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Copyright 2017 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
Copyright 2017 Statoil ASA.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
namespace Opm
template<typename TypeTag>
StandardWell(const Well* well, const int time_step, const Wells* wells)
: WellInterface<TypeTag>(well, time_step, wells)
, perf_densities_(numberOfPerforations())
, perf_pressure_diffs_(numberOfPerforations())
, well_variables_(numWellEq) // the number of the primary variables
dune_B_.setBuildMode( Mat::row_wise );
dune_C_.setBuildMode( Mat::row_wise );
inv_dune_D_.setBuildMode( Mat::row_wise );
template<typename TypeTag>
const std::vector<double>&
perfDensities() const
return perf_densities_;
template<typename TypeTag>
return perf_densities_;
template<typename TypeTag>
const std::vector<double>&
perfPressureDiffs() const
return perf_pressure_diffs_;
template<typename TypeTag>
return perf_pressure_diffs_;
template<typename TypeTag>
assembleWellEq(Simulator& ebos_simulator,
const double dt,
WellState& well_state,
bool only_wells)
template<typename TypeTag>
void StandardWell<TypeTag>::
setWellVariables(const WellState& well_state)
const int nw = well_state.bhp().size();
const int numComp = numComponents();
for (int eqIdx = 0; eqIdx < numComp; ++eqIdx) {
const unsigned int idx = nw * eqIdx + indexOfWell();
assert( eqIdx < well_variables_.size() );
assert( idx < well_state.wellSolutions().size() );
well_variables_[eqIdx] = 0.0;
well_variables_[eqIdx].setDerivative(numEq + eqIdx, 1.0);
template<typename TypeTag>
typename StandardWell<TypeTag>::EvalWell
getBhp() const
const WellControls* wc = wellControls();
if (well_controls_get_current_type(wc) == BHP) {
EvalWell bhp = 0.0;
const double target_rate = well_controls_get_current_target(wc);
return bhp;
} else if (well_controls_get_current_type(wc) == THP) {
const int control = well_controls_get_current(wc);
const double thp = well_controls_get_current_target(wc);
const double alq = well_controls_iget_alq(wc, control);
const int table_id = well_controls_iget_vfp(wc, control);
EvalWell aqua = 0.0;
EvalWell liquid = 0.0;
EvalWell vapour = 0.0;
EvalWell bhp = 0.0;
double vfp_ref_depth = 0.0;
const Opm::PhaseUsage& pu = phaseUsage();
if (active()[ Water ]) {
aqua = getQs(pu.phase_pos[ Water]);
if (active()[ Oil ]) {
liquid = getQs(pu.phase_pos[ Oil ]);
if (active()[ Gas ]) {
vapour = getQs(pu.phase_pos[ Gas ]);
if (wellType() == INJECTOR) {
bhp = vfp_properties_->getInj()->bhp(table_id, aqua, liquid, vapour, thp);
vfp_ref_depth = vfp_properties_->getInj()->getTable(table_id)->getDatumDepth();
} else {
bhp = vfp_properties_->getProd()->bhp(table_id, aqua, liquid, vapour, thp, alq);
vfp_ref_depth = vfp_properties_->getProd()->getTable(table_id)->getDatumDepth();
// pick the density in the top layer
const double rho = perf_densities_[0];
// TODO: not sure whether it is always correct
const double well_ref_depth = perfDepth()[0];
const double dp = wellhelpers::computeHydrostaticCorrection(well_ref_depth, vfp_ref_depth, rho, gravity_);
bhp -= dp;
return bhp;
return well_variables_[XvarWell];
template<typename TypeTag>
typename StandardWell<TypeTag>::EvalWell
getQs(const int phase) const
EvalWell qs = 0.0;
const WellControls* wc = wellControls();
const int np = numberOfPhases();
const double target_rate = well_controls_get_current_target(wc);
// TODO: we need to introduce numComponents() for StandardWell
// assert(phase < numComponents());
const auto pu = phaseUsage();
// TODO: the formulation for the injectors decides it only work with single phase
// surface rate injection control. Improvement will be required.
if (wellType() == INJECTOR) {
// TODO: adding the handling related to solvent
/* if (has_solvent_ ) {
// TODO: investigate whether the use of the comp_frac is justified.
double comp_frac = 0.0;
if (compIdx == solventCompIdx) { // solvent
comp_frac = wells().comp_frac[np*wellIdx + pu.phase_pos[ Gas ]] * wsolvent(wellIdx);
} else if (compIdx == pu.phase_pos[ Gas ]) {
comp_frac = wells().comp_frac[np*wellIdx + compIdx] * (1.0 - wsolvent(wellIdx));
} else {
comp_frac = wells().comp_frac[np*wellIdx + compIdx];
if (comp_frac == 0.0) {
return qs; //zero
if (well_controls_get_current_type(wc) == BHP || well_controls_get_current_type(wc) == THP) {
return comp_frac * well_variables_[nw*XvarWell + wellIdx];
qs.setValue(comp_frac * target_rate);
return qs;
} */
const double comp_frac = compFrac()[phase];
if (comp_frac == 0.0) {
return qs;
if (well_controls_get_current_type(wc) == BHP || well_controls_get_current_type(wc) == THP) {
return well_variables_[XvarWell];
return qs;
// Producers
if (well_controls_get_current_type(wc) == BHP || well_controls_get_current_type(wc) == THP ) {
return well_variables_[XvarWell] * wellVolumeFractionScaled(phase);
if (well_controls_get_current_type(wc) == SURFACE_RATE) {
// checking how many phases are included in the rate control
// to decide wheter it is a single phase rate control or not
const double* distr = well_controls_get_current_distr(wc);
int num_phases_under_rate_control = 0;
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
if (distr[phase] > 0.0) {
num_phases_under_rate_control += 1;
// there should be at least one phase involved
assert(num_phases_under_rate_control > 0);
// when it is a single phase rate limit
if (num_phases_under_rate_control == 1) {
// looking for the phase under control
int phase_under_control = -1;
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
if (distr[phase] > 0.0) {
phase_under_control = phase;
assert(phase_under_control >= 0);
EvalWell wellVolumeFractionScaledPhaseUnderControl = wellVolumeFractionScaled(phase_under_control);
// TODO: handling solvent related later
/* if (has_solvent_ && phase_under_control == Gas) {
// for GRAT controlled wells solvent is included in the target
wellVolumeFractionScaledPhaseUnderControl += wellVolumeFractionScaled(solventCompIdx);
} */
if (phase == phase_under_control) {
/* if (has_solvent_ && phase_under_control == Gas) {
qs.setValue(target_rate * wellVolumeFractionScaled(Gas).value() / wellVolumeFractionScaledPhaseUnderControl.value() );
return qs;
} */
return qs;
// TODO: not sure why the single phase under control will have near zero fraction
const double eps = 1e-6;
if (wellVolumeFractionScaledPhaseUnderControl < eps) {
return qs;
return (target_rate * wellVolumeFractionScaled(phase) / wellVolumeFractionScaledPhaseUnderControl);
// when it is a combined two phase rate limit, such like LRAT
// we neec to calculate the rate for the certain phase
if (num_phases_under_rate_control == 2) {
EvalWell combined_volume_fraction = 0.;
for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) {
if (distr[p] == 1.0) {
combined_volume_fraction += wellVolumeFractionScaled(p);
return (target_rate * wellVolumeFractionScaled(phase) / combined_volume_fraction);
// TODO: three phase surface rate control is not tested yet
if (num_phases_under_rate_control == 3) {
return target_rate * wellSurfaceVolumeFraction(phase);
} else if (well_controls_get_current_type(wc) == RESERVOIR_RATE) {
// ReservoirRate
return target_rate * wellVolumeFractionScaled(phase);
} else {
OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, "Unknown control type for well " << name());
// avoid warning of condition reaches end of non-void function
return qs;
template<typename TypeTag>
typename StandardWell<TypeTag>::EvalWell
wellVolumeFractionScaled(const int compIdx) const
// TODO: we should be able to set the g for the well based on the control type
// instead of using explicit code for g all the times
const WellControls* wc = wellControls();
if (well_controls_get_current_type(wc) == RESERVOIR_RATE) {
if (has_solvent && compIdx == solventCompIdx) {
return wellVolumeFraction(compIdx);
const double* distr = well_controls_get_current_distr(wc);
assert(compIdx < 3);
if (distr[compIdx] > 0.) {
return wellVolumeFraction(compIdx) / distr[compIdx];
} else {
// TODO: not sure why return EvalWell(0.) causing problem here
// Probably due to the wrong Jacobians.
return wellVolumeFraction(compIdx);
std::vector<double> g = {1, 1, 0.01, 0.01};
return (wellVolumeFraction(compIdx) / g[compIdx]);
template<typename TypeTag>
typename StandardWell<TypeTag>::EvalWell
wellVolumeFraction(const int compIdx) const
if (compIdx == Water) {
return well_variables_[WFrac];
if (compIdx == Gas) {
return well_variables_[GFrac];
if (compIdx == solventCompIdx) {
return well_variables_[SFrac];
// Oil fraction
EvalWell well_fraction = 1.0;
if (active()[Water]) {
well_fraction -= well_variables_[WFrac];
if (active()[Gas]) {
well_fraction -= well_variables_[GFrac];
if (has_solvent) {
well_fraction -= well_variables_[SFrac];
return well_fraction;
template<typename TypeTag>
typename StandardWell<TypeTag>::EvalWell
wellSurfaceVolumeFraction(const int compIdx) const
EvalWell sum_volume_fraction_scaled = 0.;
const int numComp = numComponents();
for (int idx = 0; idx < numComp; ++idx) {
sum_volume_fraction_scaled += wellVolumeFractionScaled(idx);
assert(sum_volume_fraction_scaled.value() != 0.);
return wellVolumeFractionScaled(compIdx) / sum_volume_fraction_scaled;
template<typename TypeTag>
typename StandardWell<TypeTag>::EvalWell
extendEval(const Eval& in) const
EvalWell out = 0.0;
for(int eqIdx = 0; eqIdx < numEq;++eqIdx) {
out.setDerivative(eqIdx, in.derivative(flowToEbosPvIdx(eqIdx)));
return out;
template<typename TypeTag>
computePerfRate(const IntensiveQuantities& intQuants,
const std::vector<EvalWell>& mob_perfcells_dense,
const double Tw, const EvalWell& bhp, const double& cdp,
const bool& allow_cf, std::vector<EvalWell>& cq_s) const
const Opm::PhaseUsage& pu = phaseUsage();
const int np = numPhases();
const int numComp = numComponents();
std::vector<EvalWell> cmix_s(numComp,0.0);
for (int componentIdx = 0; componentIdx < numComp; ++componentIdx) {
cmix_s[componentIdx] = wellSurfaceVolumeFraction(componentIdx);
auto& fs = intQuants.fluidState();
EvalWell pressure = extendEval(fs.pressure(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx));
EvalWell rs = extendEval(fs.Rs());
EvalWell rv = extendEval(fs.Rv());
std::vector<EvalWell> b_perfcells_dense(numComp, 0.0);
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
int ebosPhaseIdx = flowPhaseToEbosPhaseIdx(phase);
b_perfcells_dense[phase] = extendEval(fs.invB(ebosPhaseIdx));
if (has_solvent) {
b_perfcells_dense[solventCompIdx] = extendEval(intQuants.solventInverseFormationVolumeFactor());
// Pressure drawdown (also used to determine direction of flow)
EvalWell well_pressure = bhp + cdp;
EvalWell drawdown = pressure - well_pressure;
// producing perforations
if ( drawdown.value() > 0 ) {
//Do nothing if crossflow is not allowed
if (!allow_cf && wellType() == INJECTOR) {
// compute component volumetric rates at standard conditions
for (int componentIdx = 0; componentIdx < numComp; ++componentIdx) {
const EvalWell cq_p = - Tw * (mob_perfcells_dense[componentIdx] * drawdown);
cq_s[componentIdx] = b_perfcells_dense[componentIdx] * cq_p;
if (active()[Oil] && active()[Gas]) {
const int oilpos = pu.phase_pos[Oil];
const int gaspos = pu.phase_pos[Gas];
const EvalWell cq_sOil = cq_s[oilpos];
const EvalWell cq_sGas = cq_s[gaspos];
cq_s[gaspos] += rs * cq_sOil;
cq_s[oilpos] += rv * cq_sGas;
} else {
//Do nothing if crossflow is not allowed
if (!allow_cf && wellType() == PRODUCER) {
// Using total mobilities
EvalWell total_mob_dense = mob_perfcells_dense[0];
for (int componentIdx = 1; componentIdx < numComp; ++componentIdx) {
total_mob_dense += mob_perfcells_dense[componentIdx];
// injection perforations total volume rates
const EvalWell cqt_i = - Tw * (total_mob_dense * drawdown);
// compute volume ratio between connection at standard conditions
EvalWell volumeRatio = 0.0;
if (active()[Water]) {
const int watpos = pu.phase_pos[Water];
volumeRatio += cmix_s[watpos] / b_perfcells_dense[watpos];
if (has_solvent) {
volumeRatio += cmix_s[solventCompIdx] / b_perfcells_dense[solventCompIdx];
if (active()[Oil] && active()[Gas]) {
const int oilpos = pu.phase_pos[Oil];
const int gaspos = pu.phase_pos[Gas];
// Incorporate RS/RV factors if both oil and gas active
const EvalWell d = 1.0 - rv * rs;
if (d.value() == 0.0) {
OPM_THROW(Opm::NumericalProblem, "Zero d value obtained for well " << name() << " during flux calcuation"
<< " with rs " << rs << " and rv " << rv);
const EvalWell tmp_oil = (cmix_s[oilpos] - rv * cmix_s[gaspos]) / d;
//std::cout << "tmp_oil " <<tmp_oil << std::endl;
volumeRatio += tmp_oil / b_perfcells_dense[oilpos];
const EvalWell tmp_gas = (cmix_s[gaspos] - rs * cmix_s[oilpos]) / d;
//std::cout << "tmp_gas " <<tmp_gas << std::endl;
volumeRatio += tmp_gas / b_perfcells_dense[gaspos];
else {
if (active()[Oil]) {
const int oilpos = pu.phase_pos[Oil];
volumeRatio += cmix_s[oilpos] / b_perfcells_dense[oilpos];
if (active()[Gas]) {
const int gaspos = pu.phase_pos[Gas];
volumeRatio += cmix_s[gaspos] / b_perfcells_dense[gaspos];
// injecting connections total volumerates at standard conditions
EvalWell cqt_is = cqt_i/volumeRatio;
//std::cout << "volrat " << volumeRatio << " " << volrat_perf_[perf] << std::endl;
for (int componentIdx = 0; componentIdx < numComp; ++componentIdx) {
cq_s[componentIdx] = cmix_s[componentIdx] * cqt_is; // * b_perfcells_dense[phase];