Copyright 2017 SINTEF Digital, Mathematics and Cybernetics.
Copyright 2017 Statoil ASA.
Copyright 2018 IRIS
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
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namespace Opm {
bool WellTest::
checkMaxRatioLimitWell(const SingleWellState& ws,
const Scalar max_ratio_limit,
const RatioFunc& ratioFunc) const
const int np = well_.numPhases();
std::vector well_rates(np, 0.0);
for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) {
well_rates[p] = ws.surface_rates[p];
const Scalar well_ratio = ratioFunc(well_rates, well_.phaseUsage());
return (well_ratio > max_ratio_limit);
void WellTest::
checkMaxRatioLimitCompletions(const SingleWellState& ws,
const Scalar max_ratio_limit,
const RatioFunc& ratioFunc,
RatioLimitCheckReport& report) const
int worst_offending_completion = RatioLimitCheckReport::INVALIDCOMPLETION;
// the maximum water cut value of the completions
// it is used to identify the most offending completion
Scalar max_ratio_completion = 0;
const int np = well_.numPhases();
const auto& perf_data = ws.perf_data;
const auto& perf_phase_rates = perf_data.phase_rates;
// look for the worst_offending_completion
for (const auto& completion : well_.getCompletions()) {
std::vector completion_rates(np, 0.0);
// looping through the connections associated with the completion
const std::vector& conns = completion.second;
for (const int c : conns) {
for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) {
const Scalar connection_rate = perf_phase_rates[c * np + p];
completion_rates[p] += connection_rate;
} // end of for (const int c : conns)
well_.parallelWellInfo().communication().sum(completion_rates.data(), completion_rates.size());
const Scalar ratio_completion = ratioFunc(completion_rates, well_.phaseUsage());
if (ratio_completion > max_ratio_completion) {
worst_offending_completion = completion.first;
max_ratio_completion = ratio_completion;
} // end of for (const auto& completion : completions_)
const Scalar violation_extent = max_ratio_completion / max_ratio_limit;
if (violation_extent > report.violation_extent) {
report.worst_offending_completion = worst_offending_completion;
report.violation_extent = violation_extent;
void WellTest::
checkMaxGORLimit(const WellEconProductionLimits& econ_production_limits,
const SingleWellState& ws,
RatioLimitCheckReport& report) const
static constexpr int Oil = BlackoilPhases::Liquid;
static constexpr int Gas = BlackoilPhases::Vapour;
// function to calculate gor based on rates
auto gor = [](const std::vector& rates,
const PhaseUsage& pu)
const Scalar oil_rate = -rates[pu.phase_pos[Oil]];
const Scalar gas_rate = -rates[pu.phase_pos[Gas]];
if (gas_rate <= 0.)
return Scalar{0};
else if (oil_rate <= 0.)
return Scalar{1e30}; // big value to mark it as violated
return (gas_rate / oil_rate);
const Scalar max_gor_limit = econ_production_limits.maxGasOilRatio();
assert(max_gor_limit > 0.);
const bool gor_limit_violated = this->checkMaxRatioLimitWell(ws, max_gor_limit, gor);
if (gor_limit_violated) {
report.ratio_limit_violated = true;
this->checkMaxRatioLimitCompletions(ws, max_gor_limit, gor, report);
void WellTest::
checkMaxWGRLimit(const WellEconProductionLimits& econ_production_limits,
const SingleWellState& ws,
RatioLimitCheckReport& report) const
static constexpr int Gas = BlackoilPhases::Vapour;
static constexpr int Water = BlackoilPhases::Aqua;
// function to calculate wgr based on rates
auto wgr = [](const std::vector& rates,
const PhaseUsage& pu)
const Scalar water_rate = -rates[pu.phase_pos[Water]];
const Scalar gas_rate = -rates[pu.phase_pos[Gas]];
if (water_rate <= 0.)
return Scalar{0};
else if (gas_rate <= 0.)
return Scalar{1e30}; // big value to mark it as violated
return (water_rate / gas_rate);
const Scalar max_wgr_limit = econ_production_limits.maxWaterGasRatio();
assert(max_wgr_limit > 0.);
const bool wgr_limit_violated = this->checkMaxRatioLimitWell(ws, max_wgr_limit, wgr);
if (wgr_limit_violated) {
report.ratio_limit_violated = true;
this->checkMaxRatioLimitCompletions(ws, max_wgr_limit, wgr, report);
void WellTest::
checkMaxWaterCutLimit(const WellEconProductionLimits& econ_production_limits,
const SingleWellState& ws,
RatioLimitCheckReport& report) const
static constexpr int Oil = BlackoilPhases::Liquid;
static constexpr int Water = BlackoilPhases::Aqua;
// function to calculate water cut based on rates
auto waterCut = [](const std::vector& rates,
const PhaseUsage& pu)
const Scalar oil_rate = -rates[pu.phase_pos[Oil]];
const Scalar water_rate = -rates[pu.phase_pos[Water]];
const Scalar liquid_rate = oil_rate + water_rate;
if (liquid_rate <= 0.)
return Scalar{0};
else if (water_rate < 0)
return Scalar{0};
else if (oil_rate < 0)
return Scalar{1};
return (water_rate / liquid_rate);
const Scalar max_water_cut_limit = econ_production_limits.maxWaterCut();
assert(max_water_cut_limit > 0.);
const bool watercut_limit_violated =
this->checkMaxRatioLimitWell(ws, max_water_cut_limit, waterCut);
if (watercut_limit_violated) {
report.ratio_limit_violated = true;
this->checkMaxRatioLimitCompletions(ws, max_water_cut_limit,
waterCut, report);
bool WellTest::
checkRateEconLimits(const WellEconProductionLimits& econ_production_limits,
const std::vector& rates_or_potentials,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger) const
static constexpr int Gas = BlackoilPhases::Vapour;
static constexpr int Oil = BlackoilPhases::Liquid;
static constexpr int Water = BlackoilPhases::Aqua;
const PhaseUsage& pu = well_.phaseUsage();
if (econ_production_limits.onMinOilRate()) {
const Scalar oil_rate = rates_or_potentials[pu.phase_pos[Oil]];
const Scalar min_oil_rate = econ_production_limits.minOilRate();
if (std::abs(oil_rate) < min_oil_rate) {
return true;
if (econ_production_limits.onMinGasRate() ) {
const Scalar gas_rate = rates_or_potentials[pu.phase_pos[Gas]];
const Scalar min_gas_rate = econ_production_limits.minGasRate();
if (std::abs(gas_rate) < min_gas_rate) {
return true;
if (econ_production_limits.onMinLiquidRate() ) {
const Scalar oil_rate = rates_or_potentials[pu.phase_pos[Oil]];
const Scalar water_rate = rates_or_potentials[pu.phase_pos[Water]];
const Scalar liquid_rate = oil_rate + water_rate;
const Scalar min_liquid_rate = econ_production_limits.minLiquidRate();
if (std::abs(liquid_rate) < min_liquid_rate) {
return true;
if (econ_production_limits.onMinReservoirFluidRate()) {
deferred_logger.warning("NOT_SUPPORTING_MIN_RESERVOIR_FLUID_RATE", "Minimum reservoir fluid production rate limit is not supported yet");
return false;
typename WellTest::RatioLimitCheckReport
checkRatioEconLimits(const WellEconProductionLimits& econ_production_limits,
const SingleWellState& ws,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger) const
// TODO: not sure how to define the worst-offending completion when more than one
// ratio related limit is violated.
// The defintion used here is that we define the violation extent based on the
// ratio between the value and the corresponding limit.
// For each violated limit, we decide the worst-offending completion separately.
// Among the worst-offending completions, we use the one has the biggest violation
// extent.
RatioLimitCheckReport report;
if (econ_production_limits.onMaxWaterCut()) {
this->checkMaxWaterCutLimit(econ_production_limits, ws, report);
if (econ_production_limits.onMaxGasOilRatio()) {
this->checkMaxGORLimit(econ_production_limits, ws, report);
if (econ_production_limits.onMaxWaterGasRatio()) {
this->checkMaxWGRLimit(econ_production_limits, ws, report);
if (econ_production_limits.onMaxGasLiquidRatio()) {
deferred_logger.warning("NOT_SUPPORTING_MAX_GLR", "the support for max Gas-Liquid ratio is not implemented yet!");
if (report.ratio_limit_violated) {
// No worst offending completion is found because all the completions are either injecting or
// have trivial rates.
if(report.worst_offending_completion == RatioLimitCheckReport::INVALIDCOMPLETION) {
std::string message = "The well ratio limit is violated but all the completion rates are trivial! " + well_.name() + " is kept open";
deferred_logger.warning("WECON_INVALIDCOMPLETION", message);
report.ratio_limit_violated = false;
// Due to numerical instability there may exist corner cases where the well breaks
// the ratio limit but no completion does.
else if(report.violation_extent <= 1.) {
std::string message = "The well ratio limit is violated but no completion ratio limit is violated! " + well_.name() + " is kept open";
deferred_logger.warning("WECON_INCONSISTANT_COMPLETION_WELL", message);
report.ratio_limit_violated = false;
return report;
void WellTest::
updateWellTestStateEconomic(const SingleWellState& ws,
const double simulation_time,
const bool write_message_to_opmlog,
WellTestState& well_test_state,
const bool zero_group_target,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger) const
if (well_.wellIsStopped())
const WellEconProductionLimits& econ_production_limits = well_.wellEcl().getEconLimits();
// if no limit is effective here, then continue to the next well
if (!econ_production_limits.onAnyEffectiveLimit()) {
if (well_.isInjector()) {
deferred_logger.warning("ECON_LIMITS_INJECTOR_" + well_.name(), well_.name() + " is an injector, the production economic limits for this well will be ignored.\n");
// flag to check if the mim oil/gas rate limit is violated
bool rate_limit_violated = false;
const auto& quantity_limit = econ_production_limits.quantityLimit();
if (econ_production_limits.onAnyRateLimit()) {
if (quantity_limit == WellEconProductionLimits::QuantityLimit::POTN) {
rate_limit_violated = this->checkRateEconLimits(econ_production_limits,
// Due to instability of the bhpFromThpLimit code the potentials are sometimes wrong
// this can lead to premature shutting of wells due to rate limits of the potentials.
// Since rates are supposed to be less or equal to the potentials, we double-check
// that also the rate limit is violated before shutting the well.
if (rate_limit_violated)
rate_limit_violated = this->checkRateEconLimits(econ_production_limits,
else {
if (!zero_group_target) {
= this->checkRateEconLimits(econ_production_limits, ws.surface_rates, deferred_logger);
if (rate_limit_violated) {
if (econ_production_limits.endRun()) {
const std::string warning_message = std::string("ending run after well closed due to economic limits")
+ std::string("is not supported yet \n")
+ std::string("the program will keep running after ") + well_.name()
+ std::string(" is closed");
deferred_logger.warning("NOT_SUPPORTING_ENDRUN", warning_message);
if (econ_production_limits.validFollowonWell()) {
deferred_logger.warning("NOT_SUPPORTING_FOLLOWONWELL", "opening following on well after well closed is not supported yet");
well_test_state.close_well(well_.name(), WellTestConfig::Reason::ECONOMIC, simulation_time);
if (write_message_to_opmlog) {
if (well_.wellEcl().getAutomaticShutIn()) {
const std::string msg = std::string("well ") + well_.name() + std::string(" will be shut due to rate economic limit");
} else {
const std::string msg = std::string("well ") + well_.name() + std::string(" will be stopped due to rate economic limit");
// the well is closed, not need to check other limits
if ( !econ_production_limits.onAnyRatioLimit() ) {
// there is no need to check the ratio limits
// checking for ratio related limits, mostly all kinds of ratio.
RatioLimitCheckReport ratio_report =
this->checkRatioEconLimits(econ_production_limits, ws, deferred_logger);
if (ratio_report.ratio_limit_violated) {
const auto workover = econ_production_limits.workover();
switch (workover) {
case WellEconProductionLimits::EconWorkover::CON:
const int worst_offending_completion = ratio_report.worst_offending_completion;
well_test_state.close_completion(well_.name(), worst_offending_completion, simulation_time);
if (write_message_to_opmlog) {
if (worst_offending_completion < 0) {
const std::string msg = std::string("Connection ") + std::to_string(- worst_offending_completion)
+ std::string(" for well ") + well_.name() + std::string(" will be closed due to economic limit");
} else {
const std::string msg = std::string("Completion ") + std::to_string(worst_offending_completion)
+ std::string(" for well ") + well_.name() + std::string(" will be closed due to economic limit");
bool allCompletionsClosed = true;
const auto& connections = well_.wellEcl().getConnections();
for (const auto& connection : connections) {
if (connection.state() == Connection::State::OPEN
&& !well_test_state.completion_is_closed(well_.name(), connection.complnum())) {
allCompletionsClosed = false;
if (allCompletionsClosed) {
well_test_state.close_well(well_.name(), WellTestConfig::Reason::ECONOMIC, simulation_time);
if (write_message_to_opmlog) {
if (well_.wellEcl().getAutomaticShutIn()) {
const std::string msg = well_.name() + std::string(" will be shut due to last completion closed");
} else {
const std::string msg = well_.name() + std::string(" will be stopped due to last completion closed");
case WellEconProductionLimits::EconWorkover::WELL:
well_test_state.close_well(well_.name(), WellTestConfig::Reason::ECONOMIC, simulation_time);
if (write_message_to_opmlog) {
if (well_.wellEcl().getAutomaticShutIn()) {
// tell the control that the well is closed
const std::string msg = well_.name() + std::string(" will be shut due to ratio economic limit");
} else {
const std::string msg = well_.name() + std::string(" will be stopped due to ratio economic limit");
case WellEconProductionLimits::EconWorkover::NONE:
"not supporting workover type " + WellEconProductionLimits::EconWorkover2String(workover));
void WellTest::
updateWellTestStatePhysical(const double simulation_time,
const bool write_message_to_opmlog,
WellTestState& well_test_state,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger) const
if (well_test_state.well_is_closed(well_.name())) {
// Already closed, do nothing.
} else {
well_test_state.close_well(well_.name(), WellTestConfig::Reason::PHYSICAL, simulation_time);
if (write_message_to_opmlog) {
const std::string action = well_.wellEcl().getAutomaticShutIn() ? "shut" : "stopped";
const std::string msg = "Well " + well_.name()
+ " will be " + action + " as it can not operate under current reservoir conditions.";
template class WellTest;
} // namespace Opm