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Copyright 2017 SINTEF Digital, Mathematics and Cybernetics.
Copyright 2017 Statoil ASA.
Copyright 2018 IRIS
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <opm/common/Exceptions.hpp>
#include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/ScheduleTypes.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/utils/DeferredLoggingErrorHelpers.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/wells/GroupState.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/wells/TargetCalculator.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/wells/WellBhpThpCalculator.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/wells/WellHelpers.hpp>
#include <dune/common/version.hh>
#include <fmt/format.h>
namespace Opm
template<typename TypeTag>
WellInterface(const Well& well,
const ParallelWellInfo& pw_info,
const int time_step,
const ModelParameters& param,
const RateConverterType& rate_converter,
const int pvtRegionIdx,
const int num_components,
const int num_phases,
const int index_of_well,
const std::vector<PerforationData>& perf_data)
: WellInterfaceIndices<FluidSystem,Indices,Scalar>(well,
, param_(param)
if constexpr (has_solvent || has_zFraction) {
if (well.isInjector()) {
auto injectorType = this->well_ecl_.injectorType();
if (injectorType == InjectorType::GAS) {
this->wsolvent_ = this->well_ecl_.getSolventFraction();
template<typename TypeTag>
init(const PhaseUsage* phase_usage_arg,
const std::vector<double>& /* depth_arg */,
const double gravity_arg,
const int /* num_cells */,
const std::vector< Scalar >& B_avg,
const bool changed_to_open_this_step)
this->phase_usage_ = phase_usage_arg;
this->gravity_ = gravity_arg;
B_avg_ = B_avg;
this->changed_to_open_this_step_ = changed_to_open_this_step;
template<typename TypeTag>
wpolymer() const
if constexpr (has_polymer) {
return this->wpolymer_();
return 0.0;
template<typename TypeTag>
wfoam() const
if constexpr (has_foam) {
return this->wfoam_();
return 0.0;
template<typename TypeTag>
wsalt() const
if constexpr (has_brine) {
return this->wsalt_();
return 0.0;
template<typename TypeTag>
wmicrobes() const
if constexpr (has_micp) {
return this->wmicrobes_();
return 0.0;
template<typename TypeTag>
woxygen() const
if constexpr (has_micp) {
return this->woxygen_();
return 0.0;
// The urea injection concentration is scaled down by a factor of 10, since its value
// can be much bigger than 1 (not doing this slows the simulations). The
// corresponding values are scaled accordingly in blackoilmicpmodules.hh when computing
// the reactions and also when writing the output files (vtk and eclipse format, i.e.,
// vtkblackoilmicpmodule.hh and ecloutputblackoilmodel.hh respectively).
template<typename TypeTag>
wurea() const
if constexpr (has_micp) {
return this->wurea_();
return 0.0;
template<typename TypeTag>
updateWellControl(const Simulator& ebos_simulator,
const IndividualOrGroup iog,
WellState& well_state,
const GroupState& group_state,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger) /* const */
const auto& summary_state = ebos_simulator.vanguard().summaryState();
if (this->stopppedOrZeroRateTarget(summary_state, well_state)) {
return false;
const auto& summaryState = ebos_simulator.vanguard().summaryState();
const auto& schedule = ebos_simulator.vanguard().schedule();
const auto& well = this->well_ecl_;
auto& ws = well_state.well(this->index_of_well_);
std::string from;
if (well.isInjector()) {
from = WellInjectorCMode2String(ws.injection_cmode);
} else {
from = WellProducerCMode2String(ws.production_cmode);
bool oscillating = std::count(this->well_control_log_.begin(), this->well_control_log_.end(), from) >= param_.max_number_of_well_switches_;
if (oscillating) {
// only output frist time
bool output = std::count(this->well_control_log_.begin(), this->well_control_log_.end(), from) == param_.max_number_of_well_switches_;
if (output) {
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << " The control model for well " << this->name()
<< " is oscillating\n"
<< " We don't allow for more than "
<< param_.max_number_of_well_switches_
<< " switches. The control is kept at " << from;
// add one more to avoid outputting the same info again
return false;
bool changed = false;
if (iog == IndividualOrGroup::Individual) {
changed = this->checkIndividualConstraints(ws, summaryState, deferred_logger);
} else if (iog == IndividualOrGroup::Group) {
changed = this->checkGroupConstraints(well_state, group_state, schedule, summaryState, deferred_logger);
} else {
assert(iog == IndividualOrGroup::Both);
changed = this->checkConstraints(well_state, group_state, schedule, summaryState, deferred_logger);
Parallel::Communication cc = ebos_simulator.vanguard().grid().comm();
// checking whether control changed
if (changed) {
std::string to;
if (well.isInjector()) {
to = WellInjectorCMode2String(ws.injection_cmode);
} else {
to = WellProducerCMode2String(ws.production_cmode);
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << " Switching control mode for well " << this->name()
<< " from " << from
<< " to " << to;
if (cc.size() > 1) {
ss << " on rank " << cc.rank();
updateWellStateWithTarget(ebos_simulator, group_state, well_state, deferred_logger);
updatePrimaryVariables(summaryState, well_state, deferred_logger);
return changed;
template<typename TypeTag>
wellTesting(const Simulator& simulator,
const double simulation_time,
/* const */ WellState& well_state,
const GroupState& group_state,
WellTestState& well_test_state,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger)
deferred_logger.info(" well " + this->name() + " is being tested");
WellState well_state_copy = well_state;
auto& ws = well_state_copy.well(this->indexOfWell());
updateWellStateWithTarget(simulator, group_state, well_state_copy, deferred_logger);
calculateExplicitQuantities(simulator, well_state_copy, deferred_logger);
const auto& summary_state = simulator.vanguard().summaryState();
updatePrimaryVariables(summary_state, well_state_copy, deferred_logger);
if (this->isProducer()) {
gliftBeginTimeStepWellTestUpdateALQ(simulator, well_state_copy, deferred_logger);
WellTestState welltest_state_temp;
bool testWell = true;
// if a well is closed because all completions are closed, we need to check each completion
// individually. We first open all completions, then we close one by one by calling updateWellTestState
// untill the number of closed completions do not increase anymore.
while (testWell) {
const size_t original_number_closed_completions = welltest_state_temp.num_closed_completions();
bool converged = solveWellForTesting(simulator, well_state_copy, group_state, deferred_logger);
if (!converged) {
const auto msg = fmt::format("WTEST: Well {} is not solvable (physical)", this->name());
updateWellOperability(simulator, well_state_copy, deferred_logger);
if ( !this->isOperableAndSolvable() ) {
const auto msg = fmt::format("WTEST: Well {} is not operable (physical)", this->name());
std::vector<double> potentials;
try {
computeWellPotentials(simulator, well_state_copy, potentials, deferred_logger);
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
const std::string msg = std::string("well ") + this->name() + std::string(": computeWellPotentials() failed during testing for re-opening: ") + e.what();
const int np = well_state_copy.numPhases();
for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) {
ws.well_potentials[p] = std::max(0.0, potentials[p]);
this->updateWellTestState(well_state_copy.well(this->indexOfWell()), simulation_time, /*writeMessageToOPMLog=*/ false, welltest_state_temp, deferred_logger);
// Stop testing if the well is closed or shut due to all completions shut
// Also check if number of completions has increased. If the number of closed completions do not increased
// we stop the testing.
// TODO: it can be tricky here, if the well is shut/closed due to other reasons
if ( welltest_state_temp.num_closed_wells() > 0 ||
(original_number_closed_completions == welltest_state_temp.num_closed_completions()) ) {
testWell = false; // this terminates the while loop
// update wellTestState if the well test succeeds
if (!welltest_state_temp.well_is_closed(this->name())) {
std::string msg = std::string("well ") + this->name() + std::string(" is re-opened");
// also reopen completions
for (auto& completion : this->well_ecl_.getCompletions()) {
if (!welltest_state_temp.completion_is_closed(this->name(), completion.first))
well_test_state.open_completion(this->name(), completion.first);
// set the status of the well_state to open
well_state = well_state_copy;
template<typename TypeTag>
iterateWellEquations(const Simulator& ebosSimulator,
const double dt,
WellState& well_state,
const GroupState& group_state,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger)
const auto& summary_state = ebosSimulator.vanguard().summaryState();
const auto inj_controls = this->well_ecl_.isInjector() ? this->well_ecl_.injectionControls(summary_state) : Well::InjectionControls(0);
const auto prod_controls = this->well_ecl_.isProducer() ? this->well_ecl_.productionControls(summary_state) : Well::ProductionControls(0);
bool converged = false;
try {
converged = this->iterateWellEqWithControl(ebosSimulator, dt, inj_controls, prod_controls, well_state, group_state, deferred_logger);
} catch (NumericalProblem& e ) {
const std::string msg = "Inner well iterations failed for well " + this->name() + " Treat the well as unconverged. ";
deferred_logger.warning("INNER_ITERATION_FAILED", msg);
converged = false;
return converged;
template<typename TypeTag>
solveWellForTesting(const Simulator& ebosSimulator, WellState& well_state, const GroupState& group_state,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger)
// keep a copy of the original well state
const WellState well_state0 = well_state;
const double dt = ebosSimulator.timeStepSize();
const auto& summary_state = ebosSimulator.vanguard().summaryState();
const bool has_thp_limit = this->wellHasTHPConstraints(summary_state);
bool converged;
if (has_thp_limit) {
well_state.well(this->indexOfWell()).production_cmode = Well::ProducerCMode::THP;
converged = gliftBeginTimeStepWellTestIterateWellEquations(
ebosSimulator, dt, well_state, group_state, deferred_logger);
else {
well_state.well(this->indexOfWell()).production_cmode = Well::ProducerCMode::BHP;
converged = iterateWellEquations(ebosSimulator, dt, well_state, group_state, deferred_logger);
if (converged) {
deferred_logger.debug("WellTest: Well equation for well " + this->name() + " converged");
return true;
const int max_iter = param_.max_welleq_iter_;
deferred_logger.debug("WellTest: Well equation for well " + this->name() + " failed converging in "
+ std::to_string(max_iter) + " iterations");
well_state = well_state0;
return false;
template<typename TypeTag>
solveWellEquation(const Simulator& ebosSimulator,
WellState& well_state,
const GroupState& group_state,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger)
if (!this->isOperableAndSolvable() && !this->wellIsStopped())
// keep a copy of the original well state
const WellState well_state0 = well_state;
const double dt = ebosSimulator.timeStepSize();
bool converged = iterateWellEquations(ebosSimulator, dt, well_state, group_state, deferred_logger);
// Newly opened wells with THP control sometimes struggles to
// converge due to bad initial guess. Or due to the simple fact
// that the well needs to change to another control.
// We therefore try to solve the well with BHP control to get
// an better initial guess.
// If the well is supposed to operate under THP control
// "updateWellControl" will switch it back to THP later.
if (!converged) {
auto& ws = well_state.well(this->indexOfWell());
bool thp_control = false;
if (this->well_ecl_.isInjector()) {
thp_control = ws.injection_cmode == Well::InjectorCMode::THP;
if (thp_control) {
ws.injection_cmode = Well::InjectorCMode::BHP;
} else {
thp_control = ws.production_cmode == Well::ProducerCMode::THP;
if (thp_control) {
ws.production_cmode = Well::ProducerCMode::BHP;
if (thp_control) {
const std::string msg = std::string("The newly opened well ") + this->name()
+ std::string(" with THP control did not converge during inner iterations, we try again with bhp control");
converged = this->iterateWellEquations(ebosSimulator, dt, well_state, group_state, deferred_logger);
if (!converged) {
const int max_iter = param_.max_welleq_iter_;
deferred_logger.debug("Compute initial well solution for well " + this->name() + ". Failed to converge in "
+ std::to_string(max_iter) + " iterations");
well_state = well_state0;
template <typename TypeTag>
assembleWellEq(const Simulator& ebosSimulator,
const double dt,
WellState& well_state,
const GroupState& group_state,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger)
prepareWellBeforeAssembling(ebosSimulator, dt, well_state, group_state, deferred_logger);
assembleWellEqWithoutIteration(ebosSimulator, dt, well_state, group_state, deferred_logger);
template <typename TypeTag>
assembleWellEqWithoutIteration(const Simulator& ebosSimulator,
const double dt,
WellState& well_state,
const GroupState& group_state,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger)
const auto& summary_state = ebosSimulator.vanguard().summaryState();
const auto inj_controls = this->well_ecl_.isInjector() ? this->well_ecl_.injectionControls(summary_state) : Well::InjectionControls(0);
const auto prod_controls = this->well_ecl_.isProducer() ? this->well_ecl_.productionControls(summary_state) : Well::ProductionControls(0);
// TODO: the reason to have inj_controls and prod_controls in the arguments, is that we want to change the control used for the well functions
// TODO: maybe we can use std::optional or pointers to simplify here
assembleWellEqWithoutIteration(ebosSimulator, dt, inj_controls, prod_controls, well_state, group_state, deferred_logger);
template<typename TypeTag>
prepareWellBeforeAssembling(const Simulator& ebosSimulator,
const double dt,
WellState& well_state,
const GroupState& group_state,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger)
const bool old_well_operable = this->operability_status_.isOperableAndSolvable();
if (param_.check_well_operability_iter_)
checkWellOperability(ebosSimulator, well_state, deferred_logger);
// only use inner well iterations for the first newton iterations.
const int iteration_idx = ebosSimulator.model().newtonMethod().numIterations();
if (iteration_idx < param_.max_niter_inner_well_iter_ || this->well_ecl_.isMultiSegment()) {
this->operability_status_.solvable = true;
bool converged = this->iterateWellEquations(ebosSimulator, dt, well_state, group_state, deferred_logger);
// unsolvable wells are treated as not operable and will not be solved for in this iteration.
if (!converged) {
if (param_.shut_unsolvable_wells_)
this->operability_status_.solvable = false;
if (this->operability_status_.has_negative_potentials) {
auto well_state_copy = well_state;
std::vector<double> potentials;
try {
computeWellPotentials(ebosSimulator, well_state_copy, potentials, deferred_logger);
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
const std::string msg = std::string("well ") + this->name() + std::string(": computeWellPotentials() failed during attempt to recompute potentials for well : ") + e.what();
this->operability_status_.has_negative_potentials = true;
auto& ws = well_state.well(this->indexOfWell());
const int np = well_state.numPhases();
for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) {
ws.well_potentials[p] = std::max(0.0, potentials[p]);
this->changed_to_open_this_step_ = false;
const bool well_operable = this->operability_status_.isOperableAndSolvable();
if (!well_operable && old_well_operable) {
if (this->well_ecl_.getAutomaticShutIn()) {
deferred_logger.info(" well " + this->name() + " gets SHUT during iteration ");
} else {
if (!this->wellIsStopped()) {
deferred_logger.info(" well " + this->name() + " gets STOPPED during iteration ");
changed_to_stopped_this_step_ = true;
} else if (well_operable && !old_well_operable) {
deferred_logger.info(" well " + this->name() + " gets REVIVED during iteration ");
changed_to_stopped_this_step_ = false;
this->changed_to_open_this_step_ = true;
template<typename TypeTag>
WellInterface<TypeTag>::addCellRates(RateVector& rates, int cellIdx) const
if(!this->isOperableAndSolvable() && !this->wellIsStopped())
for (int perfIdx = 0; perfIdx < this->number_of_perforations_; ++perfIdx) {
if (this->cells()[perfIdx] == cellIdx) {
for (int i = 0; i < RateVector::dimension; ++i) {
rates[i] += connectionRates_[perfIdx][i];
template<typename TypeTag>
typename WellInterface<TypeTag>::Scalar
WellInterface<TypeTag>::volumetricSurfaceRateForConnection(int cellIdx, int phaseIdx) const {
for (int perfIdx = 0; perfIdx < this->number_of_perforations_; ++perfIdx) {
if (this->cells()[perfIdx] == cellIdx) {
const unsigned activeCompIdx = Indices::canonicalToActiveComponentIndex(FluidSystem::solventComponentIndex(phaseIdx));
return connectionRates_[perfIdx][activeCompIdx].value();
// this is not thread safe
OPM_THROW(std::invalid_argument, "The well with name " + this->name()
+ " does not perforate cell " + std::to_string(cellIdx));
return 0.0;
template<typename TypeTag>
checkWellOperability(const Simulator& ebos_simulator,
const WellState& well_state,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger)
if (!param_.check_well_operability_) {
if (this->wellIsStopped() && !changed_to_stopped_this_step_) {
updateWellOperability(ebos_simulator, well_state, deferred_logger);
if (!this->operability_status_.isOperableAndSolvable()) {
this->operability_status_.use_vfpexplicit = true;
"well not operable, trying with explicit vfp lookup: " + this->name());
updateWellOperability(ebos_simulator, well_state, deferred_logger);
template<typename TypeTag>
const Simulator& ebos_simulator,
const double dt,
WellState& well_state,
const GroupState &group_state,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger)
const auto& well_name = this->name();
const auto& schedule = ebos_simulator.vanguard().schedule();
auto report_step_idx = ebos_simulator.episodeIndex();
const auto& glo = schedule.glo(report_step_idx);
if(glo.has_well(well_name)) {
auto increment = glo.gaslift_increment();
auto alq = well_state.getALQ(well_name);
bool converged;
while (alq > 0) {
well_state.setALQ(well_name, alq);
if ((converged =
iterateWellEquations(ebos_simulator, dt, well_state, group_state, deferred_logger)))
return converged;
alq -= increment;
return false;
else {
return iterateWellEquations(ebos_simulator, dt, well_state, group_state, deferred_logger);
template<typename TypeTag>
gliftBeginTimeStepWellTestUpdateALQ(const Simulator& ebos_simulator,
WellState& well_state,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger)
const auto& summary_state = ebos_simulator.vanguard().summaryState();
const auto& well_name = this->name();
if (!this->wellHasTHPConstraints(summary_state)) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format("GLIFT WTEST: Well {} does not have THP constraints", well_name);
const auto& well_ecl = this->wellEcl();
const auto& schedule = ebos_simulator.vanguard().schedule();
auto report_step_idx = ebos_simulator.episodeIndex();
const auto& glo = schedule.glo(report_step_idx);
if (!glo.has_well(well_name)) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format(
"GLIFT WTEST: Well {} : Gas Lift not activated: "
"WLIFTOPT is probably missing. Skipping.", well_name);
const auto& gl_well = glo.well(well_name);
auto& max_alq_optional = gl_well.max_rate();
double max_alq;
if (max_alq_optional) {
max_alq = *max_alq_optional;
else {
const auto& controls = well_ecl.productionControls(summary_state);
const auto& table = this->vfpProperties()->getProd()->getTable(controls.vfp_table_number);
const auto& alq_values = table.getALQAxis();
max_alq = alq_values.back();
well_state.setALQ(well_name, max_alq);
const std::string msg = fmt::format(
"GLIFT WTEST: Well {} : Setting ALQ to max value: {}",
well_name, max_alq);
template<typename TypeTag>
updateWellOperability(const Simulator& ebos_simulator,
const WellState& well_state,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger)
bool thp_controlled = this->isInjector() ? well_state.well(this->index_of_well_).injection_cmode == Well::InjectorCMode::THP:
well_state.well(this->index_of_well_).production_cmode == Well::ProducerCMode::THP;
bool bhp_controlled = this->isInjector() ? well_state.well(this->index_of_well_).injection_cmode == Well::InjectorCMode::BHP:
well_state.well(this->index_of_well_).production_cmode == Well::ProducerCMode::BHP;
// Operability checking is not free
// Only check wells under BHP and THP control
bool check_thp = thp_controlled || this->operability_status_.thp_limit_violated_but_not_switched;
if (check_thp || bhp_controlled) {
updateIPR(ebos_simulator, deferred_logger);
checkOperabilityUnderBHPLimit(well_state, ebos_simulator, deferred_logger);
// we do some extra checking for wells under THP control.
if (check_thp) {
checkOperabilityUnderTHPLimit(ebos_simulator, well_state, deferred_logger);
template<typename TypeTag>
updateWellStateWithTarget(const Simulator& ebos_simulator,
const GroupState& group_state,
WellState& well_state,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger) const
// only bhp and wellRates are used to initilize the primaryvariables for standard wells
const auto& well = this->well_ecl_;
const int well_index = this->index_of_well_;
auto& ws = well_state.well(well_index);
const auto& pu = this->phaseUsage();
const int np = well_state.numPhases();
const auto& summaryState = ebos_simulator.vanguard().summaryState();
const auto& schedule = ebos_simulator.vanguard().schedule();
if (this->wellIsStopped()) {
for (int p = 0; p<np; ++p) {
ws.surface_rates[p] = 0;
ws.thp = 0;
if (this->isInjector() )
const auto& controls = well.injectionControls(summaryState);
InjectorType injectorType = controls.injector_type;
int phasePos;
switch (injectorType) {
case InjectorType::WATER:
phasePos = pu.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Aqua];
case InjectorType::OIL:
phasePos = pu.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Liquid];
case InjectorType::GAS:
phasePos = pu.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Vapour];
OPM_DEFLOG_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Expected WATER, OIL or GAS as type for injectors " + this->name(), deferred_logger );
const auto current = ws.injection_cmode;
switch(current) {
case Well::InjectorCMode::RATE:
ws.surface_rates[phasePos] = (1.0 - this->rsRvInj()) * controls.surface_rate;
if(this->rsRvInj() > 0) {
if (injectorType == InjectorType::OIL && FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx)) {
ws.surface_rates[pu.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Vapour]] = controls.surface_rate * this->rsRvInj();
} else if (injectorType == InjectorType::GAS && FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx)) {
ws.surface_rates[pu.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Liquid]] = controls.surface_rate * this->rsRvInj();
} else {
OPM_DEFLOG_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Expected OIL or GAS as type for injectors when RS/RV (item 10) is non-zero " + this->name(), deferred_logger );
case Well::InjectorCMode::RESV:
std::vector<double> convert_coeff(this->number_of_phases_, 1.0);
this->rateConverter_.calcCoeff(/*fipreg*/ 0, this->pvtRegionIdx_, convert_coeff);
const double coeff = convert_coeff[phasePos];
ws.surface_rates[phasePos] = controls.reservoir_rate/coeff;
case Well::InjectorCMode::THP:
auto rates = ws.surface_rates;
double bhp = WellBhpThpCalculator(*this).calculateBhpFromThp(well_state,
ws.bhp = bhp;
ws.thp = this->getTHPConstraint(summaryState);
// if the total rates are negative or zero
// we try to provide a better intial well rate
// using the well potentials
double total_rate = std::accumulate(rates.begin(), rates.end(), 0.0);
if (total_rate <= 0.0)
ws.surface_rates = ws.well_potentials;
case Well::InjectorCMode::BHP:
ws.bhp = controls.bhp_limit;
double total_rate = 0.0;
for (int p = 0; p<np; ++p) {
total_rate += ws.surface_rates[p];
// if the total rates are negative or zero
// we try to provide a better intial well rate
// using the well potentials
if (total_rate <= 0.0)
ws.surface_rates = ws.well_potentials;
case Well::InjectorCMode::GRUP:
const auto& group = schedule.getGroup(well.groupName(), this->currentStep());
const double efficiencyFactor = well.getEfficiencyFactor();
std::optional<double> target =
if (target)
ws.surface_rates[phasePos] = *target;
case Well::InjectorCMode::CMODE_UNDEFINED:
OPM_DEFLOG_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Well control must be specified for well " + this->name(), deferred_logger );
// for wells with zero injection rate, if we assign exactly zero rate,
// we will have to assume some trivial composition in the wellbore.
// here, we use some small value (about 0.01 m^3/day ~= 1.e-7) to initialize
// the zero rate target, then we can use to retain the composition information
// within the wellbore from the previous result, and hopefully it is a good
// initial guess for the zero rate target.
ws.surface_rates[phasePos] = std::max(1.e-7, ws.surface_rates[phasePos]);
const auto current = ws.production_cmode;
const auto& controls = well.productionControls(summaryState);
switch (current) {
case Well::ProducerCMode::ORAT:
double current_rate = -ws.surface_rates[ pu.phase_pos[Oil] ];
// for trivial rates or opposite direction we don't just scale the rates
// but use either the potentials or the mobility ratio to initial the well rates
if (current_rate > 0.0) {
for (int p = 0; p<np; ++p) {
ws.surface_rates[p] *= controls.oil_rate/current_rate;
} else {
const std::vector<double> fractions = initialWellRateFractions(ebos_simulator, well_state);
double control_fraction = fractions[pu.phase_pos[Oil]];
if (control_fraction != 0.0) {
for (int p = 0; p<np; ++p) {
ws.surface_rates[p] = - fractions[p] * controls.oil_rate/control_fraction;
case Well::ProducerCMode::WRAT:
double current_rate = -ws.surface_rates[ pu.phase_pos[Water] ];
// for trivial rates or opposite direction we don't just scale the rates
// but use either the potentials or the mobility ratio to initial the well rates
if (current_rate > 0.0) {
for (int p = 0; p<np; ++p) {
ws.surface_rates[p] *= controls.water_rate/current_rate;
} else {
const std::vector<double> fractions = initialWellRateFractions(ebos_simulator, well_state);
double control_fraction = fractions[pu.phase_pos[Water]];
if (control_fraction != 0.0) {
for (int p = 0; p<np; ++p) {
ws.surface_rates[p] = - fractions[p] * controls.water_rate/control_fraction;
case Well::ProducerCMode::GRAT:
double current_rate = -ws.surface_rates[pu.phase_pos[Gas] ];
// or trivial rates or opposite direction we don't just scale the rates
// but use either the potentials or the mobility ratio to initial the well rates
if (current_rate > 0.0) {
for (int p = 0; p<np; ++p) {
ws.surface_rates[p] *= controls.gas_rate/current_rate;
} else {
const std::vector<double> fractions = initialWellRateFractions(ebos_simulator, well_state);
double control_fraction = fractions[pu.phase_pos[Gas]];
if (control_fraction != 0.0) {
for (int p = 0; p<np; ++p) {
ws.surface_rates[p] = - fractions[p] * controls.gas_rate/control_fraction;
case Well::ProducerCMode::LRAT:
double current_rate = -ws.surface_rates[ pu.phase_pos[Water] ]
- ws.surface_rates[ pu.phase_pos[Oil] ];
// or trivial rates or opposite direction we don't just scale the rates
// but use either the potentials or the mobility ratio to initial the well rates
if (current_rate > 0.0) {
for (int p = 0; p<np; ++p) {
ws.surface_rates[p] *= controls.liquid_rate/current_rate;
} else {
const std::vector<double> fractions = initialWellRateFractions(ebos_simulator, well_state);
double control_fraction = fractions[pu.phase_pos[Water]] + fractions[pu.phase_pos[Oil]];
if (control_fraction != 0.0) {
for (int p = 0; p<np; ++p) {
ws.surface_rates[p] = - fractions[p] * controls.liquid_rate / control_fraction;
case Well::ProducerCMode::CRAT:
fmt::format("CRAT control not supported, well {}", this->name()),
case Well::ProducerCMode::RESV:
std::vector<double> convert_coeff(this->number_of_phases_, 1.0);
this->rateConverter_.calcCoeff(/*fipreg*/ 0, this->pvtRegionIdx_, ws.surface_rates, convert_coeff);
double total_res_rate = 0.0;
for (int p = 0; p<np; ++p) {
total_res_rate -= ws.surface_rates[p] * convert_coeff[p];
if (controls.prediction_mode) {
// or trivial rates or opposite direction we don't just scale the rates
// but use either the potentials or the mobility ratio to initial the well rates
if (total_res_rate > 0.0) {
for (int p = 0; p<np; ++p) {
ws.surface_rates[p] *= controls.resv_rate/total_res_rate;
} else {
const std::vector<double> fractions = initialWellRateFractions(ebos_simulator, well_state);
for (int p = 0; p<np; ++p) {
ws.surface_rates[p] = - fractions[p] * controls.resv_rate / convert_coeff[p];
} else {
std::vector<double> hrates(this->number_of_phases_,0.);
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx)) {
hrates[pu.phase_pos[Water]] = controls.water_rate;
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx)) {
hrates[pu.phase_pos[Oil]] = controls.oil_rate;
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx)) {
hrates[pu.phase_pos[Gas]] = controls.gas_rate;
std::vector<double> hrates_resv(this->number_of_phases_,0.);
this->rateConverter_.calcReservoirVoidageRates(/*fipreg*/ 0, this->pvtRegionIdx_, hrates, hrates_resv);
double target = std::accumulate(hrates_resv.begin(), hrates_resv.end(), 0.0);
// or trivial rates or opposite direction we don't just scale the rates
// but use either the potentials or the mobility ratio to initial the well rates
if (total_res_rate > 0.0) {
for (int p = 0; p<np; ++p) {
ws.surface_rates[p] *= target/total_res_rate;
} else {
const std::vector<double> fractions = initialWellRateFractions(ebos_simulator, well_state);
for (int p = 0; p<np; ++p) {
ws.surface_rates[p] = - fractions[p] * target / convert_coeff[p];
case Well::ProducerCMode::BHP:
ws.bhp = controls.bhp_limit;
double total_rate = 0.0;
for (int p = 0; p<np; ++p) {
total_rate -= ws.surface_rates[p];
// if the total rates are negative or zero
// we try to provide a better intial well rate
// using the well potentials
if (total_rate <= 0.0){
for (int p = 0; p<np; ++p) {
ws.surface_rates[p] = -ws.well_potentials[p];
case Well::ProducerCMode::THP:
const bool update_success = updateWellStateWithTHPTargetProd(ebos_simulator, well_state, deferred_logger);
if (!update_success) {
// the following is the original way of initializing well state with THP constraint
// keeping it for robust reason in case that it fails to get a bhp value with THP constraint
// more sophisticated design might be needed in the future
auto rates = ws.surface_rates;
const double bhp = WellBhpThpCalculator(*this).calculateBhpFromThp(
well_state, rates, well, summaryState, this->getRefDensity(), deferred_logger);
ws.bhp = bhp;
ws.thp = this->getTHPConstraint(summaryState);
// if the total rates are negative or zero
// we try to provide a better initial well rate
// using the well potentials
const double total_rate = -std::accumulate(rates.begin(), rates.end(), 0.0);
if (total_rate <= 0.0) {
for (int p = 0; p < this->number_of_phases_; ++p) {
ws.surface_rates[p] = -ws.well_potentials[p];
case Well::ProducerCMode::GRUP:
const auto& group = schedule.getGroup(well.groupName(), this->currentStep());
const double efficiencyFactor = well.getEfficiencyFactor();
double scale = this->getGroupProductionTargetRate(group,
// we don't want to scale with zero and get zero rates.
if (scale > 0) {
for (int p = 0; p<np; ++p) {
ws.surface_rates[p] *= scale;
ws.trivial_target = false;
} else {
ws.trivial_target = true;
case Well::ProducerCMode::CMODE_UNDEFINED:
case Well::ProducerCMode::NONE:
OPM_DEFLOG_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Well control must be specified for well " + this->name() , deferred_logger);
} // end of switch
template<typename TypeTag>
initialWellRateFractions(const Simulator& ebosSimulator, const WellState& well_state) const
const int np = this->number_of_phases_;
std::vector<double> scaling_factor(np);
const auto& ws = well_state.well(this->index_of_well_);
double total_potentials = 0.0;
for (int p = 0; p<np; ++p) {
total_potentials += ws.well_potentials[p];
if (total_potentials > 0) {
for (int p = 0; p<np; ++p) {
scaling_factor[p] = ws.well_potentials[p] / total_potentials;
return scaling_factor;
// if we don't have any potentials we weight it using the mobilites
// We only need approximation so we don't bother with the vapporized oil and dissolved gas
double total_tw = 0;
const int nperf = this->number_of_perforations_;
for (int perf = 0; perf < nperf; ++perf) {
total_tw += this->well_index_[perf];
for (int perf = 0; perf < nperf; ++perf) {
const int cell_idx = this->well_cells_[perf];
const auto& intQuants = ebosSimulator.model().intensiveQuantities(cell_idx, /*timeIdx=*/0);
const auto& fs = intQuants.fluidState();
const double well_tw_fraction = this->well_index_[perf] / total_tw;
double total_mobility = 0.0;
for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) {
int ebosPhaseIdx = this->flowPhaseToEbosPhaseIdx(p);
total_mobility += fs.invB(ebosPhaseIdx).value() * intQuants.mobility(ebosPhaseIdx).value();
for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) {
int ebosPhaseIdx = this->flowPhaseToEbosPhaseIdx(p);
scaling_factor[p] += well_tw_fraction * fs.invB(ebosPhaseIdx).value() * intQuants.mobility(ebosPhaseIdx).value() / total_mobility;
return scaling_factor;
template <typename TypeTag>
updateWellStateRates(const Simulator& ebosSimulator,
WellState& well_state,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger) const
// Check if the rates of this well only are single-phase, do nothing
// if more than one nonzero rate.
auto& ws = well_state.well(this->index_of_well_);
int nonzero_rate_index = -1;
const double floating_point_error_epsilon = 1e-14;
for (int p = 0; p < this->number_of_phases_; ++p) {
if (std::abs(ws.surface_rates[p]) > floating_point_error_epsilon) {
if (nonzero_rate_index == -1) {
nonzero_rate_index = p;
} else {
// More than one nonzero rate.
// Calculate the rates that follow from the current primary variables.
std::vector<double> well_q_s = computeCurrentWellRates(ebosSimulator, deferred_logger);
if (nonzero_rate_index == -1) {
// No nonzero rates.
// Use the computed rate directly
for (int p = 0; p < this->number_of_phases_; ++p) {
ws.surface_rates[p] = well_q_s[this->flowPhaseToEbosCompIdx(p)];
// Set the currently-zero phase flows to be nonzero in proportion to well_q_s.
const double initial_nonzero_rate = ws.surface_rates[nonzero_rate_index];
const int comp_idx_nz = this->flowPhaseToEbosCompIdx(nonzero_rate_index);
if (std::abs(well_q_s[comp_idx_nz]) > floating_point_error_epsilon) {
for (int p = 0; p < this->number_of_phases_; ++p) {
if (p != nonzero_rate_index) {
const int comp_idx = this->flowPhaseToEbosCompIdx(p);
double& rate = ws.surface_rates[p];
rate = (initial_nonzero_rate / well_q_s[comp_idx_nz]) * (well_q_s[comp_idx]);
template<typename TypeTag>
typename WellInterface<TypeTag>::Eval
WellInterface<TypeTag>::getPerfCellPressure(const typename WellInterface<TypeTag>::FluidState& fs) const
if constexpr (Indices::oilEnabled) {
return fs.pressure(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx);
} else if constexpr (Indices::waterEnabled) {
return fs.pressure(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx);
} else {
return fs.pressure(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx);
template <typename TypeTag>
template<class Value, class Callback>
getMobility(const Simulator& ebosSimulator,
const int perf,
std::vector<Value>& mob,
Callback& extendEval,
[[maybe_unused]] DeferredLogger& deferred_logger) const
auto relpermArray = []()
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Value, Scalar>) {
return std::array<Scalar,3>{};
} else {
return std::array<Eval,3>{};
const int cell_idx = this->well_cells_[perf];
assert (int(mob.size()) == this->num_components_);
const auto& intQuants = ebosSimulator.model().intensiveQuantities(cell_idx, /*timeIdx=*/0);
const auto& materialLawManager = ebosSimulator.problem().materialLawManager();
// either use mobility of the perforation cell or calculate its own
// based on passing the saturation table index
const int satid = this->saturation_table_number_[perf] - 1;
const int satid_elem = materialLawManager->satnumRegionIdx(cell_idx);
if (satid == satid_elem) { // the same saturation number is used. i.e. just use the mobilty from the cell
for (unsigned phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < FluidSystem::numPhases; ++phaseIdx) {
if (!FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(phaseIdx)) {
const unsigned activeCompIdx = Indices::canonicalToActiveComponentIndex(FluidSystem::solventComponentIndex(phaseIdx));
mob[activeCompIdx] = extendEval(intQuants.mobility(phaseIdx));
if constexpr (has_solvent) {
mob[Indices::contiSolventEqIdx] = extendEval(intQuants.solventMobility());
} else {
const auto& paramsCell = materialLawManager->connectionMaterialLawParams(satid, cell_idx);
auto relativePerms = relpermArray();
MaterialLaw::relativePermeabilities(relativePerms, paramsCell, intQuants.fluidState());
// reset the satnumvalue back to original
materialLawManager->connectionMaterialLawParams(satid_elem, cell_idx);
// compute the mobility
for (unsigned phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < FluidSystem::numPhases; ++phaseIdx) {
if (!FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(phaseIdx)) {
const unsigned activeCompIdx = Indices::canonicalToActiveComponentIndex(FluidSystem::solventComponentIndex(phaseIdx));
mob[activeCompIdx] = extendEval(relativePerms[phaseIdx] / intQuants.fluidState().viscosity(phaseIdx));
// this may not work if viscosity and relperms has been modified?
if constexpr (has_solvent) {
OPM_DEFLOG_THROW(std::runtime_error, "individual mobility for wells does not work in combination with solvent", deferred_logger);
template<typename TypeTag>
updateWellStateWithTHPTargetProd(const Simulator& ebos_simulator,
WellState& well_state,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger) const
const auto& summary_state = ebos_simulator.vanguard().summaryState();
auto bhp_at_thp_limit = computeBhpAtThpLimitProdWithAlq(
ebos_simulator, summary_state, this->getALQ(well_state), deferred_logger);
if (bhp_at_thp_limit) {
std::vector<double> rates(this->number_of_phases_, 0.0);
if (thp_update_iterations) {
computeWellRatesWithBhpIterations(ebos_simulator, *bhp_at_thp_limit,
rates, deferred_logger);
} else {
computeWellRatesWithBhp(ebos_simulator, *bhp_at_thp_limit,
rates, deferred_logger);
auto& ws = well_state.well(this->name());
ws.surface_rates = rates;
ws.bhp = *bhp_at_thp_limit;
ws.thp = this->getTHPConstraint(summary_state);
return true;
} else {
return false;
} // namespace Opm