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Copyright 2019 Equinor ASA
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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#include "cublas_v2.h"
#include "cusparse_v2.h"
#include <opm/simulators/linalg/bda/BdaResult.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/linalg/bda/BdaSolver.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/linalg/bda/WellContributions.hpp>
namespace bda
/// This class implements a cusparse-based ilu0-bicgstab solver on GPU
template <unsigned int block_size>
class cusparseSolverBackend : public BdaSolver<block_size> {
typedef BdaSolver<block_size> Base;
using Base::N;
using Base::Nb;
using Base::nnz;
using Base::nnzb;
using Base::verbosity;
using Base::deviceID;
using Base::maxit;
using Base::tolerance;
using Base::initialized;
cublasHandle_t cublasHandle;
cusparseHandle_t cusparseHandle;
cudaStream_t stream;
cusparseMatDescr_t descr_B, descr_M, descr_L, descr_U;
bsrilu02Info_t info_M;
bsrsv2Info_t info_L, info_U;
// b: bsr matrix, m: preconditioner
double *d_bVals, *d_mVals;
int *d_bCols, *d_mCols;
int *d_bRows, *d_mRows;
double *d_x, *d_b, *d_r, *d_rw, *d_p; // vectors, used during linear solve
double *d_pw, *d_s, *d_t, *d_v;
void *d_buffer;
double *vals_contiguous; // only used if COPY_ROW_BY_ROW is true in cusparseSolverBackend.cpp
bool analysis_done = false;
/// Solve linear system using ilu0-bicgstab
/// \param[in] wellContribs contains all WellContributions, to apply them separately, instead of adding them to matrix A
/// \param[inout] res summary of solver result
void gpu_pbicgstab(WellContributions& wellContribs, BdaResult& res);
/// Initialize GPU and allocate memory
/// \param[in] N number of nonzeroes, divide by dim*dim to get number of blocks
/// \param[in] nnz number of nonzeroes, divide by dim*dim to get number of blocks
/// \param[in] dim size of block
void initialize(int N, int nnz, int dim);
/// Clean memory
void finalize();
/// Copy linear system to GPU
/// \param[in] vals array of nonzeroes, each block is stored row-wise, contains nnz values
/// \param[in] rows array of rowPointers, contains N/dim+1 values
/// \param[in] cols array of columnIndices, contains nnzb values
/// \param[in] b input vector, contains N values
void copy_system_to_gpu(double *vals, int *rows, int *cols, double *b);
// Update linear system on GPU, don't copy rowpointers and colindices, they stay the same
/// \param[in] vals array of nonzeroes, each block is stored row-wise, contains nnz values
/// \param[in] rows array of rowPointers, contains N/dim+1 values, only used if COPY_ROW_BY_ROW is true
/// \param[in] b input vector, contains N values
void update_system_on_gpu(double *vals, int *rows, double *b);
/// Reset preconditioner on GPU, ilu0-decomposition is done inplace by cusparse
void reset_prec_on_gpu();
/// Analyse sparsity pattern to extract parallelism
/// \return true iff analysis was successful
bool analyse_matrix();
/// Perform ilu0-decomposition
/// \return true iff decomposition was successful
bool create_preconditioner();
/// Solve linear system
/// \param[in] wellContribs contains all WellContributions, to apply them separately, instead of adding them to matrix A
/// \param[inout] res summary of solver result
void solve_system(WellContributions& wellContribs, BdaResult &res);
/// Construct a cusparseSolver
/// \param[in] linear_solver_verbosity verbosity of cusparseSolver
/// \param[in] maxit maximum number of iterations for cusparseSolver
/// \param[in] tolerance required relative tolerance for cusparseSolver
/// \param[in] deviceID the device to be used
cusparseSolverBackend(int linear_solver_verbosity, int maxit, double tolerance, unsigned int deviceID);
/// Destroy a cusparseSolver, and free memory
/// Solve linear system, A*x = b, matrix A must be in blocked-CSR format
/// \param[in] N number of rows, divide by dim to get number of blockrows
/// \param[in] nnz number of nonzeroes, divide by dim*dim to get number of blocks
/// \param[in] dim size of block
/// \param[in] vals array of nonzeroes, each block is stored row-wise and contiguous, contains nnz values
/// \param[in] rows array of rowPointers, contains N/dim+1 values
/// \param[in] cols array of columnIndices, contains nnz values
/// \param[in] b input vector, contains N values
/// \param[in] wellContribs contains all WellContributions, to apply them separately, instead of adding them to matrix A
/// \param[inout] res summary of solver result
/// \return status code
SolverStatus solve_system(int N, int nnz, int dim, double *vals, int *rows, int *cols, double *b, WellContributions& wellContribs, BdaResult &res) override;
/// Get resulting vector x after linear solve, also includes post processing if necessary
/// \param[inout] x resulting x vector, caller must guarantee that x points to a valid array
void get_result(double *x) override;
}; // end class cusparseSolverBackend
} // namespace bda