/* Copyright 2023 Equinor ASA. This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM). OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OPM. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include template Opm::ParallelWBPCalculation:: LocalConnSet::LocalConnSet(const std::vector& localConnIdx) : localConnIdx_ { localConnIdx } {} template int Opm::ParallelWBPCalculation:: LocalConnSet::localIndex(const std::size_t connIdx) const { return (connIdx >= this->localConnIdx_.size()) ? -1 : this->localConnIdx_[connIdx]; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- template Opm::ParallelWBPCalculation::SourceData:: SourceData(const Parallel::Communication& comm) : comm_ { comm } {} template typename Opm::ParallelWBPCalculation::SourceData& Opm::ParallelWBPCalculation::SourceData:: localIndex(GlobalToLocal localIdx) { this->localIdx_ = std::move(localIdx); return *this; } template typename Opm::ParallelWBPCalculation::SourceData& Opm::ParallelWBPCalculation::SourceData:: evaluator(Evaluator eval) { this->eval_ = std::move(eval); return *this; } template typename Opm::ParallelWBPCalculation::SourceData& Opm::ParallelWBPCalculation::SourceData:: evaluatorFactory(EvaluatorFactory evalFactory) { this->evalFactory_ = std::move(evalFactory); return *this; } template void Opm::ParallelWBPCalculation::SourceData:: buildStructure(const std::vector& sourceLocations) { if (this->srcData_ == nullptr) { this->srcData_ = std::make_unique> (this->comm_, sourceLocations, this->localIdx_); } else { this->srcData_->reconstruct(sourceLocations, this->localIdx_); } } template void Opm::ParallelWBPCalculation::SourceData:: collectDynamicValues() { if (this->srcData_ == nullptr) { throw std::logic_error { "Cannot collect dynamic WBP source values " "prior to constructing source object" }; } // For safety reasons, especially when this SourceData object pertains // to well connections and the user selects the "ALL" connection flag. this->srcData_->setToZero(); if (this->eval_) { this->srcData_->collectLocalSources(this->eval_); } else if (this->evalFactory_) { this->srcData_->collectLocalSources(this->evalFactory_()); } else { OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, "Collecting WBP inputs requires an evaluation " "function or an evaluation function factory"); } this->srcData_->synchroniseSources(); } template std::vector Opm::ParallelWBPCalculation::SourceData:: getLocalIndex(const std::vector& globalIndex) const { auto localIdx = std::vector(globalIndex.size()); std::transform(globalIndex.begin(), globalIndex.end(), localIdx.begin(), [this](const std::size_t globIx) { return this->localIdx_(globIx); }); return localIdx; } // =========================================================================== template Opm::ParallelWBPCalculation:: ParallelWBPCalculation(const GridDims& cellIndexMap, const Parallel::Communication& gridComm) : cellIndexMap_{ cellIndexMap } , reservoirSrc_{ gridComm } {} template Opm::ParallelWBPCalculation& Opm::ParallelWBPCalculation:: localCellIndex(GlobalToLocal localCellIdx) { this->reservoirSrc_.localIndex(std::move(localCellIdx)); return *this; } template Opm::ParallelWBPCalculation& Opm::ParallelWBPCalculation:: evalCellSource(Evaluator evalCellSrc) { this->reservoirSrc_.evaluator(std::move(evalCellSrc)); return *this; } template std::size_t Opm::ParallelWBPCalculation:: createCalculator(const Well& well, const ParallelWellInfo& parallelWellInfo, const std::vector& localConnIdx, EvaluatorFactory makeWellSourceEvaluator) { assert (this->wellConnSrc_.size() == this->localConnSet_.size()); const auto ix = this->calculators_ .setCalculator(well.seqIndex(), std::make_unique> (parallelWellInfo.communication(), this->cellIndexMap_, well.getConnections())); assert (ix <= this->wellConnSrc_.size()); if (ix == this->wellConnSrc_.size()) { // New calculator. this->wellConnSrc_.emplace_back(parallelWellInfo.communication()); this->localConnSet_.emplace_back(localConnIdx); } else { // Update existing calculator. Reset sources and connection sets. this->wellConnSrc_[ix] = SourceData { parallelWellInfo.communication() }; this->localConnSet_[ix] = LocalConnSet { localConnIdx }; } this->wellConnSrc_[ix] .evaluatorFactory(std::move(makeWellSourceEvaluator)) .localIndex([ix = ix, this](const std::size_t connIdx) { return this->localConnSet_[ix].localIndex(connIdx); }); return ix; } template void Opm::ParallelWBPCalculation:: defineCommunication() { assert (this->calculators_.numCalculators() == this->wellConnSrc_.size()); this->pruneInactiveWBPCells(); this->defineReservoirCommunication(); const auto numWells = this->calculators_.numCalculators(); for (auto well = 0*numWells; well < numWells; ++well) { this->defineWellCommunication(well); } } template void Opm::ParallelWBPCalculation:: collectDynamicValues() { this->reservoirSrc_.collectDynamicValues(); for (auto& wellSrc : this->wellConnSrc_) { wellSrc.collectDynamicValues(); } } template void Opm::ParallelWBPCalculation:: inferBlockAveragePressures(const std::size_t calcIndex, const PAvg& controls, const Scalar gravity, const Scalar refDepth) { this->calculators_[calcIndex] .inferBlockAveragePressures(this->makeEvaluationSources(calcIndex), controls, gravity, refDepth); } template const typename Opm::PAvgCalculator::Result& Opm::ParallelWBPCalculation:: averagePressures(const std::size_t calcIndex) const { return this->calculators_[calcIndex].averagePressures(); } template void Opm::ParallelWBPCalculation:: pruneInactiveWBPCells() { if (this->reservoirSrc_.comm().size() == 1) { this->pruneInactiveWBPCellsSerial(); } else { this->pruneInactiveWBPCellsParallel(); } } template void Opm::ParallelWBPCalculation:: pruneInactiveWBPCellsSerial() { this->calculators_.pruneInactiveWBPCells ([this](const std::vector& globalWBPCellIdx) { auto isActive = std::vector(globalWBPCellIdx.size(), false); // Recall: localIndex() is negative if input is inactive or not on rank. const auto localWBPCellIdx = this->reservoirSrc_.getLocalIndex(globalWBPCellIdx); const auto nCells = isActive.size(); for (auto cellIdx = 0*nCells; cellIdx < nCells; ++cellIdx) { isActive[cellIdx] = localWBPCellIdx[cellIdx] >= 0; } return isActive; }); } template void Opm::ParallelWBPCalculation:: pruneInactiveWBPCellsParallel() { this->calculators_.pruneInactiveWBPCells( [this](const std::vector& globalWBPCellIdx) { auto isActive = std::vector(globalWBPCellIdx.size(), false); // AllWBPCells possibly contains repeated indices. That's okay here. const auto& [allWBPCells, rankStart] = allGatherv(globalWBPCellIdx, this->reservoirSrc_.comm()); // Recall: localIndex() is negative if input is inactive or not on rank. auto localWBPCellIdx = this->reservoirSrc_.getLocalIndex(allWBPCells); // The WBP cell is active if it has a non-negative local index on // one of the ranks. this->reservoirSrc_.comm() .max(localWBPCellIdx.data(), localWBPCellIdx.size()); const auto myRank = this->reservoirSrc_.comm().rank(); // Recall: This lambda function/callback is responsible only for the // range of 'allWBPCells' which applies to 'myRank'. Consequently, // that's the range for which we determine the values in 'isActive'. // The rest of 'allWBPCells', or localWBPCellIdx for that matter, is // ignored and discarded when the lambda returns. auto cellIdx = 0*isActive.size(); for (auto begin = localWBPCellIdx.begin() + rankStart[myRank + 0], end = localWBPCellIdx.begin() + rankStart[myRank + 1]; begin != end; ++begin, ++cellIdx) { isActive[cellIdx] = *begin >= 0; } return isActive; }); } template void Opm::ParallelWBPCalculation:: defineReservoirCommunication() { auto sourceCells = std::vector{}; std::tie(sourceCells, std::ignore) = allGatherv(this->calculators_.allWBPCells(), this->reservoirSrc_.comm()); std::sort(sourceCells.begin(), sourceCells.end()); auto u = std::unique(sourceCells.begin(), sourceCells.end()); this->reservoirSrc_.buildStructure({sourceCells.begin(), u}); } template void Opm::ParallelWBPCalculation:: defineWellCommunication(const std::size_t well) { this->wellConnSrc_[well] .buildStructure(this->calculators_[well].allWellConnections()); } template typename Opm::PAvgCalculator::Sources Opm::ParallelWBPCalculation:: makeEvaluationSources(const WellID well) const { return typename PAvgCalculator::Sources{} .wellBlocks(this->reservoirSrc_) .wellConns (this->wellConnSrc_[well]); } template class Opm::ParallelWBPCalculation;