/* Copyright 2016 IRIS AS Copyright 2019 Equinor ASA This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM). OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OPM. If not, see . */ #ifndef OPM_ISTLSOLVER_EBOS_HEADER_INCLUDED #define OPM_ISTLSOLVER_EBOS_HEADER_INCLUDED #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if HAVE_CUDA || HAVE_OPENCL #include #endif namespace Opm::Properties { namespace TTag { struct FlowIstlSolver { using InheritsFrom = std::tuple; }; } template struct EclWellModel; //! Set the type of a global jacobian matrix for linear solvers that are based on //! dune-istl. template struct SparseMatrixAdapter { private: using Scalar = GetPropType; enum { numEq = getPropValue() }; typedef Opm::MatrixBlock Block; public: typedef typename Opm::Linear::IstlSparseMatrixAdapter type; }; } // namespace Opm::Properties namespace Opm { template DenseMatrix transposeDenseMatrix(const DenseMatrix& M) { DenseMatrix tmp; for (int i = 0; i < M.rows; ++i) for (int j = 0; j < M.cols; ++j) tmp[j][i] = M[i][j]; return tmp; } /// This class solves the fully implicit black-oil system by /// solving the reduced system (after eliminating well variables) /// as a block-structured matrix (one block for all cell variables) for a fixed /// number of cell variables np . template class ISTLSolverEbos { protected: using GridView = GetPropType; using Scalar = GetPropType; using SparseMatrixAdapter = GetPropType; using Vector = GetPropType; using Indices = GetPropType; using WellModel = GetPropType; using Simulator = GetPropType; typedef typename SparseMatrixAdapter::IstlMatrix Matrix; typedef typename SparseMatrixAdapter::MatrixBlock MatrixBlockType; typedef typename Vector::block_type BlockVector; using Evaluation = GetPropType; using ThreadManager = GetPropType; typedef typename GridView::template Codim<0>::Entity Element; using ElementContext = GetPropType; using FlexibleSolverType = Dune::FlexibleSolver; using AbstractOperatorType = Dune::AssembledLinearOperator; using WellModelOperator = WellModelAsLinearOperator; // Due to miscibility oil <-> gas the water eqn is the one we can replace with a pressure equation. static const bool waterEnabled = Indices::waterEnabled; static const int pindex = (waterEnabled) ? BlackOilDefaultIndexTraits::waterCompIdx : BlackOilDefaultIndexTraits::oilCompIdx; enum { pressureEqnIndex = pindex }; enum { pressureVarIndex = Indices::pressureSwitchIdx }; static const int numEq = Indices::numEq; #if HAVE_CUDA || HAVE_OPENCL static const unsigned int block_size = Matrix::block_type::rows; std::unique_ptr> bdaBridge; #endif #if HAVE_MPI typedef Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication communication_type; #else typedef Dune::CollectiveCommunication< int > communication_type; #endif public: typedef Dune::AssembledLinearOperator< Matrix, Vector, Vector > AssembledLinearOperatorType; static void registerParameters() { FlowLinearSolverParameters::registerParameters(); } /// Construct a system solver. /// \param[in] parallelInformation In the case of a parallel run /// with dune-istl the information about the parallelization. ISTLSolverEbos(const Simulator& simulator) : simulator_(simulator), iterations_( 0 ), converged_(false), matrix_() { #if HAVE_MPI comm_.reset( new communication_type( simulator_.vanguard().grid().comm() ) ); #endif parameters_.template init(); useFlexible_ = parameters_.use_cpr_ || EWOMS_PARAM_IS_SET(TypeTag, std::string, LinearSolverConfiguration); if (useFlexible_) { prm_ = setupPropertyTree(parameters_); } const auto& gridForConn = simulator_.vanguard().grid(); #if HAVE_CUDA || HAVE_OPENCL std::string gpu_mode = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, std::string, GpuMode); int platformID = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, int, OpenclPlatformId); int deviceID = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, int, BdaDeviceId); if (gridForConn.comm().size() > 1 && gpu_mode.compare("none") != 0) { OpmLog::warning("Warning cannot use GPU with MPI, GPU is disabled"); gpu_mode = "none"; } const int maxit = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, int, LinearSolverMaxIter); const double tolerance = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, double, LinearSolverReduction); const int linear_solver_verbosity = parameters_.linear_solver_verbosity_; bdaBridge.reset(new BdaBridge(gpu_mode, linear_solver_verbosity, maxit, tolerance, platformID, deviceID)); #else const std::string gpu_mode = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, std::string, GpuMode); if (gpu_mode.compare("none") != 0) { OPM_THROW(std::logic_error,"Error cannot use GPU solver since neither CUDA nor OpenCL were found by cmake"); } #endif extractParallelGridInformationToISTL(simulator_.vanguard().grid(), parallelInformation_); useWellConn_ = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, MatrixAddWellContributions); ownersFirst_ = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, OwnerCellsFirst); interiorCellNum_ = detail::numMatrixRowsToUseInSolver(simulator_.vanguard().grid(), ownersFirst_); if ( isParallel() && (!ownersFirst_ || parameters_.linear_solver_use_amg_) ) { detail::setWellConnections(gridForConn, simulator_.vanguard().schedule().getWellsatEnd(), useWellConn_, wellConnectionsGraph_); // For some reason simulator_.model().elementMapper() is not initialized at this stage // Hence const auto& elemMapper = simulator_.model().elementMapper(); does not work. // Set it up manually using ElementMapper = Dune::MultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper; ElementMapper elemMapper(simulator_.vanguard().gridView(), Dune::mcmgElementLayout()); detail::findOverlapAndInterior(gridForConn, elemMapper, overlapRows_, interiorRows_); noGhostAdjacency(); setGhostsInNoGhost(*noGhostMat_); if (ownersFirst_) OpmLog::warning("OwnerCellsFirst option is true, but ignored."); } if (useFlexible_) { // Print parameters to PRT/DBG logs. if (simulator.gridView().comm().rank() == 0) { std::ostringstream os; os << "Property tree for linear solver:\n"; boost::property_tree::write_json(os, prm_, true); OpmLog::note(os.str()); } } } // nothing to clean here void eraseMatrix() { } void prepare(const SparseMatrixAdapter& M, Vector& b) { static bool firstcall = true; #if HAVE_MPI if (firstcall && parallelInformation_.type() == typeid(ParallelISTLInformation)) { // Parallel case. const ParallelISTLInformation* parinfo = std::any_cast(¶llelInformation_); assert(parinfo); const size_t size = M.istlMatrix().N(); parinfo->copyValuesTo(comm_->indexSet(), comm_->remoteIndices(), size, 1); } #endif // update matrix entries for solvers. if (noGhostMat_) { copyJacToNoGhost(M.istlMatrix(), *noGhostMat_); } else { if (firstcall) { // ebos will not change the matrix object. Hence simply store a pointer // to the original one with a deleter that does nothing. // Outch! We need to be able to scale the linear system! Hence const_cast matrix_ = const_cast(&M.istlMatrix()); } else { // Pointers should not change if ( &(M.istlMatrix()) != matrix_ ) { OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, "Matrix objects are expected to be reused when reassembling!" <<" old pointer was " << matrix_ << ", new one is " << (&M.istlMatrix()) ); } } } rhs_ = &b; if (useFlexible_) { prepareFlexibleSolver(); } else { this->scaleSystem(); } firstcall = false; } void scaleSystem() { if (useWellConn_) { bool form_cpr = true; if (parameters_.system_strategy_ == "quasiimpes") { weights_ = getQuasiImpesWeights(); } else if (parameters_.system_strategy_ == "trueimpes") { weights_ = getStorageWeights(); } else if (parameters_.system_strategy_ == "simple") { BlockVector bvec(1.0); weights_ = getSimpleWeights(bvec); } else if (parameters_.system_strategy_ == "original") { BlockVector bvec(0.0); bvec[pressureEqnIndex] = 1; weights_ = getSimpleWeights(bvec); } else { if (parameters_.system_strategy_ != "none") { OpmLog::warning("unknown_system_strategy", "Unknown linear solver system strategy: '" + parameters_.system_strategy_ + "', applying 'none' strategy."); } form_cpr = false; } if (parameters_.scale_linear_system_) { // also scale weights this->scaleEquationsAndVariables(weights_); } if (form_cpr && !(parameters_.cpr_use_drs_)) { scaleMatrixAndRhs(weights_); } if (weights_.size() == 0) { // if weights are not set cpr_use_drs_=false; parameters_.cpr_use_drs_ = false; } } else { if (parameters_.use_cpr_ && parameters_.cpr_use_drs_) { OpmLog::warning("DRS_DISABLE", "Disabling DRS as matrix does not contain well contributions"); } parameters_.cpr_use_drs_ = false; if (parameters_.scale_linear_system_) { // also scale weights this->scaleEquationsAndVariables(weights_); } } } void setResidual(Vector& /* b */) { // rhs_ = &b; // Must be handled in prepare() instead. } void getResidual(Vector& b) const { b = *rhs_; } void setMatrix(const SparseMatrixAdapter& /* M */) { // matrix_ = &M.istlMatrix(); // Must be handled in prepare() instead. } bool solve(Vector& x) { const int verbosity = useFlexible_ ? prm_.get("verbosity", 0) : parameters_.linear_solver_verbosity_; const bool write_matrix = verbosity > 10; // Solve system. if (useFlexible_) { Dune::InverseOperatorResult res; assert(flexibleSolver_); flexibleSolver_->apply(x, *rhs_, res); iterations_ = res.iterations; if (write_matrix) { Opm::Helper::writeSystem(simulator_, //simulator is only used to get names getMatrix(), *rhs_, comm_.get()); } return converged_ = res.converged; } const WellModel& wellModel = simulator_.problem().wellModel(); const WellModelAsLinearOperator wellOp(wellModel); if( isParallel() ) { if ( ownersFirst_ && !parameters_.linear_solver_use_amg_ && !useFlexible_) { typedef WellModelGhostLastMatrixAdapter< Matrix, Vector, Vector, true > Operator; assert(matrix_); Operator opA(getMatrix(), wellOp, interiorCellNum_); solve( opA, x, *rhs_, *comm_ ); } else { typedef WellModelMatrixAdapter< Matrix, Vector, Vector, true > Operator; assert (noGhostMat_); Operator opA(getMatrix(), wellOp, comm_ ); solve( opA, x, *rhs_, *comm_ ); } } else { typedef WellModelMatrixAdapter< Matrix, Vector, Vector, false > Operator; Operator opA(getMatrix(), wellOp); solve( opA, x, *rhs_ ); } if (parameters_.scale_linear_system_) { scaleSolution(x); } if (write_matrix) { Opm::Helper::writeSystem(simulator_, //simulator is only used to get names getMatrix(), *rhs_, comm_.get()); } return converged_; } /// Solve the system of linear equations Ax = b, with A being the /// combined derivative matrix of the residual and b /// being the residual itself. /// \param[in] residual residual object containing A and b. /// \return the solution x /// \copydoc NewtonIterationBlackoilInterface::iterations int iterations () const { return iterations_; } /// \copydoc NewtonIterationBlackoilInterface::parallelInformation const std::any& parallelInformation() const { return parallelInformation_; } protected: /// \brief construct the CPR preconditioner and the solver. /// \tparam P The type of the parallel information. /// \param parallelInformation the information about the parallelization. template void constructPreconditionerAndSolve(LinearOperator& linearOperator, Vector& x, Vector& istlb, const POrComm& parallelInformation_arg, Dune::InverseOperatorResult& result) const { // Construct scalar product. auto sp = Dune::createScalarProduct(parallelInformation_arg, category); #if FLOW_SUPPORT_AMG // activate AMG if either flow_ebos is used or UMFPack is not available if( parameters_.linear_solver_use_amg_ || parameters_.use_cpr_) { typedef ISTLUtility::CPRSelector< Matrix, Vector, Vector, POrComm> CPRSelectorType; typedef typename CPRSelectorType::Operator MatrixOperator; std::unique_ptr< MatrixOperator > opA; if( ! std::is_same< LinearOperator, MatrixOperator > :: value ) { // create new operator in case linear operator and matrix operator differ opA.reset( CPRSelectorType::makeOperator( linearOperator.getmat(), parallelInformation_arg ) ); } const double relax = parameters_.ilu_relaxation_; const MILU_VARIANT ilu_milu = parameters_.ilu_milu_; if ( parameters_.use_cpr_ ) { using MatrixType = typename MatrixOperator::matrix_type; using CouplingMetric = Opm::Amg::Element; using CritBase = Dune::Amg::SymmetricCriterion; using Criterion = Dune::Amg::CoarsenCriterion; using AMG = typename ISTLUtility ::BlackoilAmgSelector< MatrixType, Vector, Vector,POrComm, Criterion, pressureEqnIndex, pressureVarIndex >::AMG; std::unique_ptr< AMG > amg; // Construct preconditioner. Criterion crit(15, 2000); constructAMGPrecond( linearOperator, parallelInformation_arg, amg, opA, relax, ilu_milu ); // Solve. solve(linearOperator, x, istlb, *sp, *amg, result); } else { typedef typename CPRSelectorType::AMG AMG; std::unique_ptr< AMG > amg; // Construct preconditioner. constructAMGPrecond( linearOperator, parallelInformation_arg, amg, opA, relax, ilu_milu ); // Solve. solve(linearOperator, x, istlb, *sp, *amg, result); } } else #endif { // tries to solve linear system #if HAVE_CUDA || HAVE_OPENCL bool use_gpu = bdaBridge->getUseGpu(); if (use_gpu) { const std::string gpu_mode = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, std::string, GpuMode); WellContributions wellContribs(gpu_mode); if (!useWellConn_) { simulator_.problem().wellModel().getWellContributions(wellContribs); } // Const_cast needed since the CUDA stuff overwrites values for better matrix condition.. bdaBridge->solve_system(const_cast(&getMatrix()), istlb, wellContribs, result); if (result.converged) { // get result vector x from non-Dune backend, iff solve was successful bdaBridge->get_result(x); } else { // CPU fallback use_gpu = bdaBridge->getUseGpu(); // update value, BdaBridge might have disabled cusparseSolver if (use_gpu) { if(gpu_mode.compare("cusparse") == 0){ OpmLog::warning("cusparseSolver did not converge, now trying Dune to solve current linear system..."); } if(gpu_mode.compare("opencl") == 0){ OpmLog::warning("openclSolver did not converge, now trying Dune to solve current linear system..."); } } // call Dune auto precond = constructPrecond(linearOperator, parallelInformation_arg); solve(linearOperator, x, istlb, *sp, *precond, result); } } else { // gpu is not selected or disabled auto precond = constructPrecond(linearOperator, parallelInformation_arg); solve(linearOperator, x, istlb, *sp, *precond, result); } #else // Construct preconditioner. auto precond = constructPrecond(linearOperator, parallelInformation_arg); // Solve. solve(linearOperator, x, istlb, *sp, *precond, result); #endif } } // 3x3 matrix block inversion was unstable at least 2.3 until and including // 2.5.0. There may still be some issue with the 4x4 matrix block inversion // we therefore still use the block inversion in OPM typedef ParallelOverlappingILU0 >, Vector, Vector> SeqPreconditioner; template std::unique_ptr constructPrecond(Operator& opA, const Dune::Amg::SequentialInformation&) const { const double relax = parameters_.ilu_relaxation_; const int ilu_fillin = parameters_.ilu_fillin_level_; const MILU_VARIANT ilu_milu = parameters_.ilu_milu_; const bool ilu_redblack = parameters_.ilu_redblack_; const bool ilu_reorder_spheres = parameters_.ilu_reorder_sphere_; auto precond = std::make_unique(opA.getmat(), ilu_fillin, relax, ilu_milu, ilu_redblack, ilu_reorder_spheres); return precond; } #if HAVE_MPI typedef Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication Comm; // 3x3 matrix block inversion was unstable from at least 2.3 until and // including 2.5.0 typedef ParallelOverlappingILU0 ParPreconditioner; template std::unique_ptr constructPrecond(Operator& opA, const Comm& comm) const { typedef std::unique_ptr Pointer; const double relax = parameters_.ilu_relaxation_; const MILU_VARIANT ilu_milu = parameters_.ilu_milu_; const bool ilu_redblack = parameters_.ilu_redblack_; const bool ilu_reorder_spheres = parameters_.ilu_reorder_sphere_; return Pointer(new ParPreconditioner(opA.getmat(), comm, relax, ilu_milu, interiorCellNum_, ilu_redblack, ilu_reorder_spheres)); } #endif template void constructAMGPrecond(LinearOperator& /* linearOperator */, const POrComm& comm, std::unique_ptr< AMG >& amg, std::unique_ptr< MatrixOperator >& opA, const double relax, const MILU_VARIANT milu) const { ISTLUtility::template createAMGPreconditionerPointer( *opA, relax, milu, comm, amg ); } template void constructAMGPrecond(LinearOperator& /* linearOperator */, const POrComm& comm, std::unique_ptr< AMG >& amg, std::unique_ptr< MatrixOperator >& opA, const double relax, const MILU_VARIANT /* milu */ ) const { ISTLUtility::template createAMGPreconditionerPointer( *opA, relax, comm, amg, parameters_, weights_ ); } /// \brief Solve the system using the given preconditioner and scalar product. template void solve(Operator& opA, Vector& x, Vector& istlb, ScalarProd& sp, Precond& precond, Dune::InverseOperatorResult& result) const { // TODO: Revise when linear solvers interface opm-core is done // Construct linear solver. // GMRes solver int verbosity = 0; if (simulator_.gridView().comm().rank() == 0) verbosity = parameters_.linear_solver_verbosity_; if ( parameters_.newton_use_gmres_ ) { Dune::RestartedGMResSolver linsolve(opA, sp, precond, parameters_.linear_solver_reduction_, parameters_.linear_solver_restart_, parameters_.linear_solver_maxiter_, verbosity); // Solve system. linsolve.apply(x, istlb, result); } else { // BiCGstab solver Dune::BiCGSTABSolver linsolve(opA, sp, precond, parameters_.linear_solver_reduction_, parameters_.linear_solver_maxiter_, verbosity); // Solve system. linsolve.apply(x, istlb, result); } } /// Solve the linear system Ax = b, with A being the /// combined derivative matrix of the residual and b /// being the residual itself. /// \param[in] A matrix A /// \param[inout] x solution to be computed x /// \param[in] b right hand side b void solve(Matrix& A, Vector& x, Vector& b ) const { // Parallel version is deactivated until we figure out how to do it properly. #if HAVE_MPI if (parallelInformation_.type() == typeid(ParallelISTLInformation)) { // Construct operator, scalar product and vectors needed. typedef Dune::OverlappingSchwarzOperator Operator; Operator opA(A, *comm_); solve( opA, x, b, *comm_ ); } else #endif { // Construct operator, scalar product and vectors needed. Dune::MatrixAdapter< Matrix, Vector, Vector> opA( A ); solve( opA, x, b ); } } /// Solve the linear system Ax = b, with A being the /// combined derivative matrix of the residual and b /// being the residual itself. /// \param[in] A matrix A /// \param[inout] x solution to be computed x /// \param[in] b right hand side b template void solve(Operator& opA OPM_UNUSED_NOMPI, Vector& x OPM_UNUSED_NOMPI, Vector& b OPM_UNUSED_NOMPI, Comm& comm OPM_UNUSED_NOMPI) const { Dune::InverseOperatorResult result; // Parallel version is deactivated until we figure out how to do it properly. #if HAVE_MPI if (parallelInformation_.type() == typeid(ParallelISTLInformation)) { // Construct operator, scalar product and vectors needed. constructPreconditionerAndSolve(opA, x, b, comm, result); } else #endif { OPM_THROW(std::logic_error,"this method if for parallel solve only"); } checkConvergence( result ); } /// Solve the linear system Ax = b, with A being the /// combined derivative matrix of the residual and b /// being the residual itself. /// \param[in] A matrix A /// \param[inout] x solution to be computed x /// \param[in] b right hand side b template void solve(Operator& opA, Vector& x, Vector& b ) const { Dune::InverseOperatorResult result; // Construct operator, scalar product and vectors needed. Dune::Amg::SequentialInformation info; constructPreconditionerAndSolve(opA, x, b, info, result); checkConvergence( result ); } void checkConvergence( const Dune::InverseOperatorResult& result ) const { // store number of iterations iterations_ = result.iterations; converged_ = result.converged; // Check for failure of linear solver. if (!parameters_.ignoreConvergenceFailure_ && !result.converged) { const std::string msg("Convergence failure for linear solver."); OPM_THROW_NOLOG(NumericalIssue, msg); } } protected: bool isParallel() const { #if HAVE_MPI return comm_->communicator().size() > 1; #else return false; #endif } void prepareFlexibleSolver() { // Decide if we should recreate the solver or just do // a minimal preconditioner update. const int newton_iteration = this->simulator_.model().newtonMethod().numIterations(); bool recreate_solver = false; if (this->parameters_.cpr_reuse_setup_ == 0) { // Always recreate solver. recreate_solver = true; } else if (this->parameters_.cpr_reuse_setup_ == 1) { // Recreate solver on the first iteration of every timestep. if (newton_iteration == 0) { recreate_solver = true; } } else if (this->parameters_.cpr_reuse_setup_ == 2) { // Recreate solver if the last solve used more than 10 iterations. if (this->iterations() > 10) { recreate_solver = true; } } else { assert(this->parameters_.cpr_reuse_setup_ == 3); assert(recreate_solver == false); // Never recreate solver. } std::function weightsCalculator; auto preconditionerType = prm_.get("preconditioner.type", "cpr"); if( preconditionerType == "cpr" || preconditionerType == "cprt" ) { bool transpose = false; if(preconditionerType == "cprt"){ transpose = true; } auto weightsType = prm_.get("preconditioner.weight_type", "quasiimpes"); auto pressureIndex = this->prm_.get("preconditioner.pressure_var_index", 1); if(weightsType == "quasiimpes") { // weighs will be created as default in the solver weightsCalculator = [this, transpose, pressureIndex](){ return Opm::Amg::getQuasiImpesWeights(getMatrix(), pressureIndex, transpose); }; }else if(weightsType == "trueimpes" ){ weightsCalculator = [this](){ return this->getStorageWeights(); }; }else{ OPM_THROW(std::invalid_argument, "Weights type " << weightsType << "not implemented for cpr." << " Please use quasiimpes or trueimpes."); } } if (recreate_solver || !flexibleSolver_) { if (isParallel()) { #if HAVE_MPI if (useWellConn_) { assert(noGhostMat_); using ParOperatorType = Dune::OverlappingSchwarzOperator; linearOperatorForFlexibleSolver_ = std::make_unique(getMatrix(), *comm_); flexibleSolver_ = std::make_unique(*linearOperatorForFlexibleSolver_, *comm_, prm_, weightsCalculator); } else { if (!ownersFirst_) { OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "In parallel, the flexible solver requires " "--owner-cells-first=true when --matrix-add-well-contributions=false is used."); } using ParOperatorType = WellModelGhostLastMatrixAdapter; wellOperator_ = std::make_unique(simulator_.problem().wellModel()); linearOperatorForFlexibleSolver_ = std::make_unique(getMatrix(), *wellOperator_, interiorCellNum_); flexibleSolver_ = std::make_unique(*linearOperatorForFlexibleSolver_, *comm_, prm_, weightsCalculator); } #endif } else { if (useWellConn_) { using SeqLinearOperator = Dune::MatrixAdapter; linearOperatorForFlexibleSolver_ = std::make_unique(getMatrix()); flexibleSolver_ = std::make_unique(*linearOperatorForFlexibleSolver_, prm_, weightsCalculator); } else { using SeqLinearOperator = WellModelMatrixAdapter; wellOperator_ = std::make_unique(simulator_.problem().wellModel()); linearOperatorForFlexibleSolver_ = std::make_unique(getMatrix(), *wellOperator_); flexibleSolver_ = std::make_unique(*linearOperatorForFlexibleSolver_, prm_, weightsCalculator); } } } else { flexibleSolver_->preconditioner().update(); } } /// Create sparsity pattern of matrix without off-diagonal ghost entries. void noGhostAdjacency() { const auto& grid = simulator_.vanguard().grid(); const auto& gridView = simulator_.vanguard().gridView(); // For some reason simulator_.model().elementMapper() is not initialized at this stage. // Hence const auto& elemMapper = simulator_.model().elementMapper(); does not work. // Set it up manually using ElementMapper = Dune::MultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper; ElementMapper elemMapper(gridView, Dune::mcmgElementLayout()); typedef typename Matrix::size_type size_type; size_type numCells = grid.size( 0 ); noGhostMat_.reset(new Matrix(numCells, numCells, Matrix::random)); std::vector> pattern; pattern.resize(numCells); auto elemIt = gridView.template begin<0>(); const auto& elemEndIt = gridView.template end<0>(); //Loop over cells for (; elemIt != elemEndIt; ++elemIt) { const auto& elem = *elemIt; size_type idx = elemMapper.index(elem); pattern[idx].insert(idx); // Add well non-zero connections for (auto wc = wellConnectionsGraph_[idx].begin(); wc!=wellConnectionsGraph_[idx].end(); ++wc) pattern[idx].insert(*wc); // Add just a single element to ghost rows if (elem.partitionType() != Dune::InteriorEntity) { noGhostMat_->setrowsize(idx, pattern[idx].size()); } else { auto isend = gridView.iend(elem); for (auto is = gridView.ibegin(elem); is!=isend; ++is) { //check if face has neighbor if (is->neighbor()) { size_type nid = elemMapper.index(is->outside()); pattern[idx].insert(nid); } } noGhostMat_->setrowsize(idx, pattern[idx].size()); } } noGhostMat_->endrowsizes(); for (size_type dofId = 0; dofId < numCells; ++dofId) { auto nabIdx = pattern[dofId].begin(); auto endNab = pattern[dofId].end(); for (; nabIdx != endNab; ++nabIdx) { noGhostMat_->addindex(dofId, *nabIdx); } } noGhostMat_->endindices(); } /// Set the ghost diagonal in noGhost to diag(1.0) void setGhostsInNoGhost(Matrix& ng) { ng=0; typedef typename Matrix::block_type MatrixBlockTypeT; MatrixBlockTypeT diag_block(0.0); for (int eq = 0; eq < Matrix::block_type::rows; ++eq) diag_block[eq][eq] = 1.0; //loop over precalculated ghost rows and columns for (auto row = overlapRows_.begin(); row != overlapRows_.end(); row++ ) { int lcell = *row; //diagonal block set to 1 ng[lcell][lcell] = diag_block; } } /// Copy interior rows to noghost matrix void copyJacToNoGhost(const Matrix& jac, Matrix& ng) { //Loop over precalculated interior rows. for (auto row = interiorRows_.begin(); row != interiorRows_.end(); row++ ) { //Copy row ng[*row] = jac[*row]; } } // Weights to make approximate pressure equations. // Calculated from the storage terms (only) of the // conservation equations, ignoring all other terms. Vector getStorageWeights() const { Vector weights(rhs_->size()); ElementContext elemCtx(simulator_); Opm::Amg::getTrueImpesWeights(pressureVarIndex, weights, simulator_.vanguard().gridView(), elemCtx, simulator_.model(), ThreadManager::threadId()); return weights; } // Interaction between the CPR weights (the function argument 'weights') // and the variable and equation weights from // simulator_.model().primaryVarWeight() and // simulator_.model().eqWeight() is nontrivial and does not work // at the moment. Possibly refactoring of ewoms weight treatment // is needed. In the meantime this function shows what needs to be // done to integrate the weights properly. void scaleEquationsAndVariables(Vector& weights) { // loop over primary variables const auto endi = getMatrix().end(); for (auto i = getMatrix().begin(); i != endi; ++i) { const auto endj = (*i).end(); BlockVector& brhs = (*rhs_)[i.index()]; for (auto j = (*i).begin(); j != endj; ++j) { MatrixBlockType& block = *j; for (std::size_t ii = 0; ii < block.rows; ii++ ) { for (std::size_t jj = 0; jj < block.cols; jj++) { double var_scale = simulator_.model().primaryVarWeight(i.index(),jj); block[ii][jj] /= var_scale; block[ii][jj] *= simulator_.model().eqWeight(i.index(), ii); } } } for (std::size_t ii = 0; ii < brhs.size(); ii++) { brhs[ii] *= simulator_.model().eqWeight(i.index(), ii); } if (weights.size() == getMatrix().N()) { BlockVector& bw = weights[i.index()]; for (std::size_t ii = 0; ii < brhs.size(); ii++) { bw[ii] /= simulator_.model().eqWeight(i.index(), ii); } double abs_max = *std::max_element(bw.begin(), bw.end(), [](double a, double b){ return std::abs(a) < std::abs(b); } ); bw /= abs_max; } } } void scaleSolution(Vector& x) { for (std::size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i) { auto& bx = x[i]; for (std::size_t jj = 0; jj < bx.size(); jj++) { double var_scale = simulator_.model().primaryVarWeight(i,jj); bx[jj] /= var_scale; } } } Vector getQuasiImpesWeights() { return Amg::getQuasiImpesWeights(getMatrix(), pressureVarIndex, /* transpose=*/ true); } Vector getSimpleWeights(const BlockVector& rhs) { Vector weights(rhs_->size(), 0); for (auto& bw : weights) { bw = rhs; } return weights; } void scaleMatrixAndRhs(const Vector& weights) { using Block = typename Matrix::block_type; const auto endi = getMatrix().end(); for (auto i = getMatrix().begin(); i !=endi; ++i) { const BlockVector& bweights = weights[i.index()]; BlockVector& brhs = (*rhs_)[i.index()]; const auto endj = (*i).end(); for (auto j = (*i).begin(); j != endj; ++j) { // assume it is something on all rows Block& block = (*j); BlockVector neweq(0.0); for (std::size_t ii = 0; ii < block.rows; ii++) { for (std::size_t jj = 0; jj < block.cols; jj++) { neweq[jj] += bweights[ii]*block[ii][jj]; } } block[pressureEqnIndex] = neweq; } Scalar newrhs(0.0); for (std::size_t ii = 0; ii < brhs.size(); ii++) { newrhs += bweights[ii]*brhs[ii]; } brhs[pressureEqnIndex] = newrhs; } } static void multBlocksInMatrix(Matrix& ebosJac, const MatrixBlockType& trans, const bool left = true) { const int n = ebosJac.N(); for (int row_index = 0; row_index < n; ++row_index) { auto& row = ebosJac[row_index]; auto* dataptr = row.getptr(); for (int elem = 0; elem < row.N(); ++elem) { auto& block = dataptr[elem]; if (left) { block = block.leftmultiply(trans); } else { block = block.rightmultiply(trans); } } } } static void multBlocksVector(Vector& ebosResid_cp, const MatrixBlockType& leftTrans) { for (auto& bvec : ebosResid_cp) { auto bvec_new = bvec; leftTrans.mv(bvec, bvec_new); bvec = bvec_new; } } static void scaleCPRSystem(Matrix& M_cp, Vector& b_cp, const MatrixBlockType& leftTrans) { multBlocksInMatrix(M_cp, leftTrans, true); multBlocksVector(b_cp, leftTrans); } Matrix& getMatrix() { return noGhostMat_ ? *noGhostMat_ : *matrix_; } const Matrix& getMatrix() const { return noGhostMat_ ? *noGhostMat_ : *matrix_; } const Simulator& simulator_; mutable int iterations_; mutable bool converged_; std::any parallelInformation_; // non-const to be able to scale the linear system Matrix* matrix_; std::unique_ptr noGhostMat_; Vector *rhs_; std::unique_ptr flexibleSolver_; std::unique_ptr linearOperatorForFlexibleSolver_; std::unique_ptr> wellOperator_; std::vector overlapRows_; std::vector interiorRows_; std::vector> wellConnectionsGraph_; bool ownersFirst_; bool useWellConn_; bool useFlexible_; size_t interiorCellNum_; FlowLinearSolverParameters parameters_; boost::property_tree::ptree prm_; Vector weights_; bool scale_variables_; std::shared_ptr< communication_type > comm_; }; // end ISTLSolver } // namespace Opm #endif