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Copyright 2023 Equinor ASA.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <opm/simulators/wells/ParallelPAvgDynamicSourceData.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/utils/ParallelCommunication.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/wells/PerforationData.hpp>
#include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/Well/PAvgCalculator.hpp>
#include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/Well/PAvgCalculatorCollection.hpp>
#include <cstddef>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
namespace Opm {
class GridDims;
template<class Scalar> class ParallelWellInfo;
class PAvg;
class Well;
namespace Opm {
/// Parallel facility for managing the on-rank collection and global
/// distribution of WBPn source values as well as local calculation and
/// distributed reduction of the inferred WBPn report values.
class ParallelWBPCalculation
/// Callback for inferring the source locations which are active on the
/// current MPI rank.
using GlobalToLocal = ParallelPAvgDynamicSourceData::GlobalToLocal;
/// Callback for evaluating WBPn source terms on the current MPI rank.
using Evaluator = ParallelPAvgDynamicSourceData::Evaluator;
/// Callback for constructing a source term evaluation function on the
/// current MPI rank. Needed for deferred construction of per-well
/// source term evaluation functions.
using EvaluatorFactory = std::function<Evaluator()>;
/// Constructor.
/// \param[in] cellIndexMap Cell index triple map ((I,J,K) <-> global).
/// \param[in] gridComm Main, grid level, global communicator.
explicit ParallelWBPCalculation(const GridDims& cellIndexMap,
const Parallel::Communication& gridComm);
/// Assign translation function for inferring the on-rank IDs of the
/// known source locations.
/// \param[in] localCellIdx Translation from global, Cartesian cell
/// indices to local, on-rank, cell indices.
/// \return \code *this \endcode
ParallelWBPCalculation& localCellIndex(GlobalToLocal localCellIdx);
/// Assign evaluation function for computing the on-rank, cell level
/// WBPn source terms.
/// \param[in] evalCellSrc Source term evaluation function.
/// \return \code *this \endcode
ParallelWBPCalculation& evalCellSource(Evaluator evalCellSrc);
/// Create, or reassign, a WBPn calculation object for a particular
/// well.
/// \param[in] well Well for which to create a WBPn calculation object.
/// \param[in] parallelWellInfo Communicator object for the ranks
/// sharing this well.
/// \param[in] localConnIdx Local (on-rank) connection index. Sized
/// according to \code well.getConnections().size() \endcode, but with
/// a non-negative entry only for those active connections that
/// intersect the current rank. If \code localConnIdx[i] == j
/// \endcode, then the \c i-th global connection is the \c j-th active
/// connection on the current rank. Use a negative value to identify
/// a connection that is either not flowing or which does not
/// intersect the current MPI rank.
/// \param[in] makeWellSourceEvaluator Factory function to support
/// deferred creation of an evaluation function for the per-connection
/// WBP source terms.
/// \return Calculator object index. Must be used in subsequent calls
/// to inferBlockAveragePressures() and averagePressures() for this \p
/// well.
createCalculator(const Well& well,
const ParallelWellInfo<double>& parallelWellInfo,
const std::vector<int>& localConnIdx,
EvaluatorFactory makeWellSourceEvaluator);
/// Set up communication patterns for both cell and connection level
/// source terms and partial/intermediate WBPn results.
/// Clients must call this function once all calculation objects have
/// been created, and strictly before the first call to member function
/// \c collectDynamicValues().
void defineCommunication();
/// Collect all on-rank source term value and distribute those on-rank
/// values to all other MPI ranks.
/// Will call the registered source term evaluation functions for all
/// on-rank source locations. Once this function returns, all ranks
/// have a full view of all cell level source term values, and all ranks
/// which share an individual well have a full view of the
/// per-connection source term values for that well.
/// Will \c throw an object of type \code std::logic_error \endcode if
/// the communication patterns have not been fully defined through a
/// prior call to member function \c defineCommunication().
void collectDynamicValues();
/// Compute WBPn report values for a single well.
/// \param[in] calcIndex Calculator object index. Return value from a
/// previous call to member function \c createCalculator().
/// \param[in] controls Pressure averaging procedure controls for this
/// well.
/// \param[in] gravity Strength of gravity acceleration.
/// \param[in] refDepth WBPn reference depth. Typically \code
/// Well::getWPaveRefDepth() \endcode.
void inferBlockAveragePressures(const std::size_t calcIndex,
const PAvg& controls,
const double gravity,
const double refDepth);
/// Retrieve results from most recent WBPn value calculation for
/// specified well.
/// \param[in] calcIndex Calculator object index. Return value from a
/// previous call to member function \c createCalculator().
/// \return Result set from most recent call to member function \c
/// inferBlockAveragePressures() for \c calcIndex.
const PAvgCalculator::Result&
averagePressures(const std::size_t calcIndex) const;
/// Callable wrapper for the local, per-well reservoir connections.
class LocalConnSet
/// Constructor.
/// \param[in] localConnIdx Local (on-rank) connection index. Sized
/// according to total number of connections of a well, but with a
/// non-negative entry only for those active connections that
/// intersect the current rank. If \code localConnIdx[i] == j
/// \endcode, then the \c i-th global connection is the \c j-th
/// active connection on the current rank. Use a negative value
/// to identify a connection that is either not flowing or which
/// does not intersect the current MPI rank.
explicit LocalConnSet(const std::vector<int>& localConnIdx);
/// Retrieve local, on-rank connection index of a well's global
/// connection index.
/// \param[in] connIdx Well's global connection index
/// \return Local, on-rank, connection index of well's global index.
/// Negative value if \p connIdx does not intersect the current
/// rank.
int localIndex(const std::size_t connIdx) const;
/// Local (on-rank) connection index. Sized according to total
/// number of connections of a well, but with a non-negative entry
/// only for those active connections that intersect the current
/// rank. If \code localConnIdx[i] == j \endcode, then the \c i-th
/// global connection is the \c j-th active connection on the
/// current rank. Use a negative value to identify a connection
/// that is either not flowing or which does not intersect the
/// current MPI rank.
std::vector<int> localConnIdx_{};
/// Parallel collection of individual source terms
class SourceData
/// Conversion operator.
/// Enables transparent usage of this object as an argument to \code
/// PAvgCalculator::inferBlockAveragePressures() \endcode.
operator const ParallelPAvgDynamicSourceData&() const
return *this->srcData_;
/// Constructor.
/// \param[in] comm MPI communicator.
explicit SourceData(const Parallel::Communication& comm);
/// Assign translation function for inferring the on-rank IDs of the
/// known source locations.
/// \param[in] localIdx Translation from global indices to local,
/// on-rank indices.
/// \return \code *this \endcode
SourceData& localIndex(GlobalToLocal localIdx);
/// Assign evaluation function for computing the on-rank, WBPn
/// source terms.
/// \param[in] eval Source term evaluation function.
/// \return \code *this \endcode
SourceData& evaluator(Evaluator eval);
/// Assign evaluation function factory for computing the on-rank,
/// WBPn source terms.
/// \param[in] evalFactory Factory function to support deferred
/// creation of an evaluation function for the per-connection WBP
/// source terms.
/// \return \code *this \endcode
SourceData& evaluatorFactory(EvaluatorFactory evalFactory);
/// Construct or update wrapped source term collection to account
/// for new set of source locations.
/// This function is a prerequisite for subsequent calls to \c
/// collectDynamicValues().
/// \param[in] sourceLocations Known locations, possibly linearised
/// global cell IDs, for which to enable collecting/reporting
/// dynamic source data.
void buildStructure(const std::vector<std::size_t>& sourceLocations);
/// Collect all on-rank source term value and distribute those
/// on-rank values to all other MPI ranks.
/// Will call the registered source term evaluation functions for
/// all on-rank source locations.
/// Will \c throw an object of type \code std::logic_error \endcode
/// if the communication pattern has not been fully defined through
/// a prior call to member function \c buildStructure().
void collectDynamicValues();
/// Provide read-only access to the associate MPI communicator.
/// \return Read-only MPI communicator.
const Parallel::Communication& comm() const
return this->comm_.get();
/// Convert collection of global indices to local, on-rank, indices.
/// Applies \c localIndex() to each element of the input array.
/// \param[in] globalIndex Collection of global indices.
/// \return Local, on-rank, indices for each index in \p
/// globalIndex. Negative local index value for global indices
/// which are either not active or not on the current MPI rank.
getLocalIndex(const std::vector<std::size_t>& globalIndex) const;
/// Type of wrapped object.
using DataPtr = std::unique_ptr<ParallelPAvgDynamicSourceData>;
/// MPI communicator for this source data object.
std::reference_wrapper<const Parallel::Communication> comm_;
/// Translation from global indices to local, on-rank, indices.
GlobalToLocal localIdx_{};
/// Source term evaluator object. Empty if we need deferred
/// initialisation, e.g., for well connections.
Evaluator eval_{};
/// Creation function for source term evaluation functions. Empty
/// if evaluation function has already been assigned, e.g., for
/// reservoir cells.
EvaluatorFactory evalFactory_{};
/// Parallel WBPn source term object.
DataPtr srcData_{};
/// Calculation object IDs.
using WellID = std::vector<SourceData>::size_type;
/// Cell index triple map ((I,J,K) <-> global).
std::reference_wrapper<const GridDims> cellIndexMap_;
/// Source term object for the reservoir cells.
SourceData reservoirSrc_;
/// Collection of WBPn calculation objects. One object for each well on
/// rank.
PAvgCalculatorCollection calculators_{};
/// Source term objects for each well on rank.
std::vector<SourceData> wellConnSrc_{};
/// Local connection indices for each well on rank.
std::vector<LocalConnSet> localConnSet_{};
/// Eliminate inactive cells from the source locations backing \c
/// reservoirSrc_.
void pruneInactiveWBPCells();
/// Serial implementation of pruneInactiveWBPCells().
void pruneInactiveWBPCellsSerial();
/// Parallel implementation of pruneInactiveWBPCells().
void pruneInactiveWBPCellsParallel();
/// Define communication patterns for \c reservoirSrc_.
void defineReservoirCommunication();
/// Define communication patterns for source terms pertaining to the
/// reservoir connections of a single well.
/// \param[in] well Well for which to define communication pattern.
void defineWellCommunication(const std::size_t well);
/// Aggregate pertinent source terms for the WBPn calculation object of
/// a single well.
/// \param[in] well Well for which to aggregate the pertient source
/// terms.
/// \return WBPn source terms aggregated for \p well.
PAvgCalculator::Sources makeEvaluationSources(const WellID well) const;
} // namespace Opm