/* Copyright 2018 SINTEF Digital, Mathematics and Cybernetics. Copyright 2018 Equinor. This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM). OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OPM. If not, see . */ #include #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE TestLogOutputHelper #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { const std::string input = R"( RUNSPEC FIELD DIMENS 10 10 3 / DX 300*1000 / DY 300*1000 / DZ 100*20 100*30 100*50 / TOPS 100*8325 / START -- 0 31 AUG 1993 / SCHEDULE WELSPECS -- Item #: 1 2 3 4 5 6 'PROD' 'G1' 10 10 8400 'OIL' / 'INJ' 'G1' 1 1 8335 'GAS' / / WCONPROD -- Item #:1 2 3 4 5 9 'PROD' 'OPEN' 'ORAT' 20000 4* 1000 / / WCONINJE -- Item #:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 'INJ' 'GAS' 'OPEN' 'RATE' 100000 1* 9014 / /)"; std::string trimStream(std::stringstream& str) { char buffer[1024]; std::string data; do { str.getline(buffer, 1024, '\n'); std::string tmp(buffer); if (!tmp.empty()) { tmp = Opm::trim_copy(tmp); data += tmp; data += '\n'; } } while (!str.eof()); return data; } } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(Cumulative) { const std::string reference = R"(=================================================== CUMULATIVE PRODUCTION/INJECTION REPORT ========================================= : WELL : LOCATION : WELL :CTRL: OIL : WATER : GAS : Prod : OIL : WATER : GAS : INJ : : NAME : (I,J,K) : TYPE :MODE: PROD : PROD : PROD : RES.VOL. : INJ : INJ : INJ : RES.VOL. : : : : : : MSTB : MSTB : MMSCF : MRB : MSTB : MSTB : MMSCF : MRB : ==================================================================================================================================== : FIELD: : : : 1.0: 2.0: 3.0: 4.0: 5.0: 6.0: 7.0: 8.0: : G1: : : : 9.0: 10.0: 11.0: 12.0: 13.0: 14.0: 15.0: 15.0: : PROD: 10, 10: PROD:ORAT: 16.0: 17.0: 18.0: 19.0: 20.0: 21.0: 22.0: 23.0: : INJ: 1, 1: INJ:GRAT: 24.0: 25.0: 26.0: 27.0: 28.0: 29.0: 30.0: 31.0: :--------:-----------:--------:----:-----------:-----------:-----------:-----------:-----------:-----------:-----------:-----------: )"; std::stringstream str; Opm::OpmLog::addBackend("stream", std::make_shared(str, Opm::Log::MessageType::Note)); Opm::Parser parser; auto python = std::make_shared(); auto deck = parser.parseString(input); Opm::EclipseGrid grid(10,10,3); Opm::TableManager table ( deck ); Opm::FieldPropsManager fp( deck, Opm::Phases{true, true, true}, grid, table); Opm::Runspec runspec (deck ); Opm::Schedule schedule(deck, grid, fp, runspec, python); Opm::EclipseState eclState(deck); Opm::SummaryState st; // Note: Cumulative gas values--e.g., FGPT--multiplied by an additional // factor of 1000, for a total multiplicative factor of one million, in // order to produce the expected balance sheet output in MM* units. constexpr auto fields = std::array { std::pair{"FOPT", 1.0}, std::pair{"FWPT", 2.0}, std::pair{"FGPT", 3.0e3}, std::pair{"FVPT", 4.0}, std::pair{"FOIT", 5.0}, std::pair{"FWIT", 6.0}, std::pair{"FGIT", 7.0e3}, std::pair{"FVIT", 8.0}, std::pair{"GOPT:G1", 9.0}, std::pair{"GWPT:G1", 10.0}, std::pair{"GGPT:G1", 11.0e3}, std::pair{"GVPT:G1", 12.0}, std::pair{"GOIT:G1", 13.0}, std::pair{"GWIT:G1", 14.0}, std::pair{"GGIT:G1", 15.0e3}, std::pair{"GVIT:G1", 15.0}, std::pair{"WOPT:PROD", 16.0}, std::pair{"WWPT:PROD", 17.0}, std::pair{"WGPT:PROD", 18.0e3}, std::pair{"WVPT:PROD", 19.0}, std::pair{"WOIT:PROD", 20.0}, std::pair{"WWIT:PROD", 21.0}, std::pair{"WGIT:PROD", 22.0e3}, std::pair{"WVIT:PROD", 23.0}, std::pair{"WOPT:INJ", 24.0}, std::pair{"WWPT:INJ", 25.0}, std::pair{"WGPT:INJ", 26.0e3}, std::pair{"WVPT:INJ", 27.0}, std::pair{"WOIT:INJ", 28.0}, std::pair{"WWIT:INJ", 29.0}, std::pair{"WGIT:INJ", 30.0e3}, std::pair{"WVIT:INJ", 31.0}, }; for (const auto& p : fields) { st.set(p.first, p.second * 1e3); } Opm::LogOutputHelper helper(eclState, schedule, st, "dummy version"); helper.cumulative(0); std::string data = trimStream(str); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(data, reference); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(Error) { const std::string reference = R"(Finding the bubble point pressure failed for 3 cells [(2,1,1), (1,3,1), (1,4,1)] Finding the dew point pressure failed for 3 cells [(5,1,1), (6,1,1), (7,1,1)] )"; std::stringstream str; Opm::OpmLog::addBackend("stream", std::make_shared(str, Opm::Log::MessageType::Warning)); Opm::Parser parser; auto python = std::make_shared(); auto deck = parser.parseString(input); Opm::EclipseGrid grid(10,10,3); Opm::TableManager table ( deck ); Opm::FieldPropsManager fp( deck, Opm::Phases{true, true, true}, grid, table); Opm::Runspec runspec (deck ); Opm::Schedule schedule(deck, grid, fp, runspec, python); Opm::EclipseState eclState(deck); Opm::SummaryState st; Opm::LogOutputHelper helper(eclState, schedule, st, "dummy version"); str.str(""); // clear out parser errors helper.error({1,20,30}, {4,5,6}); std::string data = trimStream(str); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(data, reference); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(Fip) { const std::string reference = R"( ================================================== : FIELD TOTALS : : PAV = 0 PSIA : : PORV= 157 RB : : Pressure is weighted by hydrocarbon pore volume: : Pore volumes are taken at reference conditions : :--------------- OIL STB ----------------:-- WAT STB --:--------------- GAS MSCF ----------------: : LIQUID VAPOUR TOTAL : TOTAL : FREE DISSOLVED TOTAL : :-------------------------:-------------------------------------------:----------------:-------------------------------------------: :CURRENTLY IN PLACE : 132 138 120: 113 : 1 1 1: :-------------------------:-------------------------------------------:----------------:-------------------------------------------: :ORIGINALLY IN PLACE : 25 31 13: 6 : 0 0 0: ==================================================================================================================================== ================================================== : FIPNUM REPORT REGION 1 : : PAV = 0 PSIA : : PORV= 371 RB : :--------------- OIL STB ----------------:-- WAT STB --:--------------- GAS MSCF ----------------: : LIQUID VAPOUR TOTAL : TOTAL : FREE DISSOLVED TOTAL : :-------------------------:-------------------------------------------:----------------:-------------------------------------------: :CURRENTLY IN PLACE : 346 352 333: 327 : 2 2 2: :-------------------------:-------------------------------------------:----------------:-------------------------------------------: :ORIGINALLY IN PLACE : 239 245 226: 220 : 1 1 1: :-------------------------:-------------------------------------------:----------------:-------------------------------------------: ==================================================================================================================================== )"; std::stringstream str; Opm::OpmLog::addBackend("stream", std::make_shared(str, Opm::Log::MessageType::Note)); Opm::Parser parser; auto python = std::make_shared(); auto deck = parser.parseString(input); Opm::EclipseGrid grid(10,10,3); Opm::TableManager table ( deck ); Opm::FieldPropsManager fp( deck, Opm::Phases{true, true, true}, grid, table); Opm::Runspec runspec (deck ); Opm::Schedule schedule(deck, grid, fp, runspec, python); Opm::EclipseState eclState(deck); Opm::SummaryState st; Opm::LogOutputHelper helper(eclState, schedule, st, "dummy version"); Opm::Inplace initial, current; const auto& phases = current.phases(); int offset = 17; double j = 1.0; for (const auto& phase : phases) { initial.add(phase, j); initial.add("FIPNUM", phase, 0, j + 2*offset); initial.add("FIPNUM", phase, 1, j + 2*offset); current.add(phase, j + offset); current.add("FIPNUM", phase, 0, j + 3*offset); current.add("FIPNUM", phase, 1, j + 3*offset); ++j; } initial.add(Opm::Inplace::Phase::PressureHydroCarbonPV, 1.0); initial.add(Opm::Inplace::Phase::HydroCarbonPV, 2.0); initial.add(Opm::Inplace::Phase::PressurePV, 3.0); initial.add(Opm::Inplace::Phase::DynamicPoreVolume, 4.0); current.add(Opm::Inplace::Phase::PressureHydroCarbonPV, 2.0); current.add(Opm::Inplace::Phase::HydroCarbonPV, 4.0); current.add(Opm::Inplace::Phase::PressurePV, 6.0); current.add(Opm::Inplace::Phase::DynamicPoreVolume, 8.0); current.add("FIPNUM", Opm::Inplace::Phase::PressureHydroCarbonPV, 1, 2.0); current.add("FIPNUM", Opm::Inplace::Phase::HydroCarbonPV, 1, 4.0); current.add("FIPNUM", Opm::Inplace::Phase::PressurePV, 1, 6.0); current.add("FIPNUM", Opm::Inplace::Phase::DynamicPoreVolume, 1, 8.0); helper.fip(current, initial, ""); helper.fip(current, initial, "FIPNUM"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(str.str(), reference); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(FipResv) { const std::string reference = R"( =================================== : RESERVOIR VOLUMES RB : :---------:---------------:---------------:---------------:---------------:---------------: : REGION : TOTAL PORE : PORE VOLUME : PORE VOLUME : PORE VOLUME : PORE VOLUME : : : VOLUME : CONTAINING : CONTAINING : CONTAINING : CONTAINING : : : : OIL : WATER : GAS : HYDRO-CARBON : :---------:---------------:---------------:---------------:---------------:--------------- : FIELD : 176: 13: 19: 25: 38: : 1 : 176: 170: 164: 176: 346: =========================================================================================== )"; std::stringstream str; Opm::OpmLog::addBackend("stream", std::make_shared(str, Opm::Log::MessageType::Note)); Opm::Parser parser; auto python = std::make_shared(); auto deck = parser.parseString(input); Opm::EclipseGrid grid(10,10,3); Opm::TableManager table ( deck ); Opm::FieldPropsManager fp( deck, Opm::Phases{true, true, true}, grid, table); Opm::Runspec runspec (deck ); Opm::Schedule schedule(deck, grid, fp, runspec, python); Opm::EclipseState eclState(deck); Opm::SummaryState st; Opm::LogOutputHelper helper(eclState, schedule, st, "dummy version"); Opm::Inplace current; const auto& phases = current.phases(); int offset = 17; double j = 1.0; for (const auto& phase : phases) { current.add(phase, offset); current.add("FIPNUM", phase, 1, j + offset); ++j; } current.add(Opm::Inplace::Phase::DynamicPoreVolume, 1.0); current.add(Opm::Inplace::Phase::OilResVolume, 2.0); current.add(Opm::Inplace::Phase::WaterResVolume, 3.0); current.add(Opm::Inplace::Phase::GasResVolume, 4.0); current.add("FIPNUM", Opm::Inplace::Phase::DynamicPoreVolume, 1, 11.0 + offset); helper.fipResv(current, "FIPNUM"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(str.str(), reference); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(Injection) { const std::string reference = R"(=================================================== INJECTION REPORT ======================================== : WELL : LOCATION : CTRL : CTRL : CTRL : OIL : WATER : GAS : FLUID : BHP OR : THP OR : : NAME : (I,J,K) : MODE : MODE : MODE : RATE : RATE : RATE : RES.VOL. : CON.PR.: BLK.PR.: : : : OIL : WAT : GAS : STB/DAY : STB/DAY : MSCF/DAY : RB/DAY : PSIA : PSIA : ============================================================================================================= : FIELD: : : : : 1.0: 2.0: 3.0: 4.0: : : : G1: : : : : 5.0: 6.0: 7.0: 8.0: : : : INJ: 1, 1: : : GRAT: 9.0: 10.0: 11.0: 12.0: 13.0: 14.0: :--------:-----------:------:------:------:-----------:-----------:-----------:-----------:--------:--------: )"; std::stringstream str; Opm::OpmLog::addBackend("stream", std::make_shared(str, Opm::Log::MessageType::Note)); Opm::Parser parser; auto python = std::make_shared(); auto deck = parser.parseString(input); Opm::EclipseGrid grid(10,10,3); Opm::TableManager table ( deck ); Opm::FieldPropsManager fp( deck, Opm::Phases{true, true, true}, grid, table); Opm::Runspec runspec (deck ); Opm::Schedule schedule(deck, grid, fp, runspec, python); Opm::EclipseState eclState(deck); Opm::SummaryState st; constexpr auto fields = std::array { std::pair{"FOIR", 1.0}, std::pair{"FWIR", 2.0}, std::pair{"FGIR", 3.0}, std::pair{"FVIR", 4.0}, std::pair{"GOIR:G1", 5.0}, std::pair{"GWIR:G1", 6.0}, std::pair{"GGIR:G1", 7.0}, std::pair{"GVIR:G1", 8.0}, std::pair{"WOIR:INJ", 9.0}, std::pair{"WWIR:INJ", 10.0}, std::pair{"WGIR:INJ", 11.0}, std::pair{"WVIR:INJ", 12.0}, std::pair{"WBHP:INJ", 13.0}, std::pair{"WTHP:INJ", 14.0}, }; for (const auto& p : fields) { st.set(p.first, p.second); } Opm::LogOutputHelper helper(eclState, schedule, st, "dummy version"); helper.injection(0); std::string data = trimStream(str); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(data, reference); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(Production) { const std::string reference = R"(======================================================= PRODUCTION REPORT ======================================================= : WELL : LOCATION :CTRL: OIL : WATER : GAS : FLUID : WATER : GAS/OIL : WAT/GAS : BHP OR : THP OR : : NAME : (I,J,K) :MODE: RATE : RATE : RATE : RES.VOL. : CUT : RATIO : RATIO : CON.PR.: BLK.PR.: : : : : STB/DAY : STB/DAY : MSCF/DAY : RB/DAY : : MSCF/STB : STB/MSCF : PSIA : PSIA : ================================================================================================================================= : FIELD: : : 1.0: 2.0: 3.0: 4.0: 5.000: 6.00: 0.6667: : : : G1: : : 7.0: 8.0: 9.0: 10.0: 11.000: 12.00: 0.8889: : : : PROD: 10, 10:ORAT: 13.0: 14.0: 15.0: 16.0: 17.000: 18.00: 0.9333: 19.0: 20.0: :--------:-----------:----:-----------:-----------:-----------:-----------:-----------:----------:------------:--------:--------: )"; std::stringstream str; Opm::OpmLog::addBackend("stream", std::make_shared(str, Opm::Log::MessageType::Note)); Opm::Parser parser; auto python = std::make_shared(); auto deck = parser.parseString(input); Opm::EclipseGrid grid(10,10,3); Opm::TableManager table ( deck ); Opm::FieldPropsManager fp( deck, Opm::Phases{true, true, true}, grid, table); Opm::Runspec runspec (deck ); Opm::Schedule schedule(deck, grid, fp, runspec, python); Opm::EclipseState eclState(deck); Opm::SummaryState st; constexpr auto fields = std::array { std::pair{"FOPR", 1.0}, std::pair{"FWPR", 2.0}, std::pair{"FGPR", 3.0}, std::pair{"FVPR", 4.0}, std::pair{"FWCT", 5.0}, std::pair{"FGOR", 6.0}, std::pair{"GOPR:G1", 7.0}, std::pair{"GWPR:G1", 8.0}, std::pair{"GGPR:G1", 9.0}, std::pair{"GVPR:G1", 10.0}, std::pair{"GWCT:G1", 11.0}, std::pair{"GGOR:G1", 12.0}, std::pair{"WOPR:PROD", 13.0}, std::pair{"WWPR:PROD", 14.0}, std::pair{"WGPR:PROD", 15.0}, std::pair{"WVPR:PROD", 16.0}, std::pair{"WWCT:PROD", 17.0}, std::pair{"WGOR:PROD", 18.0}, std::pair{"WBHP:PROD", 19.0}, std::pair{"WTHP:PROD", 20.0}, }; for (const auto& p : fields) { st.set(p.first, p.second); } Opm::LogOutputHelper helper(eclState, schedule, st, "dummy version"); helper.production(0); std::string data = trimStream(str); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(data, reference); }