2021-11-04 14:25:22 +01:00

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Copyright 2020 Equinor ASA
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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#ifndef OPENCL_HPP
#define OPENCL_HPP
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <opm/simulators/linalg/bda/opencl.hpp>
namespace bda
using spmv_kernel_type = cl::KernelFunctor<cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, const unsigned int,
cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, const unsigned int, cl::LocalSpaceArg>;
using ilu_apply1_kernel_type = cl::KernelFunctor<cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, const cl::Buffer&,
cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, const unsigned int, const unsigned int, cl::LocalSpaceArg>;
using ilu_apply2_kernel_type = cl::KernelFunctor<cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&,
cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, const unsigned int, const unsigned int, cl::LocalSpaceArg>;
using stdwell_apply_kernel_type = cl::KernelFunctor<cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&,
cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&,
const unsigned int, const unsigned int, cl::Buffer&,
cl::LocalSpaceArg, cl::LocalSpaceArg, cl::LocalSpaceArg>;
using stdwell_apply_no_reorder_kernel_type = cl::KernelFunctor<cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&,
cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&,
const unsigned int, const unsigned int, cl::Buffer&,
cl::LocalSpaceArg, cl::LocalSpaceArg, cl::LocalSpaceArg>;
using ilu_decomp_kernel_type = cl::KernelFunctor<const unsigned int, const unsigned int, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&,
cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, const int, cl::LocalSpaceArg>;
class OpenclKernels
static int verbosity;
static cl::CommandQueue *queue;
static std::vector<double> tmp; // used as tmp CPU buffer for dot() and norm()
static bool initialized;
static std::unique_ptr<cl::KernelFunctor<cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, const unsigned int, cl::LocalSpaceArg> > dot_k;
static std::unique_ptr<cl::KernelFunctor<cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, const unsigned int, cl::LocalSpaceArg> > norm_k;
static std::unique_ptr<cl::KernelFunctor<cl::Buffer&, const double, cl::Buffer&, const unsigned int> > axpy_k;
static std::unique_ptr<cl::KernelFunctor<cl::Buffer&, const double, const unsigned int> > scale_k;
static std::unique_ptr<cl::KernelFunctor<cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, const double, const double, const unsigned int> > custom_k;
static std::unique_ptr<spmv_kernel_type> spmv_blocked_k;
static std::unique_ptr<ilu_apply1_kernel_type> ILU_apply1_k;
static std::unique_ptr<ilu_apply2_kernel_type> ILU_apply2_k;
static std::unique_ptr<stdwell_apply_kernel_type> stdwell_apply_k;
static std::unique_ptr<stdwell_apply_no_reorder_kernel_type> stdwell_apply_no_reorder_k;
static std::unique_ptr<ilu_decomp_kernel_type> ilu_decomp_k;
/// Generate string with axpy kernel
/// a = a + alpha * b
static std::string get_axpy_string();
/// Generate string with scale kernel
/// a = a * alpha
static std::string get_scale_string();
/// returns partial sums, instead of the final dot product
/// partial sums are added on CPU
static std::string get_dot_1_string();
/// returns partial sums, instead of the final norm
/// the square root must be computed on CPU
static std::string get_norm_string();
/// Generate string with custom kernel
/// This kernel combines some ilubicgstab vector operations into 1
/// p = (p - omega * v) * beta + r
static std::string get_custom_string();
/// b = mat * x
/// algorithm based on:
/// Optimization of Block Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication on Shared-MemoryParallel Architectures,
/// Ryan Eberhardt, Mark Hoemmen, 2016, https://doi.org/10.1109/IPDPSW.2016.42
static std::string get_spmv_blocked_string();
/// ILU apply part 1: forward substitution
/// solves L*x=y where L is a lower triangular sparse blocked matrix
/// this L can be it's own BSR matrix (if full_matrix is false),
/// or it can be inside a normal, square matrix, in that case diagIndex indicates where the rows of L end
/// \param[in] full_matrix whether the kernel should operate on a full (square) matrix or not
static std::string get_ILU_apply1_string(bool full_matrix);
/// ILU apply part 2: backward substitution
/// solves U*x=y where U is an upper triangular sparse blocked matrix
/// this U can be it's own BSR matrix (if full_matrix is false),
/// or it can be inside a normal, square matrix, in that case diagIndex indicates where the rows of U start
/// \param[in] full_matrix whether the kernel should operate on a full (square) matrix or not
static std::string get_ILU_apply2_string(bool full_matrix);
/// Generate string with the stdwell_apply kernels
/// If reorder is true, the B/Ccols do not correspond with the x/y vector
/// the x/y vector is reordered, use toOrder to address that
/// \param[in] reorder whether the matrix is reordered or not
static std::string get_stdwell_apply_string(bool reorder);
/// Generate string with the exact ilu decomposition kernel
/// The kernel takes a full BSR matrix and performs inplace ILU decomposition
static std::string get_ilu_decomp_string();
OpenclKernels(){}; // disable instantiation
static void init(cl::Context *context, cl::CommandQueue *queue, std::vector<cl::Device>& devices, int verbosity);
static double dot(cl::Buffer& in1, cl::Buffer& in2, cl::Buffer& out, int N);
static double norm(cl::Buffer& in, cl::Buffer& out, int N);
static void axpy(cl::Buffer& in, const double a, cl::Buffer& out, int N);
static void scale(cl::Buffer& in, const double a, int N);
static void custom(cl::Buffer& p, cl::Buffer& v, cl::Buffer& r, const double omega, const double beta, int N);
static void spmv_blocked(cl::Buffer& vals, cl::Buffer& cols, cl::Buffer& rows, cl::Buffer& x, cl::Buffer& b, int Nb, unsigned int block_size);
static void ILU_apply1(cl::Buffer& vals, cl::Buffer& cols, cl::Buffer& rows, cl::Buffer& diagIndex, const cl::Buffer& y, cl::Buffer& x, cl::Buffer& rowsPerColor, int color, int Nb, unsigned int block_size);
static void ILU_apply2(cl::Buffer& vals, cl::Buffer& cols, cl::Buffer& rows, cl::Buffer& diagIndex, cl::Buffer& invDiagVals, cl::Buffer& x, cl::Buffer& rowsPerColor, int color, int Nb, unsigned int block_size);
static void ILU_decomp(int firstRow, int lastRow, cl::Buffer& vals, cl::Buffer& cols, cl::Buffer& rows, cl::Buffer& diagIndex, cl::Buffer& invDiagVals, int Nb, unsigned int block_size);
} // end namespace bda