/* Copyright 2021 Equinor. This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM). OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OPM. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Opm { namespace KeywordValidation { std::string get_error_report(const std::vector& errors, const bool critical) { const std::string keyword_format = " {keyword}: keyword not supported\n"; const std::string item_format1 = " {{keyword}}: invalid value '{}' for item {}\n"; const std::string item_format2 = " {{keyword}}: invalid value '{}' in record {} for item {}\n"; const std::string location_format = " In file: {file}, line {line}\n"; std::string report; for (const ValidationError& err : errors) { if (err.critical == critical) { if (err.item_number && err.item_value) { std::string message; if (err.record_number == 0) { message = fmt::format(item_format1, *(err.item_value), *(err.item_number)); } else { message = fmt::format(item_format2, *(err.item_value), err.record_number, *(err.item_number)); } report.append(OpmInputError::format(message, err.location)); } else { report.append(OpmInputError::format(keyword_format, err.location)); } report.append(OpmInputError::format(location_format, err.location)); if (err.user_message) { report.append(" " + *(err.user_message) + "\n"); } report.append("\n"); } } if (!report.empty()) { // Remove the last two newlines. report.erase(report.length() - 2); // Prepend header and file name. report.insert(0, "Unsupported keywords or keyword items:\n\n"); } return report; } void KeywordValidator::validateDeck(const Deck& deck, const ParseContext& parse_context, ErrorGuard& error_guard) const { // Make a vector with all problems encountered in the deck. std::vector errors; for (const auto& keyword : deck) { validateDeckKeyword(keyword, errors); const auto& special_it = this->m_special_validation.find(keyword.name()); if (special_it != this->m_special_validation.end()) { const auto& validator = special_it->second; validator(keyword, errors); } } // First report non-critical problems as a warning. auto warning_report = get_error_report(errors, false); if (!warning_report.empty()) { parse_context.handleError( ParseContext::SIMULATOR_KEYWORD_NOT_SUPPORTED, warning_report, std::nullopt, error_guard); } // Then report critical problems as an error. auto error_report = get_error_report(errors, true); if (!error_report.empty()) { parse_context.handleError( ParseContext::SIMULATOR_KEYWORD_NOT_SUPPORTED_CRITICAL, error_report, std::nullopt, error_guard); } } void KeywordValidator::validateDeckKeyword(const DeckKeyword& keyword, std::vector& errors) const { const auto& it = m_keywords.find(keyword.name()); if (it != m_keywords.end()) { // If the keyword is not supported, add an error for that. const auto& properties = it->second; errors.push_back(ValidationError { properties.critical, keyword.location(), 1, std::nullopt, std::nullopt, properties.message}); } else { // Otherwise, check all its items. validateKeywordItems(keyword, m_string_items, errors); validateKeywordItems(keyword, m_int_items, errors); validateKeywordItems(keyword, m_double_items, errors); } } template void KeywordValidator::validateKeywordItems(const DeckKeyword& keyword, const PartiallySupportedKeywords& partially_supported_items, std::vector& errors) const { const auto& keyword_properties = partially_supported_items.find(keyword.name()); if (keyword_properties != partially_supported_items.end()) { // If this keyworcs has partially supported items, iterate over all of them. for (size_t record_index = 0; record_index < keyword.size(); record_index++) { const auto& record = keyword.getRecord(record_index); for (size_t item_index = 0; item_index < record.size(); item_index++) { const auto& item = record.getItem(item_index); // Find the index number, which starts counting at one, so item_index + 1 const auto& item_properties = keyword_properties->second.find(item_index + 1); if (item_properties != keyword_properties->second.end()) { if (item.hasValue(0)) { // Validate the item, if it is partially supported. validateKeywordItem(keyword, item_properties->second, keyword.size() > 1, record_index, item_index, item.get(0), errors); } } } } } } template void KeywordValidator::validateKeywordItem(const DeckKeyword& keyword, const PartiallySupportedKeywordProperties& properties, const bool multiple_records, const size_t record_index, const size_t item_index, const T& item_value, std::vector& errors) const { if (!properties.validator(item_value)) { // If the value is not permitted, format the value to report it. std::string formatted_value; if constexpr (std::is_arithmetic::value) formatted_value = std::to_string(item_value); else formatted_value = item_value; // Add the relevant information to the vector of errors. Record and // index numbers start at 1, so add 1. Pass zero for the record // index if there is only a single record. errors.push_back(ValidationError {properties.critical, keyword.location(), multiple_records ? record_index + 1 : 0, item_index + 1, formatted_value, properties.message}); } } } // namespace KeywordValidation } // namespace Opm