Arne Morten Kvarving e25caba8ed changed: refactor BDA well contributions
split in API specific classes for Cuda/OpenCL

this to
1) it's cleaner
2) it avoids pulling in openCL code in cuda classes which leads
to clashes between nvidia headers and opencl.hpp

there is still too much API specific things in interface between the
bda components to work through a virtual interface so we still have to cast
to the relevant implementation in various places.
2021-11-11 14:49:33 +01:00

79 lines
2.4 KiB

Copyright 2020 Equinor ASA
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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#include <opm/simulators/linalg/bda/WellContributions.hpp>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
namespace Opm
class WellContributionsCuda : public WellContributions
~WellContributionsCuda() override;
/// Set a cudaStream to be used
/// \param[in] stream the cudaStream that is used to launch the kernel in
void setCudaStream(cudaStream_t stream);
/// Apply all Wells in this object
/// performs y -= (C^T * (D^-1 * (B*x))) for all Wells
/// \param[in] d_x vector x, must be on GPU
/// \param[inout] d_y vector y, must be on GPU
void apply(double *d_x, double *d_y);
/// Allocate memory for the StandardWells
void APIalloc() override;
/// Store a matrix in this object, in blocked csr format, can only be called after alloc() is called
/// \param[in] type indicate if C, D or B is sent
/// \param[in] colIndices columnindices of blocks in C or B, ignored for D
/// \param[in] values array of nonzeroes
/// \param[in] val_size number of blocks in C or B, ignored for D
void APIaddMatrix(MatrixType type, int *colIndices, double *values, unsigned int val_size) override;
cudaStream_t stream;
// data for StandardWells, could remain nullptrs if not used
double *d_Cnnzs = nullptr;
double *d_Dnnzs = nullptr;
double *d_Bnnzs = nullptr;
int *d_Ccols = nullptr;
int *d_Bcols = nullptr;
double *d_z1 = nullptr;
double *d_z2 = nullptr;
unsigned int *d_val_pointers = nullptr;
double* h_x = nullptr;
double* h_y = nullptr;
} //namespace Opm