/* Copyright 2018 Equinor ASA. This file is part of the Open Porous Media Project (OPM). OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OPM. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE WellStateFIBOTest #include "MpiFixture.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include BOOST_GLOBAL_FIXTURE(MPIFixture); struct Setup { Setup(const std::string& filename) : Setup(Opm::Parser{}.parseFile(filename)) {} Setup(const Opm::Deck& deck) : es (deck) , pu (Opm::phaseUsageFromDeck(es)) , grid (es.getInputGrid()) , python( std::make_shared() ) , sched(deck, es, python) , st(Opm::TimeService::from_time_t(sched.getStartTime())) { initWellPerfData(); } void initWellPerfData() { const auto& wells = sched.getWells(0); const auto& cartDims = Opm::UgGridHelpers::cartDims(*grid.c_grid()); const int* compressed_to_cartesian = Opm::UgGridHelpers::globalCell(*grid.c_grid()); std::vector cartesian_to_compressed(cartDims[0] * cartDims[1] * cartDims[2], -1); for (int ii = 0; ii < Opm::UgGridHelpers::numCells(*grid.c_grid()); ++ii) { cartesian_to_compressed[compressed_to_cartesian[ii]] = ii; } well_perf_data.resize(wells.size()); int well_index = 0; for (const auto& well : wells) { well_perf_data[well_index].clear(); well_perf_data[well_index].reserve(well.getConnections().size()); for (const auto& completion : well.getConnections()) { if (completion.state() == Opm::Connection::State::OPEN) { const int i = completion.getI(); const int j = completion.getJ(); const int k = completion.getK(); const int cart_grid_indx = i + cartDims[0] * (j + cartDims[1] * k); const int active_index = cartesian_to_compressed[cart_grid_indx]; if (active_index < 0) { const std::string msg = ("Cell with i,j,k indices " + std::to_string(i) + " " + std::to_string(j) + " " + std::to_string(k) + " not found in grid (well = " + well.name() + ")."); OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, msg); } else { Opm::PerforationData pd; pd.cell_index = active_index; pd.connection_transmissibility_factor = completion.CF(); pd.satnum_id = completion.satTableId(); well_perf_data[well_index].push_back(pd); } } else { if (completion.state() != Opm::Connection::State::SHUT) { OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Completion state: " << Opm::Connection::State2String(completion.state()) << " not handled"); } } } ++well_index; } } Opm::EclipseState es; Opm::PhaseUsage pu; Opm::GridManager grid; std::shared_ptr python; Opm::Schedule sched; Opm::SummaryState st; std::vector> well_perf_data; }; namespace { Opm::WellState buildWellState(const Setup& setup, const std::size_t timeStep, std::vector& pinfos) { auto state = Opm::WellState{setup.pu}; const auto cpress = std::vector(setup.grid.c_grid()->number_of_cells, 100.0*Opm::unit::barsa); auto wells = setup.sched.getWells(timeStep); pinfos.resize(wells.size()); std::vector> ppinfos; auto pw = pinfos.begin(); for (const auto& well : wells) { *pw = {well.name()}; ppinfos.push_back(std::ref(*pw)); pw->communicateFirstPerforation(true); ++pw; } state.init(cpress, setup.sched, wells, ppinfos, timeStep, nullptr, setup.well_perf_data, setup.st); state.initWellStateMSWell(setup.sched.getWells(timeStep), nullptr); return state; } void setSegPress(const std::vector& wells, Opm::WellState& wstate) { const auto nWell = wells.size(); for (auto wellID = 0*nWell; wellID < nWell; ++wellID) { const auto& well = wells[wellID]; if (! well.isMultiSegment()) { continue; } const auto pressTop = 100.0 * wellID; auto& ws = wstate.well(wellID); auto& segments = ws.segments; segments.pressure[0] = pressTop; const auto& segSet = well.getSegments(); const auto nSeg = segSet.size(); for (auto segID = 0*nSeg + 1; segID < nSeg; ++segID) { // One-based numbering scheme for segments. const auto segNo = segSet[segID].segmentNumber(); segments.pressure[segNo - 1] = pressTop + 1.0*(segNo - 1); } } } void setSegRates(const std::vector& wells, const Opm::PhaseUsage& pu, Opm::WellState& wstate) { const auto wat = pu.phase_used[Opm::BlackoilPhases::Aqua]; const auto iw = wat ? pu.phase_pos[Opm::BlackoilPhases::Aqua] : -1; const auto oil = pu.phase_used[Opm::BlackoilPhases::Liquid]; const auto io = oil ? pu.phase_pos[Opm::BlackoilPhases::Liquid] : -1; const auto gas = pu.phase_used[Opm::BlackoilPhases::Vapour]; const auto ig = gas ? pu.phase_pos[Opm::BlackoilPhases::Vapour] : -1; const auto np = wstate.numPhases(); const auto nWell = wells.size(); for (auto wellID = 0*nWell; wellID < nWell; ++wellID) { const auto& well = wells[wellID]; if (! well.isMultiSegment()) { continue; } const auto rateTop = 1000.0 * wellID; auto& ws = wstate.well(wellID); auto& segments = ws.segments; auto& segRates = segments.rates; if (wat) { segRates[iw] = rateTop; } if (oil) { segRates[io] = rateTop; } if (gas) { segRates[ig] = rateTop; } const auto& segSet = well.getSegments(); const auto nSeg = segSet.size(); for (auto segID = 0*nSeg + 1; segID < nSeg; ++segID) { // One-based numbering scheme for segments. const auto segNo = segSet[segID].segmentNumber(); auto* rates = &segRates[(segNo - 1) * np]; if (wat) { rates[iw] = rateTop + 100.0*(segNo - 1); } if (oil) { rates[io] = rateTop + 200.0*(segNo - 1); } if (gas) { rates[ig] = rateTop + 400.0*(segNo - 1); } } } } } // Anonymous BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE(Segment) // --------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(Linearisation) { const Setup setup{ "msw.data" }; const auto tstep = std::size_t{0}; std::vector pinfos; const auto wstate = buildWellState(setup, tstep, pinfos); const auto& ws = wstate.well("PROD01"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ws.segments.size(), 6); const auto& wells = setup.sched.getWellsatEnd(); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(wells.size(), 2); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(Pressure) { const Setup setup{ "msw.data" }; const auto tstep = std::size_t{0}; std::vector pinfos; auto wstate = buildWellState(setup, tstep, pinfos); const auto& wells = setup.sched.getWells(tstep); const auto prod01_first = wells[0].name() == "PROD01"; setSegPress(wells, wstate); const auto rpt = wstate.report(setup.grid.c_grid()->global_cell, [](const int){return false;}); { const auto expect_nSeg = 6; const auto& xw = rpt.at("PROD01"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(xw.segments.size(), expect_nSeg); const auto pressTop = prod01_first ? 0.0 : 100.0; for (auto segID = 0; segID < expect_nSeg; ++segID) { const auto& xseg = xw.segments.at(segID + 1); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(xseg.segNumber, segID + 1); const auto pres_idx = Opm::data::SegmentPressures::Value::Pressure; BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(xseg.pressures[pres_idx], pressTop + 1.0*segID, 1.0e-10); } } const auto& ws = wstate.well("PROD01"); const auto& perf_data = ws.perf_data; (void) perf_data; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(Rates) { const Setup setup{ "msw.data" }; const auto tstep = std::size_t{0}; std::vector pinfos; auto wstate = buildWellState(setup, tstep, pinfos); const auto wells = setup.sched.getWells(tstep); const auto prod01_first = wells[0].name() == "PROD01"; const auto& pu = setup.pu; setSegRates(wells, pu, wstate); const auto rpt = wstate.report(setup.grid.c_grid()->global_cell, [](const int){return false;}); const auto wat = pu.phase_used[Opm::BlackoilPhases::Aqua]; const auto oil = pu.phase_used[Opm::BlackoilPhases::Liquid]; const auto gas = pu.phase_used[Opm::BlackoilPhases::Vapour]; BOOST_CHECK(wat && oil && gas); { const auto expect_nSeg = 6; const auto& xw = rpt.at("PROD01"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(xw.segments.size(), expect_nSeg); const auto rateTop = prod01_first ? 0.0 : 1000.0; for (auto segNum = 1; segNum <= expect_nSeg; ++segNum) { const auto& xseg = xw.segments.at(segNum); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(xseg.segNumber, segNum); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(xseg.rates.get(Opm::data::Rates::opt::wat), rateTop + 100.0*(segNum - 1), 1.0e-10); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(xseg.rates.get(Opm::data::Rates::opt::oil), rateTop + 200.0*(segNum - 1), 1.0e-10); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(xseg.rates.get(Opm::data::Rates::opt::gas), rateTop + 400.0*(segNum - 1), 1.0e-10); } } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(STOP_well) { /* This test verifies that the perforation pressures is correctly initialized also for wells in the STOP state. */ const Setup setup{ "wells_manager_data_wellSTOP.data" }; std::vector pinfos; auto wstate = buildWellState(setup, 0, pinfos); for (std::size_t well_index = 0; well_index < setup.sched.numWells(0); well_index++) { const auto& ws = wstate.well(well_index); const auto& perf_data = ws.perf_data; for (const auto& p : perf_data.pressure) BOOST_CHECK(p > 0); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- //BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(GlobalWellInfo_TEST) { // const Setup setup{ "msw.data" }; // std::vector local_wells = { setup.sched.getWell("PROD01", 1) }; // Opm::GlobalWellInfo gwi(setup.sched, 1, local_wells); // Opm::WellContainer status({{"PROD01", Opm::Well::Status::OPEN}}); // // BOOST_CHECK(!gwi.in_injecting_group("INJE01")); // BOOST_CHECK(!gwi.in_injecting_group("PROD01")); // BOOST_CHECK(!gwi.in_producing_group("INJE01")); // BOOST_CHECK(!gwi.in_producing_group("PROD01")); // // BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( gwi.well_name(0), "INJE01"); // BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( gwi.well_name(1), "PROD01"); // BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( gwi.well_index("PROD01"), 1); // // BOOST_CHECK_THROW( gwi.update_group( {}, {}, {} ), std::exception); // // // Opm::WellContainer inj_cmode({{"PROD01", Opm::Well::InjectorCMode::CMODE_UNDEFINED}}); // { // Opm::WellContainer prod_cmode({{"PROD01", Opm::Well::ProducerCMode::GRUP}}); // gwi.update_group(status, inj_cmode, prod_cmode); // } // BOOST_CHECK(!gwi.in_producing_group("INJE01")); // BOOST_CHECK(gwi.in_producing_group("PROD01")); // // { // Opm::WellContainer prod_cmode( // {{"PROD01", Opm::Well::ProducerCMode::CMODE_UNDEFINED}}); // gwi.update_group(status, inj_cmode, prod_cmode); // } // // { // Opm::WellContainer prod_cmode({{"PROD01", Opm::Well::ProducerCMode::GRUP}}); // gwi.update_group(status, inj_cmode, prod_cmode); // } // BOOST_CHECK(!gwi.in_producing_group("INJE01")); // BOOST_CHECK(gwi.in_producing_group("PROD01")); // // { // Opm::WellContainer prod_cmode({{"PROD01", Opm::Well::ProducerCMode::NONE}}); // gwi.update_group(status, inj_cmode, prod_cmode); // } // BOOST_CHECK(!gwi.in_producing_group("INJE01")); // BOOST_CHECK(!gwi.in_producing_group("PROD01")); //} BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(TESTWellContainer) { Opm::WellContainer wc; BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(wc.size(), 0); wc.add("W1", 1); wc.add("W2", 2); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(wc.size(), 2); BOOST_CHECK_THROW(wc.add("W1", 1), std::exception); BOOST_CHECK_THROW(wc[10], std::exception); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(wc[0], 1); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(wc[1], 2); BOOST_CHECK_THROW(wc["INVALID_WELL"], std::exception); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(wc["W1"], 1); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(wc["W2"], 2); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(wc.well_name(0), "W1"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(wc.well_name(1), "W2"); BOOST_CHECK_THROW(wc.well_name(10), std::exception); const auto& wells = wc.wells(); std::vector expected = {"W1", "W2"}; BOOST_CHECK( std::is_permutation( wells.begin(), wells.end(), expected.begin(), expected.end()) ); Opm::WellContainer wc2; wc2.copy_welldata(wc); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(wc2.size() , 0); wc2.add("W1", 100); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(wc2["W1"], 100); wc2.copy_welldata(wc); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(wc2["W1"], 1); Opm::WellContainer wc3; wc3.add("W2", 100); wc3.copy_welldata(wc); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(wc3["W2"], 2); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(wc3[0], 2); wc3["W2"] = 200; wc3.add("W3", 300); wc3.copy_welldata(wc); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(wc3["W2"], 2); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(wc3[0], 2); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(wc3["W3"], 300); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(wc3[1], 300); BOOST_CHECK_THROW(wc3.copy_welldata(wc, "W1"), std::exception); BOOST_CHECK_THROW(wc3.copy_welldata(wc, "W3"), std::exception); wc.clear(); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(wc.size(), 0); BOOST_CHECK(wc3.has("W2")); BOOST_CHECK(!wc3.has("NO_SUCH_WELL")); std::vector vec_copy(wc3.begin(), wc3.end()); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(vec_copy.size(), wc3.size()); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < wc3.size(); i++) BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(vec_copy[i], wc3[i]); Opm::WellContainer wci({{"W1", 1}, {"W2", 2}, {"W3", 3}}); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(wci.size(), 3); BOOST_CHECK(wci.has("W1")); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(wci[1], 2); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(wci["W3"], 3); auto w3 = wci.well_index("W3"); BOOST_CHECK(w3.has_value()); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(w3.value(), 2); auto wx = wci.well_index("WX"); BOOST_CHECK(!wx.has_value()); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(TESTSegmentState) { const Setup setup{ "msw.data" }; const auto& well = setup.sched.getWell("PROD01", 0); const auto& segments = well.getSegments(); Opm::SegmentState ss1(3, segments); Opm::SegmentState ss2; ss1.pressure_drop_hydrostatic[0] = 1; ss1.pressure_drop_friction[0] = 2; ss1.pressure_drop_accel[0] = 3; BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ss1.pressure_drop(0), 6); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(TESTSegmentState2) { const Setup setup{ "msw.data" }; std::vector pinfo; const auto wstate = buildWellState(setup, 0, pinfo); const auto& well = setup.sched.getWell("PROD01", 0); const auto& ws = wstate.well("PROD01"); auto segments = ws.segments; BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(segments.pressure.size(), well.getSegments().size()); segments.pressure_drop_friction[0] = 1; segments.pressure_drop_accel[0] = 2; segments.pressure_drop_hydrostatic[0] = 4; BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(segments.pressure_drop(0), 7); for (std::size_t i=0; i < segments.pressure.size(); i++) segments.pressure[i] = (i + 1); const double bhp = 2.0; segments.scale_pressure(bhp); for (std::size_t i=0; i < segments.pressure.size(); i++) BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(segments.pressure[i], 2*(i+1)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( segments.size(), well.getSegments().size() ); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(TESTPerfData) { Opm::PerfData pd1(3, 100, true, 3); Opm::PerfData pd2(3, 100, true, 3); Opm::PerfData pd3(2, 100, true, 3); Opm::PerfData pd4(3, 100, false, 3); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { pd1.pressure[i] = i+1; pd2.pressure[i] = 10*(i+1); } BOOST_CHECK(pd1.try_assign(pd2)); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { BOOST_CHECK(pd2.pressure[i] == 10*(i+1)); BOOST_CHECK(pd1.pressure[i] == 10*(i+1)); } BOOST_CHECK(!pd1.try_assign(pd3)); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { BOOST_CHECK(pd1.pressure[i] == 10*(i+1)); } BOOST_CHECK(!pd1.try_assign(pd4)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(TestSingleWellState) { Opm::ParallelWellInfo pinfo; std::vector connections = {{0,1,1,0},{1,1,1,1},{2,1,1,2}}; Opm::PhaseUsage pu; // This is totally bonkers, but the pu needs a complete deck to initialize properly pu.num_phases = 3; Opm::SingleWellState ws1("W1", pinfo, true, 100, connections, pu, 1); Opm::SingleWellState ws2("W2", pinfo, true, 100, connections, pu, 2); Opm::SingleWellState ws3("W3", pinfo, false, 100, connections, pu, 3); ws1.bhp = 100; ws1.thp = 200; ws2.init_timestep(ws1); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ws2.bhp, ws1.bhp); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ws2.thp, ws1.thp); ws3.bhp = ws1.bhp * 2; ws3.thp = ws1.thp * 2; ws3.init_timestep(ws1); BOOST_CHECK(ws3.bhp != ws1.bhp); BOOST_CHECK(ws3.thp != ws1.thp); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(TestPU) { Opm::PhaseUsage pu({Opm::BlackoilPhases::Polymer, Opm::BlackoilPhases::Solvent, Opm::BlackoilPhases::Aqua, Opm::BlackoilPhases::ZFraction}); BOOST_CHECK(pu.phase_used[Opm::BlackoilPhases::Aqua]); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pu.phase_pos[Opm::BlackoilPhases::Aqua], 0); BOOST_CHECK(pu.phase_used[Opm::BlackoilPhases::Solvent]); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pu.phase_pos[Opm::BlackoilPhases::Solvent], 1); BOOST_CHECK(pu.phase_used[Opm::BlackoilPhases::Polymer]); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pu.phase_pos[Opm::BlackoilPhases::Polymer], 2); BOOST_CHECK(pu.phase_used[Opm::BlackoilPhases::ZFraction]); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pu.phase_pos[Opm::BlackoilPhases::ZFraction], 3); BOOST_CHECK(!pu.phase_used[Opm::BlackoilPhases::Liquid]); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pu.phase_pos[Opm::BlackoilPhases::Liquid], -1); BOOST_CHECK(!pu.phase_used[Opm::BlackoilPhases::Energy]); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pu.phase_pos[Opm::BlackoilPhases::Energy], -1); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pu.num_phases, 1); // Only Aqua counts as a phase. BOOST_CHECK(pu.has_polymer); BOOST_CHECK(pu.has_solvent); BOOST_CHECK(pu.has_zFraction); BOOST_CHECK(!pu.has_energy); BOOST_CHECK(!pu.has_polymermw); BOOST_CHECK(!pu.has_foam); BOOST_CHECK(!pu.has_brine); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END()