unsigned int size = 0; buffer.read( size ); assert( size == indexMap.size() ); for( unsigned int i=0; ifirst; const int wellIdx = it->second[ 0 ]; // write well name writeString( buffer, name ); // write well data buffer.write( localWellState_.bhp()[ wellIdx ] ); buffer.write( localWellState_.thp()[ wellIdx ] ); const int wellRateIdx = wellIdx * localWellState_.numPhases(); for( int np=0; npsecond[1] + it->second[2]; for( int con = it->second[1]; con < end_con; ++con ) { buffer.write( localWellState_.perfRates()[ con ] ); } for( int con = it->second[1]; con < end_con; ++con ) { buffer.write( localWellState_.perfPress()[ con ] ); } // Write perfPhaseRate const int np = localWellState_.perfPhaseRates().size() / localWellState_.perfRates().size(); for( int con = it->second[1]*np; con < end_con*np; ++con ) { buffer.write( localWellState_.perfPhaseRates()[ con ] ); } } } void readWells( MessageBufferType& buffer ) { int nWells = -1; buffer.read( nWells ); // unpack all wells that have been sent std::string name ; for( int well = 0; well < nWells ; ++well ) { // read well name for local identification readString( buffer, name ); // unpack values auto it = globalWellState_.wellMap().find( name ); if( it == globalWellState_.wellMap().end() ) { OPM_THROW(std::logic_error,"global state does not contain well " << name ); } const int wellIdx = it->second[ 0 ]; buffer.read( globalWellState_.bhp()[ wellIdx ] ); buffer.read( globalWellState_.thp()[ wellIdx ] ); const int wellRateIdx = wellIdx * globalWellState_.numPhases(); for( int np=0; npsecond[1] + it->second[2]; for( int con = it->second[1]; con < end_con; ++con ) { buffer.read( globalWellState_.perfRates()[ con ] ); } for( int con = it->second[1]; con < end_con; ++con ) { buffer.read( globalWellState_.perfPress()[ con ] ); } // Read perfPhaseRate const int np = globalWellState_.perfPhaseRates().size() / globalWellState_.perfRates().size(); for( int con = it->second[1]*np; con < end_con*np; ++con ) { buffer.read( globalWellState_.perfPhaseRates()[ con ] ); } } } }; // gather solution to rank 0 for EclipseWriter template bool collectToIORank( const SimulationDataContainer& /*localReservoirState*/, const WellState& localWellState, const data::Solution& localCellData, const int wellStateStepNumber ) { if( isIORank() ) { Dune::CpGrid& globalGrid = *grid_; // TODO: make a dummy DynamicListEconLimited here for NOW for compilation and development // TODO: NOT SURE whether it will cause problem for parallel running // TODO: TO BE TESTED AND IMPROVED const DynamicListEconLimited dynamic_list_econ_limited; // Create wells and well state. WellsManager wells_manager(eclipseState_, schedule_, wellStateStepNumber, Opm::UgGridHelpers::numCells( globalGrid ), Opm::UgGridHelpers::globalCell( globalGrid ), Opm::UgGridHelpers::cartDims( globalGrid ), Opm::UgGridHelpers::dimensions( globalGrid ), Opm::UgGridHelpers::cell2Faces( globalGrid ), Opm::UgGridHelpers::beginFaceCentroids( globalGrid ), dynamic_list_econ_limited, false, // We need to pass the optionaly arguments // as we get the following error otherwise // with c++ (Debian 4.9.2-10) 4.9.2 and -std=c++11 // converting to ‘const std::unordered_set >’ from initializer list would use explicit constructor std::unordered_set()); const Wells* wells = wells_manager.c_wells(); globalWellState_.initLegacy(wells, *globalReservoirState_, globalWellState_, phaseUsage_ ); globalCellData_->clear(); } PackUnPackSimulationDataContainer packUnpack( numCells(), localCellData, *globalCellData_, localWellState, globalWellState_, localIndexMap_, indexMaps_, isIORank() ); //toIORankComm_.exchangeCached( packUnpack ); toIORankComm_.exchange( packUnpack ); #ifndef NDEBUG // make sure every process is on the same page toIORankComm_.barrier(); #endif if( isIORank() ) { // copy values from globalCellData to globalReservoirState RestartValue restart_value(*globalCellData_, {}); solutionToSim(restart_value, phaseUsage_, *globalReservoirState_); } return isIORank(); } const SimulationDataContainer& globalReservoirState() const { return *globalReservoirState_; } const data::Solution& globalCellData() const { return *globalCellData_; } const WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& globalWellState() const { return globalWellState_; } bool isIORank() const { return isIORank_; } bool isParallel() const { return toIORankComm_.size() > 1; } int numCells () const { return globalIndex_.size(); } const int* globalCell () const { assert( ! globalIndex_.empty() ); return globalIndex_.data(); } protected: std::unique_ptr< Dune::CpGrid > grid_; const EclipseState& eclipseState_; const Schedule& schedule_; P2PCommunicatorType toIORankComm_; IndexMapType globalIndex_; IndexMapType localIndexMap_; IndexMapStorageType indexMaps_; std::unique_ptr globalReservoirState_; std::unique_ptr globalCellData_; // this needs to be revised WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil globalWellState_; // true if we are on I/O rank bool isIORank_; // Phase usage needed to convert solution to simulation data container Opm::PhaseUsage phaseUsage_; }; #endif // #if HAVE_OPM_GRID } // end namespace Opm #endif