// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- // vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4: /* This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM). OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OPM. If not, see . Consult the COPYING file in the top-level source directory of this module for the precise wording of the license and the list of copyright holders. */ /*! * \file * * \copydoc Opm::EclThresholdPressure */ #ifndef EWOMS_ECL_THRESHOLD_PRESSURE_HH #define EWOMS_ECL_THRESHOLD_PRESSURE_HH #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include BEGIN_PROPERTIES NEW_PROP_TAG(Simulator); NEW_PROP_TAG(Scalar); NEW_PROP_TAG(Evaluation); NEW_PROP_TAG(ElementContext); NEW_PROP_TAG(FluidSystem); NEW_PROP_TAG(EnableExperiments); END_PROPERTIES namespace Opm { /*! * \ingroup EclBlackOilSimulator * * \brief This class calculates the threshold pressure for grid faces according to the * Eclipse Reference Manual. * * If the difference of the pressure potential between two cells is below the threshold * pressure, the pressure potential difference is assumed to be zero, if it is larger * than the threshold pressure, it is reduced by the threshold pressure. */ template class EclThresholdPressure { typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Simulator) Simulator; typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar) Scalar; typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Evaluation) Evaluation; typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, ElementContext) ElementContext; typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidSystem) FluidSystem; enum { enableExperiments = GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, EnableExperiments) }; enum { numPhases = FluidSystem::numPhases }; public: EclThresholdPressure(const Simulator& simulator) : simulator_(simulator) { enableThresholdPressure_ = false; } /*! * \brief Actually compute the threshold pressures over a face as a pre-compute step. */ void finishInit() { const auto& gridView = simulator_.gridView(); unsigned numElements = gridView.size(/*codim=*/0); // this code assumes that the DOFs are the elements. (i.e., an // ECFV spatial discretization with TPFA). if you try to use // it with something else, you're currently out of luck, // sorry! assert(simulator_.model().numGridDof() == numElements); const auto& vanguard = simulator_.vanguard(); const auto& eclState = vanguard.eclState(); const auto& simConfig = eclState.getSimulationConfig(); enableThresholdPressure_ = simConfig.useThresholdPressure(); if (!enableThresholdPressure_) return; numEquilRegions_ = eclState.getTableManager().getEqldims().getNumEquilRegions(); if (numEquilRegions_ > 0xff) { // make sure that the index of an equilibration region can be stored in a // single byte throw std::runtime_error("The maximum number of supported equilibration regions is 255!"); } // internalize the data specified using the EQLNUM keyword const auto& fp = eclState.fieldProps(); const auto& equilRegionData = fp.get_global_int("EQLNUM"); elemEquilRegion_.resize(numElements, 0); for (unsigned elemIdx = 0; elemIdx < numElements; ++elemIdx) { int cartElemIdx = vanguard.cartesianIndex(elemIdx); elemEquilRegion_[elemIdx] = equilRegionData[cartElemIdx] - 1; } /* If this is a restart run the ThresholdPressure object will be active, but it will *not* be properly initialized with numerical values. The values must instead come from the THPRES vector in the restart file. */ if (simConfig.getThresholdPressure().restart()) return; // allocate the array which specifies the threshold pressures thpres_.resize(numEquilRegions_*numEquilRegions_, 0.0); thpresDefault_.resize(numEquilRegions_*numEquilRegions_, 0.0); computeDefaultThresholdPressures_(); applyExplicitThresholdPressures_(); } /*! * \brief Returns the theshold pressure [Pa] for the intersection between two elements. * * This is tailor made for the E100 threshold pressure mechanism and it is thus quite * a hack: First of all threshold pressures in general are unphysical, and second, * they should be different for the fluid phase but are not. Anyway, this seems to be * E100's way of doing things, so we do it the same way. */ Scalar thresholdPressure(int elem1Idx, int elem2Idx) const { if (!enableThresholdPressure_) return 0.0; if (enableExperiments) { // threshold pressure accross faults if (!thpresftValues_.empty()) { const auto& vanguard = simulator_.vanguard(); int cartElem1Idx = vanguard.cartesianIndex(elem1Idx); int cartElem2Idx = vanguard.cartesianIndex(elem2Idx); assert(0 <= cartElem1Idx && static_cast(cartElemFaultIdx_.size()) > cartElem1Idx); assert(0 <= cartElem2Idx && static_cast(cartElemFaultIdx_.size()) > cartElem2Idx); int fault1Idx = cartElemFaultIdx_[cartElem1Idx]; int fault2Idx = cartElemFaultIdx_[cartElem2Idx]; if (fault1Idx != -1 && fault1Idx == fault2Idx) // inside a fault there's no threshold pressure, even accross EQUIL // regions. return 0.0; if (fault1Idx != fault2Idx) { // TODO: which value if a cell is part of multiple faults? we take // the maximum here. Scalar val1 = (fault1Idx >= 0) ? thpresftValues_[fault1Idx] : 0.0; Scalar val2 = (fault2Idx >= 0) ? thpresftValues_[fault2Idx] : 0.0; return std::max(val1, val2); } } } // threshold pressure accross EQUIL regions unsigned short equilRegion1Idx = elemEquilRegion_[elem1Idx]; unsigned short equilRegion2Idx = elemEquilRegion_[elem2Idx]; if (equilRegion1Idx == equilRegion2Idx) return 0.0; return thpres_[equilRegion1Idx*numEquilRegions_ + equilRegion2Idx]; } /*! * \brief Return the raw array with the threshold pressures * * This is used for the restart capability. */ const std::vector& data() const { return thpres_; } /*! * \brief Set the threshold pressures from a raw array * * This is used for the restart capability. */ void setFromRestart(const std::vector& values) { thpres_ = values; } private: // compute the defaults of the threshold pressures using the initial condition void computeDefaultThresholdPressures_() { const auto& vanguard = simulator_.vanguard(); const auto& gridView = vanguard.gridView(); typedef Opm::MathToolbox Toolbox; // loop over the whole grid and compute the maximum gravity adjusted pressure // difference between two EQUIL regions. auto elemIt = gridView.template begin(); const auto& elemEndIt = gridView.template end(); ElementContext elemCtx(simulator_); for (; elemIt != elemEndIt; ++elemIt) { const auto& elem = *elemIt; if (elem.partitionType() != Dune::InteriorEntity) continue; elemCtx.updateAll(elem); const auto& stencil = elemCtx.stencil(/*timeIdx=*/0); for (unsigned scvfIdx = 0; scvfIdx < stencil.numInteriorFaces(); ++ scvfIdx) { const auto& face = stencil.interiorFace(scvfIdx); unsigned i = face.interiorIndex(); unsigned j = face.exteriorIndex(); unsigned insideElemIdx = elemCtx.globalSpaceIndex(i, /*timeIdx=*/0); unsigned outsideElemIdx = elemCtx.globalSpaceIndex(j, /*timeIdx=*/0); unsigned equilRegionInside = elemEquilRegion_[insideElemIdx]; unsigned equilRegionOutside = elemEquilRegion_[outsideElemIdx]; if (equilRegionInside == equilRegionOutside) // the current face is not at the boundary between EQUIL regions! continue; // don't include connections with negligible flow const Evaluation& trans = simulator_.problem().transmissibility(elemCtx, i, j); Scalar faceArea = face.area(); if (std::abs(faceArea*Opm::getValue(trans)) < 1e-18) continue; // determine the maximum difference of the pressure of any phase over the // intersection Scalar pth = 0.0; const auto& extQuants = elemCtx.extensiveQuantities(scvfIdx, /*timeIdx=*/0); for (unsigned phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPhases; ++phaseIdx) { unsigned upIdx = extQuants.upstreamIndex(phaseIdx); const auto& up = elemCtx.intensiveQuantities(upIdx, /*timeIdx=*/0); if (up.mobility(phaseIdx) > 0.0) { Scalar phaseVal = Toolbox::value(extQuants.pressureDifference(phaseIdx)); pth = std::max(pth, std::abs(phaseVal)); } } int offset1 = equilRegionInside*numEquilRegions_ + equilRegionOutside; int offset2 = equilRegionOutside*numEquilRegions_ + equilRegionInside; thpresDefault_[offset1] = std::max(thpresDefault_[offset1], pth); thpresDefault_[offset2] = std::max(thpresDefault_[offset2], pth); } } // make sure that the threshold pressures is consistent for parallel // runs. (i.e. take the maximum of all processes) for (unsigned i = 0; i < thpresDefault_.size(); ++i) thpresDefault_[i] = gridView.comm().max(thpresDefault_[i]); } // internalize the threshold pressures which where explicitly specified via the // THPRES keyword. void applyExplicitThresholdPressures_() { const auto& vanguard = simulator_.vanguard(); const auto& gridView = vanguard.gridView(); const auto& elementMapper = simulator_.model().elementMapper(); const auto& eclState = simulator_.vanguard().eclState(); const auto& deck = simulator_.vanguard().deck(); const Opm::SimulationConfig& simConfig = eclState.getSimulationConfig(); const auto& thpres = simConfig.getThresholdPressure(); // set the threshold pressures for all EQUIL region boundaries which have a // intersection in the grid auto elemIt = gridView.template begin(); const auto& elemEndIt = gridView.template end(); for (; elemIt != elemEndIt; ++elemIt) { const auto& elem = *elemIt; if (elem.partitionType() != Dune::InteriorEntity) continue; auto isIt = gridView.ibegin(elem); const auto& isEndIt = gridView.iend(elem); for (; isIt != isEndIt; ++ isIt) { // store intersection, this might be costly const auto& intersection = *isIt; // ignore boundary intersections for now (TODO?) if (intersection.boundary()) continue; const auto& inside = intersection.inside(); const auto& outside = intersection.outside(); unsigned insideElemIdx = elementMapper.index(inside); unsigned outsideElemIdx = elementMapper.index(outside); unsigned equilRegionInside = elemEquilRegion_[insideElemIdx]; unsigned equilRegionOutside = elemEquilRegion_[outsideElemIdx]; if (thpres.hasRegionBarrier(equilRegionInside + 1, equilRegionOutside + 1)) { Scalar pth = 0.0; if (thpres.hasThresholdPressure(equilRegionInside + 1, equilRegionOutside + 1)) { // threshold pressure explicitly specified pth = thpres.getThresholdPressure(equilRegionInside + 1, equilRegionOutside + 1); } else { // take the threshold pressure from the initial condition unsigned offset = equilRegionInside*numEquilRegions_ + equilRegionOutside; pth = thpresDefault_[offset]; } unsigned offset1 = equilRegionInside*numEquilRegions_ + equilRegionOutside; unsigned offset2 = equilRegionOutside*numEquilRegions_ + equilRegionInside; thpres_[offset1] = pth; thpres_[offset2] = pth; } } } if (enableExperiments) { // apply threshold pressures accross faults (experimental!) if (deck.hasKeyword("THPRESFT")) extractThpresft_(deck.getKeyword("THPRESFT")); } } void extractThpresft_(const Opm::DeckKeyword& thpresftKeyword) { // retrieve the faults collection. const Opm::EclipseState& eclState = simulator_.vanguard().eclState(); const Opm::FaultCollection& faults = eclState.getFaults(); // extract the multipliers from the deck keyword int numFaults = faults.size(); int numCartesianElem = eclState.getInputGrid().getCartesianSize(); thpresftValues_.resize(numFaults, -1.0); cartElemFaultIdx_.resize(numCartesianElem, -1); for (size_t recordIdx = 0; recordIdx < thpresftKeyword.size(); ++ recordIdx) { const Opm::DeckRecord& record = thpresftKeyword.getRecord(recordIdx); const std::string& faultName = record.getItem("FAULT_NAME").getTrimmedString(0); Scalar thpresValue = record.getItem("VALUE").getSIDouble(0); for (size_t faultIdx = 0; faultIdx < faults.size(); faultIdx++) { auto& fault = faults.getFault(faultIdx); if (fault.getName() != faultName) continue; thpresftValues_[faultIdx] = thpresValue; for (const Opm::FaultFace& face: fault) // "face" is a misnomer because the object describes a set of cell // indices, but we go with the conventions of the parser here... for (size_t cartElemIdx: face) cartElemFaultIdx_[cartElemIdx] = faultIdx; } } } const Simulator& simulator_; std::vector thpresDefault_; std::vector thpres_; unsigned numEquilRegions_; std::vector elemEquilRegion_; // threshold pressure accross faults. EXPERIMENTAL! std::vector thpresftValues_; std::vector cartElemFaultIdx_; bool enableThresholdPressure_; }; } // namespace Opm #endif