Andreas Lauser 0e4857e94a ebos: increase raw tolerance of the non-linear solver to 1e-4
ECLiPSE and opm-autodiff seem to be in that range of accuracy, too. At
least the number of Newton iterations per time step now matches that
of autodiff quite well...
2014-11-28 13:12:15 +01:00

1029 lines
39 KiB

Copyright (C) 2014 by Andreas Lauser
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* \file
* \copydoc Ewoms::EclProblem
#include "eclgridmanager.hh"
#include "eclwellmanager.hh"
#include "eclwriter.hh"
#include "eclsummarywriter.hh"
#include "ecloutputblackoilmodule.hh"
#include <ewoms/models/blackoil/blackoilmodel.hh>
#include <ewoms/disc/ecfv/ecfvdiscretization.hh>
#include <opm/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/PiecewiseLinearTwoPhaseMaterial.hpp>
#include <opm/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/SplineTwoPhaseMaterial.hpp>
#include <opm/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/EclDefaultMaterial.hpp>
#include <opm/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/MaterialTraits.hpp>
#include <opm/material/fluidstates/CompositionalFluidState.hpp>
#include <opm/core/utility/Average.hpp>
// for this simulator to make sense, dune-cornerpoint and opm-parser
// must be available
#include <dune/grid/CpGrid.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/Deck/Deck.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/EclipseState.hpp>
#include <dune/common/version.hh>
#include <dune/common/fvector.hh>
#include <dune/common/fmatrix.hh>
#include <boost/date_time.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
namespace Ewoms {
template <class TypeTag>
class EclProblem;
namespace Opm {
namespace Properties {
NEW_TYPE_TAG(EclBaseProblem, INHERITS_FROM(EclGridManager, EclOutputBlackOil));
// The temperature inside the reservoir
// Write all solutions for visualization, not just the ones for the
// report steps...
// Set the problem property
SET_TYPE_PROP(EclBaseProblem, Problem, Ewoms::EclProblem<TypeTag>);
// Select the element centered finite volume method as spatial discretization
SET_TAG_PROP(EclBaseProblem, SpatialDiscretizationSplice, EcfvDiscretization);
// Set the material Law
SET_PROP(EclBaseProblem, MaterialLaw)
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar) Scalar;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidSystem) FluidSystem;
typedef Opm::TwoPhaseMaterialTraits<Scalar,
/*nonWettingPhaseIdx=*/FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx> OilWaterTraits;
typedef Opm::TwoPhaseMaterialTraits<Scalar,
/*nonWettingPhaseIdx=*/FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx> GasOilTraits;
typedef Opm::ThreePhaseMaterialTraits<Scalar,
/*gasPhaseIdx=*/FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx> Traits;
//typedef typename Opm::PiecewiseLinearTwoPhaseMaterial<OilWaterTraits> OilWaterLaw;
//typedef typename Opm::PiecewiseLinearTwoPhaseMaterial<GasOilTraits> GasOilLaw;
typedef typename Opm::SplineTwoPhaseMaterial<OilWaterTraits> OilWaterLaw;
typedef typename Opm::SplineTwoPhaseMaterial<GasOilTraits> GasOilLaw;
typedef Opm::EclDefaultMaterial<Traits, GasOilLaw, OilWaterLaw> type;
// Enable gravity
SET_BOOL_PROP(EclBaseProblem, EnableGravity, true);
// Reuse the last linearization if possible?
SET_BOOL_PROP(EclBaseProblem, EnableLinearizationRecycling, true);
// Re-assemble the linearization only for the cells which have changed?
SET_BOOL_PROP(EclBaseProblem, EnablePartialRelinearization, true);
// only write the solutions for the report steps to disk
SET_BOOL_PROP(EclBaseProblem, EnableWriteAllSolutions, false);
// set the defaults for some problem specific properties
SET_SCALAR_PROP(EclBaseProblem, Temperature, 293.15);
// The default for the end time of the simulation [s]
// By default, stop it after the universe will probably have stopped
// to exist. (the ECL problem will finish the simulation explicitly
// after it simulated the last episode specified in the deck.)
SET_SCALAR_PROP(EclBaseProblem, EndTime, 1e100);
// The default for the initial time step size of the simulation [s].
// The chosen value means that the size of the first time step is the
// one of the initial episode (if the length of the initial episode is
// not millions of trillions of years, that is...)
SET_SCALAR_PROP(EclBaseProblem, InitialTimeStepSize, 1e100);
// increase the default raw tolerance for the newton solver to 10^-4 because this is what
// everone else seems to be doing...
SET_SCALAR_PROP(EclBaseProblem, NewtonRawTolerance, 1e-4);
// Disable the VTK output by default for this problem ...
SET_BOOL_PROP(EclBaseProblem, EnableVtkOutput, false);
// ... but enable the ECL output by default
SET_BOOL_PROP(EclBaseProblem, EnableEclOutput, true);
// also enable the summary output.
SET_BOOL_PROP(EclBaseProblem, EnableEclSummaryOutput, true);
// The default DGF file to load
SET_STRING_PROP(EclBaseProblem, GridFile, "data/ecl.DATA");
}} // namespace Properties, Opm
namespace Ewoms {
* \ingroup TestProblems
* \brief This problem simulates an input file given in the data format used by the
* commercial ECLiPSE simulator.
template <class TypeTag>
class EclProblem : public GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, BaseProblem)
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, BaseProblem) ParentType;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, GridView) GridView;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar) Scalar;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidSystem) FluidSystem;
// Grid and world dimension
enum { dim = GridView::dimension };
enum { dimWorld = GridView::dimensionworld };
// copy some indices for convenience
enum { numPhases = FluidSystem::numPhases };
enum { numComponents = FluidSystem::numComponents };
enum { gasPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx };
enum { oilPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx };
enum { waterPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx };
enum { gasCompIdx = FluidSystem::gasCompIdx };
enum { oilCompIdx = FluidSystem::oilCompIdx };
enum { waterCompIdx = FluidSystem::waterCompIdx };
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PrimaryVariables) PrimaryVariables;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, RateVector) RateVector;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, BoundaryRateVector) BoundaryRateVector;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, MaterialLaw) MaterialLaw;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, BlackOilFluidState) BlackOilFluidState;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Simulator) Simulator;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, MaterialLawParams) MaterialLawParams;
typedef Ewoms::EclSummaryWriter<TypeTag> EclSummaryWriter;
typedef Dune::FieldMatrix<Scalar, dimWorld, dimWorld> DimMatrix;
* \copydoc FvBaseProblem::registerParameters
static void registerParameters()
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, Scalar, Temperature,
"The temperature [K] in the reservoir");
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, EnableWriteAllSolutions,
"Write all solutions to disk instead of only the ones for the "
"report steps");
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, EnableEclOutput,
"Write binary output which is compatible with the commercial "
"Eclipse simulator");
* \copydoc Doxygen::defaultProblemConstructor
EclProblem(Simulator &simulator)
: ParentType(simulator)
, wellManager_(simulator)
, eclWriter_(simulator)
, summaryWriter_(simulator)
// add the output module for the Ecl binary output
simulator.model().addOutputModule(new Ewoms::EclOutputBlackOilModule<TypeTag>(simulator));
* \copydoc FvBaseProblem::finishInit
void finishInit()
auto& simulator = this->simulator();
temperature_ = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, Scalar, Temperature);
// invert the direction of the gravity vector for ECL problems
// (z coodinates represent depth, not height.)
this->gravity_[dim - 1] *= -1;
// initialize the wells. Note that this needs to be done after initializing the
// intrinsic permeabilities because the well model uses them...
// Start the first episode. For this, ask the ECL schedule.
Opm::TimeMapConstPtr timeMap = simulator.gridManager().schedule()->getTimeMap();
tm curTime = boost::posix_time::to_tm(timeMap->getStartTime(/*timeStepIdx=*/0));
Scalar startTime = std::mktime(&curTime);
// we want the episode index to be the same as the report step
// index to make things simpler...
// the user-specified initial time step can be shorter than
// the initial report step size given in the deck, but it
// can't be longer.
Scalar dt = simulator.timeStepSize();
if (dt > simulator.episodeLength())
* \brief Called by the simulator before an episode begins.
void beginEpisode()
{ wellManager_.beginEpisode(this->simulator().gridManager().eclState()); }
* \brief Called by the simulator before each time integration.
void beginTimeStep()
{ wellManager_.beginTimeStep(); }
* \brief Called by the simulator before each Newton-Raphson iteration.
void beginIteration()
{ wellManager_.beginIteration(); }
* \brief Called by the simulator after each Newton-Raphson iteration.
void endIteration()
{ wellManager_.endIteration(); }
* \brief Called by the simulator after each time integration.
void endTimeStep()
#ifndef NDEBUG
this->model().checkConservativeness(/*tolerance=*/-1, /*verbose=*/true);
#endif // NDEBUG
* \brief Called by the simulator after the end of an episode.
void endEpisode()
// first, write the summary information ...
// ... then proceed to the next report step
Simulator &simulator = this->simulator();
Opm::EclipseStateConstPtr eclState = this->simulator().gridManager().eclState();
Opm::TimeMapConstPtr timeMap = eclState->getSchedule()->getTimeMap();
// TimeMap deals with points in time, so the number of time
// intervals (i.e., report steps) is one less!
int numReportSteps = timeMap->size() - 1;
// start the next episode if there are additional report
// steps, else finish the simulation
int nextEpisodeIdx = simulator.episodeIndex() + 1;
if (nextEpisodeIdx < numReportSteps) {
* \brief Returns true if the current solution should be written
* to disk for visualization.
* For the ECL simulator we only write at the end of
* episodes/report steps...
bool shouldWriteOutput()
if (this->simulator().timeStepIndex() < 0)
// always write the initial solution
return true;
if (EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, EnableWriteAllSolutions))
return true;
return this->simulator().episodeWillBeOver();
* \brief Write the requested quantities of the current solution into the output
* files.
void writeOutput(bool verbose = true)
// calculate the time _after_ the time was updated
Scalar t = this->simulator().time() + this->simulator().timeStepSize();
// prepare the ECL and the VTK writers
if (enableEclOutput_())
// use the generic code to prepare the output fields and to
// write the desired VTK files.
if (enableEclOutput_()) {
* \copydoc FvBaseMultiPhaseProblem::intrinsicPermeability
template <class Context>
const DimMatrix &intrinsicPermeability(const Context &context,
int spaceIdx,
int timeIdx) const
int globalSpaceIdx = context.globalSpaceIndex(spaceIdx, timeIdx);
return intrinsicPermeability_[globalSpaceIdx];
* \copydoc FvBaseMultiPhaseProblem::intersectionIntrinsicPermeability
template <class Context>
void intersectionIntrinsicPermeability(DimMatrix &result,
const Context &context,
int localIntersectionIdx, int timeIdx) const
// calculate the intersection index
const auto &scvf = context.stencil(timeIdx).interiorFace(localIntersectionIdx);
int numElements = this->model().numGridDof();
size_t interiorElemIdx = context.globalSpaceIndex(scvf.interiorIndex(), timeIdx);
size_t exteriorElemIdx = context.globalSpaceIndex(scvf.exteriorIndex(), timeIdx);
size_t elem1Idx = std::min(interiorElemIdx, exteriorElemIdx);
size_t elem2Idx = std::max(interiorElemIdx, exteriorElemIdx);
size_t globalIntersectionIdx = elem1Idx*numElements + elem2Idx;
result = intersectionIntrinsicPermeability_.at(globalIntersectionIdx);
* \copydoc FvBaseMultiPhaseProblem::porosity
template <class Context>
Scalar porosity(const Context &context, int spaceIdx, int timeIdx) const
int globalSpaceIdx = context.globalSpaceIndex(spaceIdx, timeIdx);
return porosity_[globalSpaceIdx];
* \copydoc FvBaseMultiPhaseProblem::materialLawParams
template <class Context>
const MaterialLawParams &materialLawParams(const Context &context,
int spaceIdx, int timeIdx) const
int tableIdx = 0;
if (materialParamTableIdx_.size() > 0) {
int globalSpaceIdx = context.globalSpaceIndex(spaceIdx, timeIdx);
tableIdx = materialParamTableIdx_[globalSpaceIdx];
return materialParams_[tableIdx];
* \brief Returns the index of the relevant region for thermodynmic properties
template <class Context>
int pvtRegionIndex(const Context &context, int spaceIdx, int timeIdx) const
Opm::DeckConstPtr deck = this->simulator().gridManager().deck();
if (!deck->hasKeyword("PVTNUM"))
return 0;
const auto &grid = this->simulator().gridManager().grid();
// this is quite specific to the ECFV discretization. But so is everything in an
// ECL deck, i.e., we don't need to care here...
int compressedDofIdx = context.globalSpaceIndex(spaceIdx, timeIdx);
int cartesianDofIdx = grid.globalCell()[compressedDofIdx];
return deck->getKeyword("PVTNUM")->getIntData()[cartesianDofIdx] - 1;
* \name Problem parameters
//! \{
* \copydoc FvBaseProblem::name
std::string name() const
{ return this->simulator().gridManager().caseName(); }
* \copydoc FvBaseMultiPhaseProblem::temperature
* The black-oil model assumes constant temperature to define its
* parameters. Although temperature is thus not really used by the
* model, it gets written to the VTK output. Who nows, maybe we
* will need it one day?
template <class Context>
Scalar temperature(const Context &context, int spaceIdx, int timeIdx) const
{ return temperature_; }
// \}
* \name Boundary conditions
//! \{
* \copydoc FvBaseProblem::boundary
* ECLiPSE uses no-flow conditions for all boundaries. \todo really?
template <class Context>
void boundary(BoundaryRateVector &values,
const Context &context,
int spaceIdx,
int timeIdx) const
{ values.setNoFlow(); }
//! \}
* \name Volumetric terms
//! \{
* \copydoc FvBaseProblem::initial
* The reservoir problem uses a constant boundary condition for
* the whole domain.
template <class Context>
void initial(PrimaryVariables &values, const Context &context, int spaceIdx, int timeIdx) const
int globalDofIdx = context.globalSpaceIndex(spaceIdx, timeIdx);
* \copydoc FvBaseProblem::source
* For this problem, the source term of all components is 0 everywhere.
template <class Context>
void source(RateVector &rate,
const Context &context,
int spaceIdx,
int timeIdx) const
rate = 0;
wellManager_.computeTotalRatesForDof(rate, context, spaceIdx, timeIdx);
// convert the source term from the total mass rate of the
// cell to the one per unit of volume as used by the model.
int globalDofIdx = context.globalSpaceIndex(spaceIdx, timeIdx);
rate /= this->model().dofTotalVolume(globalDofIdx);
//! \}
static bool enableEclOutput_()
{ return EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, EnableEclOutput); }
void readMaterialParameters_()
auto deck = this->simulator().gridManager().deck();
auto eclState = this->simulator().gridManager().eclState();
const auto &grid = this->simulator().gridManager().grid();
size_t numDof = this->model().numGridDof();
// permeability
// read the intrinsic permeabilities from the eclState. Note that all arrays
// provided by eclState are one-per-cell of "uncompressed" grid, whereas the
// dune-cornerpoint grid object might remove a few elements...
if (eclState->hasDoubleGridProperty("PERMX")) {
const std::vector<double> &permxData =
std::vector<double> permyData(permxData);
if (eclState->hasDoubleGridProperty("PERMY"))
permyData = eclState->getDoubleGridProperty("PERMY")->getData();
std::vector<double> permzData(permxData);
if (eclState->hasDoubleGridProperty("PERMZ"))
permzData = eclState->getDoubleGridProperty("PERMZ")->getData();
for (size_t dofIdx = 0; dofIdx < numDof; ++ dofIdx) {
int cartesianElemIdx = grid.globalCell()[dofIdx];
intrinsicPermeability_[dofIdx] = 0.0;
intrinsicPermeability_[dofIdx][0][0] = permxData[cartesianElemIdx];
intrinsicPermeability_[dofIdx][1][1] = permyData[cartesianElemIdx];
intrinsicPermeability_[dofIdx][2][2] = permzData[cartesianElemIdx];
// for now we don't care about non-diagonal entries
"Can't read the intrinsic permeability from the ecl state. "
"(The PERM{X,Y,Z} keywords are missing)");
// apply the NTG keyword to the X and Y permeabilities
if (eclState->hasDoubleGridProperty("NTG")) {
const std::vector<double> &ntgData =
for (size_t dofIdx = 0; dofIdx < numDof; ++ dofIdx) {
int cartesianElemIdx = grid.globalCell()[dofIdx];
intrinsicPermeability_[dofIdx][0][0] *= ntgData[cartesianElemIdx];
intrinsicPermeability_[dofIdx][1][1] *= ntgData[cartesianElemIdx];
// compute the porosity
if (eclState->hasDoubleGridProperty("PORO")) {
const std::vector<double> &poroData =
for (size_t dofIdx = 0; dofIdx < numDof; ++ dofIdx) {
int cartesianElemIdx = grid.globalCell()[dofIdx];
porosity_[dofIdx] = poroData[cartesianElemIdx];
"Can't read the porosity from the ECL state object. "
"(The PORO keyword is missing)");
// apply the NTG keyword to the porosity
if (eclState->hasDoubleGridProperty("NTG")) {
const std::vector<double> &ntgData =
for (size_t dofIdx = 0; dofIdx < numDof; ++ dofIdx) {
int cartesianElemIdx = grid.globalCell()[dofIdx];
porosity_[dofIdx] *= ntgData[cartesianElemIdx];
// apply the MULTPV keyword to the porosity
if (eclState->hasDoubleGridProperty("MULTPV")) {
const std::vector<double> &multpvData =
for (size_t dofIdx = 0; dofIdx < numDof; ++ dofIdx) {
int cartesianElemIdx = grid.globalCell()[dofIdx];
porosity_[dofIdx] *= multpvData[cartesianElemIdx];
// fluid parameters
const auto& swofTables = eclState->getSwofTables();
const auto& sgofTables = eclState->getSgofTables();
// the number of tables for the SWOF and the SGOF keywords
// must be identical
assert(swofTables.size() == sgofTables.size());
size_t numSatfuncTables = swofTables.size();
typedef typename MaterialLawParams::GasOilParams GasOilParams;
typedef typename MaterialLawParams::OilWaterParams OilWaterParams;
for (size_t tableIdx = 0; tableIdx < numSatfuncTables; ++ tableIdx) {
// set the parameters of the material law for a given table
OilWaterParams owParams;
GasOilParams goParams;
const auto& swofTable = swofTables[tableIdx];
const auto& sgofTable = sgofTables[tableIdx];
const auto &SwColumn = swofTable.getSwColumn();
owParams.setKrwSamples(SwColumn, swofTable.getKrwColumn());
owParams.setKrnSamples(SwColumn, swofTable.getKrowColumn());
owParams.setPcnwSamples(SwColumn, swofTable.getPcowColumn());
// convert the saturations of the SGOF keyword from gas to oil saturations
std::vector<double> SoSamples(sgofTable.numRows());
for (size_t sampleIdx = 0; sampleIdx < sgofTable.numRows(); ++ sampleIdx)
SoSamples[sampleIdx] = 1 - sgofTable.getSgColumn()[sampleIdx];
goParams.setKrwSamples(SoSamples, sgofTable.getKrogColumn());
goParams.setKrnSamples(SoSamples, sgofTable.getKrgColumn());
goParams.setPcnwSamples(SoSamples, sgofTable.getPcogColumn());
// compute the connate water saturation. In ECL decks that is defined as
// the first saturation value of the SWOF keyword.
Scalar Swco = SwColumn.front();
// set the index of the table to be used
if (eclState->hasIntGridProperty("SATNUM")) {
const std::vector<int> &satnumData =
for (size_t dofIdx = 0; dofIdx < numDof; ++ dofIdx) {
int cartesianElemIdx = grid.globalCell()[dofIdx];
// make sure that all values are in the correct range
assert(1 <= satnumData[dofIdx]);
assert(satnumData[dofIdx] <= static_cast<int>(numSatfuncTables));
// ECL uses Fortran-style indices which start at
// 1, but this here is C++...
materialParamTableIdx_[dofIdx] = satnumData[cartesianElemIdx] - 1;
void initFluidSystem_()
const auto deck = this->simulator().gridManager().deck();
const auto eclState = this->simulator().gridManager().eclState();
int numRegions = deck->getKeyword("DENSITY")->size();
for (int regionIdx = 0; regionIdx < numRegions; ++regionIdx) {
// set the reference densities
Opm::DeckRecordConstPtr densityRecord =
// so far, we require the presence of the PVTO, PVTW and PVDG
// keywords...
FluidSystem::setPvtoTable(eclState->getPvtoTables()[regionIdx], regionIdx);
FluidSystem::setPvtw(deck->getKeyword("PVTW"), regionIdx);
FluidSystem::setPvdgTable(eclState->getPvdgTables()[regionIdx], regionIdx);
void readInitialCondition_()
const auto deck = this->simulator().gridManager().deck();
const auto &grid = this->simulator().gridManager().grid();
if (!deck->hasKeyword("SWAT") ||
"So far, the ECL input file requires the presence of the SWAT "
"and SGAS keywords");
if (!deck->hasKeyword("PRESSURE"))
"So far, the ECL input file requires the presence of the PRESSURE "
if (!deck->hasKeyword("DISGAS"))
"The deck must exhibit gas dissolved in the oil phase"
" (DISGAS keyword is missing)");
if (!deck->hasKeyword("RS"))
"The ECL input file requires the presence of the RS keyword");
if (deck->hasKeyword("VAPOIL"))
"The deck must _not_ exhibit vaporized oil"
" (The VAPOIL keyword is unsupported)");
if (deck->hasKeyword("RV"))
"The ECL input file requires the RV keyword to be non-present");
size_t numDof = this->model().numGridDof();
const std::vector<double> &waterSaturationData =
const std::vector<double> &gasSaturationData =
const std::vector<double> &pressureData =
const std::vector<double> &rsData =
// make sure that the size of the data arrays is correct
#ifndef NDEBUG
const auto &cartSize = grid.logicalCartesianSize();
size_t numCartesianCells = cartSize[0] * cartSize[1] * cartSize[2];
assert(waterSaturationData.size() == numCartesianCells);
assert(gasSaturationData.size() == numCartesianCells);
assert(pressureData.size() == numCartesianCells);
assert(rsData.size() == numCartesianCells);
// calculate the initial fluid states
for (size_t dofIdx = 0; dofIdx < numDof; ++dofIdx) {
auto &dofFluidState = initialFluidStates_[dofIdx];
size_t cartesianDofIdx = grid.globalCell()[dofIdx];
assert(0 <= cartesianDofIdx);
assert(cartesianDofIdx <= numCartesianCells);
// set temperatures
// set saturations
- waterSaturationData[cartesianDofIdx]
- gasSaturationData[cartesianDofIdx]);
// set pressures
Scalar oilPressure = pressureData[cartesianDofIdx];
for (int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPhases; ++phaseIdx) {
dofFluidState.setPressure(phaseIdx, oilPressure);
// set compositions
// reset all mole fractions to 0
for (int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPhases; ++phaseIdx)
for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < numComponents; ++compIdx)
dofFluidState.setMoleFraction(phaseIdx, compIdx, 0.0);
// set compositions of the gas and water phases
dofFluidState.setMoleFraction(waterPhaseIdx, waterCompIdx, 1.0);
dofFluidState.setMoleFraction(gasPhaseIdx, gasCompIdx, 1.0);
// set the composition of the oil phase:
// first, retrieve the relevant black-oil parameters from
// the fluid system.
Scalar RsSat = FluidSystem::gasDissolutionFactor(oilPressure, /*regionIdx=*/0);
Scalar RsReal = rsData[cartesianDofIdx];
if (RsReal > RsSat) {
std::array<int, 3> ijk;
grid.getIJK(dofIdx, ijk);
std::cerr << "Warning: The specified amount gas (R_s = " << RsReal << ") is more"
<< " than the maximium\n"
<< " amount which can be dissolved in oil"
<< " (R_s,max=" << RsSat << ")"
<< " for cell (" << ijk[0] << ", " << ijk[1] << ", " << ijk[2] << ")."
<< " Ignoring.\n";
RsReal = RsSat;
// calculate composition of the real and the saturated oil phase in terms of
// mass fractions.
Scalar rhooRef = FluidSystem::referenceDensity(oilPhaseIdx, /*regionIdx=*/0);
Scalar rhogRef = FluidSystem::referenceDensity(gasPhaseIdx, /*regionIdx=*/0);
Scalar XoGReal = RsReal*rhogRef / (RsReal*rhogRef + rhooRef);
// convert mass to mole fractions
Scalar MG = FluidSystem::molarMass(gasCompIdx);
Scalar MO = FluidSystem::molarMass(oilCompIdx);
Scalar xoGReal = XoGReal * MO / ((MO - MG) * XoGReal + MG);
Scalar xoOReal = 1 - xoGReal;
// finally, set the oil-phase composition
dofFluidState.setMoleFraction(oilPhaseIdx, gasCompIdx, xoGReal);
dofFluidState.setMoleFraction(oilPhaseIdx, oilCompIdx, xoOReal);
void computeFaceIntrinsicPermeabilities_()
auto eclState = this->simulator().gridManager().eclState();
const auto &grid = this->simulator().gridManager().grid();
int numElements = this->gridView().size(/*codim=*/0);
std::vector<double> multx(numElements, 1.0);
std::vector<double> multy(numElements, 1.0);
std::vector<double> multz(numElements, 1.0);
std::vector<double> multxMinus(numElements, 1.0);
std::vector<double> multyMinus(numElements, 1.0);
std::vector<double> multzMinus(numElements, 1.0);
// retrieve the transmissibility multiplier keywords. Note that we use them as
// permeability multipliers...
if (eclState->hasDoubleGridProperty("MULTX"))
multx = eclState->getDoubleGridProperty("MULTX")->getData();
if (eclState->hasDoubleGridProperty("MULTX-"))
multxMinus = eclState->getDoubleGridProperty("MULTX-")->getData();
if (eclState->hasDoubleGridProperty("MULTY"))
multy = eclState->getDoubleGridProperty("MULTY")->getData();
if (eclState->hasDoubleGridProperty("MULTY-"))
multyMinus = eclState->getDoubleGridProperty("MULTY-")->getData();
if (eclState->hasDoubleGridProperty("MULTZ"))
multz = eclState->getDoubleGridProperty("MULTZ")->getData();
if (eclState->hasDoubleGridProperty("MULTZ-"))
multzMinus = eclState->getDoubleGridProperty("MULTZ-")->getData();
// resize the hash map to a appropriate size for a conforming 3D grid
float maxLoadFactor = intersectionIntrinsicPermeability_.max_load_factor();
intersectionIntrinsicPermeability_.reserve(numElements * 6 / maxLoadFactor * 1.05 );
auto elemIt = this->gridView().template begin</*codim=*/0>();
const auto& elemEndIt = this->gridView().template end</*codim=*/0>();
for (; elemIt != elemEndIt; ++elemIt) {
auto intersectIt = elemIt->ileafbegin();
const auto &intersectEndIt = elemIt->ileafend();
for (; intersectIt != intersectEndIt; ++intersectIt) {
if (!intersectIt->neighbor())
// skip boundary intersections...
// calculate the "intersection index"
size_t interiorElemIdx = this->elementMapper().map(intersectIt->inside());
size_t exteriorElemIdx = this->elementMapper().map(intersectIt->outside());
size_t elem1Idx = std::min(interiorElemIdx, exteriorElemIdx);
size_t elem2Idx = std::max(interiorElemIdx, exteriorElemIdx);
size_t intersectIdx = elem1Idx*numElements + elem2Idx;
// do nothing if this intersection was already seen "from the other side"
if (intersectionIntrinsicPermeability_.count(intersectIdx) > 0)
auto K1 = intrinsicPermeability_[interiorElemIdx];
auto K2 = intrinsicPermeability_[exteriorElemIdx];
int interiorElemCartIdx = grid.globalCell()[interiorElemIdx];
int exteriorElemCartIdx = grid.globalCell()[exteriorElemIdx];
// local index of the face of the interior element which contains the
// intersection
int insideFaceIdx = intersectIt->indexInInside();
// take the transmissibility multipliers into account (i.e., the
// MULT[XYZ]-? keywords)
if (insideFaceIdx == 1) { // right
K1 *= multx[interiorElemCartIdx];
K2 *= multxMinus[exteriorElemCartIdx];
else if (insideFaceIdx == 0) { // left
K1 *= multxMinus[interiorElemCartIdx];
K2 *= multx[exteriorElemCartIdx];
else if (insideFaceIdx == 3) { // back
K1 *= multy[interiorElemCartIdx];
K2 *= multyMinus[exteriorElemCartIdx];
else if (insideFaceIdx == 2) { // front
K1 *= multyMinus[interiorElemCartIdx];
K2 *= multy[exteriorElemCartIdx];
else if (insideFaceIdx == 5) { // top
K1 *= multz[interiorElemCartIdx];
K2 *= multzMinus[exteriorElemCartIdx];
else if (insideFaceIdx == 4) { // bottom
K1 *= multzMinus[interiorElemCartIdx];
K2 *= multz[exteriorElemCartIdx];
// element-wise harmonic average
auto &K = intersectionIntrinsicPermeability_[intersectIdx];
K = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < dimWorld; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < dimWorld; ++j)
K[i][j] = Opm::utils::harmonicAverage(K1[i][j], K2[i][j]);
std::vector<Scalar> porosity_;
std::vector<DimMatrix> intrinsicPermeability_;
// the intrinsic permeabilities for interior faces. since grids may be
// non-conforming, and there does not seem to be a mapper for interfaces in DUNE,
// these transmissibilities are accessed via the (elementIndex1, elementIndex2) pairs
// of the interfaces where
// elementIndex1 = min(interiorElementIndex, exteriorElementIndex)
// and
// elementIndex2 = max(interiorElementIndex, exteriorElementIndex)
// To make this perform better, this is first mingled into a single index using
// intersectionIndex = elementIndex1*numElements + elementIndex2
// as the index for the hash map.
std::unordered_map<size_t, DimMatrix> intersectionIntrinsicPermeability_;
std::vector<unsigned short> materialParamTableIdx_;
std::vector<MaterialLawParams> materialParams_;
std::vector<BlackOilFluidState> initialFluidStates_;
Scalar temperature_;
EclWellManager<TypeTag> wellManager_;
EclWriter<TypeTag> eclWriter_;
EclSummaryWriter summaryWriter_;
} // namespace Ewoms