/* Copyright 2014 Statoil ASA This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM). OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OPM. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Opm; class CellTrans { public: CellTrans(const std::tuple& ijk) : m_ijk(ijk) { } void update(const std::tuple& ijk , double trans) { auto iter = m_trans.find( ijk ); if (iter == m_trans.end()) m_trans.insert( std::pair , double>(ijk , trans)); else iter->second *= trans; } int numConnections() const { return m_trans.size(); } static void jsonDumpIJK(std::ostream& os , const std::tuple& ijk ) { os << "[" << std::get<0>(ijk) << "," << std::get<1>(ijk) << "," << std::get<2>(ijk) << "]"; } void jsonDump(std::ostream& os , bool first) { if (!first) os <<","; os << "["; jsonDumpIJK(os , m_ijk ); os << ",["; { size_t count = 0; for (auto transIter = m_trans.begin(); transIter != m_trans.end(); ++transIter) { std::tuple ijk = transIter->first; double t = transIter->second; os << "["; jsonDumpIJK( os , ijk ); os << "," << t << "]"; count++; if (count < m_trans.size()) os << ","; else os << "]"; } } os << "]" << std::endl; } std::tuple m_ijk; std::map , double> m_trans; }; class TransGraph { public: TransGraph(int nx , int ny , int nz) : m_nx(nx), m_ny(ny), m_nz(nz) { m_transVector.resize( nx*ny*nz ); } void update(int global_index1 , int global_index2 , double trans) { int size = m_nx * m_ny * m_nz; if ((global_index1 >= 0) && (global_index2 >= 0) && (global_index1 < size) && (global_index2 < size)) { size_t g1 = std::min( global_index1 , global_index2 ); size_t g2 = std::max( global_index1 , global_index2 ); std::shared_ptr cellTrans = m_transVector[g1]; if (!cellTrans) { cellTrans = std::make_shared( getIJK(g1) ); m_transVector[g1] = cellTrans; } cellTrans->update( getIJK(g2) , trans ); } } int activeCells() const { int count = 0; for (size_t g= 0; g < m_transVector.size(); g++) { std::shared_ptr cellTrans = m_transVector[g]; if (cellTrans) count++; } return count; } int activeConnections() const { int count = 0; for (size_t g= 0; g < m_transVector.size(); g++) { std::shared_ptr cellTrans = m_transVector[g]; if (cellTrans) count += cellTrans->numConnections(); } return count; } std::tuple getIJK(int g) const { int k = g / (m_nx * m_ny); int j = (g - k*m_nx*m_ny) / m_nx; int i = g - k*m_nx*m_ny - j*m_nx; return std::tuple(i,j,k); } void jsonDump(const std::string& outputFile) { std::ofstream os; bool first = true; os.open(outputFile.c_str()); os << "{ \"dims\" : [" << m_nx << "," << m_ny << "," << m_nz << "]" << " , \"graph\":["; for (size_t g= 0; g < m_transVector.size(); g++) { std::shared_ptr cellTrans = m_transVector[g]; if (cellTrans) { cellTrans->jsonDump(os , first); first = false; } } os << "]}" << std::endl; os.close(); } int m_nx; int m_ny; int m_nz; std::vector > m_transVector; }; /*****************************************************************/ void initOPMTrans(TransGraph& opmTrans , DeckConstPtr deck , std::shared_ptr eclipseState) { std::shared_ptr grid = std::make_shared( eclipseState->getEclipseGrid(), eclipseState->getDoubleGridProperty("PORV")->getData()); const struct UnstructuredGrid * cGrid = grid->c_grid(); std::shared_ptr props; props.reset(new BlackoilPropsAdFromDeck(deck, eclipseState, *grid->c_grid())); DerivedGeology geology(*grid->c_grid() , *props, eclipseState, false); const double * opm_trans_data = geology.transmissibility().data(); double SIconversion = Opm::unit::cubic(Opm::unit::meter) * Opm::unit::day * Opm::unit::barsa / (Opm::prefix::centi * Opm::unit::Poise); { for (int face_index = 0; face_index < cGrid->number_of_faces; face_index++ ) { int global_index1 = cGrid->global_cell[ cGrid->face_cells[2*face_index] ]; int global_index2 = cGrid->global_cell[ cGrid->face_cells[2*face_index + 1] ]; opmTrans.update( global_index1 , global_index2 , opm_trans_data[ face_index ] * SIconversion ); } } } void initEclipseTrans(TransGraph& eclipseTrans , const ecl_grid_type * ecl_grid , const ecl_file_type * ecl_init) { int nx = ecl_grid_get_nx( ecl_grid ); int ny = ecl_grid_get_ny( ecl_grid ); int nz = ecl_grid_get_nz( ecl_grid ); if (ecl_file_has_kw( ecl_init , "TRANX")) { ecl_kw_type * tranx_kw = ecl_file_iget_named_kw( ecl_init , "TRANX" , 0 ); ecl_kw_type * trany_kw = ecl_file_iget_named_kw( ecl_init , "TRANY" , 0 ); ecl_kw_type * tranz_kw = ecl_file_iget_named_kw( ecl_init , "TRANZ" , 0 ); for (int k=0; k < nz; k++) { for (int j= 0; j < ny; j++) { for (int i=0; i < nx; i++) { if (ecl_grid_cell_active3( ecl_grid , i , j , k )) { size_t g1 = ecl_grid_get_global_index3( ecl_grid , i , j , k ); int a = ecl_grid_get_active_index1( ecl_grid , g1 ); if (a >= 0) { if (i < (nx - 1) && ecl_grid_cell_active3( ecl_grid , i + 1 , j , k)) { size_t g2 = ecl_grid_get_global_index3( ecl_grid , i + 1, j , k ); eclipseTrans.update( g1 , g2 , ecl_kw_iget_float( tranx_kw , a )); } if (j < (ny - 1) && ecl_grid_cell_active3( ecl_grid , i , j + 1, k)) { size_t g2 = ecl_grid_get_global_index3( ecl_grid , i , j + 1, k ); eclipseTrans.update( g1 , g2 , ecl_kw_iget_float( trany_kw , a )); } if (k < (nz - 1) && ecl_grid_cell_active3( ecl_grid , i , j , k + 1)) { size_t g2 = ecl_grid_get_global_index3( ecl_grid , i , j , k + 1 ); eclipseTrans.update( g1 , g2 , ecl_kw_iget_float( tranz_kw , a )); } } } } } } } else std::cerr << "Init file does not have TRAN[XYZ] keywords" << std::endl; if (ecl_file_has_kw( ecl_init , "TRANX-")) { ecl_kw_type * tranxm_kw = ecl_file_iget_named_kw( ecl_init , "TRANX-" , 0 ); ecl_kw_type * tranym_kw = ecl_file_iget_named_kw( ecl_init , "TRANY-" , 0 ); ecl_kw_type * tranzm_kw = ecl_file_iget_named_kw( ecl_init , "TRANZ-" , 0 ); for (int k=0; k < nz; k++) { for (int j= 0; j < ny; j++) { for (int i=0; i < nx; i++) { if (ecl_grid_cell_active3( ecl_grid , i , j , k )) { size_t g1 = ecl_grid_get_global_index3( ecl_grid , i , j , k ); int a = ecl_grid_get_active_index1( ecl_grid , g1 ); if (a >= 0) { if (i > 0 && ecl_grid_cell_active3( ecl_grid , i - 1 , j , k)) { size_t g2 = ecl_grid_get_global_index3( ecl_grid , i - 1, j , k ); eclipseTrans.update( g1 , g2 , ecl_kw_iget_float( tranxm_kw , a )); } if (j > 0 && ecl_grid_cell_active3( ecl_grid , i , j - 1, k)) { size_t g2 = ecl_grid_get_global_index3( ecl_grid , i , j - 1, k ); eclipseTrans.update( g1 , g2 , ecl_kw_iget_float( tranym_kw , a )); } if (k > 0 && ecl_grid_cell_active3( ecl_grid , i , j , k - 1)) { size_t g2 = ecl_grid_get_global_index3( ecl_grid , i , j , k - 1 ); eclipseTrans.update( g1 , g2 , ecl_kw_iget_float( tranzm_kw , a )); } } } } } } } // NNC { size_t num_nnc = static_cast( ecl_nnc_export_get_size( ecl_grid )); std::vector nnc(num_nnc); ecl_nnc_export( ecl_grid , ecl_init , nnc.data()); for (auto nnc_iter = nnc.begin(); nnc_iter != nnc.end(); ++nnc_iter) eclipseTrans.update( nnc_iter->global_index1 , nnc_iter->global_index2 , nnc_iter->trans ); } } void dump_transGraph( DeckConstPtr deck , std::shared_ptr eclipseState , const ecl_grid_type * ecl_grid , const ecl_file_type * ecl_init) { int nx = ecl_grid_get_nx( ecl_grid ); int ny = ecl_grid_get_ny( ecl_grid ); int nz = ecl_grid_get_nz( ecl_grid ); TransGraph opmTrans(nx , ny , nz ); TransGraph eclipseTrans( nx , ny , nz); initOPMTrans( opmTrans , deck , eclipseState ); initEclipseTrans( eclipseTrans , ecl_grid , ecl_init ); opmTrans.jsonDump("opm_trans.json"); eclipseTrans.jsonDump("eclipse_trans.json"); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc < 4) { std::cerr << "The opm_init_check program needs three arguments:" << std::endl << std::endl;; std::cerr << " ECLIPSE.DATA ECLIPSE.INIT ECLIPSE.EGRID" << std::endl << std::endl; std::cerr << "Where the ECLIPSE.INIT and ECLIPSE.EGRID are existing binary files"; exit(1); } std::string input_file = argv[1]; std::string init_file = argv[2]; std::string grid_file = argv[3]; ParserPtr parser(new Parser()); ParseMode parseMode; std::cout << "Parsing input file ............: " << input_file << std::endl; DeckConstPtr deck = parser->parseFile(input_file, parseMode); std::shared_ptr state = std::make_shared( deck , parseMode ); std::cout << "Loading eclipse INIT file .....: " << init_file << std::endl; ecl_file_type * ecl_init = ecl_file_open( init_file.c_str() , 0 ); std::cout << "Loading eclipse EGRID file ....: " << grid_file << std::endl; ecl_grid_type * ecl_grid = ecl_grid_alloc( grid_file.c_str() ); dump_transGraph( deck , state , ecl_grid , ecl_init); ecl_file_close( ecl_init ); ecl_grid_free( ecl_grid ); return 0; }