2024-05-14 10:26:58 +02:00

1154 lines
44 KiB

Copyright 2021 Equinor ASA.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <config.h>
#include <opm/simulators/wells/GasLiftStage2.hpp>
#include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/GasLiftOpt.hpp>
#include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/Schedule.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/utils/DeferredLogger.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/wells/GasLiftSingleWellGeneric.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/wells/GasLiftWellState.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/wells/GroupState.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/wells/WellInterfaceGeneric.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/wells/WellState.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/wells/GasLiftGroupInfo.hpp>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
namespace Opm {
template<class Scalar>
GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::GasLiftStage2(const int report_step_idx,
const Parallel::Communication& comm,
const Schedule& schedule,
const SummaryState& summary_state,
DeferredLogger &deferred_logger,
WellState<Scalar>& well_state,
const GroupState<Scalar>& group_state,
GLiftProdWells &prod_wells,
GLiftOptWells &glift_wells,
GasLiftGroupInfo<Scalar>& group_info,
GLiftWellStateMap &state_map,
bool glift_debug)
: GasLiftCommon<Scalar>(well_state, group_state, deferred_logger, comm, glift_debug)
, prod_wells_{prod_wells}
, stage1_wells_{glift_wells}
, group_info_{group_info}
, well_state_map_{state_map}
, report_step_idx_{report_step_idx}
, summary_state_{summary_state}
, schedule_{schedule}
, glo_{schedule_.glo(report_step_idx_)}
// this->time_step_idx_
// = this->simulator_.model().newtonMethod().currentTimeStep();
* Public methods in alphabetical order
// runOptimize():
// If a group has any production rate constraints, and/or a limit on
// its total rate of lift gas supply, allocates lift gas
// preferentially to the wells that gain the most benefit from
// it. Lift gas increments are allocated in turn to the well that
// currently has the largest weighted incremental gradient. The
// procedure takes account of any limits on the group production rate
// or lift gas supply applied to any level of group, including the FIELD level group.
template<class Scalar>
void GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::runOptimize()
const auto& group = this->schedule_.getGroup("FIELD", this->report_step_idx_);
* Protected methods in alphabetical order
// Update GasLiftWellState and WellState for "well_name" to the
// new ALQ value and related data (the data has already been computed and
// saved in "grad_map")
// INPUT: grad_map : map of incremental (if "add" is true) or decremental
// (if "add" is false) GradInfo structs for each well name.
template<class Scalar>
void GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::
addOrRemoveALQincrement_(GradMap &grad_map,
const std::string& well_name,
bool add)
// only applies to wells in the well_state_map (i.e. wells on this rank)
auto it = this->well_state_map_.find(well_name);
if (it == this->well_state_map_.end())
GasLiftWellState<Scalar>& state = *(it->second.get());
const GradInfo& gi = grad_map.at(well_name);
if (this->debug) {
auto new_alq = gi.alq;
auto old_alq = state.alq();
const std::string msg = fmt::format("well {} : {} ALQ increment, "
"old alq: {}, new alq: {}",
well_name, (add ? "adding" : "subtracting"), old_alq, new_alq);
state.update(gi.new_oil_rate, gi.oil_is_limited,
gi.new_gas_rate, gi.gas_is_limited,
gi.alq, gi.alq_is_limited,
gi.new_water_rate, gi.water_is_limited, add);
this->well_state_.setALQ(well_name, gi.alq);
const auto& pu = this->well_state_.phaseUsage();
std::vector<Scalar> well_pot(pu.num_phases, 0.0);
if (pu.phase_used[BlackoilPhases::PhaseIndex::Liquid])
well_pot[pu.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::PhaseIndex::Liquid]] = gi.new_oil_rate;
if (pu.phase_used[BlackoilPhases::PhaseIndex::Aqua])
well_pot[pu.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::PhaseIndex::Aqua]] = gi.new_water_rate;
if (pu.phase_used[BlackoilPhases::PhaseIndex::Vapour])
well_pot[pu.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::PhaseIndex::Vapour]] = gi.new_gas_rate;
this->well_state_[well_name].well_potentials = well_pot;
template<class Scalar>
std::optional<typename GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::GradInfo>
calcIncOrDecGrad_(const std::string well_name,
const GasLiftSingleWell& gs_well,
const std::string& gr_name_dont_limit,
bool increase)
// only applies to wells in the well_state_map (i.e. wells on this rank)
if (this->well_state_map_.count(well_name) == 0)
return std::nullopt;
GasLiftWellState<Scalar>& state = *(this->well_state_map_.at(well_name).get());
if (checkRateAlreadyLimited_(well_name, state, increase)) {
return std::nullopt;
else {
auto [oil_rate, gas_rate] = state.getRates();
auto alq = state.alq();
auto grad = gs_well.calcIncOrDecGradient(
oil_rate, gas_rate, state.waterRate(), alq, gr_name_dont_limit, increase, /*debug_output=*/false);
if (this->debug) {
if (grad) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format(
"well {} : alq = {} : adding {} gradient = {}",
(increase ? "incremental" : "decremental"),
else {
const std::string msg = fmt::format(
"well {} : alq = {} : failed to compute {} gradient",
(increase ? "incremental" : "decremental")
return grad;
template<class Scalar>
bool GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::
checkRateAlreadyLimited_(const std::string& well_name,
GasLiftWellState<Scalar>& state,
bool increase)
auto current_increase = state.increase();
bool do_check = false;
if (current_increase) {
if (*current_increase == increase) {
do_check = true;
else {
// If current_increase is not defined, it means that stage1
// was unable to either increase nor decrease the ALQ. If the
// initial rates stored in "state" is limited, and if
// "increase" is true, it is not likely that adding ALQ will
// cause the new rates not to be limited. However, if
// "increase" is false, subtracting ALQ can make the new rates
// not limited.
if (increase) {
do_check = true;
if (do_check) {
if (state.gasIsLimited() || state.oilIsLimited() ||
state.alqIsLimited() || state.waterIsLimited()) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format(
"Well {} : alq = {} : skipping {} gradient since {} was limited in previous step",
(increase ? "incremental" : "decremental"),
(state.oilIsLimited() ? "oil" : (state.gasIsLimited() ? "gas" : "alq"))
return true;
return false;
template<class Scalar>
typename GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::GradInfo
deleteGrad_(const std::string& name, bool increase)
GradMap &map = increase ? this->inc_grads_ : this->dec_grads_;
auto value = map.at(name);
return value;
template<class Scalar>
typename GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::GradInfo
deleteDecGradItem_(const std::string& name)
return deleteGrad_(name, /*increase=*/false);
template<class Scalar>
typename GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::GradInfo
deleteIncGradItem_(const std::string& name)
return deleteGrad_(name, /*increase=*/true);
template<class Scalar>
void GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::
displayWarning_(const std::string& msg, const std::string& group_name)
const std::string message = fmt::format("GROUP: {} : {}", group_name, msg);
template<class Scalar>
void GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::
displayWarning_(const std::string& msg)
this->logMessage_(/*prefix=*/"GLIFT2", msg, MessageType::WARNING);
template<class Scalar>
void GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::
displayDebugMessage_(const std::string& msg) const
if (this->debug) {
this->logMessage_(/*prefix=*/"GLIFT2", msg);
template<class Scalar>
void GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::
displayDebugMessage2B_(const std::string& msg)
if (this->debug) {
this->logMessage_(/*prefix=*/"GLIFT2B", msg);
template<class Scalar>
void GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::
displayDebugMessage_(const std::string& msg, const std::string& group_name)
if (this->debug) {
const std::string message = fmt::format(
"Group {} : {}", group_name, msg);
template<class Scalar>
std::tuple<Scalar, Scalar, Scalar, Scalar>
getCurrentGroupRates_(const Group& group)
return {this->group_info_.oilRate(group.name()),
template<class Scalar>
GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::getGroupMaxALQ_(const Group& group)
if (this->glo_.has_group(group.name())) {
const auto& gl_group = this->glo_.group(group.name());
return gl_group.max_lift_gas();
return std::nullopt; // If GLIFTOPT is missing from schedule, assume unlimited alq
template<class Scalar>
GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::getGroupMaxTotalGas_(const Group& group)
if (this->glo_.has_group(group.name())) {
const auto& gl_group = this->glo_.group(group.name());
return gl_group.max_total_gas();
return std::nullopt; // If GLIFTOPT is missing from schedule, assume unlimited alq
// Find all subordinate wells of a given group.
// NOTE: A group can either contain wells or groups, not both.
// If it contains groups, we have to traverse those recursively to find the wells.
// NOTE: This means that wells are located at the leaf nodes of the tree, and
// groups are located at the other nodes (not leaf nodes) of the tree
template<class Scalar>
getGroupGliftWells_(const Group& group)
std::vector<GasLiftSingleWell*> wells;
getGroupGliftWellsRecursive_(group, wells);
return wells;
template<class Scalar>
void GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::
getGroupGliftWellsRecursive_(const Group& group,
std::vector<GasLiftSingleWell*> &wells)
for (const std::string& group_name : group.groups()) {
if (this->schedule_.back().groups.has(group_name)) {
const Group& sub_group =
this->schedule_.getGroup(group_name, this->report_step_idx_);
getGroupGliftWellsRecursive_(sub_group, wells);
for (const std::string& well_name : group.wells()) {
if (this->stage1_wells_.count(well_name) == 1) {
GasLiftSingleWell* well_ptr = this->stage1_wells_.at(well_name).get();
template<class Scalar>
void GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::
mpiSyncGlobalGradVector_(std::vector<GradPair>& grads_global) const
if (this->comm_.size() == 1)
std::vector<GradPair> grads_local;
for (auto itr = grads_global.begin(); itr != grads_global.end(); itr++) {
if (this->well_state_map_.count(itr->first) > 0) {
mpiSyncLocalToGlobalGradVector_(grads_local, grads_global);
template<class Scalar>
void GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::
mpiSyncLocalToGlobalGradVector_(const std::vector<GradPair>& grads_local,
std::vector<GradPair>& grads_global) const
assert(this->comm_.size() > 1); // The parent should check if comm. size is > 1
using Pair = std::pair<int, double>;
std::vector<Pair> grads_local_tmp;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < grads_local.size(); ++i) {
if (!this->well_state_.wellIsOwned(grads_local[i].first))
std::vector<int> sizes_(this->comm_.size());
std::vector<int> displ_(this->comm_.size() + 1, 0);
int mySize = grads_local_tmp.size();
this->comm_.allgather(&mySize, 1, sizes_.data());
std::partial_sum(sizes_.begin(), sizes_.end(), displ_.begin()+1);
std::vector<Pair> grads_global_tmp(displ_.back());
this->comm_.allgatherv(grads_local_tmp.data(), grads_local_tmp.size(),
grads_global_tmp.data(), sizes_.data(), displ_.data());
// NOTE: This leaves the capacity of 'grads_global' unchanged, so
// memory is not reallocated here
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < grads_global_tmp.size(); ++i) {
template<class Scalar>
void GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::
optimizeGroup_(const Group& group)
const auto& group_name = group.name();
const auto prod_control = this->group_state_.production_control(group_name);
if (this->glo_.has_group(group.name()) || ((prod_control != Group::ProductionCMode::NONE) && (prod_control != Group::ProductionCMode::FLD)))
if (this->debug) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format("optimizing (control = {})", Group::ProductionCMode2String(prod_control));
displayDebugMessage_(msg, group_name);
auto wells = getGroupGliftWells_(group);
std::vector<GradPair> inc_grads;
std::vector<GradPair> dec_grads;
redistributeALQ_(wells, group, inc_grads, dec_grads);
removeSurplusALQ_(group, inc_grads, dec_grads);
else {
if (this->debug) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format("skipping (control = {})", Group::ProductionCMode2String(prod_control));
displayDebugMessage_(msg, group_name);
template<class Scalar>
void GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::
optimizeGroupsRecursive_(const Group& group)
for (const std::string& group_name : group.groups()) {
const Group& sub_group = this->schedule_.getGroup(
group_name, this->report_step_idx_);
template<class Scalar>
void GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::
recalculateGradientAndUpdateData_(GradPairItr& grad_itr,
const std::string& gr_name_dont_limit,
bool increase,
//incremental and decremental gradients, if 'grads' are incremental, then
// 'other_grads' are decremental, or conversely, if 'grads' are decremental, then
// 'other_grads' are incremental
std::vector<GradPair>& grads,
std::vector<GradPair>& other_grads)
// NOTE: We make a copy of the name string instead of taking a reference
// since we may have to erase grad_itr (in the "else" condition below)
const std::string name = grad_itr->first;
std::optional<GradInfo> old_grad = std::nullopt;
// only applies to wells in the well_state_map (i.e. wells on this rank)
// the grads and other grads are synchronized later
if(this->stage1_wells_.count(name) > 0) {
GasLiftSingleWell &gs_well = *(this->stage1_wells_.at(name).get());
auto grad = calcIncOrDecGrad_(name, gs_well, gr_name_dont_limit, increase);
if (grad) {
grad_itr->second = grad->grad;
old_grad = updateGrad_(name, *grad, increase);
else {
grads.erase(grad_itr); // NOTE: this invalidates grad_itr
old_grad = deleteGrad_(name, increase);
// If the old incremental/decremental gradient was defined, it becomes the new
// decremental/incremental gradient
if (old_grad) {
// NOTE: Either creates a new item or reassigns
// The old incremental gradient becomes the new decremental gradient
// or the old decremental gradient becomes the new incremental gradient
// NOTE: The gradient itself (old_grad.grad) will be equal to the new decremental
// gradient, but the other fields in old_grad cannot be used as they refer to
// the incremental gradient. E.g. old_grad.alq is the alq after an increase in alq,
// not a decrease, so we need to recalculate the decremental values here..
auto grad = calcIncOrDecGrad_(name, gs_well, gr_name_dont_limit, !increase);
if (grad) {
updateGrad_(name, *grad, !increase);
// NOTE: This may invalidate any iterator into 'other_grads' since
// updateGradVector_() will do a push_back() if 'name' is not found..
updateGradVector_(name, other_grads, grad->grad);
else {
for (auto it = other_grads.begin(); it != other_grads.end(); it++) {
if (it->first == name) {
deleteGrad_(name, !increase);
// redistributeALQ_() :
// DESCRIPTION: The currently allocated increments are redistributed by
// comparing the largest weighted incremental gradient and the
// smallest weighted decremental gradient of the subordinate
// wells. Consider, for example, that the largest weighted incremental
// gradient belongs to well W1, and exceeds the smallest weighted
// decremental gradient, which belongs to well W2. It would be more
// profitable to subtract an increment of lift gas from well W2 and
// allocate it to well W1. After the exchange, the incremental and
// decremental gradients of wells W1 and W2 are recalculated. The
// exchange of increments continues until no weighted incremental
// gradient exceeds a weighted decremental gradient.
// TODO: maybe the redistribution can be simplified by only doing it for the
// FIELD group: For example:
// |
// ---------------+---------------------
// | |
// M5S M5N
// ---------+---------- -----+-------
// | | | |
// B1 G1 C1 F1
// ----+------ ---+--- ---+--- ---+---
// | | | | | | | | |
// B-1H B-2H B-3H G-3H G-4H C-1H C-2H F-1H F-2H
// it is probably unecessary to first redistribute ALQ for the wells B-1H, B-2H,
// and B-3H in group B1, and then in a next separate step, redistribute ALQ for the
// wells G-3H, and G-4H, and similarly, for the wells in groups C1, and F1,
// and then, for the wells under M5S, and then M5N, and finally repeat the procedure
// for all the wells under group PLAT-A, i.e. the wells:
// B-1H, B-2H, B-3H, G-3H, G-4H, C-1H, C-2H, F-1H, and F-2H.
// It seems like it would be more efficient to
// just do it once for the topmost group "PLAT-A" and then skip redistribution for
// all sub groups of "PLAT-A"
template<class Scalar>
void GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::
redistributeALQ_(std::vector<GasLiftSingleWell*>& wells,
const Group& group,
std::vector<GradPair>& inc_grads,
std::vector<GradPair>& dec_grads)
OptimizeState state {*this, group};
if (this->comm_.size() == 1) {
// NOTE: 'inc_grads' and 'dec_grads' can never grow larger than wells.size()
// By reserving space here, we can ensure that any push_back() on these
// will never reallocate memory and invalidate any iterators.
state.calculateEcoGradients(wells, inc_grads, dec_grads);
else {
auto max_size = this->comm_.sum(wells.size());
std::vector<GradPair> inc_grads_local;
std::vector<GradPair> dec_grads_local;
state.calculateEcoGradients(wells, inc_grads_local, dec_grads_local);
// the gradients needs to be communicated to all ranks
mpiSyncLocalToGlobalGradVector_(dec_grads_local, dec_grads);
mpiSyncLocalToGlobalGradVector_(inc_grads_local, inc_grads);
if (!state.checkAtLeastTwoWells(wells)) {
// NOTE: Even though we here in redistributeALQ_() do not use the
// economic gradient if there is only a single well, we still
// need to calculate it (see above) since inc_grads and dec_grads are returned
// and will be used by removeSurplusALQ_() later.
bool stop_iteration = false;
while (!stop_iteration && (state.it++ <= this->max_iterations_)) {
auto [min_dec_grad, max_inc_grad]
= state.getEcoGradients(inc_grads, dec_grads);
if (min_dec_grad) {
assert( max_inc_grad );
// Redistribute if the largest incremental gradient exceeds the
// smallest decremental gradient
if ((*max_inc_grad)->second > (*min_dec_grad)->second) {
state.redistributeALQ(*min_dec_grad, *max_inc_grad);
inc_grads, dec_grads, *min_dec_grad, *max_inc_grad);
stop_iteration = true;
if (state.it > this->max_iterations_) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format("Max iterations {} exceeded.",
displayWarning_(msg, group.name());
// The group has surplus lift gas if it exceeds any production rate limits
// or a lift gas supply limit, or contains any wells that have a weighted
// decremental gradient less than the minimum economic gradient.
// Lift gas increments are removed in turn from the well that currently has
// the smallest weighted decremental gradient, until there is no surplus
// lift gas in the group.
template<class Scalar>
void GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::
removeSurplusALQ_(const Group& group,
std::vector<GradPair>& inc_grads,
std::vector<GradPair>& dec_grads)
if (dec_grads.empty()) {
displayDebugMessage_("no wells to remove ALQ from. Skipping");
const auto max_glift = getGroupMaxALQ_(group);
const auto max_totalgas = getGroupMaxTotalGas_(group);
const auto controls = group.productionControls(this->summary_state_);
//const auto &max_total_gas = gl_group.max_total_gas();
auto [oil_rate, gas_rate, water_rate, alq] = getCurrentGroupRates_(group);
auto min_eco_grad = this->glo_.min_eco_gradient();
bool stop_iteration = false;
if (this->debug) {
std::string max_glift_str = "unlimited";
if (max_glift) max_glift_str = fmt::format("{}", *max_glift);
const std::string msg = fmt::format("Starting remove surplus iteration for group: {}. "
"oil_rate = {}, oil_target = {}, gas_rate = {}, gas_target = {}, "
"water_rate = {}, liquid_target = {}, alq = {}, max_alq = {}",
group.name(), oil_rate, controls.oil_target,
gas_rate, controls.gas_target, water_rate, controls.liquid_target,
alq, max_glift_str);
SurplusState state {*this, group, oil_rate, gas_rate, water_rate, alq,
max_glift, max_totalgas };
while (!stop_iteration) {
if (dec_grads.size() >= 2) {
auto dec_grad_itr = dec_grads.begin();
const auto well_name = dec_grad_itr->first;
auto eco_grad = dec_grad_itr->second;
bool remove = false;
const auto delta = state.computeDelta(well_name);
const auto& [delta_oil, delta_gas, delta_water, delta_alq] = delta;
if (state.checkOilTarget(delta_oil) || state.checkGasTarget(delta_gas)
|| state.checkLiquidTarget(delta_oil + delta_water) || state.checkWaterTarget(delta_water)
|| state.checkALQlimit())
remove = true;
else {
// NOTE: It is enough to check the economic gradient of the first well
// in dec_grads since they are sorted according to the eco. grad.
// If the first well's eco. grad. is greater than the minimum
// eco. grad. then all the other wells' eco. grad. will also be
// greater.
if (state.checkEcoGradient(well_name, eco_grad)) remove = true;
if (remove) {
state.addOrRemoveALQincrement( this->dec_grads_, well_name, /*add=*/false);
// We pass the current group rate in order to avoid limiting the rates
// and gaslift based on the current group limits. In other words we want to reduce
// the gasslift as much as possible as long as we are able to produce the group
// targets
dec_grad_itr, group.name(), /*increase=*/false, dec_grads, inc_grads);
// The dec_grads and inc_grads needs to be syncronized across ranks
// NOTE: recalculateGradientAndUpdateData_() will remove the current gradient
// from dec_grads if it cannot calculate a new decremental gradient.
// This will invalidate dec_grad_itr and well_name
if (dec_grads.empty()) stop_iteration = true;
else {
stop_iteration = true;
if (state.it >= 1) {
if (this->debug) {
auto [oil_rate2, gas_rate2, water_rate2, alq2] = getCurrentGroupRates_(group);
const std::string msg = fmt::format(
"Finished after {} iterations for group: {}."
" oil_rate = {}, gas_rate = {}, water_rate = {}, alq = {}", state.it,
group.name(), oil_rate2, gas_rate2, water_rate2, alq2);
else {
displayDebugMessage_("Finished after 0 iterations");
template<class Scalar>
void GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::
saveGrad_(GradMap& map, const std::string& name, GradInfo& grad)
if (auto it = map.find(name); it == map.end()) {
[[maybe_unused]] auto result = map.emplace(name, grad);
assert(result.second); // the insert was successful
else {
it->second = grad;
template<class Scalar>
void GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::
saveDecGrad_(const std::string& name, GradInfo& grad)
saveGrad_(this->dec_grads_, name, grad);
template<class Scalar>
void GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::
saveIncGrad_(const std::string& name, GradInfo& grad)
saveGrad_(this->inc_grads_, name, grad);
template<class Scalar>
void GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::
sortGradients_(std::vector<GradPair>& grads)
auto cmp = [](GradPair a, GradPair b) {
return a.second < b.second;
std::sort(grads.begin(), grads.end(), cmp);
template<class Scalar>
std::optional<typename GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::GradInfo>
updateGrad_(const std::string& name, GradInfo& grad, bool increase)
GradMap& map = increase ? this->inc_grads_ : this->dec_grads_;
std::optional<GradInfo> old_value = std::nullopt;
if (map.count(name) == 1) {
old_value = map.at(name);
map[name] = grad;
return old_value;
template<class Scalar>
void GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::
updateGradVector_(const std::string& name,
std::vector<GradPair>& grads,
Scalar grad)
for (auto itr = grads.begin(); itr != grads.end(); itr++) {
if (itr->first == name) {
itr->second = grad;
grads.push_back({name, grad});
// NOTE: the gradient vector is no longer sorted, but sorting will be done
// later in getEcoGradients()
* Public methods declared in OptimizeState
template<class Scalar>
void GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::OptimizeState::
calculateEcoGradients(std::vector<GasLiftSingleWell*>& wells,
std::vector<GradPair>& inc_grads,
std::vector<GradPair>& dec_grads)
for (auto well_ptr : wells) {
const auto& gs_well = *well_ptr; // gs = GasLiftSingleWell
const auto& name = gs_well.name();
auto inc_grad = this->parent.calcIncOrDecGrad_(name, gs_well, group.name(), /*increase=*/true);
if (inc_grad) {
inc_grads.emplace_back(std::make_pair(name, inc_grad->grad));
this->parent.saveIncGrad_(name, *inc_grad);
auto dec_grad = this->parent.calcIncOrDecGrad_(name, gs_well, group.name(), /*increase=*/false);
if (dec_grad) {
dec_grads.emplace_back(std::make_pair(name, dec_grad->grad));
this->parent.saveDecGrad_(name, *dec_grad);
template<class Scalar>
bool GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::OptimizeState::
checkAtLeastTwoWells(std::vector<GasLiftSingleWell*>& wells)
int numberOfwells = 0;
for (auto well : wells){
int index_of_wells = well->getWell().indexOfWell();
if (!this->parent.well_state_.wellIsOwned(index_of_wells, well->name()))
numberOfwells = this->parent.comm_.sum(numberOfwells);
if (numberOfwells < 2) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format(
"skipping: too few wells ({}) to optimize.", numberOfwells);
return false;
return true;
template<class Scalar>
void GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::OptimizeState::
const std::string msg = fmt::format("redistribute ALQ iteration {}", this->it);
template<class Scalar>
std::pair<std::optional<typename GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::GradPairItr>,
std::optional<typename GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::GradPairItr>>
getEcoGradients(std::vector<GradPair>& inc_grads,
std::vector<GradPair>& dec_grads)
if (!inc_grads.empty() && !dec_grads.empty()) {
// The largest incremental gradient is the last element
auto inc_grad = std::prev(inc_grads.end());
std::optional<GradPairItr> inc_grad_opt;
std::optional<GradPairItr> dec_grad_opt;
// The smallest decremental gradient is at the beginning
for (auto itr = dec_grads.begin(); itr != dec_grads.end(); itr++) {
if (itr->first == inc_grad->first) {
// Don't consider decremental gradients with the same well name
dec_grad_opt = itr;
if (dec_grad_opt) {
inc_grad_opt = inc_grad;
return { dec_grad_opt, inc_grad_opt };
return {std::nullopt, std::nullopt};
// Recalculate gradients (and related information, see struct GradInfo in
// GasLiftSingleWell.hpp) after an ALQ increment
// has been given from the well with minimum decremental gradient (represented
// by the input argument min_dec_grad_itr) to the well with the largest
// incremental gradient (represented by input argument max_inc_grad_itr).
// For the well with the largest incremental gradient, we compute a new
// incremental gradient given the new ALQ. The new decremental gradient for this
// well is set equal to the current incremental gradient (before the ALQ is added)
// Similiarly, for the well with the smalles decremental gradient, we compute
// a new decremental gradient given the new ALQ. The new incremental gradient
// for this well is set equal to the current decremental gradient
// (before the ALQ is subtracted)
template<class Scalar>
void GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::OptimizeState::
recalculateGradients(std::vector<GradPair>& inc_grads,
std::vector<GradPair>& dec_grads,
GradPairItr& min_dec_grad_itr,
GradPairItr& max_inc_grad_itr)
max_inc_grad_itr, this->group.name(), /*increase=*/true, inc_grads, dec_grads);
min_dec_grad_itr, this->group.name(), /*increase=*/false, dec_grads, inc_grads);
// The dec_grads and inc_grads needs to be syncronized across ranks
// Take one ALQ increment from well1, and give it to well2
template<class Scalar>
void GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::OptimizeState::
redistributeALQ(GradPairItr& min_dec_grad,
GradPairItr& max_inc_grad)
const std::string msg = fmt::format(
"redistributing ALQ from well {} (dec gradient: {}) "
"to well {} (inc gradient {})",
min_dec_grad->first, min_dec_grad->second,
max_inc_grad->first, max_inc_grad->second);
this->parent.dec_grads_, /*well_name=*/min_dec_grad->first, /*add=*/false);
this->parent.inc_grads_, /*well_name=*/max_inc_grad->first, /*add=*/true);
* Private methods declared in OptimizeState
template<class Scalar>
void GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::OptimizeState::
displayDebugMessage_(const std::string& msg)
this->parent.displayDebugMessage_(msg, this->group.name());
template<class Scalar>
void GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::OptimizeState::
displayWarning_(const std::string& msg)
this->parent.displayWarning_(msg, this->group.name());
* Public methods declared in SurplusState
template<class Scalar>
void GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::SurplusState::
addOrRemoveALQincrement(GradMap& grad_map,
const std::string& well_name,
bool add)
if (this->parent.debug) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format("group: {} : well {} : {} ALQ increment",
this->group.name(), well_name, (add ? "adding" : "subtracting"));
this->parent.addOrRemoveALQincrement_(grad_map, well_name, add);
template<class Scalar>
bool GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::SurplusState::
if (this->max_glift) {
Scalar max_alq = *(this->max_glift);
if ((max_alq) < (this->alq) ) {
if (this->parent.debug) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format("group: {} : "
"ALQ rate {} is greater than ALQ limit {}", this->group.name(),
this->alq, max_alq);
return true;
if (this->max_total_gas) {
Scalar max_total = *(this->max_total_gas);
Scalar total_gas_rate = (this->alq + this->gas_rate);
if ((max_total) < total_gas_rate ) {
if (this->parent.debug) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format("group: {} : "
"Total gas rate {} is greater than Total gas limit {}", this->group.name(),
total_gas_rate, max_total);
return true;
return false;
template<class Scalar>
bool GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::SurplusState::
checkEcoGradient(const std::string& well_name, Scalar eco_grad)
if (eco_grad < this->min_eco_grad) {
if (this->parent.debug) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format("group: {}, well: {} : "
"economic gradient {} less than minimum ({})", this->group.name(),
well_name, eco_grad, this->min_eco_grad);
return true;
else {
return false;
template<class Scalar>
bool GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::SurplusState::
checkGasTarget(Scalar delta_gas)
if (this->group.has_control(Group::ProductionCMode::GRAT)) {
// the change in gas rate is added to the gas rate to make sure the
// group still can produce its target
// i.e. we want to find the solution that optimize gas lift while still
// producing the given group limit
if (this->gas_target < (this->gas_rate + delta_gas) ) {
if (this->parent.debug) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format("group: {} : "
"gas rate {} is greater than gas target {}", this->group.name(),
this->gas_rate, this->gas_target);
return true;
return false;
template<class Scalar>
bool GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::SurplusState::
checkLiquidTarget(Scalar delta_liquid)
if (this->group.has_control(Group::ProductionCMode::LRAT)) {
// the change in liquid rate is added to the liquid rate to make sure the
// group still can produce its target
// i.e. we want to find the solution that optimize gas lift while still
// producing the given group limit
auto liquid_rate = this->oil_rate + this->water_rate + delta_liquid;
if (this->liquid_target < (liquid_rate) ) {
if (this->parent.debug) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format("group: {} : "
"liquid rate {} is greater than liquid target {}", this->group.name(),
liquid_rate, this->liquid_target);
return true;
return false;
template<class Scalar>
bool GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::SurplusState::
checkOilTarget(Scalar delta_oil)
if (this->group.has_control(Group::ProductionCMode::ORAT)) {
// the change in oil rate is added to the oil rate to make sure the
// group still can produce its target
// i.e. we want to find the solution that optimize gas lift while still
// producing the given group limit
if (this->oil_target < (this->oil_rate + delta_oil) ) {
if (this->parent.debug) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format("group: {} : "
"oil rate {} is greater than oil target {}", this->group.name(),
this->oil_rate - delta_oil, this->oil_target);
return true;
return false;
template<class Scalar>
bool GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::SurplusState::
checkWaterTarget(Scalar delta_water)
if (this->group.has_control(Group::ProductionCMode::WRAT)) {
// the change in water rate is added to the water rate to make sure the
// group still can produce its target
// i.e. we want to find the solution that optimize gas lift while still
// producing the given group limit
if (this->water_target < (this->water_rate + delta_water) ) {
if (this->parent.debug) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format("group: {} : "
"water rate {} is greater than oil target {}", this->group.name(),
this->water_rate, this->water_target);
return true;
return false;
template<class Scalar>
std::array<Scalar, 4>
computeDelta(const std::string& well_name)
std::array<Scalar, 4> delta = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
// compute the delta on wells on own rank
if (this->parent.well_state_map_.count(well_name) > 0) {
const GradInfo& gi = this->parent.dec_grads_.at(well_name);
GasLiftWellState<Scalar>& state = *(this->parent.well_state_map_.at(well_name).get());
GasLiftSingleWell& gs_well = *(this->parent.stage1_wells_.at(well_name).get());
const WellInterfaceGeneric<Scalar>& well = gs_well.getWell();
// only get deltas for wells owned by this rank
if (this->parent.well_state_.wellIsOwned(well.indexOfWell(), well_name)) {
const auto& well_ecl = well.wellEcl();
Scalar factor = well_ecl.getEfficiencyFactor();
auto& [delta_oil, delta_gas, delta_water, delta_alq] = delta;
delta_oil = factor * (gi.new_oil_rate - state.oilRate());
delta_gas = factor * (gi.new_gas_rate - state.gasRate());
delta_water = factor * (gi.new_water_rate - state.waterRate());
delta_alq = factor * (gi.alq - state.alq());
// and communicate the results
this->parent.comm_.sum(delta.data(), delta.size());
return delta;
template<class Scalar>
void GasLiftStage2<Scalar>::SurplusState::
updateRates(const std::array<Scalar, 4>& delta)
const auto& [delta_oil, delta_gas, delta_water, delta_alq] = delta;
this->oil_rate += delta_oil;
this->gas_rate += delta_gas;
this->water_rate += delta_water;
this->alq += delta_alq;
template class GasLiftStage2<double>;
} // namespace Opm