# defines that must be present in config.h for our headers set (opm-simulators_CONFIG_VAR HAVE_OPM_GRID HAVE_PTHREAD HAVE_EWOMS HAVE_MPI HAVE_PETSC HAVE_CUDA HAVE_SUITESPARSE_UMFPACK_H HAVE_DUNE_ISTL DUNE_ISTL_VERSION_MAJOR DUNE_ISTL_VERSION_MINOR DUNE_ISTL_VERSION_REVISION HAVE_SUITESPARSE_UMFPACK ) # dependencies set (opm-simulators_DEPS # Compile with C99 support if available "C99" # Compile with C++0x/11 support if available "CXX11Features" # Various runtime library enhancements "Boost 1.44.0 COMPONENTS date_time filesystem system unit_test_framework REQUIRED" # DUNE prerequisites "dune-common REQUIRED" "dune-istl REQUIRED" # matrix library "BLAS REQUIRED" "LAPACK REQUIRED" # Look for MPI support "MPI" # Tim Davis' SuiteSparse archive "SuiteSparse COMPONENTS umfpack" # SuperLU direct solver "SuperLU" # OPM dependency "opm-common REQUIRED" "opm-material REQUIRED" "opm-grid REQUIRED" "opm-models REQUIRED" ) find_package_deps(opm-simulators) if(NOT HAVE_ECL_INPUT OR NOT HAVE_ECL_OUTPUT) message(FATAL_ERROR "Eclipse input/output support required in opm-common") endif()