Atgeirr Flø Rasmussen f0b1ee76b8 Ensure that the typetag used for initialization is correct.
Without this, properties set in the static variants of flow such as
flow_blackoil_dunecpr.cpp will be honored in the run. However, the
text for '--help' and the property printout in the .DBG file will not
reflect the true type tag, but the default.

This bug was added during the recent refactoring of all Flow variants
to use the same initialization and setup code.
2020-05-04 08:52:49 +02:00

615 lines
26 KiB

Copyright 2013, 2014, 2015 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
Copyright 2014 Dr. Blatt - HPC-Simulation-Software & Services
Copyright 2015 IRIS AS
Copyright 2014 STATOIL ASA.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <flow/flow_ebos_blackoil.hpp>
# include <flow/flow_ebos_gasoil.hpp>
# include <flow/flow_ebos_oilwater.hpp>
# include <flow/flow_ebos_solvent.hpp>
# include <flow/flow_ebos_polymer.hpp>
# include <flow/flow_ebos_foam.hpp>
# include <flow/flow_ebos_brine.hpp>
# include <flow/flow_ebos_energy.hpp>
# include <flow/flow_ebos_oilwater_polymer.hpp>
# include <flow/flow_ebos_oilwater_polymer_injectivity.hpp>
# endif
#include <opm/common/OpmLog/OpmLog.hpp>
#include <opm/common/OpmLog/EclipsePRTLog.hpp>
#include <opm/common/OpmLog/LogUtil.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/Deck/Deck.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/Parser/Parser.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/EclipseState.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/checkDeck.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/Schedule/ArrayDimChecker.hpp>
#include <opm/models/utils/propertysystem.hh>
#include <opm/models/utils/parametersystem.hh>
#include <opm/simulators/flow/FlowMainEbos.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/flow/MissingFeatures.hpp>
#include <dune/fem/misc/mpimanager.hh>
#include <dune/common/parallel/mpihelper.hh>
#include <opm/simulators/utils/ParallelEclipseState.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/utils/ParallelSerialization.hpp>
#include <type_traits>
// this is a dummy type tag that is used to setup the parameters before the actual
// simulator.
NEW_TYPE_TAG(FlowEarlyBird, INHERITS_FROM(EclFlowProblem));
namespace Opm {
template <class TypeTag>
void flowEbosSetDeck(Deck *deck, EclipseState& eclState, Schedule& schedule, SummaryConfig& summaryConfig)
using Vanguard = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Vanguard);
// ----------------- Main program -----------------
template <class TypeTag>
int flowEbosMain(int argc, char** argv, bool outputCout, bool outputFiles)
// we always want to use the default locale, and thus spare us the trouble
// with incorrect locale settings.
Dune::Fem::MPIManager::initialize(argc, argv);
# else
Dune::MPIHelper::instance(argc, argv);
# endif
Opm::FlowMainEbos<TypeTag> mainfunc;
return mainfunc.execute(argc, argv, outputCout, outputFiles);
namespace Opm
// ----------------- Main class -----------------
// For now, we will either be instantiated from main() in flow.cpp,
// or from a Python pybind11 module..
// NOTE (March 2020): When used from a pybind11 module, we do not neccessarily
// want to run the whole simulation by calling run(), it is also
// useful to just run one report step at a time. According to these different
// usage scenarios, we refactored the original run() in flow.cpp into this class.
class Main
enum class FileOutputMode {
//! \brief No output to files.
//! \brief Output only to log files, no eclipse output.
//! \brief Output to all files.
Main(int argc, char** argv) : argc_(argc), argv_(argv) { }
Main(int argc,
char** argv,
std::shared_ptr<Opm::Deck> deck,
std::shared_ptr<Opm::EclipseState> eclipseState,
std::shared_ptr<Opm::Schedule> schedule,
std::shared_ptr<Opm::SummaryConfig> summaryConfig)
: argc_(argc)
, argv_(argv)
, deck_(deck)
, eclipseState_(eclipseState)
, schedule_(schedule)
, summaryConfig_(summaryConfig)
int runDynamic()
int exitCode = EXIT_SUCCESS;
if (initialize_<TTAG(FlowEarlyBird)>(exitCode)) {
return dispatchDynamic_();
} else {
return exitCode;
template <class TypeTag>
int runStatic()
int exitCode = EXIT_SUCCESS;
if (initialize_<TypeTag>(exitCode)) {
return dispatchStatic_<TypeTag>();
} else {
return exitCode;
int dispatchDynamic_()
const auto& phases = eclipseState_->runspec().phases();
// run the actual simulator
// TODO: make sure that no illegal combinations like thermal and twophase are
// requested.
if ( false ) {}
// Twophase cases
else if( phases.size() == 2 ) {
// oil-gas
if (phases.active( Opm::Phase::GAS )) {
Opm::flowEbosGasOilSetDeck(setupTime_, deck_.get(), *eclipseState_, *schedule_, *summaryConfig_);
return Opm::flowEbosGasOilMain(argc_, argv_, outputCout_, outputFiles_);
// oil-water
else if ( phases.active( Opm::Phase::WATER ) ) {
Opm::flowEbosOilWaterSetDeck(setupTime_, deck_.get(), *eclipseState_, *schedule_, *summaryConfig_);
return Opm::flowEbosOilWaterMain(argc_, argv_, outputCout_, outputFiles_);
else {
if (outputCout_)
std::cerr << "No suitable configuration found, valid are Twophase (oilwater and oilgas), polymer, solvent, or blackoil" << std::endl;
// Polymer case
else if ( phases.active( Opm::Phase::POLYMER ) ) {
if ( !phases.active( Opm::Phase::WATER) ) {
if (outputCout_)
std::cerr << "No valid configuration is found for polymer simulation, valid options include "
<< "oilwater + polymer and blackoil + polymer" << std::endl;
// Need to track the polymer molecular weight
// for the injectivity study
if ( phases.active( Opm::Phase::POLYMW ) ) {
// only oil water two phase for now
assert( phases.size() == 4);
return Opm::flowEbosOilWaterPolymerInjectivityMain(argc_, argv_, outputCout_, outputFiles_);
if ( phases.size() == 3 ) { // oil water polymer case
Opm::flowEbosOilWaterPolymerSetDeck(setupTime_, deck_.get(), *eclipseState_, *schedule_, *summaryConfig_);
return Opm::flowEbosOilWaterPolymerMain(argc_, argv_, outputCout_, outputFiles_);
} else {
Opm::flowEbosPolymerSetDeck(setupTime_, deck_.get(), *eclipseState_, *schedule_, *summaryConfig_);
return Opm::flowEbosPolymerMain(argc_, argv_, outputCout_, outputFiles_);
// Foam case
else if ( phases.active( Opm::Phase::FOAM ) ) {
Opm::flowEbosFoamSetDeck(setupTime_, deck_.get(), *eclipseState_, *schedule_, *summaryConfig_);
return Opm::flowEbosFoamMain(argc_, argv_, outputCout_, outputFiles_);
// Brine case
else if ( phases.active( Opm::Phase::BRINE ) ) {
Opm::flowEbosBrineSetDeck(setupTime_, deck_.get(), *eclipseState_, *schedule_, *summaryConfig_);
return Opm::flowEbosBrineMain(argc_, argv_, outputCout_, outputFiles_);
// Solvent case
else if ( phases.active( Opm::Phase::SOLVENT ) ) {
Opm::flowEbosSolventSetDeck(setupTime_, deck_.get(), *eclipseState_, *schedule_, *summaryConfig_);
return Opm::flowEbosSolventMain(argc_, argv_, outputCout_, outputFiles_);
// Energy case
else if (eclipseState_->getSimulationConfig().isThermal()) {
Opm::flowEbosEnergySetDeck(setupTime_, deck_.get(), *eclipseState_, *schedule_, *summaryConfig_);
return Opm::flowEbosEnergyMain(argc_, argv_, outputCout_, outputFiles_);
// Blackoil case
else if( phases.size() == 3 ) {
Opm::flowEbosBlackoilSetDeck(setupTime_, deck_.get(), *eclipseState_, *schedule_, *summaryConfig_);
return Opm::flowEbosBlackoilMain(argc_, argv_, outputCout_, outputFiles_);
else {
if (outputCout_)
std::cerr << "No suitable configuration found, valid are Twophase, polymer, foam, brine, solvent, energy, blackoil." << std::endl;
template <class TypeTag>
int dispatchStatic_()
Opm::flowEbosSetDeck<TypeTag>(deck_.get(), *eclipseState_, *schedule_, *summaryConfig_);
return Opm::flowEbosMain<TypeTag>(argc_, argv_, outputCout_, outputFiles_);
template <class TypeTagEarlyBird>
bool initialize_(int& exitCode)
Dune::Timer externalSetupTimer;
handleVersionCmdLine_(argc_, argv_);
// MPI setup.
Dune::Fem::MPIManager::initialize(argc_, argv_);
int mpiRank = Dune::Fem::MPIManager::rank();
// the design of the plain dune MPIHelper class is quite flawed: there is no way to
// get the instance without having the argc and argv parameters available and it is
// not possible to determine the MPI rank and size without an instance. (IOW: the
// rank() and size() methods are supposed to be static.)
const auto& mpiHelper = Dune::MPIHelper::instance(argc_, argv_);
int mpiRank = mpiHelper.rank();
// we always want to use the default locale, and thus spare us the trouble
// with incorrect locale settings.
// this is a work-around for a catch 22: we do not know what code path to use without
// parsing the deck, but we don't know the deck without having access to the
// parameters and this requires to know the type tag to be used. To solve this, we
// use a type tag just for parsing the parameters before we instantiate the actual
// simulator object. (Which parses the parameters again, but since this is done in an
// identical manner it does not matter.)
typedef TypeTagEarlyBird PreTypeTag;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(PreTypeTag, Problem) PreProblem;
PreProblem::setBriefDescription("Flow, an advanced reservoir simulator for ECL-decks provided by the Open Porous Media project.");
int status = Opm::FlowMainEbos<PreTypeTag>::setupParameters_(argc_, argv_);
if (status != 0) {
// if setupParameters_ returns a value smaller than 0, there was no error, but
// the program should abort. This is the case e.g. for the --help and the
// --print-properties parameters.
exitCode = (status >= 0) ? status : EXIT_SUCCESS;
return false;
FileOutputMode outputMode = FileOutputMode::OUTPUT_NONE;
outputCout_ = false;
if (mpiRank == 0)
outputCout_ = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(PreTypeTag, bool, EnableTerminalOutput);
std::string deckFilename;
std::string outputDir;
if ( eclipseState_ ) {
deckFilename = eclipseState_->getIOConfig().fullBasePath();
outputDir = eclipseState_->getIOConfig().getOutputDir();
else {
deckFilename = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(PreTypeTag, std::string, EclDeckFileName);
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(PreTypeTag, Vanguard) PreVanguard;
try {
deckFilename = PreVanguard::canonicalDeckPath(deckFilename).string();
catch (const std::exception& e) {
if ( mpiRank == 0 ) {
std::cerr << "Exception received: " << e.what() << ". Try '--help' for a usage description.\n";
exitCode = EXIT_FAILURE;
return false;
if (outputCout_) {
// Create Deck and EclipseState.
try {
if (outputCout_) {
std::cout << "Reading deck file '" << deckFilename << "'\n";
auto python = std::make_shared<Opm::Python>();
Opm::Parser parser;
Opm::ParseContext parseContext({{Opm::ParseContext::PARSE_RANDOM_SLASH, Opm::InputError::IGNORE},
{Opm::ParseContext::PARSE_MISSING_DIMS_KEYWORD, Opm::InputError::WARN},
{Opm::ParseContext::SUMMARY_UNKNOWN_WELL, Opm::InputError::WARN},
{Opm::ParseContext::SUMMARY_UNKNOWN_GROUP, Opm::InputError::WARN}});
Opm::ErrorGuard errorGuard;
if (outputDir.empty())
outputDir = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(PreTypeTag, std::string, OutputDir);
outputMode = setupLogging_(mpiRank,
EWOMS_GET_PARAM(PreTypeTag, std::string, OutputMode),
outputCout_, "STDOUT_LOGGER");
if (EWOMS_GET_PARAM(PreTypeTag, bool, EclStrictParsing))
parseContext.update( Opm::InputError::DELAYED_EXIT1);
if (mpiRank == 0) {
if (!deck_)
deck_.reset( new Opm::Deck( parser.parseFile(deckFilename , parseContext, errorGuard)));
Opm::MissingFeatures::checkKeywords(*deck_, parseContext, errorGuard);
if ( outputCout_ )
Opm::checkDeck(*deck_, parser, parseContext, errorGuard);
if (!eclipseState_) {
eclipseState_.reset(new Opm::ParallelEclipseState(*deck_));
eclipseState_.reset(new Opm::EclipseState(*deck_));
For the time being initializing wells and groups from the
restart file is not possible, but work is underways and it is
included here as a switch.
const bool init_from_restart_file = !EWOMS_GET_PARAM(PreTypeTag, bool, SchedRestart);
const auto& init_config = eclipseState_->getInitConfig();
if (init_config.restartRequested() && init_from_restart_file) {
int report_step = init_config.getRestartStep();
const auto& rst_filename = eclipseState_->getIOConfig().getRestartFileName( init_config.getRestartRootName(), report_step, false );
Opm::EclIO::ERst rst_file(rst_filename);
const auto& rst_state = Opm::RestartIO::RstState::load(rst_file, report_step);
if (!schedule_)
schedule_.reset(new Opm::Schedule(*deck_, *eclipseState_, parseContext, errorGuard, python, &rst_state) );
else {
if (!schedule_)
schedule_.reset(new Opm::Schedule(*deck_, *eclipseState_, parseContext, errorGuard, python));
setupMessageLimiter_(schedule_->getMessageLimits(), "STDOUT_LOGGER");
if (!summaryConfig_)
summaryConfig_.reset( new Opm::SummaryConfig(*deck_, *schedule_, eclipseState_->getTableManager(), parseContext, errorGuard));
else {
if (!summaryConfig_)
summaryConfig_.reset(new Opm::SummaryConfig);
if (!schedule_)
schedule_.reset(new Opm::Schedule(python));
if (!eclipseState_)
eclipseState_.reset(new Opm::ParallelEclipseState);
Opm::eclStateBroadcast(*eclipseState_, *schedule_, *summaryConfig_);
Opm::checkConsistentArrayDimensions(*eclipseState_, *schedule_, parseContext, errorGuard);
if (errorGuard) {
throw std::runtime_error("Unrecoverable errors were encountered while loading input.");
setupTime_ = externalSetupTimer.elapsed();
outputFiles_ = (outputMode != FileOutputMode::OUTPUT_NONE);
catch (const std::invalid_argument& e)
if (outputCout_) {
std::cerr << "Failed to create valid EclipseState object." << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Exception caught: " << e.what() << std::endl;
exitCode = EXIT_FAILURE;
return false;
exitCode = EXIT_SUCCESS;
return true;
Opm::filesystem::path simulationCaseName_( const std::string& casename ) {
namespace fs = Opm::filesystem;
const auto exists = []( const fs::path& f ) -> bool {
if( !fs::exists( f ) ) return false;
if( fs::is_regular_file( f ) ) return true;
return fs::is_symlink( f )
&& fs::is_regular_file( fs::read_symlink( f ) );
auto simcase = fs::path( casename );
if( exists( simcase ) ) {
return simcase;
for( const auto& ext : { std::string("data"), std::string("DATA") } ) {
if( exists( simcase.replace_extension( ext ) ) ) {
return simcase;
throw std::invalid_argument( "Cannot find input case " + casename );
// This function is an extreme special case, if the program has been invoked
// *exactly* as:
// flow --version
// the call is intercepted by this function which will print "flow $version"
// on stdout and exit(0).
void handleVersionCmdLine_(int argc, char** argv) {
for ( int i = 1; i < argc; ++i )
if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "--version") == 0) {
std::cout << "flow " << Opm::moduleVersionName() << std::endl;
void ensureOutputDirExists_(const std::string& cmdline_output_dir)
if (!Opm::filesystem::is_directory(cmdline_output_dir)) {
try {
catch (...) {
throw std::runtime_error("Creation of output directory '" + cmdline_output_dir + "' failed\n");
// Setup the OpmLog backends
FileOutputMode setupLogging_(int mpi_rank_, const std::string& deck_filename, const std::string& cmdline_output_dir, const std::string& cmdline_output, bool output_cout_, const std::string& stdout_log_id) {
if (!cmdline_output_dir.empty()) {
// create logFile
using Opm::filesystem::path;
path fpath(deck_filename);
std::string baseName;
std::ostringstream debugFileStream;
std::ostringstream logFileStream;
// Strip extension "." or ".DATA"
std::string extension = boost::to_upper_copy(fpath.extension().string());
if (extension == ".DATA" || extension == ".") {
baseName = boost::to_upper_copy(fpath.stem().string());
} else {
baseName = boost::to_upper_copy(fpath.filename().string());
std::string output_dir = cmdline_output_dir;
if (output_dir.empty()) {
output_dir = fpath.has_parent_path()
? absolute(fpath.parent_path()).generic_string()
: Opm::filesystem::current_path().generic_string();
logFileStream << output_dir << "/" << baseName;
debugFileStream << output_dir << "/" << baseName;
if (mpi_rank_ != 0) {
// Added rank to log file for non-zero ranks.
// This prevents message loss.
debugFileStream << "." << mpi_rank_;
// If the following file appears then there is a bug.
logFileStream << "." << mpi_rank_;
logFileStream << ".PRT";
debugFileStream << ".DBG";
FileOutputMode output;
static std::map<std::string, FileOutputMode> stringToOutputMode =
{ {"none", FileOutputMode::OUTPUT_NONE },
{"false", FileOutputMode::OUTPUT_LOG_ONLY },
{"log", FileOutputMode::OUTPUT_LOG_ONLY },
{"all" , FileOutputMode::OUTPUT_ALL },
{"true" , FileOutputMode::OUTPUT_ALL }};
auto outputModeIt = stringToOutputMode.find(cmdline_output);
if (outputModeIt != stringToOutputMode.end()) {
output = outputModeIt->second;
else {
output = FileOutputMode::OUTPUT_ALL;
std::cerr << "Value " << cmdline_output <<
" is not a recognized output mode. Using \"all\" instead."
<< std::endl;
if (output > FileOutputMode::OUTPUT_NONE) {
std::shared_ptr<Opm::EclipsePRTLog> prtLog = std::make_shared<Opm::EclipsePRTLog>(logFileStream.str(), Opm::Log::NoDebugMessageTypes, false, output_cout_);
Opm::OpmLog::addBackend("ECLIPSEPRTLOG", prtLog);
if (output >= FileOutputMode::OUTPUT_LOG_ONLY) {
std::string debugFile = debugFileStream.str();
std::shared_ptr<Opm::StreamLog> debugLog = std::make_shared<Opm::EclipsePRTLog>(debugFileStream.str(), Opm::Log::DefaultMessageTypes, false, output_cout_);
Opm::OpmLog::addBackend("DEBUGLOG", debugLog);
if (mpi_rank_ == 0) {
std::shared_ptr<Opm::StreamLog> streamLog = std::make_shared<Opm::StreamLog>(std::cout, Opm::Log::StdoutMessageTypes);
Opm::OpmLog::addBackend(stdout_log_id, streamLog);
return output;
void setupMessageLimiter_(const Opm::MessageLimits msgLimits, const std::string& stdout_log_id) {
std::shared_ptr<Opm::StreamLog> stream_log = Opm::OpmLog::getBackend<Opm::StreamLog>(stdout_log_id);
const std::map<int64_t, int> limits = {{Opm::Log::MessageType::Note,
stream_log->setMessageLimiter(std::make_shared<Opm::MessageLimiter>(10, limits));
int argc_;
char** argv_;
bool outputCout_;
bool outputFiles_;
double setupTime_;
std::shared_ptr<Opm::Deck> deck_;
std::shared_ptr<Opm::EclipseState> eclipseState_;
std::shared_ptr<Opm::Schedule> schedule_;
std::shared_ptr<Opm::SummaryConfig> summaryConfig_;
} // namespace Opm