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// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
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Copyright 2015 IRIS AS
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/EclipseState.hpp>
#include <opm/common/ErrorMacros.hpp>
#include <opm/common/Exceptions.hpp>
#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include <cassert>
#include <memory>
#include <dune/common/exceptions.hh>
#include <dune/grid/common/datahandleif.hh>
#include <dune/grid/utility/persistentcontainer.hh>
namespace Ewoms
/** \brief Interface class to access the logical Cartesian grid as used in industry
standard simulator decks.
template< class Grid >
class AluCartesianIndexMapper
// data handle for communicating global ids during load balance and communication
template <class GridView>
class GlobalIndexDataHandle : public Dune::CommDataHandleIF< GlobalIndexDataHandle<GridView>, int >
// global id
class GlobalCellIndex
int idx_;
GlobalCellIndex() : idx_(-1) {}
GlobalCellIndex& operator= ( const int index ) { idx_ = index; return *this; }
int index() const { return idx_; }
typedef typename Dune::PersistentContainer< Grid, GlobalCellIndex > GlobalIndexContainer;
GridView gridView_;
GlobalIndexContainer globalIndex_;
std::vector<int>& cartesianIndex_;
// constructor copying cartesian index to persistent container
GlobalIndexDataHandle( const GridView& gridView,
std::vector<int>& cartesianIndex )
: gridView_( gridView ),
globalIndex_( gridView.grid(), 0 ),
cartesianIndex_( cartesianIndex )
// constructor copying cartesian index to persistent container
GlobalIndexDataHandle( const GlobalIndexDataHandle& other ) = delete ;
// destrcutor writing load balanced cartesian index back to vector
//std::cout << "CartesianIndex " << cartesianIndex_.size() << std::endl;
//for( size_t i=0; i<cartesianIndex_.size(); ++i )
// std::cout << "cart[ " << i << " ] = " << cartesianIndex_[ i ] << std::endl;
bool contains ( int dim, int codim ) const { return codim == 0; }
bool fixedsize( int dim, int codim ) const { return true; }
//! \brief loop over all internal data handlers and call gather for
//! given entity
template<class MessageBufferImp, class EntityType>
void gather (MessageBufferImp& buff, const EntityType& element ) const
int globalIdx = globalIndex_[ element ].index();
buff.write( globalIdx );
//! \brief loop over all internal data handlers and call scatter for
//! given entity
template<class MessageBufferImp, class EntityType>
void scatter (MessageBufferImp& buff, const EntityType& element, size_t n)
int globalIdx = -1;
buff.read( globalIdx );
if( globalIdx >= 0 )
globalIndex_[ element ] = globalIdx;
//! \brief loop over all internal data handlers and return sum of data
//! size of given entity
template<class EntityType>
size_t size (const EntityType& en) const
return 1;
// initialize persistent container from given vector
void initialize()
auto idx = cartesianIndex_.begin();
for(auto it = gridView_.template begin<0>(),
end = gridView_.template end<0>(); it != end; ++it, ++idx )
globalIndex_[ *it ] = *idx;
// update vector from given persistent container
void finalize()
std::vector< int > newIndex ;
newIndex.reserve( gridView_.indexSet().size( 0 ) );
for(auto it = gridView_.template begin<0>(),
end = gridView_.template end<0>(); it != end; ++it)
newIndex.push_back( globalIndex_[ *it ].index() ) ;
cartesianIndex_.swap( newIndex );
/** \brief dimension of the grid */
static const int dimension = Grid :: dimension ;
/** \brief constructor taking grid */
AluCartesianIndexMapper( const Grid& grid,
const std::array<int, dimension>& cartDims,
const std::vector<int>& cartesianIndex )
: grid_( grid ),
cartesianDimensions_( cartDims ),
cartesianIndex_( cartesianIndex ),
cartesianSize_( computeCartesianSize() )
/** \brief return Cartesian dimensions, i.e. number of cells in each direction */
const std::array<int, dimension>& cartesianDimensions() const
return cartesianDimensions_;
/** \brief return total number of cells in the logical Cartesian grid */
int cartesianSize() const
return cartesianSize_;
/** \brief return number of cells in the active grid */
int compressedSize() const
return cartesianIndex_.size();
/** \brief return index of the cells in the logical Cartesian grid */
int cartesianIndex( const int compressedElementIndex ) const
assert( compressedElementIndex < compressedSize() );
return cartesianIndex_[ compressedElementIndex ];
/** \brief return index of the cells in the logical Cartesian grid */
int cartesianIndex( const std::array<int,dimension>& coords ) const
int cartIndex = coords[ 0 ];
int factor = cartesianDimensions()[ 0 ];
for( int i=1; i<dimension; ++i )
cartIndex += coords[ i ] * factor;
factor *= cartesianDimensions()[ i ];
return cartIndex;
/** \brief return Cartesian coordinate, i.e. IJK, for a given cell */
void cartesianCoordinate(const int compressedElementIndex, std::array<int,dimension>& coords) const
int gc = cartesianIndex( compressedElementIndex );
if( dimension == 3 )
coords[0] = gc % cartesianDimensions()[0];
gc /= cartesianDimensions()[0];
coords[1] = gc % cartesianDimensions()[1];
coords[2] = gc / cartesianDimensions()[1];
else if( dimension == 2 )
coords[0] = gc % cartesianDimensions()[0];
coords[1] = gc / cartesianDimensions()[0];
else if( dimension == 1 )
coords[ 0 ] = gc ;
OPM_THROW(Opm::NotImplemented,"cartesianCoordinate not implemented for dimension " << dimension );
template <class GridView>
std::unique_ptr< GlobalIndexDataHandle< GridView > > dataHandle( const GridView& gridView )
typedef GlobalIndexDataHandle< GridView > DataHandle ;
assert( &grid_ == &gridView.grid() );
return std::unique_ptr< DataHandle > (new DataHandle( gridView, cartesianIndex_ ));
int computeCartesianSize() const
int size = cartesianDimensions()[ 0 ];
for( int d=1; d<dimension; ++d )
size *= cartesianDimensions()[ d ];
return size ;
const Grid& grid_;
const std::array<int, dimension> cartesianDimensions_;
std::vector<int> cartesianIndex_;
const int cartesianSize_ ;
} // end namespace Opm