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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:30 -06:00
added access to DUNE mesh geometry and passing through data to Damaris; Updated command line so users can specifiy Python or Paraview script names and other paramaters that control Damaris - Simulation name - Number of dedicated cores or dedicated nodes - Shared memory region size - switch to turn off HDF5 output. - Damaris logging level
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// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
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Copyright 2023 Inria, Bretagne–Atlantique Research Center
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <sstream>
#include <dune/grid/common/rangegenerators.hh>
#include <dune/grid/io/file/vtk/common.hh>
/** @file
@brief Allows model geometry data to be passed to external code - via a copy direct to input pointers.
This data extractor provides the full set of vertices (corresponding to Dune::Partition::all) and then
allows a user to specify Dune sub-partitions to get the references into the vertex array and element
(aka cell) types for the sub-partition. This allows the full set of verticies to be reused for
visualisation of the various sub-partitions, at the expense of copying all the vertices. Typically
a user is interested in the interiorBoarder elements which make use of the bulk (~80%) of the vertices.
This saves having to renumber the indexes to the vertices for the sub-partitions.
The vertex data can be retrieved as seperate x, y and z arrays, or as a single array of structures,
or as a single structure of arrays based
// From the opm-simulators repository
#include <opm/simulators/utils/GridDataOutput.hpp>
// N.B. does not seem to be able to be allocated with new operator.
Opm::GridDataOutput::SimMeshDataAccessor geomData(gridView, Dune::Partition::interior ) ;
geomData.printGridDetails() ;
// example using seperate x, y and z arrays
int nvert = geomData.getNVertices() ;
double * x_vert = new double[nvert] ;
double * y_vert = new double[nvert] ;
double * z_vert = new double[nvert] ;
geomData.writeGridPoints(x_vert,y_vert,z_vert) ;
... do something with vertex data x_vert, y_vert and z_vert ....
free [] x_vert;
free [] y_vert;
free [] z_vert;
// example using AOS
double * xyz_vert_aos = new double[nvert*3] ;
geomData.writeGridPoints_SOA(xyz_vert_aos) ;
... do something with vertex data xyz_vert_aos....
free [] xyz_vert_aos;
namespace Opm::GridDataOutput
* Allows selection of order of verticies in writeConnectivity()
enum ConnectivityVertexOrder { DUNE = 0 , VTK = 1 } ;
template< class GridView, unsigned int partitions >
class SimMeshDataAccessor {
* @brief Construct a SimMeshDataAccessor working on a specific GridView and specialize to a Dune::PartitionSet<>.
* @param gridView The gridView
* @param PartitionSet<> the set of cells from which to extract geometric data
* The PartitionSet of the data can be specified from one of:
* Dune::Partitions::all
* Dune::Partitions::interior
* Dune::Partitions::border
* Dune::Partitions::overlap
* Dune::Partitions::front
* Dune::Partitions::ghost
* Dune::Partitions::interiorBorder
* Dune::Partitions::interiorBorderOverlap
* Dune::Partitions::interiorBorderOverlapFront
* Dune::Partitions::all
* N.B. To visualise 'field' data on the extracted grid mesh then the field variable
* should contain at least as many vlaues as the mesh has cells (ncells_) or vertices (nvertices_)
* depending on if data is cell centred or vertex centred, respectively.
* As we are templated on the Dune::PartitionSet<partitions>, values for ncorners_, nvertices_ and ncells_ cannot change
* This class does not work with grids containing polyhedral cells (well, it has not been tested
* with this kind of grid data). The user should call polyhedralCellPresent() to test if polyhedral
* cells are present and decide what they want to do before copying data using the data accessor methods.
explicit SimMeshDataAccessor ( const GridView &gridView,
Dune::PartitionSet<partitions> dunePartition)
: gridView_( gridView ),
dimw_ = GridView::dimension ; // this is an enum
partition_value_ = dunePartition.value ;
countEntities() ;
//! destructor
~SimMeshDataAccessor ()
Checks for cells that have polyhedral type within the current partition of cells
Returns true if a polyhedral sell is found. If this is the case then this partition
is not going to be available for visualisation as this class does not yet handle
polyhedral cells.
bool polyhedralCellPresent()
for (const auto& cit : elements(gridView_, dunePartition_))
auto corner_geom = cit.geometry() ;
if( Dune::VTK::geometryType( corner_geom.type() ) == Dune::VTK::polyhedron )
return true ;
return false;
Count the vertices, cells and corners.
Count all the vertices ( the Dune::Partitions::all partition ) as then we do not need to renumber
the vertices as all the subsets use references to the full set.
void countEntities( )
// We include all the vertices for this ranks partition
const auto& vert_partition_it = vertices(gridView_, Dune::Partitions::all);
nvertices_ = std::distance(vert_partition_it.begin(), vert_partition_it.end());
const auto& cell_partition_it = elements(gridView_, dunePartition_);
ncells_ = std::distance(cell_partition_it.begin(), cell_partition_it.end());
ncorners_ = 0 ;
for (const auto& cit : cell_partition_it)
auto corner_geom = cit.geometry() ;
ncorners_ += corner_geom.corners() ;
Write the positions of vertices - directly to the pointers given in paramaters
Returns the number of vertices written
template <typename T>
long writeGridPoints( T* x_inout, T* y_inout, T* z_inout )
long i = 0 ;
if (dimw_ == 3) {
for (const auto& vit : vertices(gridView_, Dune::Partitions::all) )
// if (i < nvertices_) // As we are templated on the Dune::PartitionSet<partitions>, this cannot change
auto xyz_local = vit.geometry().corner(0); // verticies only have one corner
x_inout[i] = static_cast<T>(xyz_local[0]) ;
y_inout[i] = static_cast<T>(xyz_local[1]) ;
z_inout[i] = static_cast<T>(xyz_local[2]) ;
i++ ;
} else if (dimw_ == 2) {
for (const auto& vit : vertices(gridView_, Dune::Partitions::all) )
// if (i < nvertices_) // As we are templated on the Dune::PartitionSet<partitions>, this cannot change
auto xyz_local = vit.geometry().corner(0); // verticies only have one corner
x_inout[i] = static_cast<T>(xyz_local[0]) ;
y_inout[i] = static_cast<T>(xyz_local[1]) ;
z_inout[i] = static_cast<T>(0.0);
i++ ;
return i ;
Write positions of vertices as array of structures : x,y,z,x,y,z,x,y,z,...
Returns the number of vertices written
template <typename T>
long writeGridPoints_AOS( T* xyz_inout )
long i = 0 ;
if (dimw_ == 3) {
for (const auto& vit : vertices(gridView_, Dune::Partitions::all))
auto xyz_local = vit.geometry().corner(0);
xyz_inout[i++] = static_cast<T>(xyz_local[0]) ;
xyz_inout[i++] = static_cast<T>(xyz_local[1]) ;
xyz_inout[i++] = static_cast<T>(xyz_local[2]) ;
} else if (dimw_ == 2) {
for (const auto& vit : vertices(gridView_, Dune::Partitions::all))
auto xyz_local = vit.geometry().corner(0);
xyz_inout[i++] = static_cast<T>(xyz_local[0]) ;
xyz_inout[i++] = static_cast<T>(xyz_local[1]) ;
xyz_inout[i++] = static_cast<T>(0.0) ;
return ( (i) / 3 );
Write positions of vertices as structure of arrays : x,x,x,...,y,y,y,...,z,z,z,...
Returns the number of vertices written
template <typename T>
long writeGridPoints_SOA( T* xyz_inout )
long i = 0 ;
// Get offsets into structure
T * xyz_inout_y = xyz_inout + nvertices_ ;
T * xyz_inout_z = xyz_inout + (2*nvertices_) ;
if (dimw_ == 3) {
for (const auto& vit : vertices(gridView_, Dune::Partitions::all))
auto xyz_local = vit.geometry().corner(0);
xyz_inout[i] = static_cast<T>(xyz_local[0]) ;
xyz_inout_y[i]= static_cast<T>(xyz_local[1]) ;
xyz_inout_z[i] = static_cast<T>(xyz_local[2]) ;
i++ ;
} else if (dimw_ == 2) {
for (const auto& vit : vertices(gridView_, Dune::Partitions::all))
auto xyz_local = vit.geometry().corner(0);
xyz_inout[i] = static_cast<T>(xyz_local[0]) ;
xyz_inout_y[i]= static_cast<T>(xyz_local[1]) ;
xyz_inout_z[i] = static_cast<T>(0.0);
i++ ;
return (i) ;
* Write the connectivity array - directly to the pointer given in paramater 1
Reorders the indecies as selected either in DUNE order or VTK order.
Returns the number of corner indices written.
template <typename I>
long writeConnectivity(I * connectivity_inout, ConnectivityVertexOrder whichOrder)
long i = 0 ;
if ( whichOrder == DUNE ) {
// DUNE order
for (const auto& cit : elements(gridView_, dunePartition_))
auto cell_corners = cit.geometry().corners() ;
for( auto vx = 0; vx < cell_corners; ++ vx )
const int vxIdx = gridView_.indexSet().subIndex( cit, vx, 3 );
connectivity_inout[i + vx] = vxIdx ;
i += cell_corners ;
} else {
// VTK order
for (const auto& cit : elements(gridView_, dunePartition_))
auto cell_corners = cit.geometry().corners() ;
for( auto vx = 0; vx < cell_corners; ++ vx )
const int vxIdx = gridView_.indexSet().subIndex( cit, vx, 3 );
int vtkOrder ;
vtkOrder = Dune::VTK::renumber(cit.type(), vx) ;
connectivity_inout[i + vtkOrder] = vxIdx ;
i += cell_corners ;
return (i) ;
* Write the offsets values - directly to the pointer given in paramater 1
Returns the number of offset values written, which should be 1 greater than ncells_
or -1 if an error was detected
template <typename I>
long writeOffsetsCells( I* offsets_inout )
long i = 1 ;
offsets_inout[0] = 0 ;
for (const auto& cit : elements(gridView_, dunePartition_))
auto cell_corners = cit.geometry().corners() ;
offsets_inout[i] = offsets_inout[i-1] + cell_corners ;
i++ ;
return (i) ; // This should be 1 greater than ncells_
* Write the Cell types array - directly to the pointer given in paramater 1
template <typename I>
long writeCellTypes( I* types_inout)
int i = 0 ;
for (const auto& cit : elements(gridView_, dunePartition_))
I vtktype = static_cast<I>(Dune::VTK::geometryType(cit.type()));
types_inout[i++] = vtktype ;
return (i) ;
std::string getPartitionTypeString ( )
if (this->dunePartition_ == Dune::Partitions::all)
return (std::string("Dune::Partitions::all")) ;
if (this->dunePartition_ == Dune::Partitions::interior)
return (std::string("Dune::Partitions::interior")) ;
if (this->dunePartition_ == Dune::Partitions::interiorBorder)
return (std::string("Dune::Partitions::interiorBorder")) ;
if (this->dunePartition_ == Dune::Partitions::interiorBorderOverlap)
return (std::string("Dune::Partitions::interiorBorderOverlap")) ;
if (this->dunePartition_ == Dune::Partitions::front)
return (std::string("Dune::Partitions::front")) ;
if (this->dunePartition_ == Dune::Partitions::interiorBorderOverlapFront)
return (std::string("Dune::Partitions::InteriorBorderOverlapFront")) ;
if (this->dunePartition_ == Dune::Partitions::border)
return (std::string("Dune::Partitions::border")) ;
if (this->dunePartition_ == Dune::Partitions::ghost)
return (std::string("Dune::Partitions::ghost")) ;
return (std::string("Unknown Dune::PartitionSet<>")) ;
Dune::PartitionSet<partitions> getPartition ( void )
return ( this->dunePartition_ ) ;
void printGridDetails()
std::cout << "Dune Partition = " << partition_value_ << ", " << getPartitionTypeString() << std::endl ;
printNCells() ;
printNVertices() ;
printNCorners() ;
void printNCells()
std::cout << "ncells = " << ncells_ << std::endl ;
void printNVertices()
std::cout << "nvertices = " << nvertices_ << std::endl ;
void printNCorners()
std::cout << "ncorners = " << ncorners_ << std::endl ;
int getNCells()
return(ncells_) ;
int getNVertices()
return(nvertices_) ;
int getNCorners()
return(ncorners_) ;
std::string getError()
return error_strm_.str() ;
void clearError()
error_strm_.str("") ;
bool hasError()
if ( error_strm_.str().length() > 0 )
return true ;
return false ;
GridView gridView_; // the grid
Dune::PartitionSet<partitions> dunePartition_ ;
unsigned int partition_value_ ;
Current partition grid information
int ncells_;
Current partition grid information
int nvertices_;
Current partition grid information
int ncorners_;
int dimw_ ; // dimensions of the input grid
std::stringstream error_strm_ ;