/* Copyright 2012 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics. This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM). OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OPM. If not, see . */ #include #if HAVE_DYNAMIC_BOOST_TEST #define BOOST_TEST_DYN_LINK #endif #define NVERBOSE // Suppress own messages when throw()ing #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE WellsModuleTest #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { static double invalid_alq = -1e100; static double invalid_vfp = -2147483647; } //Namespace BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(Construction) { const int nphases = 2; const int nwells = 2; const int nperfs = 2; std::shared_ptr W(create_wells(nphases, nwells, nperfs), destroy_wells); if (W) { int cells[] = { 0, 9 }; double WI = 1.0; const double ifrac[] = { 1.0, 0.0 }; const bool ok0 = add_well(INJECTOR, 0.0, 1, &ifrac[0], &cells[0], &WI, "INJECTOR", true, W.get()); const double pfrac[] = { 0.0, 0.0 }; const bool ok1 = add_well(PRODUCER, 0.0, 1, &pfrac[0], &cells[1], &WI, "PRODUCER", true, W.get()); if (ok0 && ok1) { BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(W->number_of_phases, nphases); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(W->number_of_wells , nwells ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(W->well_connpos[0], 0); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(W->well_connpos[1], 1); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(W->well_connpos[W->number_of_wells], nperfs); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(W->well_cells[W->well_connpos[0]], cells[0]); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(W->well_cells[W->well_connpos[1]], cells[1]); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(W->WI[W->well_connpos[0]], WI); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(W->WI[W->well_connpos[1]], WI); using std::string; BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(string(W->name[0]), string("INJECTOR")); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(string(W->name[1]), string("PRODUCER")); } } } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(Controls) { const int nphases = 2; const int nwells = 1; const int nperfs = 2; std::shared_ptr W(create_wells(nphases, nwells, nperfs), destroy_wells); if (W) { int cells[] = { 0 , 9 }; double WI [] = { 1.0, 1.0 }; const double ifrac[] = { 1.0, 0.0 }; const bool ok = add_well(INJECTOR, 0.0, nperfs, &ifrac[0], &cells[0], &WI[0], "INJECTOR", true, W.get()); if (ok) { const double distr[] = { 1.0, 0.0 }; const bool ok1 = append_well_controls(BHP, 1, invalid_alq, invalid_vfp, &distr[0], 0, W.get()); const bool ok2 = append_well_controls(SURFACE_RATE, 1, invalid_alq, invalid_vfp, &distr[0], 0, W.get()); if (ok1 && ok2) { WellControls* ctrls = W->ctrls[0]; BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(well_controls_get_num(ctrls) , 2); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(well_controls_get_current(ctrls), -1); set_current_control(0, 0, W.get()); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(well_controls_get_current(ctrls), 0); set_current_control(0, 1, W.get()); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(well_controls_get_current(ctrls), 1); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(well_controls_iget_type(ctrls , 0) , BHP); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(well_controls_iget_type(ctrls , 1) , SURFACE_RATE); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(well_controls_iget_target(ctrls , 0), 1.0); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(well_controls_iget_target(ctrls , 1), 1.0); } } } } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(Copy) { const int nphases = 2; const int nwells = 2; const int nperfs = 2; std::shared_ptr W1(create_wells(nphases, nwells, nperfs), destroy_wells); std::shared_ptr W2; if (W1) { int cells[] = { 0, 9 }; const double WI = 1.0; const double ifrac[] = { 1.0, 0.0 }; const bool ok0 = add_well(INJECTOR, 0.0, 1, &ifrac[0], &cells[0], &WI, "INJECTOR", true, W1.get()); const double pfrac[] = { 0.0, 0.0 }; const bool ok1 = add_well(PRODUCER, 0.0, 1, &pfrac[0], &cells[1], &WI, "PRODUCER", true, W1.get()); bool ok = ok0 && ok1; for (int w = 0; ok && (w < W1->number_of_wells); ++w) { const double distr[] = { 1.0, 0.0 }; const bool okc1 = append_well_controls(BHP, 1, invalid_alq, invalid_vfp, &distr[0], w, W1.get()); const bool okc2 = append_well_controls(SURFACE_RATE, 1, invalid_alq, invalid_vfp, &distr[0], w, W1.get()); ok = okc1 && okc2; } if (ok) { W2.reset(clone_wells(W1.get()), destroy_wells); } } if (W2) { BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(W2->number_of_phases, W1->number_of_phases); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(W2->number_of_wells , W1->number_of_wells ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(W2->well_connpos[0] , W1->well_connpos[0] ); for (int w = 0; w < W1->number_of_wells; ++w) { using std::string; BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(string(W2->name[w]), string(W1->name[w])); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( W2->type[w] , W1->type[w] ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(W2->well_connpos[w + 1], W1->well_connpos[w + 1]); for (int j = W1->well_connpos[w]; j < W1->well_connpos[w + 1]; ++j) { BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(W2->well_cells[j], W1->well_cells[j]); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(W2->WI [j], W1->WI [j]); } BOOST_CHECK(W1->ctrls[w] != 0); BOOST_CHECK(W2->ctrls[w] != 0); WellControls* c1 = W1->ctrls[w]; WellControls* c2 = W2->ctrls[w]; BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(well_controls_get_num(c2) , well_controls_get_num(c1)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(well_controls_get_current(c2) , well_controls_get_current(c1)); for (int c = 0; c < well_controls_get_num(c1); ++c) { BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(well_controls_iget_type(c2, c) , well_controls_iget_type(c1 , c)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(well_controls_iget_target(c2, c) , well_controls_iget_target(c1 , c)); { const double * dist1 = well_controls_iget_distr(c1 , c ); const double * dist2 = well_controls_iget_distr(c2 , c ); for (int p = 0; p < W1->number_of_phases; ++p) BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( dist1[p] , dist2[p]); } } BOOST_CHECK( well_controls_equal( c1 , c2 , false) ); } } } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(Equals_WellsEqual_ReturnsTrue) { const int nphases = 2; const int nwells = 2; const int nperfs = 2; std::shared_ptr W1(create_wells(nphases, nwells, nperfs), destroy_wells); std::shared_ptr W2(create_wells(nphases, nwells, nperfs), destroy_wells); BOOST_CHECK(wells_equal(W1.get(), W2.get() , false)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(Equals_WellsDiffer_ReturnsFalse) { const int nphases = 2; const int nperfs = 2; std::shared_ptr W1(create_wells(nphases, 2, nperfs), destroy_wells); std::shared_ptr W2(create_wells(nphases, 3, nperfs), destroy_wells); BOOST_CHECK(!wells_equal(W1.get(), W2.get() , false )); }